1 | ! name title contains contained in callback ; |
2 | |
3 | menu up: "up" {up} [NULL] ; |
4 | menu root: +h "Dash" {root} [NULL] ; |
5 | menu Dash: "Dash" {dash} [root] ; |
6 | menu help: "Help" {help} [root/20] ; |
7 | menu courseware: "Courseware" {courseware} [root/30] ; |
8 | menu communication: "Communication" {communication} [root/40] ; |
9 | menu writeedit: "Text/Graphics" {editing} [root/50] ; |
10 | menu nummath: "Numerical/Math" {numeric,math} [root/60] ; |
11 | menu programming: "Programming" {programming} [root/70] ; |
12 | menu swinfo: "SoftwareInfo" {swinfo} [root/80] ; |
13 | menu special: "Special" {misc} [root/90] ; |
14 | |
15 | item yhelp: "About Dash" [dash/01] ; |
16 | item qhelp: "How to use Dash menus" [dash/02] ; |
17 | menu screenaccs: "Screen Accessories" {screenaccs} [dash/03] ; |
18 | item lower: "Lower menu bar" -verify [dash/10] lowerMenu(); |
19 | item hidemenus: "Hide menus - read help first! ->" [dash/20] unmapTree("menuTree"); |
20 | item verify: "Confirmation Off" -verify [dash/20] toggleVerify("* Confirmation On"); |
21 | item helptoggle: "Hide `?' Buttons" -verify [dash/100] toggleHelp("* Show `?' Buttons"); |
22 | item restart: "Restart Dash" -verify [dash/500] restart(); |
23 | item quitopt: "Quit Dash" [dash/1000] -verify createMapTree("quitDialog"),mapTree("quitDialog"),warpTree("quitDialog") ; |
24 | item gnomeopt: "Re-enable GNOME" [dash/1050] -verify createMapTree("enableGNOME"),mapTree("enableGNOME"),warpTree("enableGNOME") ; |
25 | item logoutopt: "Logout of Athena" [dash/1100] -verify createMapTree("logoutDialog"),mapTree("logoutDialog"),warpTree("logoutDialog") ; |
26 | |
27 | item xterm: "New xterm window" [screenaccs][misc] exec("xterm"); |
28 | item analogclock: "Analog Clock" [screenaccs/10] createTree("clockTree"); |
29 | item xmcd: "Audio CD Player" -sgi [screenaccs/10] add("sipb"),exec("xmcd"); |
30 | item digitalclock: "Digital Clock" [screenaccs/10] exec("xclock -digital"); |
31 | item load: "Workstation Load Gauge" [screenaccs/10] exec("xload"); |
32 | item xcalcti: "Calculator (TI style)" [screenaccs/10][analysis/100] exec("xcalc"); |
33 | item xcalchp: "Calculator (HP style)" [screenaccs/10][analysis/100] exec("xcalc -rpn"); |
34 | item calendar: "Calendar" [screenaccs/10] add("calendar"),exec("/mit/calendar/%B/xcal"); |
35 | item screensaver: "Screen Saver" [screenaccs/10] exec("xss-button"); |
36 | item logoutbutton: "Logout Button" [screenaccs/100] createMapTree("logoutButton"),mapTree("logoutButton"); |
37 | |
38 | menu ehelp: "Emergency help" {ehelp} [help/01] ; |
39 | menu mhelp: "Help on MIT" {mhelp} [help/10] ; |
40 | menu ahelp: "Help on Athena" {ahelp} [help/20] ; |
41 | menu chelp: "Other computer help" {chelp} [help/30] ; |
42 | |
43 | item police: "Campus police" [ehelp/10] ; |
44 | item deans: "Dean's office" [ehelp/20] ; |
45 | item medical: "Medical department" [ehelp/30] ; |
46 | item nightline: "Nightline" [ehelp/40] ; |
47 | item contactline: "Contact Line" [ehelp/50] ; |
48 | item psych: "Psychiatric services" [ehelp/60] ; |
49 | |
50 | ! item lucy: "Advice from Lucy" [mhelp/40] ; |
51 | item mitdir: "MIT Directory" [mhelp/50] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/search.html") ; |
52 | item map: "Campus Map" [mhelp/100] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/map.html") ; |
53 | |
54 | item olh: "On Line Help" [ahelp/10] exec("help") ; |
55 | item olcstock: "OLC Answers" [ahelp/20] exec("xterm -e olc answers") ; |
56 | item olc: "On Line Consulting" [ahelp/30] exec("xterm -e olc") ; |
57 | item xman: "Manual Pages" -rsaix [ahelp/40] exec("xman") ; |
58 | item minic: "Athena Minicourses" [ahelp/42] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/minidev/") ; |
59 | item hotline: "Hardware Hotline" [ahelp/45][ehelp/70][misc/90] ; |
60 | item xcluster: "Athena Cluster Map" [ahelp/70] exec("xcluster") ; |
61 | |
62 | item ishelp: "I/S Computing Help Desk" [chelp] ; |
63 | item mcc: "MIT Computer Connection" [chelp] ; |
64 | item sipb: "Student Information Processing Board" [chelp] ; |
65 | |
66 | menu mail: "Mail" {email} [communication] ; |
67 | menu zephyr_m: "Zephyr" {zephyr} [communication/1] ; |
68 | menu netnews_m: "Netnews" {netnews} [communication/1] ; |
69 | menu discuss_m: "Discuss" {discuss} [communication/1] ; |
70 | menu www_m: "WorldWideWeb" {www} [communication/1] ; |
71 | !menu gopher_m: "Gopher" {gopher} [communication/1] ; |
72 | |
73 | item aboutmh: "About MH (Mail Handler)" [email] ; |
74 | item mh: "Text-based MH programs" [email] ; |
75 | item xmh: "XMH (X Mail Handler)" [email/10] exec("xmh") ; |
76 | item exmh: "EXMH" [email/15] add("sipb"),exec("exmh") ; |
77 | item mh-rmail: "Emacs Mail Handler" [email/20] exec("emacs -f mh-rmail") ; |
78 | item mailmaint: "Mailmaint" [email/30] exec("xterm -e mailmaint") ; |
79 | item listmaint: "Listmaint" [email/40] exec("xterm -e listmaint") ; |
80 | |
81 | item aboutzephyr: "About Zephyr" [zephyr] ; |
82 | item zwrite: "Sending messages" [zephyr/5] ; |
83 | item zlocate: "Locating another user" [zephyr/10] ; |
84 | ! item zsub: "Listening for messages" [zephyr] ; |
85 | ! menu zephyrvis: "Zephyr Visibility" {zephyrvis} [privacy,zephyr] ; |
86 | |
87 | item zephhide: "Hide location" [zephyrvis] exec("zctl hide") ; |
88 | item zephunhide: "Unhide location" [zephyrvis] exec("zctl unhide") ; |
89 | item zephannounce: "Announce logins" [zephyrvis] exec("zctl set exposure realm-announced") ; |
90 | item zephunannounce: "Don't announce logins" [zephyrvis] exec("zctl set exposure realm-visible") ; |
91 | item zephhidelogin: "Hide location on login" [zephyrvis/1000] exec("zctl set exposure none") ; |
92 | |
93 | item aboutnews: "About Netnews" [netnews/0] ; |
94 | item xrn: "X News Reader" [netnews/10] add("sipb"),exec("xrn") ; |
95 | item rrn: "Text-based News Reader" [netnews/15] add("sipb"),exec("xterm -e rrn") ; |
96 | item gnus: "Emacs News Reader" [netnews/20] attach("sipb"),exec("emacs -l /afs/athena/system/config/dash/emacs-gnus.el -f gnus"); |
97 | |
98 | item aboutdiscuss: "About Discuss" [discuss/0] ; |
99 | item xdsc: "X Discuss Reader" [discuss/10] exec("xdsc") ; |
100 | item discuss: "Text-based Discuss Reader" [discuss/15] exec("xterm -e discuss") ; |
101 | item edsc: "Emacs Discuss Reader" [discuss/20] exec("emacs -f discuss") ; |
102 | |
103 | item wwwcert: "Certificates at MIT" [www/0] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/is/help/cert/") ; |
104 | menu wwwlynx: "Lynx" {lynx} [www/1] ; |
105 | menu wwwnetscape: "Netscape 4 (default)" {netscape} [www/2] ; |
106 | menu wwwnetscape3: "Netscape 3" {netscape3} [www/3] ; |
107 | menu mozilla: "Mozilla" {mozilla} [www/4] ; |
108 | |
109 | item lynxmit: "Lynx - MIT Home Page" [lynx/10] add("infoagents"),exec("xterm -e lynx http://web.mit.edu/") ; |
110 | item lynxsipb: "Lynx - SIPB Home Page" [lynx/20] add("infoagents"),exec("xterm -e lynx http://www.mit.edu/sipb/") ; |
111 | ! item lynxdefault: "Lynx - default Home Page" [lynx/30] add("infoagents"),exec("xterm -e lynx") ; |
112 | |
113 | item netscapemit: "Netscape 4 - MIT Home Page" -decmips [netscape/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/netscape http://web.mit.edu/"); |
114 | item netscapesipb: "Netscape 4 - SIPB Home Page" -decmips [netscape/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/netscape http://www.mit.edu/sipb/"); |
115 | ! item netscapedefault: "Netscape 4 - default Home Page" -decmips [netscape/30] exec("/usr/athena/bin/netscape") ; |
116 | |
117 | item netscape3mit: "Netscape 3 - MIT Home Page" -decmips [netscape3/10] add("infoagents"),exec("netscape-3.01 http://web.mit.edu/"); |
118 | item netscape3sipb: "Netscape 3 - SIPB Home Page" -decmips [netscape3/20] add("infoagents"),exec("netscape-3.01 http://www.mit.edu/sipb/"); |
119 | ! item netscape3default: "Netscape 3 - default Home Page" -decmips [netscape3/30] add("infoagents"),exec("netscape-3.01") ; |
120 | |
121 | item mozillamit: "Mozilla - MIT Home Page" -decmips [mozilla/10] add("infoagents"),exec("mozilla"); |
122 | item mozillasipb: "Mozilla - SIPB Home Page" -decmips [mozilla/20] add("infoagents"),exec("mozilla http://www.mit.edu/sipb/"); |
123 | |
124 | menu textediting: "Text" {textediting} [editing/1] ; |
125 | menu graphicsediting: "Graphics" {graphicsediting} [editing/2] ; |
126 | menu cad: "CAD" {cad} [editing/3] ; |
127 | |
128 | item emacs: "Emacs" [textediting/1] exec("emacs") ; |
129 | item ez: "EZ" [textediting/2] exec("ez -d") ; |
130 | item latex: "LaTeX" [textediting/3] ; |
131 | menu framestuff: "FrameMaker" {framestuff} [textediting/4] |
132 | ; |
133 | item frame: "Maker" -linux -decmips -rsaix [framestuff/1] add("frame"),exec("maker") ; |
134 | item imaker: "Imaker" -sun4 -sgi -linux -decmips -rsaix [framestuff/2] ; |
135 | item framereader: "Reader (Acrobat)" -decmips [framestuff/3] add("acro"),exec("acroread") ; |
136 | |
137 | item soffice: "StarOffice (limited OLC support)" -sgi [textediting/4][graphicsediting/7][spreadsheets/15] add("soffice"),exec("soffice") ; |
138 | |
139 | |
140 | item aboutpictures: "About picture editors" [graphicsediting/0] ; |
141 | item coreldraw: "CorelDraw" -linux [graphicsediting/1] add("corel"),exec("coreldraw") ; |
142 | item xpaint: "Xpaint" [graphicsediting/5] add("graphics"),exec("xpaint") ; |
143 | item xfig: "Xfig" [graphicsediting/4] add("sipb"),exec("xfig") ; |
144 | item tgif: "Tgif" [graphicsediting/3] add("sipb"),exec("tgif") ; |
145 | item xv: "XV" [graphicsediting/6] add("graphics"),exec("xv") ; |
146 | item graphother: "Other" [graphicsediting/8] ; |
147 | ! item with weight 10 in this menu is a separator. ; |
148 | item xwd: "xwd/xwud" [graphicsediting/30] ; |
149 | item xdpr: "xdpr" [graphicsediting/30] exec("xdpr") ; |
