#!/bin/sh # This is the xinit script for the kiosk user. datadir=/usr/share/debathena-kiosk # The rkiosk extension's unique ID, and the location of its xpi file. rkiosk_id="{4D498D0A-05AD-4fdb-97B5-8A0AABC1FC5B}" rkiosk_xpi=$datadir/r-kiosk.xpi # File with preferences to set in the firefox profile. prefs="$datadir/prefs.js" # User chrome (UI customizations) file. chrome="$datadir/userChrome.css" cd || exit 1 exec > xinit.log 2>&1 XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority export XAUTHORITY # Run a window manager so that firefox fullscreen mode works. metacity --sm-disable & choice=$(zenity --title="What would you like to do?" --text="Select the task y\ ou wish to perform, then click \"OK\"" --list --column="task" --column="Activ\ ity" --hide-column=1 "reg" "Register for Account" "web" "Browse the Web") [ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 0 if [ "$choice" = "reg" ]; then errtext="An error occurred while trying to launch the registration applet. Please try another workstation." classzip="/afs/athena.mit.edu/system/register/java/regclasses.zip" if [ ! -r "$classzip" ]; then zenity --error --text="${errtext}\n\n(could not unzip class file)" exit 0 fi unzip $classzip java -Dhost="moira.mit.edu" regapplet.Regapplet || zenity --error --text="${errtext}\n\n(could not launch java)" exit 0 fi # Create a new firefox profile. rm -rf .mozilla firefox -CreateProfile default > /dev/null || exit 1 profdir=$(find .mozilla/firefox -type d -name \*.default) # Add the rkiosk extension. rkiosk_dir="$profdir/extensions/$rkiosk_id" mkdir -p "$rkiosk_dir" (cd "$rkiosk_dir" && unzip "$rkiosk_xpi") || exit 1 cat <> "$profdir/extensions.ini" [ExtensionDirs] Extension0=$rkiosk_dir EOF # Firefox 3.6+ requires a chrome.manifest for the extension. if [ ! -e "$rkiosk_dir/chrome.manifest" ]; then cp "$datadir/chrome.manifest.r-kiosk" "$rkiosk_dir/chrome.manifest" || exit 1 fi # Apply our preference settings and UI customizations. cat "$prefs" >> "$profdir/prefs.js" || exit 1 cp "$chrome" "$profdir/chrome/userChrome.css" || exit 1 # Launch firefox. firefox # Clean up. rm -rf .mozilla