/* $Id: utils.c 3956 2010-01-05 20:56:56Z zacheiss $ * * This is the file utils.c for the Moira Client, which allows users * to quickly and easily maintain most parts of the Moira database. * It Contains: Many useful utility functions. * * Created: 4/25/88 * By: Chris D. Peterson * * Copyright (C) 1988-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "f_defs.h" #include "globals.h" #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include /* for gethostbyname. */ #endif /* _WIN32 */ #include #include #include #include #include RCSID("$HeadURL: svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/moira/trunk/moira/clients/moira/utils.c $ $Id: utils.c 3956 2010-01-05 20:56:56Z zacheiss $"); /* Function Name: AddQueue * Description: Adds an element to a queue * Arguments: elem, pred - element and its predecessor. * Returns: none. */ void AddQueue(struct mqelem *elem, struct mqelem *pred) { if (!pred) { elem->q_forw = NULL; elem->q_back = NULL; return; } elem->q_back = pred; elem->q_forw = pred->q_forw; pred->q_forw = elem; } /* Function Name: RemoveQueue * Description: removes an element from a queue. * Arguments: elem. * Returns: none. */ static void RemoveQueue(struct mqelem *elem) { if (elem->q_forw) elem->q_forw->q_back = elem->q_back; if (elem->q_back) elem->q_back->q_forw = elem->q_forw; } /* CopyInfo: allocates memory for a copy of a NULL terminated array of * strings q_back) elem = elem->q_back; return elem; } /* Function Name: FreeQueueElem * Description: Frees one element of the queue. * Arguments: elem - the elem to free. * Returns: none */ static void FreeQueueElem(struct mqelem *elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; if (info) { FreeInfo(info); /* free info fields */ free(elem->q_data); /* free info array itself. */ } RemoveQueue(elem); /* remove this element from the queue */ free(elem); /* free its space. */ } /* Function Name: FreeQueue * Description: Cleans up the queue * Arguments: elem - any element of the queue. * Returns: none. */ void FreeQueue(struct mqelem *elem) { struct mqelem *temp, *local = QueueTop(elem); while (local) { temp = local->q_forw; FreeQueueElem(local); local = temp; } } /* Function Name: QueueCount * Description: Counts the number of elements in a queue * Arguments: elem - any element in the queue. * Returns: none. */ int QueueCount(struct mqelem *elem) { int count = 0; elem = QueueTop(elem); while (elem) { count++; elem = elem->q_forw; } return count; } /* Function Name: StoreInfo * Description: Stores information from a moira query into a queue. * Arguments: argc, argv, - information returned from the query returned * in argv. * data - the previous element on the queue, this data will be * stored in a mqelem struct immediatly after this elem. * If NULL then a new queue will be created. This value * is updated to the current element at the end off the * call. * Returns: MR_CONT, or MR_ABORT if it has problems. */ int StoreInfo(int argc, char **argv, void *data) { char **info = malloc(MAX_ARGS_SIZE * sizeof(char *)); struct mqelem **old_elem = data; struct mqelem *new_elem = malloc(sizeof(struct mqelem)); int count; if (!new_elem || !info) { Put_message("Could Not allocate more memory."); FreeQueue(*old_elem); *old_elem = NULL; return MR_ABORT; } for (count = 0; count < argc; count++) info[count] = strdup(argv[count]); info[count] = NULL; /* NULL terminate this sucker. */ new_elem->q_data = info; AddQueue(new_elem, *old_elem); *old_elem = new_elem; return MR_CONT; } /* Function Name: CountArgs * Description: Retrieve the number of args in a null terminated * arglist. * Arguments: info - the argument list. * Returns: number if args in the list. */ int CountArgs(char **info) { int number = 0; while (*info) { number++; info++; } return number; } /* Function Name: PromptWithDefault * Description: allows a user to be prompted for input, and given a * default choice. * Arguments: prompt - the prompt string. * buf, buflen - buffer to be returned and its MAX size? * default value for the answer. * Returns: zero on failure */ int PromptWithDefault(char *prompt, char *buf, int buflen, char *def) { char tmp[BUFSIZ]; int ans; if (parsed_argc > 0) { parsed_argc--; strncpy(buf, parsed_argv[0], buflen); sprintf(tmp, "%s: %s", prompt, buf); Put_message(tmp); parsed_argv++; return 1; } sprintf(tmp, "%s [%s]: ", prompt, def ? def : ""); ans = Prompt_input(tmp, buf, buflen); if (IS_EMPTY(buf)) strcpy(buf, def); else if (!strcmp(buf, "\"\"")) *buf = 0; return ans; } /* Function Name: YesNoQuestion * Description: This prompts the user for the answer to a yes-no or * true-false question. * Arguments: prompt - the prompt for the user. * bool_def - the default value either TRUE or FALSE. * Returns: TRUE or FALSE or -1 on error */ Bool YesNoQuestion(char *prompt, int bool_def) { char ans[2]; while (TRUE) { if (!PromptWithDefault(prompt, ans, 2, bool_def ? "y" : "n")) return -1; switch (ans[0]) { case 'n': case 'N': return FALSE; case 'y': case 'Y': return TRUE; default: Put_message("Please answer 'y' or 'n'."); break; } } } /* Function Name: YesNoQuitQuestion * Description: This prompts the user for the answer to a yes-no or * true-false question, with a quit option. * Arguments: prompt - the prompt for the user. * bool_def - the default value either TRUE or FALSE. * Returns: TRUE or FALSE or -1 on error or QUIT * NOTE: It is not possible to have quit the default, but then I don't * seem to need this functionality. */ Bool YesNoQuitQuestion(char *prompt, int bool_def) { char ans[2]; while (TRUE) { if (!PromptWithDefault(prompt, ans, 2, bool_def ? "y" : "n")) return -1; switch (ans[0]) { case 'n': case 'N': return FALSE; case 'y': case 'Y': return TRUE; case 'q': case 'Q': return -1; default: Put_message("Please answer 'y', 'n' or 'q'."); break; } } } /* Function Name: Confirm * Description: This function asks the user to confirm the action * he is about to take, used for things like deleting. * Arguments: prompt - the prompt string. * Returns: TRUE/FALSE - wether or not the confirmation occured. */ Bool Confirm(char *prompt) { return !verbose || (YesNoQuestion(prompt, FALSE) == TRUE); } /* Function Name: ValidName * Description: This function checks to see if we have a valid list name. * Arguments: s - the list name. * Returns: TRUE if Valid. */ Bool ValidName(char *s) { if (IS_EMPTY(s)) Put_message("Please use a non-empty name."); else if (strchr(s, ' ')) Put_message("You cannot use space (' ') in this name."); else if (strchr(s, '*') || strchr(s, '?')) Put_message("Wildcards not accepted here."); else return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* Function Name: ToggleVerboseMode * Description: This function toggles the verbose mode. * Arguments: none * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ToggleVerboseMode(int argc, char **argv) { verbose = !verbose; if (verbose) Put_message("Delete functions will first confirm"); else Put_message("Delete functions will be silent"); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: SlipInNewName * Description: Slips the new name into the number 2 slot of a list, and * returns a pointer to the new list. * Arguments: info - list that needs this name slipped into it. * name - the name to slip into the list. * Returns: a pointer to the new list. * NOTE: This screws up the numbers of the elements of the array in a * big way. */ void SlipInNewName(char **info, char *name) { int i; /* This also pushes the NULL down. */ for (i = CountArgs(info); i > 0; i--) info[i + 1] = info[i]; info[1] = name; /* now slip in the name. */ } /* Function Name: GetValueFromUser * Description: This function gets a value from a user