150 | item bitmap: "bitmap" [graphicsediting/20] ; |
151 | |
152 | item autocad13: "AutoCAD 13" -linux [cad/10] add("autocad"),exec("autocad -version 13") ; |
153 | item autocad12: "AutoCAD 12" -linux [cad/20] add("autocad"),exec("autocad -version 12") ; |
154 | |
155 | |
156 | |
157 | menu complanguages: "Supported Languages" {complanguages} [programming/1] ; |
158 | menu otherlanguages: "Unsupported Languages" {otherlanguages} [programming/2] ; |
159 | menu debuggers: "Debuggers" {debuggers} [programming/10] ; |
160 | menu toolslibs: "Toolkits and Libraries" {toolkits,libraries} [programming/10] ; |
161 | |
162 | item clang: "C/C++" [complanguages] ; |
163 | item fortranlang: "FORTRAN" [complanguages] ; |
164 | item javalang: "Java (no OLC support)" [complanguages] ; |
165 | |
166 | item pascal: "Pascal" [otherlanguages] ; |
167 | item perl: "Perl" [otherlanguages] ; |
168 | item ct: "cT" [otherlanguages] ; |
169 | item lisp: "Allegro Common Lisp" [otherlanguages] ; |
170 | item schemelang: "Scheme" [otherlanguages] ; |
171 | item multilang: "Multi" [otherlanguages] ; |
172 | |
173 | item codecenter: "Codecenter" [debuggers/10] ; |
174 | item multi: "Multi" [debuggers/20] ; |
175 | item xlibs: "X Libraries" [libraries/5] ; |
176 | item mathlib: "Math Libraries" [libraries/7][analysis] ; |
177 | item numrecipes: "Numerical Recipes" [libraries/10] ; |
178 | item lapack: "LAPACK" [libraries/11] ; |
179 | |
180 | |
181 | |
182 | menu spreadsheets: "Spreadsheets" {spreadsheets} [numeric] ; |
183 | menu analyplot: "Analysis and Plotting" {analysis,plotting} [numeric] ; |
184 | |
185 | item aboutspreadsheets: "About spreadsheets" [spreadsheets/1] ; |
186 | item sc: "SC" [spreadsheets/10] add("sipb"),exec("xterm -e sc") ; |
187 | item xess: "Xess" [spreadsheets/10][104/50] add("xess"),exec("xess") ; |
188 | |
189 | item splus: "S-PLUS" [analysis] add("splus"),exec("xterm -e splus") ; |
190 | item sas: "SAS" -sgi [analysis,plotting] add("sas"),exec("sas") ; |
191 | item maple: "Maple" [plotting] add("maple"),exec("maple"); |
192 | item tecplot: "Tecplot" [plotting] add("tecplot"),exec("tecplot"); |
193 | item matlab: "MATLAB" [104/40][course6/5][course16][analysis,plotting] add("matlab"),exec("matlab") ; |
194 | |
195 | |
196 | item sw-wrw: "List of available software" [swinfo/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/acs/whereruns.html"); |
197 | item sw-new: "What's new?" [swinfo/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/acs/whatsnew.html"); |
198 | !item sendbug from [misc/30] [swinfo/30] ; |
199 | item sw-help: "Help and comments" [swinfo/40] ; |
200 | |
201 | |
202 | item rules: "Athena Rules of Use" [misc/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/olh/Welcome/rules.html"); |
203 | item licenses: "Software licenses" [misc/20] ; |
204 | item sendbug: "Send a bug report" [misc/30][ahelp/49][swinfo/30] exec("xterm -e sendbug") ; |
205 | item library: "MIT Libraries" [misc/100] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://libraries.mit.edu/"); |
206 | |
207 | item websis: "WebSIS" [misc/40] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview -c http://student.mit.edu"); |
208 | item logout: "Logout of Athena" [misc/1000] -verify createMapTree("logoutDialog"),mapTree("logoutDialog"),warpTree("logoutDialog") ; |
209 | |
210 | !item lucyann: "Lucy is available" [announce] ; |
211 | |
212 | |
213 | item aboutcw: "About Courseware" [courseware/10] ; |
214 | item olta: "OLTA (On Line TA)" [courseware/20] add("olta"),exec("xterm -e olta") ; |
215 | menu neos: "NEOS" {neos} [courseware/30] ; |
216 | menu esg: "Experimental Study Group (ESG)" {esg} [courseware/40] ; |
217 | menu frosh: "Freshman Seminars" {frosh} [courseware/50] ; |
218 | menu course1: "1 Civil Engineering" {course1} [courseware/60] ; |
219 | menu course2: "2 Mechanical Engineering" {course2} [courseware/70] ; |
220 | menu course3: "3 Materials Science and Engineering" {course3} [courseware/80] ; |
221 | menu course4: "4 Architecture" {course4} [courseware/90] ; |
222 | menu course5: "5 Chemistry" {course5} [courseware/100] ; |
223 | menu course6: "6 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science" {course6} [courseware/110] ; |
224 | menu course7: "7 Biology" {course7} [courseware/120] ; |
225 | menu course8: "8 Physics" {course8} [courseware/130] ; |
226 | menu course9: "9 Brain and Cognitive Sciences" {course9} [courseware/140] ; |
227 | menu course10: "10 Chemical Engineering" {course10} [courseware/150] ; |
228 | menu course11: "11 Urban Studies and Planning" {course11} [courseware/160] ; |
229 | menu course12: "12 Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science" {course12} [courseware/170] ; |
230 | menu course13: "13 Ocean Engineering" {course13} [courseware/180] ; |
231 | menu course14: "14 Economics" {course14} [courseware/190] ; |
232 | menu course16: "16 Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering" {course16} [courseware/200] ; |
233 | menu course17: "17 Political Science" {course17} [courseware/210] ; |
234 | menu course18: "18 Mathematics" {course18} [courseware/220] ; |
235 | menu course21: "21 Humanities" {course21} [courseware/230] ; |
236 | menu course22: "22 Nuclear Engineering" {course22} [courseware/240] ; |
237 | menu course24: "24 Linguistics and Philosophy" {course24} [courseware/250] ; |
238 | menu courseHST: "HST Health Sciences and Technology" {courseHST} [courseware/260] ; |
239 | menu courseSTS: "STS Science, Technology, and Society" {courseSTS} [courseware/270] ; |
240 | |
241 | item aboutneos: "About NEOS" [neos] ; |
242 | item eos: "Eos" -linux [neos/10] add("andrew"),exec("eos"); |
243 | item grade: "Grade" -linux [neos/10] add("andrew"),exec("grade"); |
244 | |
245 | item fishwrap: "Fishwrap" -decmips [frosh/10][misc/90] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://fishwrap.mit.edu/") ; |
246 | help fishwrap: |
247 | "This brings up the Fishwrap home page in an existing web browser, |
248 | or starts a new browser if one is not running. Fishwrap is the MIT Media |
249 | Laboratory's experimental interactive newspaper project. The project |
250 | tailors the content of your paper based on regional or topical interest from |
251 | news wires like the AP, Reuters and Knight-Ridder. |
252 | "; |
253 | |
254 | item esg7.01: "7.01-ESG Hyper Textbook" [esg/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://esg-www.mit.edu:8001/esgbio/7001main.html") ; |
255 | |
256 | item esg18.01a: "18.01A-ESG" [esg/12] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/18.01-esg/18.01A/home.html"); |
257 | |
258 | item esg18.02: "18.02/18.02A-ESG" [esg/14] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/18.02-esg/18.02A/home.html"); |
259 | |
260 | item esg18.02_is: "18.02-ESG Independent Study" [esg/16] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/18.02-esg/18.02IS/main.html"); |
261 | |
262 | item esg18.023: "18.023-ESG" [esg/18] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/18.02-esg/www/18.023/home.html"); |
263 | |
264 | item esg18.03_is: "18.03-ESG Independent Study" [esg/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/18.03-esg/www/home.html"); |
265 | |
266 | item esg_robotics: "ESG Robotics Seminar Home Page" [esg/30] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/esg/proj/ic/www"); |
267 | |
268 | item esg_sp281: "SP281: Hands-on Engineering Projects" [esg/40] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/esg/sp281/www/home.html"); |
269 | |
270 | item 100web: "1.00 Home Page" [course1/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://monett.mit.edu/100/home.nsf") ; |
271 | |
272 | |
273 | menu 104: "1.050/1.105" {104} [course1/20] ; |
274 | |
275 | ! a MATLAB menu item appears here at [104/40]. (from analysis,plotting); |
276 | ! an Xess menu item also appears here at [104/50]. (from spreadsheets); |
277 | |
278 | item 104setup: "1.050/1.105 Setup" -sgi [104/5] add("1.04"),exec("config_pdf"); |
279 | item 104book: "1.050/1.105 Electronic Textbook" -sgi [104/10] add("1.04"),exec("launch_book") ; |
280 | item 104frame2d: "Matrix Methods - Frame2d" -sgi [104/20] add("1.04"),exec("frame2d.sh"); |
281 | item 104truss2d: "Matrix Methods - Truss2d" -sgi [104/30] add("1.04"),exec("truss2d.sh"); |
282 | item 104taxonomy: "Taxonomy of Materials" -sgi [104/40] add("1.04"),exec("Taxonomy.sh"); |
283 | |
284 | help 104setup: |
285 | "Run this once to configure your .mailcap and |
286 | .mime.types files to be able to run the |
287 | 1.050/1.105 Electronic Textbook. |
288 | "; |
289 | item 1124web: "1.124 Home Page" [course1/25] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu//1.124/www/home.html") ; |
290 | |
291 | item 1.130web: "1.130 Home Page" [course1/26] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/1.130"); |
292 | |
293 | item tunsim: "Tunnel Simulator" -sgi [course1/30] add("1.383_dev"),exec("xterm -title Tunnel_Simulator -e SIMSUPER &"); |
294 | item assess: "Assess" -sun4 [course1/40] add("1.101"),exec("xterm -n Assess -e assess"); |
295 | item growltiger: "Growltiger" [course1/50] add("growltiger"),exec("growltiger"); |
296 | |
297 | item meweb: "me.mit.edu ME Home Page" [course2/02] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://me.mit.edu/"); |
298 | help meweb: |
299 | "The WWW server for the Mechanical |
300 | Engineering Department. |
301 | "; |
302 | |
303 | menu 2001: "2.001" {2001} [course2/10] ; |
304 | |
305 | item 2001web: "2.001 Home Page" [2001/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu//2.001/www/home.html"); |
306 | item 2001frame2d: "Matrix Methods - Frame2d" [2001/15] add("2.01"),exec("frame2d"); |
307 | item 2001truss2d: "Matrix Methods - Truss2d" [2001/20] add("2.01"),exec("truss2d"); |
