source: trunk/debathena/meta/cups/debathena-cups.equivs @ 23060

Revision 23060, 399 bytes checked in by broder, 17 years ago (diff)
Create debathena-cups metapackage to deal with lack of support for disjunction in sbuild.
1Section: debathena/net
2Priority: extra
3Standards-Version: 3.6.2
5Package: debathena-cups
6Version: 0.1.0
7Maintainer: Debian-Athena Project <>
8Depends: cups | cupsys
9Suggests: debathena-cupsys-config
10Copyright: ../common/copyright
11Readme: ../common/
12Description: CUPS for Debian-Athena
13 This package depends on CUPS. It is otherwise empty, so you may
14 safely remove it.
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