/* $Id: quota.c 3956 2010-01-05 20:56:56Z zacheiss $ * * This is the file quota.c for the Moira Client, which allows users * to quickly and easily maintain most parts of the Moira database. * It Contains: Functions for manipulating the quota information. * * Created: 7/10/88 * By: Chris D. Peterson * * Copyright (C) 1988-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "f_defs.h" #include "globals.h" #include #include #include RCSID("$HeadURL: svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/moira/trunk/moira/clients/moira/quota.c $ $Id: quota.c 3956 2010-01-05 20:56:56Z zacheiss $"); int afsfilsyshelper(int argc, char **argv, void *hint); int afsfilesys(char *name); static char *def_quota = NULL; #define DEFAULT_FILESYS DEFAULT_NONE #define DEFAULT_USER user /* this is the user who started moira. */ #define NOBODY "[nobody]" #define DEFAULT_QTYPE "USER" /* Function Name: GetDefaultUserQuota * Description: gets the user quota from moira, and caches the value. * Arguments: override - if true, go to moira and override the cache. * Returns: none. * NOTE: Using a queue here is pretty useless, but StoreInfo expects * one, and it works, so why fuck with it. */ static char *GetDefaultUserQuota(Bool override) { int status; char **info; struct mqelem *top = NULL; static char *val[] = {"def_quota", NULL}; if (override || (def_quota == NULL)) { if ((status = do_mr_query("get_value", CountArgs(val), val, StoreInfo, &top))) { com_err(program_name, status, " in ShowDefaultQuota"); if (!def_quota) { Put_message("No default Quota Found, setting default to 0."); def_quota = strdup("0"); } else Put_message("No default Quota Found, retaining old value."); } else { top = QueueTop(top); info = top->q_data; FreeAndClear(&def_quota, TRUE); def_quota = strdup(info[0]); FreeQueue(top); } } return def_quota; } /* Function Name: PrintDefaultQuota * Description: Prints default quota info in a meaningful way. * Arguments: value of the default quota. * Returns: none. */ static void PrintDefaultQuota(char *quota) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; Put_message(""); sprintf(temp_buf, "The default quota is %s Kb.", quota); Put_message(temp_buf); } /* Function Name: PrintQuota * Description: Prints a users quota information. * Arguments: info - a pointer to the quota information: * Returns: none. */ static char *PrintQuota(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; Put_message(""); if (!strcmp(info[Q_TYPE], "ANY")) sprintf(buf, "Filesystem: %s", info[Q_FILESYS]); else sprintf(buf, "Filesystem: %-45s %s %s", info[Q_FILESYS], info[Q_TYPE], info[Q_NAME]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Machine: %-20s Directory: %-15s", info[Q_MACHINE], info[Q_DIRECTORY]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Quota: %s", info[Q_QUOTA]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[Q_MODBY], info[Q_MODTIME], info[Q_MODWITH]); Put_message(buf); return info[Q_FILESYS]; } int afsfilsyshelper(int argc, char **argv, void *hint) { *(int *)hint = !strcmp(argv[FS_TYPE], "AFS"); return MR_CONT; } int afsfilesys(char *name) { int status, ret = 0; char *argv[1]; if (strchr(name, '*') || strchr(name, '?') || strchr(name, '\\')) return 0; argv[0] = name; status = do_mr_query("get_filesys_by_label", 1, argv, afsfilsyshelper, &ret); if (status == MR_SUCCESS) return ret; return status; } /* Function Name: GetQuotaArgs * Description: gets quota args from the user * Arguments: quota - if TRUE the get quota too. * Returns: the arguments. */ static char **GetQuotaArgs(Bool quota) { char **args = malloc(MAX_ARGS_SIZE * sizeof(char *)); int af; char *canon; if (!args) { Put_message("Could not allocate memory in GetQuotaArgs."); return NULL; } args[Q_FILESYS] = strdup(DEFAULT_FILESYS); args[Q_TYPE] = strdup(DEFAULT_QTYPE); args[Q_NAME] = strdup(DEFAULT_USER); if (quota) { args[Q_QUOTA] = strdup(GetDefaultUserQuota(FALSE)); args[Q_QUOTA + 1] = NULL; /* NULL