308 | |
309 | item 2002web: "2.002 Home Page" [course2/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/2.002/www/index.html"); |
310 | |
311 | item 2004web: "2.004 Home Page" [course2/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/2.004/www/index.html"); |
312 | |
313 | item 2010web: "2.010 Home Page" [course2/30] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/2.010/www/index.html"); |
314 | |
315 | item 2032web: "2.032 Home Page" [course2/50] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/2.032/www/home.html") ; |
316 | |
317 | item 2670web: "2.670 Home Page" [course2/60] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://me.mit.edu/2.670"); |
318 | |
319 | item adina: "ADINA" [course2/70] add("adina"),exec("runaui"); |
320 | help adina: |
321 | "ADINA is a finite-element analysis package used in |
322 | Mechanical Engineering graduate courses. No support |
323 | or assistance is available outside of those courses. |
324 | Please direct all questions to your instructor or TA |
325 | if appropriate. |
326 | "; |
327 | |
328 | item mematlab: "MATLAB" [course2/80] add("matlab"),exec("matlab"); |
329 | help mematlab: |
330 | "An interactive 'matrix laboratory' for manipulating |
331 | matrices, plotting data sets, and general numerical |
332 | computation. |
333 | |
334 | To run: add matlab; matlab |
335 | "; |
336 | |
337 | item proeng: "Pro/ENGINEER" -decmips [course2/90] add("parametric"),exec("proeng"); |
338 | help proeng: |
339 | "Solid modelling software from Parametric |
340 | Technologies, Inc. For support/assistance |
341 | contact your TA or advisor. |
342 | |
343 | To run: add parametric; proeng |
344 | "; |
345 | |
346 | menu visdycon: "Visdycon" {visd} [course2/100] ; |
347 | item sysresp: "System Response" [visd/05] add("visdycon"),exec("sysresp"); |
348 | item rlocus: "Root Locus" [visd/10] add("visdycon"),exec("rlocus"); |
349 | ! item lingraph: "Linear Graph" -sun4 -dec -sgi [visd/15] add("visdycon"); |
350 | ! item bodiag: "Bode Diagrams" -sun4 -dec -sgi [visd/20] add("visdycon"); |
351 | item visinfo: "Information" [visd/25] setup("visdycon"),exec("xterm -n Visdycon"); |
352 | item vihelp: "Visdycon Help" [visd/30] ; |
353 | |
354 | |
355 | menu 300: "3.00" {300} [course3/10] ; |
356 | item 300phase: "Phase" -sgi [300] add("3.00"),exec("phase"); |
357 | |
358 | help 300phase: |
359 | "From a workstation type: |
360 | |
361 | add 3.00 |
362 | phase |
363 | "; |
364 | |
365 | item 3082: "3.082 Home Page" [course3/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/3.082/www/"); |
366 | item 3091: "3.091" [course3/30] setup("3.091"),exec("xterm -n 3.091"); |
367 | item 311: "3.11 Home Page" [course3/40] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/course/3/3.11/www/home.html"); |
368 | |
369 | menu 3185: "3.185" {3185} [course3/60] ; |
370 | |
371 | item 3185gas: "Gas Properties" -sun4 [3185/10] add("3.185"),exec("Propgas"); |
372 | item 3185heat: "Heat Transfer" -sun4 [3185/20] add("3.185"),exec("Heattrans"); |
373 | item 3185fluid: "Fluid Flow" -sun4 [3185/30] add("3.185"),exec("Fluidflow"); |
374 | item 3185web: "3.185 Home Page" [3185/40] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/3.185/www/"); |
375 | |
376 | help 3185web: |
377 | "This brings up the 3.185 World Wide |
378 | Web home page in an existing browser, |
379 | or starts a new browser if one is |
380 | not running. |
381 | |
382 | "; |
383 | |
384 | item 3s32web: "3-S32 Home Page" [course3/80] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/3s32/www/index.html"); |
385 | |
386 | item 353web: "3.53 Home Page" [course3/90] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/3.53/www/index.html"); |
387 | |
388 | menu 4.203: "4.203" {4203} [course4/1] ; |
389 | item 4023Manual: "AutoCAD Manual" -decmips [4203/5] add("autocad"),exec("/mit/autocad/bin/dtext"); |
390 | item 4203acad12: "AutoCAD 12" -sgi [4203/25] add("4.203"),exec("/mit/4.203/bin/autocad -version 12"); |
391 | item 4203acad13: "AutoCAD 13" -decmips [4203/20] add("4.203"),exec("/mit/4.203/bin/autocad -version 13"); |
392 | |
393 | menu aboutcrl: "About the CRL" {aboutcrl} [course4/2] ; |
394 | menu aboutcrl2: "About the CRL" {aboutcrl2} [course11/2] ; |
395 | item askcrl: "Ask the Staff" [aboutcrl/1][aboutcrl2/1]; |
396 | help askcrl: |
397 | "To get more help from CRL on any topic, send email |
398 | to <crlhelp@mit.edu> and someone from the Lab Staff |
399 | will get back to you as soon as possible." ; |
400 | |
401 | item crlolh: "Answers" -decmips [aboutcrl/2][aboutcrl2/2] attach("crl"),add("frame"),exec("reader +viewerIsServer -file /mit/crl/Help/help/about-crl.doc") ; |
402 | |
403 | item 507web: "5.07 Home Page" [course5/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/5.07/www/course.html") ; |
404 | item 511web: "5.11 Home Page" [course5/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/5.11/www/") ; |
405 | |
406 | menu 6003: "6.003 Signals & Systems" {6003} [course6/10] ; |
407 | item 6003matlab: "6.003 MATLAB" [6003/10] add("6.003"),exec("6003matlab"); |
408 | |
409 | item 6012web: "6.012 Home Page" -decmips [course6/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/6.012/www/index.htm") ; |
410 | |
411 | menu quantphys: "6.021J/6.521J Quantitative Physiology" {6021j} [course6/30] ; |
412 | item quantphysx11: "X11 Software" [6021j/10] setup("6.021J"),exec("xterm -n qp"); |
413 | item quantphysmat4: "MATLAB v4 Software" [6021j/20] add("6.021J"),exec("6021matlab4"); |
414 | item quantphysdef: "MATLAB v5 Software" [6021j/30] add("6.021J"),exec("6021matlab"); |
415 | |
416 | menu 6022jcvsim: "6.022J" {6022j} [course6/40] ; |
417 | item 6022cvsim: "CVSIM" -sgi [6022j] add("hst"),exec("xterm -e cvsim"); |
418 | |
419 | item 6041: "6.041/6.431 Probabilistic Systems Analysis" [course6/50] setup("6.041"),exec("xterm -n 6.041/6.431"); |
420 | item 6070web : "6.070 Home Page" [course6/60] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/6.070/index.html") ; |
421 | item 6071web: "6.071 Home Page" [course6/70] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/6.071/www/home.html") ; |
422 | item 6111: "6.111 Digital Design Tools" [course6/80] setup("6.111"),exec("xterm -n 6.111"); |
423 | |
424 | item 6270: "6.270 Robot Design" -sun4 [course6/90] setup("6.270"),exec("xterm -n 6.270"); |
425 | item 6728web: "6.728 Home Page" [course6/100] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/6.728/www/home.html"); |
426 | item 6730web: "6.730 Home Page" [course6/110] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/6.730/www/info.html"); |
427 | item 6965web: "6.965 Home Page" [course6/120] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/6.728/www/home.html"); |
428 | |
429 | item 701web: "7.01x Home Page" [course7/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/7.01x/www"); |
430 | item 702web: "7.02 Home Page" [course7/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/7.02/www"); |
431 | |
432 | item 801web: "8.01 Home Page" [course8/05] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/8.01/www"); |
433 | |
434 | item 802web: "8.02 Home Page" [course8/06] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/8.02/www"); |
435 | |
436 | item 803web: "8.03 Home Page" [course8/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/8.03/Kaspi/"); |
437 | item 804web: "8.04 Home Page" [course8/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/8.04/www/8.04.html"); |
438 | |
439 | item 10001web: "10.001 Home Page" [course10/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/10.001/Web/index.html"); |
440 | |
441 | item 10213web: "10.213 Home Page" [course10/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/10.213/www/10213hp.html") ; |
442 | |
443 | item 10490web: "10.490 Home Page" [course10/30] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/10.490/Web/index.html"); |
444 | |
445 | item 10491web: "10.491 Home Page" [course10/40] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/10.491/Web/index.html"); |
446 | |
447 | menu 10550: "10.550" {10550} [course10/50] ; |
448 | item 10550control: "10.550 Control Modules" [10550/10] attach("10.550"),add("matlab"),exec("matlab /mit/10.550/Courseware/PCM"); |
449 | item 10551web: "10.551 Home Page" [course10/60] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/10.551/www/index.html"); |
450 | |
451 | item xmap: "MITMapper" -sgi [course11/10] attach("crldata"),add("crlbin"),exec("mitmap"); |
452 | |
453 | menu 11227: "11.227" {11227} [course11/20] ; |
454 | item 11227tips: "Helpful Tips" -decmips [11227/10] attach("crl"),add("frame"),exec("reader +viewerIsServer -file /mit/crl/Help/tips") ; |
455 | |
456 | menu 11520: "11.520" {11520} [course11/30] ; |
457 | item 11520tips: "Helpful Tips" -decmips [11520/10] attach("11.520"),add("frame"),exec("reader +viewerIsServer -file /mit/11.520/Help/tips"); |
458 | |
459 | menu 11521: "11.521" {11521} [course11/40] ; |
460 | item 11521tips: "Helpful Tips" -decmips [11521/10] attach("11.521"),add("frame"),exec("reader +viewerIsServer -file /mit/11.521/Help/tips"); |
461 | |
462 | item mathematica: "Mathematica" -sgi [course12] add("math"),exec("mathematica"); |
463 | help mathematica: |
464 | "A limited number of Mathematica licenses are available on Athena. |
465 | The package is supported only on the context of a course; please |
466 | contact your course TA for help. |
467 | |
468 | Mathematica is NOT available on Athena SGIs. |
469 | |
470 | To run on a workstation: |
471 | |
472 | add math; mathematica |
473 | |
474 | To run over dialup: |
475 | |
476 | add math; math |
477 | |
478 | Other help: add math; mathbook |
479 | select entry under the `Help' menu |
480 | (X-based version of the application) |
481 | |
