#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # A script to change the IP/hostname on a cluster machine # jdreed@mit.edu use strict; use Socket; use File::Copy; use Getopt::Std; # sulogin gets upset if it gets a ^C $SIG{'INT'} = 'bail'; my $MASKS="/usr/share/debathena-recovery-mode-config/masks"; if (defined($ARGV[0]) && ($ARGV[0] eq 'test')) { print "Change IP address or hostname\n"; exit 0; } sub confirm { my $question = shift || "Continue?"; print "${question} (y/n) "; my $ans = ; return ($ans =~ m/^y$/i); } sub bail { if ($_[0] eq 'INT') { print "\nCancelled."; } else { print shift; } print "\n\n(press ENTER to return to the recovery mode menu)\n"; my $dummy = ; exit 0; } sub mask { my $ip = shift; my $mask = shift; my $mbits = pack("B*", (1 x $mask) . (0 x (32 - $mask))); my $ibits = pack("CCCC", split(/\./, $ip)); my $net = $ibits & $mbits; return join('.', unpack("CCCC", $net)); } sub cidr2ip { my $cidr = shift; return join('.', unpack("CCCC", pack("B*", (1 x $cidr) . (0 x (32 - $cidr))))); } sub validIP { my $ip = shift; if ($ip =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/) { if (scalar(grep { ($_ <= 255) && ($_ >= 0) } ($1, $2, $3, $4)) == 4) { return 1; } } return 0; } # main # Sanity checks foreach (qw(/etc/network/interfaces /etc/hosts /etc/hostname)) { (-w $_) || bail("Cannot write to $_. (Are you root?)"); } (-r $MASKS) || bail("Cannot read $MASKS"); my $machtype = `machtype -L`; chomp($machtype); if ($machtype ne 'debathena-cluster') { print "WARNING: This script is designed for debathena-cluster machines but\n"; print "this machine is running $machtype.\n"; confirm("Are you SURE you want to continue?") || bail("OK, cancelled."); } my $ip = ''; until (validIP($ip)) { if ($ip) { print "Invalid IP address ($ip). Try again.\n"; } print "Enter the new IP address: "; ($ip = ) =~ s/\s//g; } print "Looking up hostname..."; my $fqdn = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($ip), AF_INET); if ($fqdn) { print " found.\n"; } else { $fqdn = ''; print " not found.\n"; until ($fqdn =~ /^[a-z][\w\-\.]*/i) { print "Please enter the machine's new hostname: "; ($fqdn = ) =~ s/\s//g; } } $fqdn = lc($fqdn); my $hostname = $fqdn; if ($fqdn =~ /\./) { $hostname = (split(/\./, $fqdn))[0]; } else { print "NOTE: No domain specified, assuming 'mit.edu'"; $fqdn = "${hostname}.mit.edu"; } my ($subnetmask, $gateway); print "Looking up netmask information...\n"; open(MASKS, $MASKS) || bail("Cannot read $MASKS: $!"); while () { next if (/^#/); next unless (/\d/); my ($addr, $sbits, $mbits, $gw) = split(' '); #the ' ' pattern emulates awk if (mask($ip, $sbits) eq $addr) { $subnetmask = cidr2ip($mbits); if (! $gw) { my @octets = split(/\./, mask($ip, $mbits)); my $trailing = pop(@octets) + 1; $gateway = join('.', @octets, $trailing); } else { $gateway = $gw; } last; } } (defined($subnetmask) && defined($gateway)) || bail("Could not find a matching line in masks file for $ip.\nIf you are sure you typed the IP address correctly, please report\nthis error to IS&T, along with the IP address you were trying to use."); close(MASKS); print "IP address: $ip\n"; print "Subnet Mask: $subnetmask\n"; print "Gateway: $gateway\n"; print "Hostname: $hostname\n"; print "FQDN: $fqdn\n\n"; confirm("Does that look correct?") || bail("OK, cancelled."); print "Updating /etc/network/interfaces...\n"; copy("/etc/network/interfaces", "/etc/network/interfaces.old") || bail("Could not copy /etc/network/interfaces"); open(INTERFACES, ">/etc/network/interfaces") || bail ("Could not overwrite /etc/network/interfaces: $!"); print INTERFACES <<"ENDINTERFACES"; # This file was created by $0 # The loopback interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address $ip netmask $subnetmask gateway $gateway dns-nameservers ENDINTERFACES close(INTERFACES); print "Updating /etc/hosts...\n"; copy("/etc/hosts", "/etc/hosts.old") || bail("Could not copy /etc/hosts"); open(HOSTS, ">/etc/hosts") || bail ("Could not overwrite /etc/hosts: $!"); print HOSTS <<"ENDHOSTS"; # This file was created by $0 localhost $fqdn $hostname # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ff02::3 ip6-allhosts ENDHOSTS close(HOSTS); print "Updating /etc/hostname...\n"; copy("/etc/hostname", "/etc/hostname.old") || bail("Could not copy /etc/hostname"); open(HOSTNAME, ">/etc/hostname") || bail ("Could not overwrite /etc/hostname: $!"); print HOSTNAME "$hostname\n"; close(HOSTNAME); print "Setting hostname...\n"; system("/bin/hostname", $hostname); print "\nDone! You will need to reboot the workstation for the\n"; print "changes to take effect.\n"; confirm("Would you like to reboot now?") || bail("Please perform a full shutdown and reboot as soon as possible."); print "The workstation will now power down completely.\n"; print "When you turn it back on, it will use the new IP address.\n\n"; print "(press ENTER to power down the workstation)"; getc(STDIN); system("/sbin/poweroff"); exit 0;