terminate. */ } else args[Q_NAME + 1] = NULL; /* NULL terminate. */ /* Get filesystem. */ if (GetValueFromUser("Filesystem", &args[Q_FILESYS]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (quota && !ValidName(args[Q_FILESYS])) return NULL; af = afsfilesys(args[Q_FILESYS]); if (af != 0 && af != 1) { if (af == MR_NO_MATCH) Put_message("That filesystem does not exist."); else com_err(program_name, af, " in afsfilesys"); return NULL; } if (af) { args[Q_TYPE] = strdup("ANY"); args[Q_NAME] = strdup(NOBODY); } else { if (GetTypeFromUser("Quota type", "quota_type", &args[Q_TYPE]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Name", &args[Q_NAME]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (!ValidName(args[Q_NAME])) return NULL; } if (quota) /* Get and check quota. */ { if (GetValueFromUser("Quota", &args[Q_QUOTA]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (!ValidName(args[Q_QUOTA])) return NULL; canon = ParseQuotaString(args[Q_QUOTA]); if (!canon) return NULL; free(args[Q_QUOTA]); args[Q_QUOTA] = canon; } return args; } /* Function Name: ShowDefaultQuota * Description: This prints out a default quota for the system. * Arguments: none * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ShowDefaultQuota(int argc, char **argv) { PrintDefaultQuota(GetDefaultUserQuota(TRUE)); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: ChangeDefaultQuota * Description: Changes the System Wide default quota. * Arguments: argc, argv - New quota in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ChangeDefaultQuota(int argc, char *argv[]) { int status; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; static char *newval[] = { "def_quota", NULL, NULL }; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) return DM_NORMAL; sprintf(temp_buf, "%s %s", "Are you sure that you want to", "change the default quota for all new users"); if (Confirm(temp_buf)) { newval[1] = argv[1]; if ((status = do_mr_query("update_value", CountArgs(newval), newval, NULL, NULL)) == MR_SUCCESS) { FreeAndClear(&def_quota, TRUE); def_quota = strdup(argv[1]); } else com_err(program_name, status, " in update_value"); } else Put_message("Quota not changed."); return DM_NORMAL; } /* ------------------------ Filesystem Quotas -------------------- */ /* Function Name: GetQuota * Description: Shows the quota of a filesystem w.r.t. * a group, user, or anybody (AFS) * Arguments: none * Returns: DM_NORMAL */ int GetQuota(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top = NULL; int status; char **args; if (!(args = GetQuotaArgs(FALSE))) return DM_NORMAL; if ((status = do_mr_query("get_quota", CountArgs(args), args, StoreInfo, &top)) != MR_SUCCESS) com_err(program_name, status, " in get_quota"); FreeInfo(args); free(args); top = QueueTop(top); Loop(top, (void (*)(char **)) PrintQuota); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: GetQuotaByFilesys * Description: Shows all quotas associated with the * given filesystem * Arguments: none * Returns: DM_NORMAL */ int GetQuotaByFilesys(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top = NULL; int status; char **args = malloc(2 * sizeof(char *)); if (!args) { Put_message("Could not allocate memory in GetQuotaByFilesys."); return DM_NORMAL; } args[0] = strdup(""); args[1] = NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Filesystem", &args[0]) == SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; if ((status = do_mr_query("get_quota_by_filesys", 1, args, StoreInfo, &top)) != MR_SUCCESS) com_err(program_name, status, " in get_quota_by_filesys"); FreeInfo(args); free(args); top = QueueTop(top); Loop(top, (void (*)(char **)) PrintQuota); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: AddQuota * Description: Adds a new quota record for a filesystem * w.r.t. a user, group, or anybody (AFS). * Arguments: None * Returns: DM_NORMAL */ int AddQuota(int argc, char **argv) { char **args; int status; if (!