482 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
483 | "; |
484 | |
485 | ! PROPHD only runs on DECstations |
486 | menu 1304: "13.04" {1304} [course13] ; |
487 | item prophd: "PROP-HD" -sgi -sun4 [1304] add("13.04"),exec("xterm -e /mit/13.04/%Mbin/prophd"); |
488 | |
489 | ! SHCP, RUNSUB, NORPLOT, VIEWDXF only run on DECstations |
490 | menu shipdesign: "Ship Design" {shipdesign} [course13] ; |
491 | |
492 | item SHCP: "SHCP" -sgi -sun4 [shipdesign] attach("13.ship"),exec("xterm -e /mit/13.ship/shcp/%Mbin/runshcp"); |
493 | item RUNSUB: "Runsub" -sgi -sun4 [shipdesign] attach("13.ship"),exec("xterm -e /mit/13.ship/subs/%Mbin/runsub"); |
494 | item NORPLOT: "Norplot" -sgi -sun4 [shipdesign] attach("13.ship"),exec("xterm -e /mit/13.ship/norplot/%Mbin/Norplot"); |
495 | item VIEWDXF: "Viewdxf" -sgi -sun4 [shipdesign] attach("13.ship"),exec("xterm -e /mit/13.ship/autocad/%Mbin/viewdxf"); |
496 | |
497 | |
498 | item 14.01web: "14.01 Home Page" [course14/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/14.01/www/"); |
499 | item 14.02web: "14.02 Home Page" [course14/12] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/14.02/www/"); |
500 | item 1421jweb: "14.21J Home Page" [course14/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/14.21j/www/index.html"); |
501 | item 1431web: "14.31 Home Page" [course14/23] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/14.31/www/"); |
502 | item 1474web: "14.74 Home Page" [course14/25] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/14.74/www/"); |
503 | item 1475jweb: "14.75J Home Page" [course14/30] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/14.75j/www/"); |
504 | item 14a02web: "14a02 Home Page" [course14/40] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/14a02/www/index.html"); |
505 | |
506 | ! Matlab appears here on the course 16 menu; |
507 | |
508 | item 18.01web: "18.01 Home Page" [course18/4] sh("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://www-math.mit.edu/~bray/18.01 &"); |
509 | ! URLs with tildes are problematic because the string gets passed to exec callback with ~ interpreted as HOME (cf. dash man page); |
510 | ! sh callback just uses Bourne shell and seems to DTRT but in case of trouble, switch to the form below instead; |
511 | ! item 18.01web: "18.01 Home Page" [course18/4] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://www-math.mit.edu/%%7eszenes/1801.html"); |
512 | |
513 | item 18.01Aweb: "18.01A Home Page" [course18/5] sh("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://math.mit.edu/~apm/1801A.html"); |
514 | item 18.02web: "18.02 Home Page" [course18/7] sh("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://math.mit.edu/~donald/1802.html"); |
515 | |
516 | menu 1803: "18.03" {1803} [course18/10] ; |
517 | item 1803web: "18.03 Home Page" [1803/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://math.mit.edu/%%7eapm/1803.html"); |
518 | item 1803maple: "Maple" [1803/20] add("maple"),exec("maple"); |
519 | item 1803matlab: "MATLAB" [1803/30] add("matlab"),exec("matlab"); |
520 | item 1803x1: "xphased 1" [1803/40] add("18.03"),exec("x1"); |
521 | item 1803x2: "xphased 2" [1803/50] add("18.03"),exec("x2"); |
522 | |
523 | menu 1804: "18.04" {1804} [course18/12] ; |
524 | item 1804web: "18.04 Home Page" [1804/05] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://www-math.mit.edu/18.04/"); |
525 | item 1804matlab4: "18.04 MATLAB 4" [1804/10] add("18.04"),exec("18.04matlab4"); |
526 | item 1804matlab5: "18.04 MATLAB 5" [1804/20] add("18.04"),exec("18.04matlab5"); |
527 | |
528 | menu 1806: "18.06" {1806} [course18/15] ; |
529 | item 1806web: "18.06 Home Page" [1806/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/18.06/www/index.html"); |
530 | item 1806matlab: "18.06 MATLAB" [1806/30] add("18.06"),exec("1806matlab"); |
531 | |
532 | item 18.100Aweb: "18.100A Home Page" [course18/17] sh("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://math.mit.edu/~apm/18100A.html"); |
533 | |
534 | menu 18311: "18.311" {18311} [course18/20] ; |
535 | item 18311web: "18.311 Home Page" [18311/05] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://www-math.mit.edu/18.311/"); |
536 | item 18311matlab4: "18.311 MATLAB 4" [18311/10] add("18.311"),exec("18.311matlab4"); |
537 | item 18311matlab5: "18.311 MATLAB 5" [18311/20] add("18.311"),exec("18.311matlab5"); |
538 | |
539 | item 18.327web: "18.327 Home Page" [course18/25] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/18.327"); |
540 | |
541 | menu 18385: "18.385" {18385} [course18/30] ; |
542 | item 18385matlab4: "18.385 MATLAB 4" [18385] add("18.385"),exec("18.385matlab4"); |
543 | item 18385matlab5: "18.385 MATLAB 5" [18385] add("18.385"),exec("18.385matlab5"); |
544 | item dstool: "dstool" -sgi [18385] add("18.385"),exec("xterm -sb -e dstool"); |
545 | item xphased: "xphased" -sgi [18385] add("18.385"),exec("xphased"); |
546 | |
547 | |
548 | menu french: "French" {french} [course21/10] ; |
549 | |
550 | item french2web: "French II Home Page" [french] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/21.french/francaisII/"); |
551 | |
552 | ! Should check the 21.254 items - they are probably out of date.; |
553 | |
554 | menu japanese: "Japanese" {japanese} [course21/20] ; |
555 | item jmaterials: "Japanese 1-8 Materials (WWW)" [japanese/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://www-japan.mit.edu/mit/mit-materials/"); |
556 | |
557 | menu 21254: "Advanced Japanese (21F505)" {21254} [japanese/40] ; |
558 | |
559 | item 21254head: "`Current Japanese' Texts" [21254/5] ; |
560 | |
561 | item 21254r1: "Lesson 1" -sgi [21254/10] attach("21.japan"),attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current1"); |
562 | item 21254r2: "Lesson 2" -sgi [21254/20] attach("21.japan"),attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current2"); |
563 | item 21254r3: "Lesson 3" -sgi [21254/30] attach("21.japan"),attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current3"); |
564 | item 21254r4: "Lesson 4" -sgi [21254/40] attach("21.japan"),attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current4"); |
565 | item 21254r5: "Lesson 5" -sgi [21254/50] attach("21.japan"),attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current5"); |
566 | item 21254r6: "Lesson 6" -sgi [21254/60] attach("21.japan"),attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current6"); |
567 | item 21254r7: "Lesson 7" -sgi [21254/70] attach("21.japan"),attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current7"); |
568 | item 21254r8: "Lesson 8" -sgi [21254/80] attach("21.japan"),attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current8"); |
569 | |
570 | item separator: "___________________" [japanese/50] ; |
571 | item kterm: "Kterm" -sgi [japanese/60] attach("nihongo"),exec("/mit/nihongo/bin/kterm"); |
572 | item bkterm: "Kterm (large font)" -sgi [japanese/70] attach("nihongo"),exec("/mit/nihongo/bin/bigkterm"); |
573 | item mule: "Mule (multi-language emacs)" -sgi [japanese/80] attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/mule"); |
574 | item bmule: "Mule (large font)" -sgi [japanese/90] attach("babel"),exec("/mit/babel/bin/bigmule"); |
575 | item jdict: "J/E, E/J, Kanji Dictionary" -sgi [japanese/100] attach("nihongo"),exec("/mit/nihongo/bin/kterm -e /mit/nihongo/bin/xjdic"); |
576 | item bjdict: "Dictionary (large font)" -sgi [japanese/110] attach("nihongo"),exec("/mit/nihongo/bin/bigkterm -e /mit/nihongo/bin/xjdic"); |
577 | |
578 | help jmaterials: |
579 | "This menu item launches Netscape, with the MIT Japanese Language Program |
580 | materials page as its starting point. You can start Netscape yourself: |
581 | |
582 | add infoagents |
583 | /mit/infoagents/bin/Netscape & |
584 | |
585 | and simply open the URL: |
586 | |
587 | http://www-japan.mit.edu/mit/mit-materials/ |
588 | |
589 | to get to the same page. |
590 | |
591 | NOTE: We can only guarantee results (proper display of Japanese text, |
592 | and browser configuration) if you use this version of Netscape. |
593 | "; |
594 | |
595 | help 21254r1: |
596 | "This brings up a copy of Current Japanese, Lesson 1 in a mule |
597 | window with a large, easy-to-read font. |
598 | |
599 | To run: attach 21.japan |
600 | add babel; mule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current1 & |
601 | |
602 | To print the file: |
603 | |
604 | (inside mule while viewing the file) M-x print-mule-buffer |
605 | |
606 | (outside of mule) add nihongo; attach 21.japan; jlpr /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current1 |
607 | |
608 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
609 | "; |
610 | |
611 | help 21254r2: |
612 | "This brings up a copy of Current Japanese, Lesson2 in a mule |
613 | window with a large, easy-to-read font. |
614 | |
615 | To run: attach 21.japan |
616 | add babel; mule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current2 & |
617 | |
618 | To print the file: |
619 | |
620 | (inside mule while viewing the file) M-x print-mule-buffer |
621 | |
622 | (outside of mule) add nihongo; attach 21.japan; jlpr /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current2 |
623 | |
624 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
625 | "; |
626 | |
627 | help 21254r3: |
628 | "This brings up a copy of Current Japanese, Lesson 3 in a mule |
629 | window with a large, easy-to-read font. |
630 | |
631 | To run: attach 21.japan |
632 | add babel; mule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current3 & |
633 | |
634 | To print the file: |
635 | |
636 | (inside mule while viewing the file) M-x print-mule-buffer |
637 | |
638 | (outside of mule) add nihongo; attach 21.japan; jlpr /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current3 |
