#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id: from.pl,v 1.6 2004-07-29 19:11:51 rbasch Exp $ # This is an implementation of the Athena "from" utility using the # Perl interface to the Cyrus imclient IMAP library. use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Cyrus::IMAP; use Getopt::Std; sub usage(;$); sub send_command($); sub search_callback(@); sub fetch_callback(@); sub number_callback(@); sub make_msgspecs(@); sub close_connection(); sub get_localmail(); sub get_terminal_width(); sub errorout($); sub usage(;$) { print STDERR "from: $_[0]\n" if $_[0]; print STDERR <] [] Options: -N check only NEW messages in IMAP mailbox (default is UNSEEN) -A check all messages in IMAP mailbox -m check (default is INBOX) -h query instead of default post office server -s show mail from only -n be silent when there is no mail -r include Subject header -v include To, Date, and Subject headers -t display message totals only -p check post office server only -u check local mail only -d turn on debugging EOF exit 1; } # By default, we search for UNSEEN messages. If the user specifies -N, # we search for NEW messages (NEW is equivalent to "UNSEEN RECENT"). # If -A is given, we check ALL messages. my $search_key = "unseen"; # Parse the command line arguments. my %opts; getopts('Adh:m:Nnprs:tuv', \%opts) || usage; my $have_user = 0; my $username = shift @ARGV; if ($username) { $have_user = 1; } else { $username = $ENV{"ATHENA_USER"} || $ENV{'USER'} || getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[0] || errorout "Cannot determine user name"; } usage "Too many arguments" if @ARGV > 0; my $checkall = $opts{'A'} && ($search_key = "all"); my $debug = $opts{'d'}; my $host = $opts{'h'} || (split(" ", `hesinfo $username pobox`))[1] || errorout "Cannot find Post Office server for $username"; exit 0 if $host eq "EXCHANGE.MIT.EDU"; my $mbox = $opts{'m'} || "INBOX"; my $quiet = $opts{'n'}; my $checknew = $opts{'N'} && ($search_key = "new"); my $imaponly = $opts{'p'}; my $report = $opts{'r'}; my $sender = $opts{'s'}; my $totals_only = $opts{'t'}; my $localonly = $opts{'u'}; my $verbose = $opts{'v'}; usage "Cannot specify both -A and -N" if $checkall && $checknew; usage "Cannot specify both -p and -u" if $imaponly && $localonly; usage "Cannot specify both -r and -t" if $report && $totals_only; usage "Cannot specify both -t and -v" if $totals_only && $verbose; # Check local mail first. my $localcount = 0; $localcount = get_localmail() unless $imaponly; exit 0 if $localonly; # Check mail on the IMAP server. # Connect to the server, and authenticate. my $client = Cyrus::IMAP->new($host) || errorout "Cannot connect to IMAP server on $host"; unless ($client->authenticate(-authz => $username)) { close_connection(); errorout "Cannot authenticate to $host"; } # Examine the mailbox. This gives the numbers of existing and recent # messages, as well as selecting the mailbox for read-only access. my $recentmsgcount = -1; my $totalmsgcount = -1; my @msgids = (); my @pomsgs = (); my $cb_numbered = Cyrus::IMAP::CALLBACK_NUMBERED; $client->addcallback({-trigger => 'EXISTS', -flags => $cb_numbered, -callback => \&number_callback, -rock => \$totalmsgcount}); $client->addcallback({-trigger => 'RECENT', -flags => $cb_numbered, -callback => \&number_callback, -rock => \$recentmsgcount}); send_command "EXAMINE \"$mbox\""; if ($totalmsgcount && !($checknew && !$recentmsgcount)) { # Search the mailbox to obtain the message UID's. $client->addcallback({-trigger => 'SEARCH', -callback => \&search_callback, -rock => \@msgids}); send_command "UID SEARCH $search_key" . ($sender ? " FROM $sender" : ""); # If there are messages of interest, fetch their size, and any desired # headers. if (@msgids > 0) { my $fetch = "RFC822.SIZE"; $fetch .= " BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM TO SUBJECT DATE)]" unless $totals_only; $client->addcallback({-trigger => 'FETCH', -flags => $cb_numbered, -callback => \&fetch_callback, -rock => \@pomsgs}); foreach (make_msgspecs(@msgids)) { send_command "UID FETCH $_ ($fetch)"; } } } my $msgcount = @pomsgs; # We are done talking to the IMAP server, close down the connection. close_connection(); my $msg; # Print out the summary line if appropriate. if (($verbose || $totals_only) && ($msgcount > 0 || !$quiet)) { my $totalsize = 0; for $msg (@pomsgs) { $totalsize += $msg->{size}; } print $have_user ? "$username has " : "You have "; if ($msgcount > 0) { print "$msgcount " . ($checkall ? "total" : $search_key) . " message" . ($msgcount > 1 ? 's' : '') . " ($totalsize bytes)" . ($checkall ? "" : ", $totalmsgcount total,"); } else { print "no" . ($checkall || $totalmsgcount == 0 ? "" : " $search_key") . " messages"; } print " in $mbox on $host" . ($verbose && $msgcount > 0 ? ':' : '.') . "\n"; } # Show the desired headers if appropriate. if (!