for the field * specified. * Arguments: prompt - prompt for user. * pointer - pointer to default value, will be returned * as new value. * Returns: SUB_ERROR if break hit (^C). */ int GetValueFromUser(char *prompt, char **pointer) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; if (PromptWithDefault(prompt, buf, BUFSIZ, *pointer) == 0) return SUB_ERROR; /* * If these are the same then there is no need to allocate a new string. * * a difference that makes no difference, IS no difference. */ if (*pointer) { if (strcmp(buf, *pointer)) { free(*pointer); *pointer = strdup(buf); } } return SUB_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: GetYesNoValueFromUser * Description: This function gets a value from a user for the field * specified. * Arguments: prompt - prompt for user. * pointer - pointer to default value, will be returned * as new value. * Returns: SUB_ERROR if break hit (^C). */ int GetYesNoValueFromUser(char *prompt, char **pointer) { char user_prompt[BUFSIZ]; Bool default_val; if (!strcmp(*pointer, DEFAULT_YES)) default_val = TRUE; else default_val = FALSE; sprintf(user_prompt, "%s (y/n)", prompt); switch (YesNoQuestion(user_prompt, default_val)) { case TRUE: if (*pointer) free(*pointer); *pointer = strdup(DEFAULT_YES); break; case FALSE: if (*pointer) free(*pointer); *pointer = strdup(DEFAULT_NO); break; case -1: default: return SUB_ERROR; } return SUB_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: GetFSVal * Description: asks about a specific filesystem value. * Arguments: name - string for this type of filesystem. * mask - mask for this type of filesystem. * current - current filesystem state. (for defaults). * new - new filesystem state. * Returns: TRUE if successful. */ static Bool GetFSVal(char *name, int mask, int current, int *new) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(temp_buf, "Is this a %s filsystem", name); switch (YesNoQuestion(temp_buf, ((mask & current) == mask))) { case TRUE: *new |= mask; break; case FALSE: break; /* zero by default. */ default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Function Name: GetFSTypes * Description: Allows user to specify filsystem types. * Arguments: current - current value of filsystem, freed here. * Returns: SUB_ERROR on ^C. */ int GetFSTypes(char **current, int options) { int c_value, new_val = 0; /* current value of filesys type (int). */ char ret_value[BUFSIZ]; if (!*current) c_value = 0; else c_value = atoi(*current); if (GetFSVal("student", MR_FS_STUDENT, c_value, &new_val) == FALSE) return SUB_ERROR; if (GetFSVal("faculty", MR_FS_FACULTY, c_value, &new_val) == FALSE) return SUB_ERROR; if (GetFSVal("staff", MR_FS_STAFF, c_value, &new_val) == FALSE) return SUB_ERROR; if (GetFSVal("miscellaneous", MR_FS_MISC, c_value, &new_val) == FALSE) return SUB_ERROR; if (options) { if (GetFSVal("Group Quotas", MR_FS_GROUPQUOTA, c_value, &new_val) == FALSE) return SUB_ERROR; } FreeAndClear(current, TRUE); sprintf(ret_value, "%d", new_val); *current = strdup(ret_value); return SUB_NORMAL; } /* atot: convert ASCII integer unix time into human readable date string */ char *atot(char *itime) { time_t time; char *ct; time = (time_t) atoi(itime); ct = ctime(&time); ct[24] = 0; return &ct[4]; } /* Function Name: Print * Description: prints out all the arguments on a single line. * Arguments: argc, argv - the standard Moira arguments. * callback - the callback function - NOT USED. * Returns: MR_CONT */ int Print(int argc, char **argv, void *callback) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; int i; found_some = TRUE; strcpy(buf, argv[0]); /* no newline 'cause Put_message adds one */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) sprintf(buf, "%s %s", buf, argv[i]); Put_message(buf); return MR_CONT; } /* Function Name: PrintByType * Description: This function