639 | |
640 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
641 | "; |
642 | |
643 | help 21254r4: |
644 | "This brings up a copy of Current Japanese, Lesson4 in a mule |
645 | window with a large, easy-to-read font. |
646 | |
647 | To run: attach 21.japan |
648 | add babel; mule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current4 & |
649 | |
650 | To print the file: |
651 | |
652 | (inside mule while viewing the file) M-x print-mule-buffer |
653 | |
654 | (outside of mule) add nihongo; attach 21.japan; jlpr /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current4 |
655 | |
656 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
657 | "; |
658 | |
659 | help 21254r5: |
660 | "This brings up a copy of Current Japanese, Lesson 5 in a mule |
661 | window with a large, easy-to-read font. |
662 | |
663 | To run: attach 21.japan |
664 | add babel; mule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current5 & |
665 | |
666 | To print the file: |
667 | |
668 | (inside mule while viewing the file) M-x print-mule-buffer |
669 | |
670 | (outside of mule) add nihongo; attach 21.japan; jlpr /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current5 |
671 | |
672 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
673 | "; |
674 | |
675 | help 21254r6: |
676 | "This brings up a copy of Current Japanese, Lesson 6 in a mule |
677 | window with a large, easy-to-read font. |
678 | |
679 | To run: attach 21.japan |
680 | add babel; mule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current6 & |
681 | |
682 | To print the file: |
683 | |
684 | (inside mule while viewing the file) M-x print-mule-buffer |
685 | |
686 | (outside of mule) add nihongo; attach 21.japan; jlpr /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current6 |
687 | |
688 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
689 | "; |
690 | |
691 | help 21254r7: |
692 | "This brings up a copy of Current Japanese, Lesson 7 in a mule |
693 | window with a large, easy-to-read font. |
694 | |
695 | To run: attach 21.japan |
696 | add babel; mule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current7 & |
697 | |
698 | To print the file: |
699 | |
700 | (inside mule while viewing the file) M-x print-mule-buffer |
701 | |
702 | (outside of mule) add nihongo; attach 21.japan; jlpr /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current7 |
703 | |
704 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
705 | "; |
706 | |
707 | help 21254r8: |
708 | "This brings up a copy of Current Japanese, Lesson 8 in a mule |
709 | window with a large, easy-to-read font. |
710 | |
711 | To run: attach 21.japan |
712 | add babel; mule /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current8 & |
713 | |
714 | To print the file: |
715 | |
716 | (inside mule while viewing the file) M-x print-mule-buffer |
717 | |
718 | (outside of mule) add nihongo; attach 21.japan; jlpr /mit/21.japan/class-materials/reading/current-japanese/current8 |
719 | |
720 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
721 | "; |
722 | |
723 | help kterm: |
724 | "Kterm is a kanji-capable variant of `xterm.' |
725 | |
726 | To run: add nihongo; kterm & |
727 | |
728 | Other help: man kterm |
729 | |
730 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
731 | "; |
732 | |
733 | help bkterm: |
734 | "This launches a version of `kterm' with a large, |
735 | easy-to-read font. |
736 | |
737 | To run: add nihongo; bigkterm & |
738 | |
739 | Other help: man kterm |
740 | |
741 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
742 | "; |
743 | |
744 | help mule: |
745 | "Mule is a multi-language version of the emacs |
746 | text editor. When used with a special text-entry mode |
747 | called `skk' it can be used to type Japanese text. |
748 | |
749 | To run: add babel; mule & |
750 | To invoke skk inside of mule: M-x skk-mode |
751 | |
752 | Other help: man mule |
753 | |
754 | Netscape http://www-japan.mit.edu/mit/mit-materials/help/ & |
755 | |
756 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-babel@mit.edu> |
757 | "; |
758 | |
759 | help bmule: |
760 | "This invokes a version of Mule with an extra-large |
761 | font, particularly well-suited for beginning learners |
762 | of Japanese. |
763 | |
764 | To run: add babel; bigmule & |
765 | To invoke skk inside of mule: M-x skk-mode |
766 | |
767 | Other help: man mule |
768 | |
769 | Netscape http://www-japan.mit.edu/mit/mit-materials/help/ & |
770 | |
771 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-babel@mit.edu> |
772 | "; |
773 | |
774 | help jdict: |
775 | "This launches `xjdic,' a freeware English/Japanese, |
776 | Japanese/English and Kanji dictionary. |
777 | |
778 | To run: add nihongo; kterm & |
779 | in that kterm, type: xjdic |
780 | |
781 | Other help: man xjdic |
782 | |
783 | Netscape http://www-japan.mit.edu/mit/mit-materials/help/ & |
784 | |
785 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
786 | "; |
787 | |
788 | help bjdict: |
789 | "This launches `xjdic' in a large, easy-to-read font. |
790 | |
791 | To run: add nihongo; bigkterm & |
792 | in that kterm, type: xjdic |
793 | |
794 | Other help: man xjdic |
795 | |
796 | Netscape http://www-japan.mit.edu/mit/mit-materials/help/ & |
797 | |
798 | Bug-reports: email to <bug-nihongo@mit.edu> |
799 | "; |
800 | |
801 | |
802 | menu filmstudies: "Film and Media Studies" {filmstudies} [course21/30] ; |
803 | item flmstudweb: "Film and Media Home Page" [filmstudies/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/21fms/Program/home.html"); |
804 | |
805 | menu humstudies: "Writing and Humanistic Studies" {humstudies} [course21/40] ; |
806 | item sciwriteweb: "21W.783 Home Page" [humstudies/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/21w783/www/home.html"); |
807 | item techwriteweb: "21W.794 Home Page" [humstudies/20] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/21w794/www/home.html"); |
808 | |
809 | item cvsim: "CVSIM" -sgi [courseHST] add("hst"),exec("xterm -e cvsim"); |
810 | |
811 | item sts001: "STS001 Home Page" [courseSTS/10] exec("/usr/athena/bin/htmlview http://web.mit.edu/sts001/www/index.html"); |
812 | |
813 | help yhelp: |
814 | "Dash is the Athena Dashboard. In addition to |
815 | providing these menus, dash has several built-in |
816 | accessories like clocks and a logout button. |
817 | |
818 | We invite you to browse through the menus - both |
819 | for future reference and to get your opinions. |
820 | |
821 | To send a bug report about Dash or any other |
822 | Athena software, type `sendbug' at the `athena%' |
823 | prompt, or use the `Send a bug report' option |
824 | under the Dash `Special' menu. |
825 | |
826 | Mail comments and questions to: |
827 | |
828 | <dash-changes@mit.edu> |
829 | |
830 | To run on a workstation: dash & |
831 | Other help: man dash |
832 | "; |
833 | |
834 | help qhelp: |
835 | "Click on the `?' (question mark icon) for info about an item. |
836 | Click on the `->' (right arrow icon) for submenu of an item. |
837 | |
838 | `To run on a workstation:' gives the command that you can |
839 | type to run the item yourself while logged into a workstation. |
840 | `To run on dialup:' gives the command that you can type |
841 | when you want to run a text-based application. |
842 | `To run:' gives the command for both types of sessions. |
843 | `Other help:' lists sources to check for more help. |
844 | |
845 | Menu items which are marked with a `*' (star) will start |
846 | programs or execute commands - dash will first pop up a |
847 | dialog box which asks you to confirm the action by |
848 | clicking a `yes' or `no' button. |
849 | Other menu items are informational only - clicking on the |
850 | `?' will give help, but clicking on the item itself will |
851 | do nothing but close the menu. |
852 | If a menu item appears dimmed, it means the application is |
853 | not available on the type of machine you are using. |
854 | "; |
855 | |
856 | help xcluster: |
857 | "Xcluster brings up a map of MIT showing the location |
858 | of all public Athena clusters. Users can click on a particular |
859 | cluster to get information on availability of workstations and |
860 | status of printers. |
861 | |
862 | To run on a workstation: xcluster & |
863 | To run on dialup: cview |
864 | |
865 | Other help: man xcluster |
866 | `Help' button in xcluster |
867 | man cview |
868 | |
869 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
870 | "; |
871 | |
872 | help olta: |
873 | "The On-Line TA system works just like the OLC (Athena's On-line |
874 | Consulting system) except for the fact that the `consultants' are the |
875 | TAs for a course, and the `topics' are the course numbers themselves. |
876 | Users can ask questions about their course assignments which will be |
877 | answered by the TAs for that course. Any course may use the system, |
878 | but must contact the Faculty Liaison Office to set it up. |
879 | |
880 | To run: add olta ; olta |
881 | |
882 | Other help: man olta |
883 | type `help' within olta |
884 | OLTA on Athena Student Guide (AC-93) and TA Guide (AC-94), from CopyTech |
885 | and in OLH under `Using Athena for Courses' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
886 | |
887 | |
888 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
889 | "; |
890 | |
891 | help olcstock: |
892 | "The OLC Stock Answers program allows you to browse |
893 | answers prepared for the questions most commonly asked of |
894 | On Line Consulting. |
895 | |
896 | To run: olc answers |
897 | or: type `answers' at the olc> prompt |
898 | or: go to http://web.mit.edu/answers/ |
899 | |
900 | Other help: type `?' within olc |
901 | |
902 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