$totals_only && $msgcount > 0) { my $subject_width; print ucfirst(($checkall ? "" : "$search_key ") . "mail in IMAP folder $mbox:\n") unless $verbose || $imaponly; if ($report) { my $tty_width = get_terminal_width(); $subject_width = ($tty_width > 33 ? $tty_width - 33 : 0); } for $msg (@pomsgs) { if ($report) { printf("%-30.30s ", $msg->{from}); print substr($msg->{subject}, 0, $subject_width) if $msg->{subject} && $subject_width; print "\n"; } else { if ($verbose) { print "\n"; print "To: $msg->{to}\n" if $msg->{to}; print "Subject: $msg->{subject}\n" if $msg->{subject}; print "Date: $msg->{date}\n" if $msg->{date}; } print "From: $msg->{from}\n"; } } } # Subroutine to send a command to the IMAP server, and wait for the # response; any defined callbacks for the response are invoked. # If the server response indicates failure, we error out. sub send_command($) { print "Sending: $_[0]\n" if $debug; my ($status, $text) = $client->send('', '', $_[0]); print "Response: status $status, text $text\n" if $debug; errorout "Premature end-of-file on IMAP connection to $host" if $status eq 'EOF'; if ($status ne 'OK') { close_connection(); errorout "IMAP error for $mbox on $host: $text" } } # Callback subroutine to parse the response from a SEARCH command. # The "-text" hash element contains the returned message UIDs, # separated by a space. The "-rock" element is a reference to the # array in which to store the UIDs. sub search_callback(@) { my %cb = @_; print "In SEARCH callback: text $cb{-text}\n" if $debug; @{$cb{-rock}} = split(/\s/, $cb{-text}); } # Callback subroutine to parse the response from a FETCH command. # This callback will be invoked for each message. The "-text" hash # element contains the text returned by the server. The "-rock" # element is a reference to the array in which to push a hash of the # various message data items. sub fetch_callback(@) { my %cb = @_; my ($from, $to, $subject, $date) = ''; my $size = 0; print "In FETCH callback: text $cb{-text}\n" if $debug; for (split /\r\n/, $cb{-text}) { $size = $1 if /RFC822.SIZE\s+(\d+)/io; $from = $_ if s/^From:\s*//io; $to = $_ if s/^To:\s*//io; $subject = $_ if s/^Subject:\s*//io; $date = $_ if s/^Date:\s*//io; } push @{$cb{-rock}}, {from => $from, to => $to, subject => $subject, date => $date, size => $size}; } # Callback subroutine to parse a numeric value. The "-rock" hash # element is a reference to the scalar in which to store the number. sub number_callback(@) { my %cb = @_; print "In number callback: keyword $cb{-keyword}, number $cb{-msgno}\n" if $debug; ${$cb{-rock}} = $cb{-msgno}; } # This subroutine takes a list of IMAP message UID numbers, and constructs # single-string representations of the set, collapsing sequences into # ranges where possible. In order to avoid constructing a specification # which is too long to be processed, the result is returned as an array # of manageably-sized specification strings, currently limited to about # 200 characters each. sub make_msgspecs(@) { return '' if @_ == 0; my @specs = (); my $first = shift(@_); my $last = $first; my $spec = $first; foreach (@_) { if ($_ != $last + 1) { # This UID is not in sequence with the previous element. # If that marks the end of a range, complete it. $spec .= ":$last" if ($first != $last); # Begin a new sequence. Create another spec string if the # current one is getting long. if (length($spec) > 200) { push @specs, $spec; $spec = $_; } else { $spec .= ",$_"; } $first = $_; } $last = $_; } # Complete the final range if necessary. $spec .= ":$last" if ($first != $last); push @specs, $spec if ($spec); return @specs; } # Logout from the IMAP server, and close the connection. sub close_connection() { $client->send('', '', "LOGOUT"); # Set the client reference to undef, so that perl invokes the # destructor, which closes the connection. Note that if we invoke # the destructor explicitly here, then perl will still invoke it # again when the program exits, thus touching memory which has # already been freed. $client = undef; } # Get mail from the local ("Unix") mail drop. # Returns the number of messages found. sub get_localmail() { my $maildrop = $ENV{'MAILDROP'} || "/var/spool/mail/$username"; # Open the mail drop. unless (open MAIL, $maildrop) { errorout "Cannot open maildrop $maildrop" if $localonly; return 0; } my $count = 0; my $from = ''; while () { chop; if ($_ eq '' && $from) { print "$from\n" unless $totals_only; $count++; $from = ''; } elsif (/^From\s+([^\s\t]*)/o) { next if $sender && $1 !~ /$sender/io; print "Local mail:\n" unless ($count > 0 || $totals_only || $localonly); $from = $_; } } if ($from) { print "$from\n" unless $totals_only; $count++; } if ($totals_only && $count) { my $size = -s MAIL; print $have_user ? "$username has" : "You have"; print " $count local messages ($size bytes).\n"; } close(MAIL); return $count; } sub get_terminal_width() { my $columns = 80; open STTY, "stty -a |" or return $columns; while () { if (/columns[\s=]+(\d+);/o) { $columns = $1; last; } } close STTY; return $columns; } sub errorout($) { print STDERR "from: $_[0]\n"; exit 1; }