/* $Id: nfs.c 3956 2010-01-05 20:56:56Z zacheiss $ * * This is the file nfs.c for the Moira Client, which allows users * to quickly and easily maintain most parts of the Moira database. * It Contains: All functions for manipulating NFS Physical directories. * * Created: 5/6/88 * By: Chris D. Peterson * * Copyright (C) 1988-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "f_defs.h" #include "globals.h" #include #include #include RCSID("$HeadURL: svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/moira/trunk/moira/clients/moira/nfs.c $ $Id: nfs.c 3956 2010-01-05 20:56:56Z zacheiss $"); char **AskNFSInfo(char **info); #define TYPE_NFS "NFS" #define DEFAULT_DIR "/u1/lockers" #define DEFAULT_DEVICE "/dev/ra1c" #define DEFAULT_STATUS DEFAULT_YES /* active. */ #define DEFAULT_ALLOC "0" #define DEFAULT_SIZE "0" /* Function Name: UpdatePrint * Description: store a useful string for updates to print. * Arguments: info - info about NFS service stored in array of strings. * Returns: useful string. */ static char *UpdatePrint(char **info) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(temp_buf, "Machine %s Directory %s", info[NFS_NAME], info[NFS_DIR]); return strdup(temp_buf); /* Small memory leak here, but no good way to avoid it that I see. */ } /* Function Name: PrintNFSInfo * Description: Prints NFS Physical service information. * Arguments: info - the information. * Returns: directory of this nfs server, for DeleteNFSService(). */ static char *PrintNFSInfo(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ], status_buf[BUFSIZ]; int status = atoi(info[NFS_STATUS]); Bool is_one = FALSE; status_buf[0] = '\0'; /* clear string. */ if (status & MR_FS_STUDENT) { strcat(status_buf, "Student"); is_one = TRUE; } if (status & MR_FS_FACULTY) { if (is_one) strcat(status_buf, " and "); strcat(status_buf, "Faculty"); is_one = TRUE; } if (status & MR_FS_STAFF) { if (is_one) strcat(status_buf, " and "); strcat(status_buf, "Staff"); is_one = TRUE; } if (status & MR_FS_MISC) { if (is_one) strcat(status_buf, " and "); strcat(status_buf, "Miscellaneous"); } /* Add another type here. */ if (status & MR_FS_GROUPQUOTA) { if (is_one) strcat(status_buf, " / "); strcat(status_buf, "Group Quotas Enabled"); } if (status_buf[0] == '\0') strcat(status_buf, "-- None --"); Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Machine: %-20s Directory: %-15s Device: %s", info[NFS_NAME], info[NFS_DIR], info[NFS_DEVICE]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Status: %s", status_buf); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Quota Allocated: %-17s Size: %s", info[NFS_ALLOC], info[NFS_SIZE]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[NFS_MODBY], info[NFS_MODTIME], info[NFS_MODWITH]); Put_message(buf); return info[NFS_DIR]; } /* Function Name: AskNFSInfo. * Description: This function askes the user for information about a * machine and saves it into a structure. * Arguments: info - a pointer the the structure to put the * info into. * Returns: the arglist to make the update call with. */ char **AskNFSInfo(char **info) { /* Also need name of the machine in this structure. */ if (GetValueFromUser("Device for this filsystem", &info[NFS_DEVICE]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetFSTypes(&info[NFS_STATUS], TRUE) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Allocated Space for this filsystem:", &info[NFS_ALLOC]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Size of this Filsystem:", &info[NFS_SIZE]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; FreeAndClear(&info[NFS_MODTIME], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[NFS_MODBY], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[NFS_MODWITH], TRUE); return info; } /* Function Name: ShowNFSService * Description: This function prints all exported partitions. * Arguments: argc, argv - argv[1] - name of machine. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ShowNFSService(int argc, char **argv) { int stat; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; char *args[10]; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) return DM_NORMAL; args[0] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); args[1] = strdup(DEFAULT_DIR); if (GetValueFromUser("Directory:", &args[1]) == SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_nfsphys", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in ShowNFSServices."); free(args[0]); free(args[1]); /* prevents memory leaks. */ elem = QueueTop(elem); Loop(elem, (void (*)(char **)) PrintNFSInfo); FreeQueue(elem); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: AddNFSService * Description: Adds a new partition to the nfsphys relation * Arguments: arc, argv - argv[1] - machine name. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int AddNFSService(int argc, char **argv) { char **add_args, *args[10]; char *info[MAX_ARGS_SIZE]; int stat; args[0] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); args[1] = strdup(DEFAULT_DIR); if (GetValueFromUser("Directory:", &args[1]) == SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; if (!ValidName(args[0]) || !ValidName(args[1])) return DM_NORMAL; if (!