903 | "; |
904 | |
905 | help olh: |
906 | "The On Line Help program contains documentation from many |
907 | sources about the Athena system and programs available, |
908 | either by browsing a tree of topics or by searching for |
909 | specific keywords. |
910 | |
911 | To run: help |
912 | To start the text-based version on a workstation: help -tty |
913 | |
914 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
915 | "; |
916 | |
917 | help olc: |
918 | "The On Line Consulting facility is the place to ask |
919 | any sorts of questions you might have about Athena. |
920 | If no one is available immediately, your question will |
921 | be held until someone can help. If you logout, you |
922 | may receive an answer by electronic mail. |
923 | |
924 | You can also contact the consultants by calling x3-4435, |
925 | stopping by N42-105, or filling out the web form at |
926 | http://web.mit.edu/consult/www/ask.html |
927 | |
928 | To run: olc |
929 | |
930 | Other help: man olc |
931 | type `?' inside olc for a list of commands |
932 | type `help' inside olc |
933 | see http://web.mit.edu/consult/www/ |
934 | |
935 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
936 | "; |
937 | |
938 | help xman: |
939 | "The manual page browser displays manual pages which |
940 | are stored on line for most programs and commands used |
941 | on Athena. |
942 | |
943 | To run on a workstation: xman & |
944 | To run on dialup: man programname |
945 | |
946 | Other help: man xman |
947 | man man |
948 | |
949 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
950 | "; |
951 | |
952 | help hotline: |
953 | "To report a problem with any Athena machine, cluster, |
954 | or any other Athena equipment, call the Hardware Hotline |
955 | at x3-1410. You can also send mail to <hotline@mit.edu>. |
956 | |
957 | In either case, please provide as much information on the |
958 | problem as you can (location of equipment, type of machine, |
959 | exact nature of the problem, any error messages you may |
960 | see, and your name and phone number if applicable.)"; |
961 | |
962 | help minic: |
963 | "Athena minicourses are free one-hour lectures intended to show |
964 | you how to use Athena and MITnet services and facilities. |
965 | For yearly and upcoming schedules, and topics covered, point |
966 | your web browser to http://web.mit.edu/minidev/ |
967 | "; |
968 | |
969 | help helptoggle: |
970 | "This option turns off the `?' icons and the |
971 | associated help panels (such as this one.) |
972 | This option is a toggle -- it will replace itself |
973 | with its reverse function, `Show `?' Buttons.'"; |
974 | |
975 | help sc: |
976 | "The spreadsheet calculator (sc) resembles many |
977 | other spreadsheet programs and has its own help |
978 | command. It is usable both over dialup and on |
979 | a workstation. |
980 | |
981 | To run: add sipb ; sc |
982 | |
983 | Other help: man sc |
984 | |
985 | Bug reports: send email to <bug-sipb@mit.edu> |
986 | "; |
987 | |
988 | help splus: |
989 | "S-PLUS is an interactive environment for data |
990 | analysis and graphics. It grew out of the interests |
991 | and needs of people doing statistics research, and |
992 | is used extensively by statisticians. S-PLUS is an |
993 | extended version of the product, S. |
994 | |
995 | To run: add splus; splus |
996 | |
997 | For online help within S-PLUS, type: help.start() |
998 | |
999 | Other help: man Splus |
1000 | more /mit/splus/README.athena |
1001 | manuals available for browsing in N42-105 |
1002 | |
1003 | The NEW S Language, A Programming |
1004 | Environment for Data Analysis and |
1005 | Graphics, by Richard A. Becker, |
1006 | John M. Chambers and Allan R. Wilks |
1007 | (available at the MIT Coop) |
1008 | |
1009 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1010 | "; |
1011 | |
1012 | help ez: |
1013 | "EZ is a text editor and word processor which allows |
1014 | multiple fonts, special symbols, and a variety of |
1015 | formatting operations to be used with a nearly |
1016 | `What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get' (WYSIWYG) |
1017 | interface. Press the middle mouse button over an ez |
1018 | window to get a menu of commands, including help. |
1019 | |
1020 | To run on workstation: ez |
1021 | |
1022 | Other help: man ez |
1023 | ahelp ez |
1024 | OLH under `Text and Graphics Software' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1025 | OLC stock answers |
1026 | choose `Help' from the `ez' menu inside EZ |
1027 | EZ on Athena (AC-46) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1028 | |
1029 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1030 | "; |
1031 | |
1032 | help emacs: |
1033 | "Emacs is a widely-used text editor which works |
1034 | on many different computer systems, and is a |
1035 | user-extensible system with hundreds of options. |
1036 | In addition to text editing, you can read NetNews, |
1037 | Discuss or your electronic mail inside of emacs. |
1038 | |
1039 | To run on a workstation: emacs & |
1040 | To run on dialup: emacs |
1041 | |
1042 | Other help: man emacs |
1043 | OLH under `Text and Graphics Software' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1044 | OLC stock answers |
1045 | `Emacs on Athena' (AC-41) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1046 | emacs manuals in clusters and libraries |
1047 | |
1048 | Type Ctrl-h in an emacs window to get help inside emacs |
1049 | Ctrl-h t to start the emacs tutorial inside emacs |
1050 | Ctrl-h i to start the emacs INFO system inside emacs |
1051 | |
1052 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1053 | "; |
1054 | |
1055 | help latex: |
1056 | "LaTeX is a program which formats text for printing. It converts a |
1057 | text file into a formatted document with a moderate amount of work on |
1058 | the user's part. LaTeX can typeset many foreign characters and very |
1059 | complex mathematical text. |
1060 | |
1061 | To run: latex filename.tex |
1062 | |
1063 | Other help: man latex |
1064 | `Essential LaTeX on Athena' (AC-50) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1065 | `More LaTeX on Athena: Reports and Advanced Topics' (AC-51) |
1066 | at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1067 | `More LaTeX on Athena: MIT Thesis' (AC-52) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1068 | `Inessential LaTeX' from the SIPB |
1069 | LaTeX User's Guide in clusters and libraries |
1070 | OLH under `Text and Graphics Software' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1071 | OLC stock answers |
1072 | |
1073 | Bug reports: use sendbug"; |
1074 | |
1075 | help frame: |
1076 | "FrameMaker is a full-featured and very powerful document preparation |
1077 | system, suitable for creating complex documents. Because of its |
1078 | complexity, it is not well-suited for writing simple documents such as |
1079 | letters and memos, or non-formatted documents such as email and |
1080 | dotfiles. |
1081 | |
1082 | To run on a workstation (non-Linux): add frame; maker |
1083 | |
1084 | Other help: click on `Help' from the Frame startup menubar |
1085 | choose the `Help' menu inside the Frame window |
1086 | `FrameMaker on Athena' (AC-56) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1087 | FrameMaker manuals in clusters and libraries |
1088 | OLH under `Text and Graphics Software' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1089 | OLC stock answers |
1090 | |
1091 | Bug reports: use sendbug"; |
1092 | |
1093 | help imaker: |
1094 | "International interfaces are no longer available, but access |
1095 | to foreign language dictionaries is provided within FrameMaker. |
1096 | |
1097 | Other help: see help for the `Maker' item |
1098 | "; |
1099 | |
1100 | help framereader: |
1101 | "FrameReader was discontinued with Frame 5.5. Adobe's Acrobat Reader |
1102 | is now their freely distributable viewing program for Frame documents. |
1103 | |
1104 | In order to use Acrobat Reader as a viewing program, it is necessary |
1105 | to convert Frame documents to Acrobat PDF format; see the online help |
1106 | in FrameMaker 5.5 for information. |
1107 | |
1108 | To run Acrobat Reader on a workstation: add acro; acroread |
1109 | |
1110 | Other help: see help for the `Maker' item |
1111 | "; |
1112 | |
1113 | help soffice: |
1114 | "StarOffice is an office suite offering word processing, |
1115 | spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, and HTML authoring |
1116 | capabilities, as well as interoperability with Microsoft |
1117 | Office. StarOffice is currently under evaluation for full |
1118 | support as Athena's recommended Office Suite. For now, |
1119 | limited support is available through Athena Consulting (OLC). |
1120 | |
1121 | To run on a workstation (non-SGI): add soffice ; soffice & |
1122 | |
1123 | Other help: select 'Help' in the program's menu bar (use |
1124 | binoculars icon for index of topics) |
1125 | see http://web.mit.edu/soffice/www/ |
1126 | |
1127 | Instructors interested in using StarOffice for coursework should |
1128 | contact the Faculty Liaisons, <f_l@mit.edu>. |
1129 | |
1130 | Bug reports: use sendbug"; |
1131 | |
1132 | help graphother: |
1133 | "FrameMaker and TecPlot also have some graphics capabilities |
1134 | and can generate PostScript figures suitable for inclusion |
1135 | in documents. See the application documentation for more |
1136 | information."; |
1137 | |
1138 | help xfig: |
1139 | "The Facility for Interactive Generation of Figures (xfig) |
1140 | provides much of the same functionality as MacDraw, |
1141 | and can write output files in several formats, including |
1142 | LaTeX, PostScript, and troff, for inclusion into other |
1143 | documents. |
