/* * * Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Developed by the MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB). * For copying information, see the file mit-copyright.h in this release. * */ /* * * config.h -- Configuration file for DISCUSS. Fix this up with your * site specific options. * */ /* Descriptions of definitions: REALM: This is the name of the local Kerberos realm. This is used to identify the administrative realm when using the "disserve" subprocess server, and the identity of non-authenticated users "???@REALM". Set this to your local Kerberos realm if you have one, or a possible Kerberos realm name (the current convention is to use a Internet Domain name; e.g., "LCS.MIT.EDU"). INFO_DIR: This is the directory where the command-based Discuss client finds its help files. This would normally be under /usr/lib/discuss, or /usr/local/lib/discuss. The help files are in the distribution under source/client/info; to install, copy/tar the directory into the desired location. SERVICE_NAME: This is the service name used to find a port number. The default is "discuss", port 2100/tcp. SERVER: This is the location of the discuss subprocess server. When a client program accesses meetings on the same machine, discuss bypasses the network and creates a subprocess server. Set this to the location of the server program, where disserve will be installed. SERVER_LOCAL: This is the location of a copy of the subprocess server which is not a protected subsystem, but relies on filesystem protections instead. SERVER_NAME: The name of the server program (argv[0] of the subprocess). DSPIPE: This was used by dsmail.c to enter transactions into meetings; it is obsolete. DSC_SETUP: This name of the DSC_SETUP program. This program is invoked by the various clients when a user first runs Discuss, to create an initial .meetings file. CONN_TIMEOUT: This is the timeout for connecting to a remote discuss server, in seconds. */ /* Server to exec (assumed to be in SERVERDIR) */ #ifndef SERVER #define SERVER "SERVERDIR/disserve" #endif #ifndef SERVER_LOCAL /* this one is path-searched if it doesn't begin with slash... */ #define SERVER_LOCAL "disserve-fs" #endif #ifndef SERVER_NAME #define SERVER_NAME "disserve" #endif /* Info directory */ #ifndef INFO_DIR #define INFO_DIR "INFODIR" #endif /* Name server / Kerberos realm */ #ifndef REALM #define REALM "ATHENA.MIT.EDU" #endif /* Service name */ #ifndef SERVICE_NAME #define SERVICE_NAME "discuss" #endif /* Service fallback port */ #ifndef DISCUSS_FALLBACK_PORT #define DISCUSS_FALLBACK_PORT 2100 #endif /* Place where dsmail can find dspipe */ #ifndef DSPIPE #define DSPIPE "BINDIR/dspipe" #endif /* dsc_setup command */ #ifndef DSC_SETUP #define DSC_SETUP "dsc_setup" #endif /* Timeout for connecting to discuss server, in seconds */ #ifndef CONN_TIMEOUT #define CONN_TIMEOUT 20 #endif