/* $Header: /afs/athena.mit.edu/astaff/project/moiradev/repository/moira/incremental/afs/afs.c,v 1.3 2006-08-22 17:36:25 zacheiss Exp $ * * Do AFS incremental updates * * Copyright (C) 1989,1992 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology * for copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Cheesy test for determining AFS more recent than 3.4a */ #ifndef AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME #include #define AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH #endif #define STOP_FILE "/moira/afs/noafs" #define file_exists(file) (access((file), F_OK) == 0) char *whoami; /* Main stub routines */ void do_user(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc); void do_list(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc); void do_member(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc); void do_filesys(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc); void do_quota(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc); /* Support stub routines */ void run_cmd(char *cmd); int add_user_lists(int ac, char **av, void *user); int add_list_members(int ac, char **av, void *group); int check_user(int ac, char **av, void *ustate); void edit_group(int op, char *group, char *type, char *member); long pr_try(); void check_afs(void); int moira_connect(void); int moira_disconnect(void); /* libprot.a routines */ extern long pr_Initialize(); extern long pr_CreateUser(); extern long pr_CreateGroup(); extern long pr_DeleteByID(); extern long pr_ChangeEntry(); extern long pr_SetFieldsEntry(); extern long pr_AddToGroup(); extern long pr_RemoveUserFromGroup(); extern long pr_SIdToName(); static char tbl_buf[1024]; static struct member { int op; char list[LIST_NAME_SIZE]; char type[IMEMBERS_MEMBER_TYPE_SIZE]; char member[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; struct member *next; } *member_head = NULL; static int mr_connections = 0; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int beforec, afterc, i; char *table, **before, **after; struct rlimit rl; getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); for (i = rl.rlim_cur; i > 2; i--) close(i); whoami = ((whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) ? whoami+1 : argv[0]); table = argv[1]; beforec = atoi(argv[2]); before = &argv[4]; afterc = atoi(argv[3]); after = &argv[4 + beforec]; setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ); strcpy(tbl_buf, table); strcat(tbl_buf, " ("); for (i = 0; i < beforec; i++) { if (i > 0) strcat(tbl_buf, ","); strcat(tbl_buf, before[i]); } strcat(tbl_buf, ")->("); for (i = 0; i < afterc; i++) { if (i > 0) strcat(tbl_buf, ","); strcat(tbl_buf, after[i]); } strcat(tbl_buf, ")"); initialize_sms_error_table(); initialize_krb_error_table(); if (!strcmp(table, "users")) do_user(before, beforec, after, afterc); else if (!strcmp(table, "list")) do_list(before, beforec, after, afterc); else if (!strcmp(table, "imembers")) do_member(before, beforec, after, afterc); else if (!strcmp(table, "filesys")) do_filesys(before, beforec, after, afterc); else if (!strcmp(table, "quota")) do_quota(before, beforec, after, afterc); exit(0); } void do_user(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc) { int astate, bstate, auid, buid, code; char *av[2]; auid = buid = astate = bstate = 0; if (afterc > U_STATE) astate = atoi(after[U_STATE]); if (beforec > U_STATE) bstate = atoi(before[U_STATE]); if (afterc > U_UID) auid = atoi(after[U_UID]); if (beforec > U_UID) buid = atoi(before[U_UID]); /* We consider "half-registered" users to be active */ if (astate == 2) astate = 1; if (bstate == 2) bstate = 1; if (astate != 1 && bstate != 1) /* inactive user */ return; if (astate == bstate && auid == buid && !strcmp(before[U_NAME], after[U_NAME])) /* No AFS related attributes have changed */ return; if (astate == bstate) { /* Only a modify has to be done */ com_err(whoami, 0, "Changing user %s (uid %d) to %s (uid %d)", before[U_NAME], buid, after[U_NAME], auid); code = pr_try(pr_ChangeEntry, before[U_NAME], after[U_NAME], auid, ""); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't change user %s (id %d) to %s (id %d): %s", before[U_NAME], buid, after[U_NAME], auid, error_message(code)); } return; } if (bstate == 1) { com_err(whoami, 0, "Deleting user %s (uid %d)", before[U_NAME], buid); code = pr_try(pr_DeleteByID, buid); if (code && code != PRNOENT) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't delete user %s (id %d): %s", before[U_NAME], buid, error_message(code)); } return; } if (astate == 1) { com_err(whoami, 0, "%s user %s (uid %d)", ((bstate != 0) ? "Reactivating" : "Creating"), after[U_NAME], auid); code = pr_try(pr_CreateUser, after[U_NAME], &auid); /* if we get PRIDEXIST, it's only an error if the username doesn't match (otherwise it just means the user was deleted from Moira but not AFS */ if (code == PRIDEXIST) { char ename[PR_MAXNAMELEN]; if (pr_try(pr_SIdToName, auid, ename) == 0 && !strcmp(after[U_NAME], ename)) return; } if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't create user %s (id %d): %s", after[U_NAME], auid, error_message(code)); return; } if (bstate != 0) { /* Reactivating a user; get his group list */ code = moira_connect(); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Error contacting Moira server " "to retrieve grouplist of user %s: %s", after[U_NAME], error_message(code)); return; } av[0] = "ruser"; av[1] = after[U_NAME]; code = mr_query("get_lists_of_member", 2, av, add_user_lists, after[U_NAME]); if (code && code != MR_NO_MATCH) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't retrieve membership of user %s: %s", after[U_NAME], error_message(code)); } moira_disconnect(); } return; } } void do_list(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc) { int agid, bgid; int ahide, bhide; long code, id; char g1[PR_MAXNAMELEN], g2[PR_MAXNAMELEN]; char *av[2]; agid = bgid = 0; if (beforec > L_GID && atoi(before[L_ACTIVE]) && atoi(before[L_GROUP])) { bgid = atoi(before[L_GID]); bhide = atoi(before[L_HIDDEN]); } if (afterc > L_GID && atoi(after[L_ACTIVE]) && atoi(after[L_GROUP])) { agid = atoi(after[L_GID]); ahide = atoi(after[L_HIDDEN]); } if (agid == 0 && bgid == 0) /* Not active groups */ return; if (agid && bgid) { if (strcmp(after[L_NAME], before[L_NAME])) { /* Only a modify is required */ strcpy(g1, "system:"); strcpy(g2, "system:"); strcat(g1, before[L_NAME]); strcat(g2, after[L_NAME]); com_err(whoami, 0, "Changing group %s (gid %d) to %s (gid %d)", before[L_NAME], bgid, after[L_NAME], agid); code = pr_try(pr_ChangeEntry, g1, g2, -agid, ""); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't change group %s (id %d) " "to %s (id %d): %s", before[L_NAME], -bgid, after[L_NAME], -agid, error_message(code)); } } if (ahide != bhide) { com_err(whoami, 0, "Making group %s (gid %d) %s", after[L_NAME], agid, (ahide ? "hidden" : "visible")); code = pr_try(pr_SetFieldsEntry, -agid, PR_SF_ALLBITS, (ahide ? PRP_STATUS_ANY : PRP_GROUP_DEFAULT) >> PRIVATE_SHIFT, 0 /*ngroups*/, 0 /*nusers*/); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't set flags of group %s: %s", after[L_NAME], error_message(code)); } } return; } if (bgid) { com_err(whoami, 0, "Deleting group %s (gid %d)", before[L_NAME], bgid); code = pr_try(pr_DeleteByID, -bgid); if (code && code != PRNOENT) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't delete group %s (id %d): %s", before[L_NAME], -bgid, error_message(code)); } return; } if (agid) { strcpy(g1, "system:"); strcat(g1, after[L_NAME]); strcpy(g2, "system:administrators"); id = -agid; com_err(whoami, 0, "Creating %s group %s (gid %d)", (ahide ? "hidden" : "visible"), after[L_NAME], agid); code = pr_try(pr_CreateGroup, g1, g2, &id); if (code == PRIDEXIST) { char ename[PR_MAXNAMELEN]; if (pr_try(pr_SIdToName, -agid, ename) == 0 && !strcmp(g1, ename)) return; } if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't create group %s (id %d): %s", after[L_NAME], id, error_message(code)); return; } if (ahide) { code = pr_try(pr_SetFieldsEntry, -agid, PR_SF_ALLBITS, (ahide ? PRP_STATUS_ANY : PRP_GROUP_DEFAULT) >> PRIVATE_SHIFT, 0 /*ngroups*/, 0 /*nusers*/); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't set flags of group %s: %s", after[L_NAME], error_message(code)); } } /* We need to make sure the group is properly populated */ if (beforec < L_ACTIVE) return; code = moira_connect(); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Error contacting Moira server to resolve %s: %s", after[L_NAME], error_message(code)); return; } av[0] = after[L_NAME]; code = mr_query("get_end_members_of_list", 1, av, add_list_members, after[L_NAME]); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't retrieve full membership of list %s: %s", after[L_NAME], error_message(code)); } moira_disconnect(); return; } } #define LM_EXTRA_ACTIVE (LM_END) #define LM_EXTRA_PUBLIC (LM_END+1) #define LM_EXTRA_HIDDEN (LM_END+2) #define LM_EXTRA_MAILLIST (LM_END+3) #define LM_EXTRA_GROUP (LM_END+4) #define LM_EXTRA_GID (LM_END+5) #define LM_EXTRA_END (LM_END+6) void do_member(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc) { if (afterc) { if (afterc < LM_EXTRA_END) return; else { if (!atoi(after[LM_EXTRA_ACTIVE]) || !atoi(after[LM_EXTRA_GROUP])) return; } edit_group(1, after[LM_LIST], after[LM_TYPE], after[LM_MEMBER]); } else if (beforec) { if (beforec < LM_EXTRA_END) return; else { if (!atoi(before[LM_EXTRA_ACTIVE]) || !atoi(before[LM_EXTRA_GROUP])) return; } edit_group(0, before[LM_LIST], before[LM_TYPE], before[LM_MEMBER]); } } void do_filesys(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc) { char cmd[1024]; int acreate, atype, bcreate, btype; if (afterc < FS_CREATE) atype = acreate = 0; else { atype = !strcmp(after[FS_TYPE], "AFS"); acreate = atoi(after[FS_CREATE]); } if (beforec < FS_CREATE) { if (acreate == 0 || atype == 0) return; /* new locker creation */ sprintf(cmd, "%s/perl -I%s %s/afs_create.pl %s %s %s %s %s %s", BIN_DIR, BIN_DIR, BIN_DIR, after[FS_NAME], after[FS_L_TYPE], after[FS_MACHINE], after[FS_PACK], after[FS_OWNER], after[FS_OWNERS]); run_cmd(cmd); return; } btype = !strcmp(before[FS_TYPE], "AFS"); bcreate = atoi(before[FS_CREATE]); if (afterc < FS_CREATE) { if (btype && bcreate) critical_alert("incremental", "Cannot delete AFS filesystem %s: " "Operation not supported", before[FS_NAME]); return; } if (!acreate) return; /* Are we dealing with AFS lockers (could be type ERR lockers) */ if (!atype && !btype) { if (strcmp(before[FS_TYPE], "ERR") || strcmp(after[FS_TYPE], "ERR")) return; } /* By now, we know we are simply changing AFS filesystem attributes. * Operations supported: * Name change: rename/remount * Path change: remount * Type change: ERR<-->AFS */ #if 0 if (strcmp(before[FS_OWNER], after[FS_OWNER]) || strcmp(before[FS_OWNERS], after[FS_OWNERS])) { critical_alert("incremental", "Cannot change ownership of filesystem %s: Operation not yet supported", after[FS_NAME]); } #endif sprintf(cmd, "%s/perl -I%s %s/afs_rename.pl %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", BIN_DIR, BIN_DIR, BIN_DIR, before[FS_NAME], before[FS_MACHINE], before[FS_TYPE], before[FS_L_TYPE], before[FS_PACK], after[FS_NAME], after[FS_MACHINE], after[FS_TYPE], after[FS_L_TYPE], after[FS_PACK]); run_cmd(cmd); } void do_quota(char **before, int beforec, char **after, int afterc) { char cmd[1024]; if (afterc < Q_DIRECTORY || strcmp("ANY", after[Q_TYPE]) || strncmp("/afs/", after[Q_DIRECTORY], 5)) return; sprintf(cmd, "%s/perl -I%s %s/afs_quota.pl %s %s", BIN_DIR, BIN_DIR, BIN_DIR, after[Q_DIRECTORY], after[Q_QUOTA]); run_cmd(cmd); return; } void run_cmd(char *cmd) { int success=0, tries=0; check_afs(); while (success == 0 && tries < 2) { if (tries++) sleep(90); com_err(whoami, 0, "Executing command: %s", cmd); if (system(cmd) == 0) success++; } if (!success) critical_alert("incremental", "failed command: %s", cmd); } int add_user_lists(int ac, char **av, void *user) { if (atoi(av[L_ACTIVE]) && atoi(av[L_GROUP])) /* active group ? */ edit_group(1, av[L_NAME], "USER", user); return 0; } int add_list_members(int ac, char **av, void *group) { edit_group(1, group, av[0], av[1]); return 0; } int check_user(int ac, char **av, void *ustate) { *(int *)ustate = atoi(av[U_STATE]); return 0; } void edit_group(int op, char *group, char *type, char *member) { char *p = 0; char buf[PR_MAXNAMELEN]; int code, ustate; static char local_realm[REALM_SZ+1] = ""; struct member *m; /* The following KERBEROS code allows for the use of entities * user@foreign_cell. */ if (!local_realm[0]) krb_get_lrealm(local_realm, 1); if (!strcmp(type, "KERBEROS")) { p = strchr(member, '@'); if (p && !strcasecmp(p+1, local_realm)) *p = 0; } else if (strcmp(type, "USER")) return; /* invalid type */ /* Cannot risk doing another query during a callback */ /* We could do this simply for type USER, but eventually this may also * dynamically add KERBEROS types to the prdb, and we will need to do * a query to look up the uid of the null-instance user */ if (mr_connections) { m = malloc(sizeof(struct member)); if (!m) { critical_alert("incremental", "Out of memory"); exit(1); } m->op = op; strcpy(m->list, group); strcpy(m->type, type); strcpy(m->member, member); m->next = member_head; member_head = m; return; } strcpy(buf, "system:"); strcat(buf, group); com_err(whoami, 0, "%s %s %s group %s", (op ? "Adding" : "Removing"), member, (op ? "to" : "from"), group); code = pr_try(op ? pr_AddToGroup : pr_RemoveUserFromGroup, member, buf); if (code) { if (op==1 && code == PRIDEXIST) return; /* Already added */ if (code == PRNOENT) { /* Something is missing */ if (op == 0) return; /* Already deleted */ if (!strcmp(type, "KERBEROS")) /* Special instances; ok */ return; /* Check whether the member being added is an active user */ code = moira_connect(); if (!code) { code = mr_query("get_user_by_login", 1, &member, check_user, (char *) &ustate); } if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Error contacting Moira server " "to lookup user %s: %s", member, error_message(code)); } /* We don't use moira_disconnect() * because we may already be in the routine. */ mr_disconnect(); mr_connections--; if (!code && ustate!=1 && ustate!=2) return; /* inactive user */ code = PRNOENT; } critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't %s %s %s %s: %s", op ? "add" : "remove", member, op ? "to" : "from", buf, error_message(code)); } } long pr_try(long (*fn)(), char *a1, char *a2, char *a3, char *a4, char *a5, char *a6, char *a7, char *a8) { static int initd = 0; long code; int tries = 0; check_afs(); if (initd) code = pr_Initialize(0, AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME, 0); else { code = 0; initd = 1; } if (!code) code = pr_Initialize(1, AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME, 0); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't initialize libprot: %s", error_message(code)); return code; } sleep(1); /* give ptserver room */ while ((code = (*fn)(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8))) { if (++tries > 2) break; /* 3 tries */ if (code == UNOQUORUM) sleep(90); else if (code == PRPERM) system("/bin/athena/aklog"); else sleep(15); /* Re-initialize the prdb connection */ code = pr_Initialize(0, AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME, 0); if (!code) code = pr_Initialize(1, AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME, 0); if (code) { critical_alert("incremental", "Couldn't re-initialize libprot: %s", error_message(code)); initd = 0; /* we lost */ break; } } return code; } void check_afs(void) { int i; for (i = 0; file_exists(STOP_FILE); i++) { if (i > 30) { critical_alert("incremental", "AFS incremental failed (%s exists): %s", STOP_FILE, tbl_buf); exit(1); } sleep(60); } } int moira_connect(void) { long code; if (!mr_connections++) { struct utsname uts; uname(&uts); code = mr_connect(uts.nodename); if (!code) code = mr_krb5_auth("afs.incr"); return code; } return 0; } int moira_disconnect(void) { struct member *m; if (!--mr_connections) { mr_disconnect(); while ((m = member_head)) { edit_group(m->op, m->list, m->type, m->member); member_head = m->next; free(m); } } return 0; }