1144 | |
1145 | To run on a workstation: add sipb ; xfig & |
1146 | |
1147 | Other help: man xfig |
1148 | |
1149 | Bug reports: send email to <bug-sipb@mit.edu> |
1150 | "; |
1151 | |
1152 | help coreldraw: |
1153 | "CorelDRAW is a drawing and illustration package, and is part |
1154 | of a suite of graphics and presentation applications. See |
1155 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#CorelDRAW |
1156 | for more information on Corel products available on Athena. |
1157 | "; |
1158 | |
1159 | help tgif: |
1160 | "Tgif is an interactive 2-d drawing facility which |
1161 | supports hierarchical construction of drawings and easy |
1162 | navigation between sets of drawings. It can also be used |
1163 | to launch applications and as a hyper-graphics (or |
1164 | hyper-structured-graphics) browser on the WWW. |
1165 | |
1166 | To run on a workstation: add sipb ; tgif & |
1167 | |
1168 | Other help: man tgif |
1169 | |
1170 | Bug reports: send email to <bug-sipb@mit.edu> |
1171 | "; |
1172 | |
1173 | help xpaint: |
1174 | "Xpaint is another popular drawing program on Athena. |
1175 | It provides much of the same functionality as MacDraw. |
1176 | |
1177 | To run on a workstation: add graphics; xpaint & |
1178 | |
1179 | Other help: man xpaint |
1180 | click on `Help' button inside xpaint |
1181 | |
1182 | Bug reports: send email to <graphics@mit.edu> |
1183 | "; |
1184 | |
1185 | help xv: |
1186 | "XV is an interactive image-processing program |
1187 | which can read screendumps or picture files in several |
1188 | different formats, alter them, and write them out in |
1189 | any of several formats. |
1190 | |
1191 | To run on a workstation: add graphics ; xv filename & |
1192 | |
1193 | Other help: man xv |
1194 | |
1195 | Bug reports: send email to <graphics@mit.edu> |
1196 | "; |
1197 | |
1198 | help xwd: |
1199 | "xwd (X Window Dump) and xwud (X Window UnDump) |
1200 | are two programs that can take snapshots of windows on |
1201 | your screen. To capture the image of a window, use |
1202 | `xwd'. To re-display it later, use `xwud'. After typing |
1203 | `xwd', the mouse cursor will change into a plus-sign (+), |
1204 | then click on the window you want to photograph, or the |
1205 | grey background if you want an image of the whole screen. |
1206 | |
1207 | To run on a workstation: xwd -out filename |
1208 | xwud -in filename & |
1209 | |
1210 | Other help: man xwd |
1211 | man xwud |
1212 | |
1213 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1214 | "; |
1215 | |
1216 | help autocad12: |
1217 | "AutoCAD is a Computer-Aided Design package from AutoDesk, Inc. |
1218 | |
1219 | To run on a workstation: add autocad; autocad -version 12 & |
1220 | |
1221 | Other help: AutoCAD Reference Manual in the libraries and N42-105 |
1222 | AutoCAD Tutorial in the libraries and N42-105 |
1223 | AutoCAD Extras Manual in the libraries and N42-105 |
1224 | |
1225 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1226 | "; |
1227 | |
1228 | help autocad13: |
1229 | "AutoCAD is a Computer-Aided Design package from AutoDesk, Inc. There |
1230 | will be no further UNIX AutoCAD releases beyond R13. |
1231 | |
1232 | To run on a workstation: add autocad; autocad & |
1233 | |
1234 | Other help: AutoCAD Reference Manual in the libraries and N42-105 |
1235 | AutoCAD Tutorial in the libraries and N42-105 |
1236 | AutoCAD Extras Manual in the libraries and N42-105 |
1237 | |
1238 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1239 | "; |
1240 | |
1241 | help xdpr: |
1242 | "xdpr (X window Dump PRinter) sends a snapshot of one |
1243 | of your windows to the printer. The mouse cursor will |
1244 | change into a plus-sign (+). Click on the window you |
1245 | want to photograph, or the grey background if you want |
1246 | an image of the whole screen. |
1247 | |
1248 | To run on a workstation: xdpr -Pprintername |
1249 | |
1250 | Other help: man xdpr |
1251 | |
1252 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1253 | "; |
1254 | |
1255 | help bitmap: |
1256 | "bitmap is the bitmap editor. You can draw and edit |
1257 | bitmaps and save them out to files for use as icons |
1258 | and background patterns. |
1259 | |
1260 | To run on a workstation: bitmap filename & |
1261 | |
1262 | Other help: man bitmap |
1263 | |
1264 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1265 | "; |
1266 | |
1267 | help xlibs: |
1268 | "Xlib, Xt, Xaw, and Motif are layered libraries that supply |
1269 | X window programming functionality and widget sets for |
1270 | building graphical objects in X. Libraries and other |
1271 | resources are available in the Athena release, and in various |
1272 | lockers, including: x11, x11r5, motif1.1 and motif1.2. Man pages |
1273 | exist for various features (man X, man 3Xt <function> etc.). |
1274 | |
1275 | Other help: http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#Motif |
1276 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#Xaw |
1277 | |
1278 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1279 | "; |
1280 | |
1281 | help codecenter: |
1282 | "Codecenter is an integrated C interpreter/debugger which comes in |
1283 | windowing and command-line versions. It has an on-line |
1284 | help system that is fairly complete, and also has an on-line |
1285 | tutorial available. |
1286 | |
1287 | To run (Sun only): |
1288 | add codecenter; xcodecenter (X version), |
1289 | add codecenter; codecenter (command-line version) |
1290 | |
1291 | Other help: help inside program |
1292 | man codecenter |
1293 | |
1294 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1295 | "; |
1296 | |
1297 | help clang: |
1298 | "There are a number of C and C++ compilers on Athena, some of which |
1299 | require attaching lockers to access. The standard name for the C |
1300 | compiler under UNIX is `cc' (and for the C++ compiler, `CC'), |
1301 | but there are a number of exceptions to this that are explained in the |
1302 | references listed below. |
1303 | |
1304 | Which implementation of a C compiler you use depends on a variety of |
1305 | considerations which are too complicated to go into here. We suggest |
1306 | starting with the default cc and CC compilers (on Linux machines, |
1307 | these are symlinks to gcc and g++ respectively). An overview of |
1308 | compiling on Sun workstations is available in the info locker: |
1309 | |
1310 | attach info |
1311 | add frame |
1312 | maker -f /mit/info/SunCompiling.doc |
1313 | |
1314 | Other help: http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#cc (C compilers) |
1315 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#CC (C++ compilers) |
1316 | OLC stock answers |
1317 | See also: |
1318 | |
1319 | The multi locker (add multi) for the C and C++ compilers (ghcc and |
1320 | gcx respectively) from Green Hills Software supplied with the Multi |
1321 | debugger on the Sun. |
1322 | |
1323 | The gnu locker (add gnu) for current versions of the GNU C and C++ |
1324 | compilers (gcc and g++ respectively). |
1325 | |
1326 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1327 | "; |
1328 | |
1329 | help fortranlang: |
1330 | "There are a number of different FORTRAN compilers on Athena. The standard name |
1331 | for the FORTRAN compiler under UNIX is f77 (or the newer f90), but |
1332 | there are exceptions to this that are explained in the references |
1333 | below. An overview of compiling on Sun workstations is available in |
1334 | the info locker: |
1335 | |
1336 | attach info |
1337 | add frame |
1338 | maker -f /mit/info/SunCompiling.doc |
1339 | |
1340 | |
1341 | Other help: http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#f77 (f77 compilers) |
1342 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#f90 (f90 compilers) |
1343 | OLC stock answers |
1344 | |
1345 | See also the multi locker (add multi) for a FORTRAN 77 compiler (gfc) |
1346 | from Green Hills Software (Sun only) supplied with the Multi debugger. |
1347 | There currently is no GNU FORTRAN available, although one is under |
1348 | development. |
1349 | |
1350 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1351 | "; |
1352 | |
1353 | help javalang: |
1354 | |
1355 | "Java is available on all supported Athena platforms in the form of the |
1356 | Java Development Kit (JDK) and several integrated development |
1357 | environments. At present, Java is supported by Academic Computing |
1358 | in the context of courses, but OLC support is not available. |
1359 | |
1360 | To use, first: add java (SGI, Linux) or add -f java (Sun) |
1361 | to compile: javac myfile.java (compile source file myfile.java -> myfile.class) |
1362 | to run: java myfile (run myfile.class) |
1363 | |
1364 | For information about Java resources on Athena see: |
1365 | |
1366 | http://web.mit.edu/java/www/ |
1367 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/whererunsa.html#Java |
1368 | |
1369 | Other help: see /mit/java/README.athena |
1370 | man pages |
1371 | |
1372 | Bug reports: use sendbug"; |
1373 | |
1374 | help schemelang: |
1375 | "Scheme is a dialect of Lisp taught in 6.001 at MIT. |
1376 | |
1377 | To run: add scheme; scheme |
1378 | |
1379 | Other help: Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme, available from |
1380 | MIT AI Lab Publications office |
1381 | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs at the Coop, MIT Press |
1382 | |
1383 | Bug reports: use sendbug"; |
1384 | |
1385 | help analogclock: |
1386 | |
1387 | "The `Analog clock' starts a window with a clock with hands. You can choose to |
1388 | have a second hand, and set how often the hands update their position. |
1389 | |
1390 | To run on a workstation: xclock -analog & |
1391 | |
1392 | Other help: man xclock |