(args = GetQuotaArgs(TRUE))) return DM_NORMAL; if ((status = do_mr_query("add_quota", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL)) != MR_SUCCESS) com_err(program_name, status, " in add_quota"); FreeInfo(args); free(args); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealUpdateQuota * Description: Performs the actual update of the quota * Arguments: info - the information nesc. to update the quota. * Returns: none. */ static void RealUpdateQuota(char **info) { int status; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; char *canon; sprintf(temp_buf, "New quota for filesystem %s (in KB)", info[Q_FILESYS]); if (GetValueFromUser(temp_buf, &info[Q_QUOTA]) == SUB_ERROR) { Put_message("Not changed."); return; } canon = ParseQuotaString(info[Q_QUOTA]); if (!canon) return; free(info[Q_QUOTA]); info[Q_QUOTA] = canon; if ((status = do_mr_query("update_quota", 4, info, NULL, NULL)) != MR_SUCCESS) { com_err(program_name, status, " in update_quota"); sprintf(temp_buf, "Could not perform quota change on %s", info[Q_FILESYS]); Put_message(temp_buf); } } /* Function Name: UpdateQuota * Description: Updates an existing quota for a filesytem * w.r.t. a user, group, or anybody. * Arguments: None * Returns: DM_NORMAL */ int UpdateQuota(int argc, char **argv) { int status; char **args; struct mqelem *top = NULL; if (!(args = GetQuotaArgs(FALSE))) return DM_NORMAL; if ((status = do_mr_query("get_quota", CountArgs(args), args, StoreInfo, &top)) != MR_SUCCESS) com_err(program_name, status, " in get_quota"); FreeInfo(args); /* done with args, free them. */ free(args); top = QueueTop(top); Loop(top, RealUpdateQuota); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealDeleteQuota * Description: Actually removes the quota * Arguments: info - all information about this quota. * one_item - true if there is only one item in the queue, and * we should confirm. * Returns: none. */ static void RealDeleteQuota(char **info, Bool one_item) { int status; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; if (!strcmp(info[Q_TYPE], "ANY")) { sprintf(temp_buf, "Do you really want to delete the quota on %s", info[Q_FILESYS]); } else { sprintf(temp_buf, "Do you really want to delete the %s %s's quota on %s", (strcmp(info[Q_TYPE], "USER") ? "group" : "user"), info[Q_NAME], info[Q_FILESYS]); } if (!one_item || Confirm(temp_buf)) { if ((status = do_mr_query("delete_quota", 3, info, NULL, NULL)) != MR_SUCCESS) com_err(program_name, status, " in delete_quota"); else Put_message("Quota sucessfully removed."); } else Put_message("Aborted."); } /* Function Name: DeleteQuota * Description: Removes the quota record for a filesystem * w.r.t. a user, group, or anybody. * Arguments: None * Returns: DM_NORMAL */ int DeleteQuota(int argc, char **argv) { int status; char **args; struct mqelem *top = NULL; if (!(args = GetQuotaArgs(FALSE))) return DM_NORMAL; if ((status = do_mr_query("get_quota", 3, args, StoreInfo, &top))) com_err(program_name, status, " in get_quota"); FreeInfo(args); free(args); top = QueueTop(top); QueryLoop(top, PrintQuota, RealDeleteQuota, "Delete this quota on filesystem"); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } char *ParseQuotaString(char *quota) { char *s, *value; float ngigs, nmegs; int calcvalue; s = quota; while (*s && (isdigit(*s) || (*s == '.'))) s++; /* If we didn't find a unit specifier, just return the old value. */ if (!*s) return strdup(quota); switch (*s) { case 'm': case 'M': /* value specified in megabytes. */ if (!sscanf(quota, "%f2", &nmegs)) return strdup(quota); calcvalue = (int)(nmegs * 1000); break; case 'g': case 'G': /* value specified in gigabytes. */ if (!sscanf(quota, "%f2", &ngigs)) return strdup(quota); calcvalue = (int)(ngigs * 1000 * 1000); break; default: /* Couldn't parse it. Just return the old value. */ return strdup(quota); } value = malloc(BUFSIZ); if (!value) return NULL; sprintf(value, "%d", calcvalue); return value; }