(stat = do_mr_query("get_nfsphys", 2, args, NULL, NULL))) stat = MR_EXISTS; if (stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_nfsphys."); return DM_NORMAL; } info[NFS_NAME] = strdup(args[0]); info[NFS_DIR] = args[1]; /* already saved. */ info[NFS_DEVICE] = strdup(DEFAULT_DEVICE); info[NFS_STATUS] = strdup(DEFAULT_STATUS); info[NFS_ALLOC] = strdup(DEFAULT_ALLOC); info[NFS_SIZE] = strdup(DEFAULT_SIZE); info[NFS_MODBY] = info[NFS_MODWITH] = info[NFS_MODTIME] = NULL; info[NFS_END] = NULL; if (!(add_args = AskNFSInfo(info))) { Put_message("Aborted."); return DM_NORMAL; } if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_nfsphys", CountArgs(add_args), add_args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AdsNFSService"); FreeInfo(info); free(args[0]); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealUpdateNFSService * Description: performs the actual update of the nfs service. * Arguments: info - info about NFS service stored in array of strings. * junk - an unused boolean. * Returns: none. */ static void RealUpdateNFSService(char **info, Bool junk) { char **args; int stat; if (!(args = AskNFSInfo(info))) { Put_message("Aborted."); return; } if ((stat = do_mr_query("update_nfsphys", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in RealUpdateNFSService"); } /* Function Name: UpdateNFSService * Description: Update the values for an nfsphys entry. * Arguments: argc, argv - argv[1] - machine name. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int UpdateNFSService(int argc, char **argv) { int stat; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; char *args[10]; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) return DM_NORMAL; args[0] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); args[1] = strdup(DEFAULT_DIR); if (GetValueFromUser("Directory:", &args[1]) == SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_nfsphys", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in UpdateNFSService."); return DM_NORMAL; } free(args[0]); free(args[1]); /* stop memory leaks. */ elem = QueueTop(elem); QueryLoop(elem, UpdatePrint, RealUpdateNFSService, "Update NFS Service for"); FreeQueue(elem); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: FSPartPrint * Description: print filesystem partition usage. * Arguments: info - the filesystem information. * Returns: none. */ static void FSPartPrint(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf, "NFS Filesystem %s uses that partition.", info[FS_NAME]); Put_message(buf); } /* Function Name: RealDeleteNFSService * Description: Actually Deletes the filesystem (some checks are made). * Arguments: info - info about NFS service stored in array of strings. * one_item - if TRUE then only one item on the queue, and * we should confirm. * Returns: none. */ static void RealDeleteNFSService(char **info, Bool one_item) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *args[10]; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; int stat; sprintf(temp_buf, "Are you sure that you want to delete the %s directory on %s", info[NFS_DIR], info[NFS_NAME]); /* * Check to be sure that it is not used by any of the nfs packs. */ if (!one_item || Confirm(temp_buf)) { args[0] = info[NFS_NAME]; args[1] = info[NFS_DIR]; args[2] = NULL; switch ((stat = do_mr_query("get_filesys_by_nfsphys", CountArgs(args), args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { case MR_NO_MATCH: /* it is unused, delete it. */ if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_nfsphys", 2, info, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in DeleteNFSService"); else Put_message("Physical Filesystem Deleted."); break; case MR_SUCCESS: /* it is used, print filesys's that use it. */ elem = QueueTop(elem); Put_message("The following fileystems are using this partition,"); Put_message("and must be removed before it can be deleted."); Put_message(""); Loop(elem, FSPartPrint); FreeQueue(elem); Put_message(""); break; default: com_err(program_name, stat, " while checking usage of partition"); } } else Put_message("Physical filesystem not deleted."); } /* Function Name: DeleteNFSService * Description: Delete an nfsphys entry. * Arguments: argc, argv - name of the machine in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int DeleteNFSService(int argc, char **argv) { int stat; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; char *args[10]; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) return DM_NORMAL; args[0] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); args[1] = strdup(DEFAULT_DIR); if (GetValueFromUser("Directory:", &args[1]) == SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; switch ((stat = do_mr_query("get_nfsphys", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { case MR_NO_MATCH: Put_message("This filsystem does not exist!"); return DM_NORMAL; case MR_SUCCESS: break; default: com_err(program_name, stat, " in DeleteNFSService"); return DM_NORMAL; } free(args[0]); free(args[1]); /* stop memory leaks, in your neighborhood. */ QueryLoop(elem, PrintNFSInfo, RealDeleteNFSService, "Delete the Physical Filesystem on Directory"); FreeQueue(elem); return DM_NORMAL; }