#!/bin/sh cd /athena10-intrepid touch preseed pxetype="" netconfig () { echo "Configuring network..." mp=/athena10-intrepid export IPADDR NETMASK GATEWAY SYSTEM CONTROL while [ -z "$IPADDR" ] ; do echo -n "Enter IP address: " read IPADDR done NETMASK=`$mp/athena/netparams -f $mp/athena/masks $IPADDR|cut -d\ -f 1` net=`$mp/athena/netparams -f $mp/athena/masks $IPADDR|cut -d\ -f 2` bc=`$mp/athena/netparams -f $mp/athena/masks $IPADDR|cut -d\ -f 3` GATEWAY=`$mp/athena/netparams -f $mp/athena/masks $IPADDR|cut -d\ -f 4` maskbits=`$mp/athena/netparams -f $mp/athena/masks $IPADDR|cut -d\ -f 5` echo "Autoconfigured settings:" echo " Netmask bits: $maskbits" echo " Broadcast: $bc" echo " Gateway: $GATEWAY" echo -n "Are these OK? [Y/n]: "; read response case $response in y|Y|"") ;; *) echo -n "Netmask bits [$maskbits]: "; read r; if [ "$r" ] ; then maskbits=$r ; fi echo -n "Broadcast [$bc]: "; read r; if [ "$r" ] ; then bc=$r ; fi echo -n "Gateway [$GATEWAY]: "; read r; if [ "$r" ] ; then GATEWAY=$r ; fi esac # We can not set the hostname here; running "debconf-set netcfg/get_hostname" # causes fatal reentry problems. Setting values directly with preseeding # also fails, as the DHCP values override it. echo "Killing dhcp client." killall dhclient echo "Running: ip addr flush dev eth0" ip addr flush dev eth0 echo "Running: ip addr add $IPADDR/$maskbits broadcast $bc dev eth0" ip addr add $IPADDR/$maskbits broadcast $bc dev eth0 echo "Flushing old default route." route delete default 2> /dev/null echo "Running: route add default gw $GATEWAY" route add default gw $GATEWAY echo "Replacing installer DHCP nameserver with MIT nameservers." sed -e '/nameserver/s/ .*/' < /etc/resolv.conf > /etc/resolv.conf.new echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf.new echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf.new mv -f /etc/resolv.conf.new /etc/resolv.conf } echo "Welcome to Athena 10." echo while [ -z "$pxetype" ] ; do echo "Choose one:" echo echo " 1: Perform an unattended Athena 10 install, WIPING OUT your ENTIRE DISK." echo " This will give you a CLUSTER-style \"public workstation\" setup," echo " and you hereby agree with the license terms at:" echo " ," echo " Sun's Operating System Distributor License for Java version 1.1." echo " 2: Do a normal Athena 10 install. You'll need to answer normal Ubuntu" echo " install prompts, and then the Athena-10-specific prompts, including" echo " choosing which flavor of Athena 10 you'd like." echo " 8: Punt to a completely vanilla install of Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)" echo " (Note: locale and keyboard have already been set.)" echo echo " 9: /bin/sh (for rescue purposes)" echo echo -n "Choose: " read r case "$r" in 1) echo "Athena 10 CLUSTER it is."; pxetype=cluster ;; 2) echo "Normal Athena 10 install it is."; pxetype=choose ;; 8) echo "Vanilla Ubuntu it is."; pxetype=vanilla;; 9) echo "Here's a shell. You'll return to this prompt when done." /bin/sh;; *) echo "Choose one of the above, please.";; esac done ############################################################################## if [ vanilla = $pxetype ] ; then echo "WARNING: if you let the system default to using a DHCP address, this" echo "may not work for you, as you won't be able to reach the off-campus" echo "Ubuntu repositories. If you cancelled that and configured manually," echo "or otherwise believe you have a functional address, you can continue." echo "Would you like to configure a static address before switching back to" echo -n "a vanilla Ubuntu install? [y/N]: " while : ; do read r case "$r" in N*|n*|"") break;; y*|Y*) netconfig; break;; esac echo -n "Choose: [y/N]: " done echo "Starting normal Ubuntu install in five seconds." sleep 5 exit 0 fi if [ cluster = $pxetype ] ; then cat << EOF  ************************************************************ DESTROYS THIS PROCEDURE DESTROYS THE CONTENTS OF THE HARD DISK. DESTROYS IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO CONTINUE, REBOOT NOW. ************************************************************ EOF echo "Installing autoinstall preseed file." egrep -v '(^$|^#)' < preseed.autoinstall >> preseed fi # Set up a usable static network config, since the DHCP address is not very useful. netconfig # Shovel in the generically useful preseed stuff regardless. egrep -v '(^$|^#)' < preseed.common >> preseed # ...and the specified network config. cat >> preseed < $mp/pxe-install-flag echo "Initial Athena 10 installer complete; exiting preconfig to start main install." echo "Hit return to continue." read r exit 0