prints all members of the type specified * by the callback arg, unless the callback is NULL, in which * case it prints all members. * Arguments: argc, argc - normal arguments for mr_callback function. * callback - either a type of member or NULL. * Returns: MR_CONT or MR_QUIT. */ int PrintByType(int argc, char **argv, void *callback) { if (!callback) return Print(argc, argv, callback); if (!strcmp(argv[0], callback)) return Print(argc, argv, callback); return MR_CONT; } /* Function Name: PrintHelp * Description: Prints Help Information in a NULL terminated * char **. * Arguments: message. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int PrintHelp(char **message) { int i; for (i = 0; i < CountArgs(message); i++) Put_message(message[i]); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: Loop * Description: This function goes through the entire queue, and * and executes the given function on each element. * Arguments: elem - top element of the queue. * func - the function to execute. * Returns: none. */ void Loop(struct mqelem *elem, void (*func)(char **)) { while (elem) { (*func) (elem->q_data); elem = elem->q_forw; } } /* Function Name: QueryLoop * Description: This functions loops through a queue containing * information about some item that we want to perform * an operation on, and then calls the correct routine * perform that operation. * Arguments: top - top of the queue of information. * print_func - print function. * op_function - operation to be performed. * query_string - string the prompts the user whether or not * to perform this operation. * Returns: none. * NOTES: * print_opt - should expect one arguent, the info array * of char *'s. * is expected to return the name of the item. * op_func - should expect two arguments. * 1) the info array of char *'s. * 2) a boolean the is true if there only * one item in this queue, used for delete * confirmation. * query_string - this should be of such a form that when the * name of the object and '(y/n/q) ?' are appended * then it should still make sense, an example is * "Delete the list" */ void QueryLoop(struct mqelem *elem, char * (*print_func)(char **), void (*op_func)(char **, Bool), char *query_string) { Bool one_item; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *name; elem = QueueTop(elem); one_item = (QueueCount(elem) == 1); while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; if (one_item) (*op_func) (info, one_item); else { name = (*print_func) (info); /* call print function. */ sprintf(temp_buf, "%s %s (y/n/q)", query_string, name); switch (YesNoQuitQuestion(temp_buf, FALSE)) { case TRUE: (*op_func) (info, one_item); break; case FALSE: break; default: /* Quit. */ Put_message("Aborting..."); return; } } elem = elem->q_forw; } } /* Function Name: NullPrint * Description: print function that returns nothing. * Arguments: info - a pointer to the info array - Not used. * Returns: none. */ char *NullPrint(char **info) { return info[NAME]; } /* Function Name: GetTypeValues * Description: gets legal values for a typed object, keeping a cache * Arguments: type name * Returns: argv of values */ struct mqelem *GetTypeValues(char *tname) { int stat; char *argv[3], *p, **pp; struct mqelem *elem, *oelem; static struct mqelem *cache = NULL; struct cache_elem { char *cache_name; struct mqelem *cache_data; } *ce; for (elem = cache; elem; elem = elem->q_forw) { ce = elem->q_data; if (!strcmp(ce->cache_name, tname)) return ce->cache_data; } argv[0] = tname; argv[1] = "TYPE"; argv[2] = "*"; elem = NULL; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_alias", 3, argv, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in GetTypeValues"); return NULL; } oelem = elem; for (elem = QueueTop(elem); elem; elem = elem->q_forw) { pp = elem->q_data; p = strdup(pp[2]); FreeInfo(pp); elem->q_data = p; } elem = malloc(sizeof(struct mqelem)); ce = malloc(sizeof(struct cache_elem)); ce->cache_name = strdup(tname); ce->cache_data = QueueTop(oelem); elem->q_data = ce; AddQueue(elem, cache); cache = QueueTop(elem); return ce->cache_data; } /* Function Name: GetTypeFromUser * Description: gets a typed value from the user * Arguments: prompt string, type name, buffer pointer * Returns: SUB_ERROR if ^C, SUB_NORMAL otherwise */ int GetTypeFromUser(char *prompt, char *tname, char **pointer) { char def[BUFSIZ], buffer[BUFSIZ], *p, *argv[3]; struct mqelem *elem; int stat; strcpy(def, *pointer); strcpy(buffer, prompt); strcat(buffer, " ("); for (elem = GetTypeValues(tname); elem; elem = elem->q_forw) { /* Make sure we don't blow up and get too long a prompt */ if (strlen(buffer) > 64) break; strcat(buffer, elem->q_data); if (elem->q_forw) strcat(buffer, ", "); } strcat(buffer, ")"); /* Trim the prompt if it is too long */ if (strlen(buffer) > 64) sprintf(buffer, "%s (? for help)", prompt); if (GetValueFromUser(buffer, pointer) == SUB_ERROR) return SUB_ERROR; if (**pointer == '?') { sprintf(buffer, "Type %s is one of:", tname); Put_message(buffer); for (elem = GetTypeValues(tname); elem; elem = elem->q_forw) Put_message(elem->q_data); *pointer = strdup(def); return GetTypeFromUser(prompt, tname, pointer); } for (elem = GetTypeValues(tname); elem; elem = elem->q_forw) { if (!strcasecmp(elem->q_data, *pointer)) { strcpy(*pointer, elem->q_data); return SUB_NORMAL; } } sprintf(buffer, "\"%s\" is not a legal value for %s. Use one of:", *pointer, tname); Put_message(buffer); for (elem = GetTypeValues(tname); elem; elem = elem->q_forw) Put_message(elem->q_data); sprintf(buffer, "Are you sure you want \"%s\" to be a legal %s", *pointer, tname); if (YesNoQuestion("Do you want this to be a new legal value", 0) == TRUE && YesNoQuestion(buffer, 0) == TRUE) { argv[0] = tname; argv[1] = "TYPE"; argv[2] = *pointer; /* don't uppercase access flags. Do uppercase everything else */ if (strncmp(tname, "fs_access", 9)) { for (p = argv[2]; *p; p++) { if (islower(*p)) *p = toupper(*p); } } if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_alias", 3, argv, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in add_alias"); else { elem = malloc(sizeof(struct mqelem)); elem->q_data = strdup(*pointer); AddQueue(elem, GetTypeValues(tname)); Put_message("Done."); } } *pointer = strdup(def); return GetTypeFromUser(prompt, tname, pointer); } /* Function Name: GetAddressFromUser * Description: gets an IP address from the user * Arguments: prompt string, buffer pointer * buffer contains default value as long int * Returns: SUB_ERROR if ^C, SUB_NORMAL otherwise */ int GetAddressFromUser(char *prompt, char **pointer) { char *value, buf[256]; struct in_addr addr; int ret; addr.s_addr = htonl(atoi(*pointer)); value = strdup(inet_ntoa(addr)); ret = GetValueFromUser(prompt, &value); if (ret == SUB_ERROR) return SUB_ERROR; addr.s_addr = inet_addr(value); free(*pointer); sprintf(buf, "%d", ntohl(addr.s_addr)); *pointer = strdup(buf); return SUB_NORMAL; } int do_mr_query(char *name, int argc, char **argv, int (*proc)(int, char **, void *), void *hint) { int status; extern char *whoami, *moira_server; refresh_screen(); status = mr_query(name, argc, argv, proc, hint); if (status != MR_ABORTED && status != MR_NOT_CONNECTED) return status; status = mrcl_connect(moira_server, whoami, QUERY_VERSION, 0); if (status != MRCL_SUCCESS) { com_err(whoami, status, " while re-connecting to server %s", moira_server); return MR_ABORTED; } status = mr_krb5_auth(whoami); if (status == MR_UNKNOWN_PROC) status = mr_auth(whoami); if (status) { com_err(whoami, status, " while re-authenticating to server %s", moira_server); mr_disconnect(); return MR_ABORTED; } status = mr_query(name, argc, argv, proc, hint); return status; }