source: trunk/debathena/meta/extra-software/debathena-extra-software.equivs @ 24909

Revision 24909, 1.1 KB checked in by geofft, 14 years ago (diff)
extra-software: Recommend poppler-data This is non-Free metrics data or something from Adobe that fixes display of PDFs in certain scripts. Notably, course handouts for 21F.103 are among the PDFs that need this data to render properly. Reported by davidben.
1Section: debathena/base
2Priority: extra
3Standards-Version: 3.8.0
5Package: debathena-extra-software
6Version: 0.26
7Maintainer: Debathena Project <>
8Conflicts: debathena-cluster-software
9Replaces: debathena-cluster-software
10Depends: debathena-extra-software-nox,
11  gnome-devel,
12  pidgin | gaim, pidgin-encryption | gaim-encryption,
13  gv,
15  thunderbird | mozilla-thunderbird | icedove,
16  vim-gnome,
17  gnuplot,
18  gimp,
19  eclipse,
20  idle,
21  twm,
22  ratpoison,
23  wmaker, wmbubble, wmbutton, wmcalclock, wmfire, wmhdplop, wmmemload, wmnd, wmtop, wmweather,
24  xmonad, dwm-tools,
25  git-gui, gitk,
26  compizconfig-settings-manager
27Recommends: flashplugin-nonfree,
28  mplayer,
29  msttcorefonts,
30  ttf-xfree86-nonfree,
31  sun-java6-plugin | icedtea6-plugin.
32  poppler-data,
33Copyright: ../common/copyright
34Readme: ../common/
35Description: Athena auxiliary software
36 This package pulls in miscellaneous non-Athena-specific software
37 for a fully-stocked Athena workstation.
38 .
39 Graphical applications are included; debathena-extra-software-nox
40 is the non-graphical subset.
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