1393 | |
1394 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1395 | "; |
1396 | |
1397 | help xmcd: |
1398 | |
1399 | "On Athena Sun and Linux workstations, audio CDs can be played using xmcd. |
1400 | Insert the CD first and wait for the status light on the CD drive to |
1401 | settle down before starting the program. |
1402 | |
1403 | To run on a workstation (non-SGI): add sipb; xmcd & |
1404 | |
1405 | Other help: click on the `?' button in the application |
1406 | man xmcd |
1407 | |
1408 | Bug reports on xmcd: send mail to bug-sipb |
1409 | |
1410 | To play an audio CD on an SGI, insert the CD and double-click on the |
1411 | screen icon once it has changed to a musical note symbol. |
1412 | |
1413 | To run from the command line: cdman |
1414 | |
1415 | Other help: man cdman |
1416 | OLC stock answers (SGI Answers) |
1417 | |
1418 | Bug reports on SGI: use sendbug |
1419 | "; |
1420 | |
1421 | help digitalclock: "The `Digital Clock' is simply the X clock with a 24-hour |
1422 | numeric display. You can set how often it updates the display, etc. |
1423 | |
1424 | To run on a workstation: xclock -digital & |
1425 | |
1426 | Other help: man xclock |
1427 | |
1428 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1429 | "; |
1430 | |
1431 | help load: "This program displays a periodically updating histogram of the |
1432 | system load average. (This is actually a moving average of the number of jobs |
1433 | in the CPU's run queue. It can be a good indicator of how busy your machine |
1434 | is.) |
1435 | |
1436 | To run on a workstation: xload & |
1437 | |
1438 | Other help: man xload |
1439 | |
1440 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1441 | "; |
1442 | |
1443 | help xcalcti: |
1444 | "Calculator with standard notation. |
1445 | |
1446 | To run on a workstation: xcalc & |
1447 | |
1448 | Other help: man xcalc |
1449 | |
1450 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1451 | "; |
1452 | |
1453 | help xcalchp: |
1454 | "Calculator with Reverse Polish |
1455 | Notation like HP series calculators. |
1456 | |
1457 | To run on a workstation: xcalc -rpn & |
1458 | |
1459 | Other help: man xcalc |
1460 | |
1461 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1462 | "; |
1463 | |
1464 | help xterm: |
1465 | "Create a new window on the screen into which |
1466 | you can type commands. |
1467 | |
1468 | To run on a workstation: xterm & |
1469 | |
1470 | Other help: man xterm |
1471 | |
1472 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1473 | "; |
1474 | |
1475 | help matlab: |
1476 | |
1477 | "MATLAB is an interactive `matrix laboratory' for tasks involving matrices, |
1478 | graphics, and general numerical computation. It includes several subject area |
1479 | `toolboxes', providing analysis tools in areas including Control, Robust |
1480 | Control, Signal Processing, Optimization, and Splines. |
1481 | |
1482 | To run: add matlab ; matlab |
1483 | |
1484 | Other help: `MATLAB on Athena' (AC-71) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1485 | `Inessential MATLAB' from the SIPB |
1486 | MATLAB User's Guide in libraries |
1487 | OLH under `Numerical and Math Software' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1488 | OLC stock answers |
1489 | type `help' at the MATLAB >> prompt |
1490 | |
1491 | Links to information on new features and M-file conversion are available from |
1492 | the local web page: http://web.mit.edu/matlab/www/ |
1493 | |
1494 | For online help including full doc. set, type `helpdesk' in MATLAB or do: |
1495 | |
1496 | add matlab ; matlabdoc |
1497 | |
1498 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1499 | "; |
1500 | |
1501 | help mathlib: |
1502 | |
1503 | "The mathlibrary locker contains code libraries of various math tools such as |
1504 | LAPACK. To access it, and find out more information, type: |
1505 | |
1506 | add mathlibrary |
1507 | more /mit/mathlibrary/README |
1508 | |
1509 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1510 | "; |
1511 | |
1512 | help tecplot: |
1513 | "Tecplot is an interactive plotting program for plotting, visualizing and |
1514 | analyzing numerical data. With this application, you can create a wide variety |
1515 | of mesh, light-source and surface shading, contour, vector, and scatter plots. |
1516 | You can also use it to fit your data to curves of various types, including |
1517 | polynomial, exponential, and spline curves. |
1518 | |
1519 | To run on a workstation: add tecplot; tecplot & |
1520 | |
1521 | Other help: add tecplot; rundemo to run the tutorial program |
1522 | OLH under `Numerical and Math Software' |
1523 | vendor documentation in libraries and N42-105 |
1524 | |
1525 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1526 | "; |
1527 | |
1528 | help numrecipes: |
1529 | "The Numerical Recipes library is a collection of about 200 numerical routines |
1530 | documented in the book `Numerical Recipes (2nd Edition)', available in the |
1531 | cluster documentation racks and at the Coop. Binary libraries are available for |
1532 | all Athena platforms. |
1533 | |
1534 | Other help: attach recipes; more /mit/recipes/README |
1535 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#Numerical |
1536 | |
1537 | |
1538 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1539 | "; |
1540 | |
1541 | help lapack: |
1542 | "LAPACK is a library of FORTRAN 77 and C subroutines for solving the most commonly |
1543 | occurring problems in numerical linear algebra. It is public-domain software, |
1544 | and can be used freely. The libraries are available for all Athena platforms. |
1545 | |
1546 | Other help: attach lapack; more /mit/lapack/README |
1547 | attach lapack; more /mit/lapack/README.to_use_clapack (C usage) |
1548 | http://web.mitedu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#Lapack |
1549 | |
1550 | |
1551 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1552 | "; |
1553 | |
1554 | help restart: |
1555 | "This option causes dash to exit and start again, rereading its configuration |
1556 | files. It is useful for immediately seeing changes made to the configuration |
1557 | files."; |
1558 | |
1559 | help verify: |
1560 | "Usually when you click on a menu item which runs a program, dash will pop up a |
1561 | window which says `Start Program?' and has `Yes' and `No' buttons. |
1562 | `Confirmation off' will disable these popup windows and replace `Confirmation |
1563 | off' with `Confirmation on' in this menu."; |
1564 | |
1565 | help quitopt: |
1566 | "This option causes Dash to exit. To restart, type dash at the athena% prompt. |
1567 | |
1568 | *** BE CAREFUL *** |
1569 | |
1570 | If all you want to do is hide the Dash menus, select `Hide menus' instead; |
1571 | if you really want to logout, select `Logout of Athena' or type logout |
1572 | at the athena% prompt. |
1573 | |
1574 | Quitting Dash does not log you out (but will cause the logout button |
1575 | to disappear, if you're using xlogout)."; |
1576 | |
1577 | help gnomeopt: |
1578 | "This option causes future logins to use the GNOME Athena interface |
1579 | (the new default introduced in Athena 9.0), with the panel menu at |
1580 | the bottom of the screen replacing Dash, and the sawfish window |
1581 | manager replacing MWM."; |
1582 | |
1583 | help hidemenus: |
1584 | "This option hides the Dash menu bar. |
1585 | |
1586 | To run on a workstation: dash -hide menubar |
1587 | To restore menubar: dash -show menubar"; |
1588 | |
1589 | help mitdir: |
1590 | "The MIT Directory lists current employees and students. To change your own |
1591 | information, contact the registrar (students) or personnel office (MIT staff and |
1592 | faculty). |
1593 | |
1594 | On the web: http://web.mit.edu/search.html |
1595 | |
1596 | Command line: finger fname_lname@mit |
1597 | or: finger username@mit |
1598 | |
1599 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1600 | "; |
1601 | |
1602 | help map: |
1603 | "This item brings up the MIT campus map suite in your current web browser: |
1604 | |
1605 | http://web.mit.edu/map.html |
1606 | |
1607 | (if you don't have a browser running, it will start one up) |
1608 | |
1609 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1610 | "; |
1611 | |
1612 | help calendar: |
1613 | "The calendar program lets you schedule and review appointments. You can |
1614 | coordinate meetings with other users who use the program. |
1615 | |
1616 | To run on a workstation: add calendar ; xtc & |
1617 | |
1618 | Other help: click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
1619 | man xtc |
1620 | |
1621 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1622 | "; |
1623 | |
1624 | help police: |
1625 | "IN AN EMERGENCY, dial 100 |
1626 | from any campus phone, or just |
1627 | pick up any emergency phone |
1628 | (marked by a blue light.) |
1629 | |
1630 | Regular CP business phone: x3-1212."; |
1631 | |
1632 | help medical: |
1633 | "For 24-HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE, call x3-1311. |
1634 | |
1635 | Phone x3-4481 for general information and |
1636 | Internal Medicine appointments. |
1637 | "; |
1638 | |
1639 | help nightline: |
1640 | "Nightline is a peer counseling service, |
1641 | available from 7pm to 7am nightly during |
1642 | the academic year. |
1643 | |
1644 | Phone x3-8800. |
1645 | "; |
1646 | |
1647 | help contactline: |
1648 | "The Contact Line is a peer counseling |
1649 | service focusing on sexuality issues. |
1650 | The line is staffed from 8pm to midnight |
1651 | Sunday through Wednesday. |
1652 | |
1653 | Phone x3-6460. |
1654 | "; |
1655 | |
1656 | help deans: |
1657 | "Office of the Dean of Students and Undergraduate Education. |
1658 | |
1659 | Phone x3-6776. |
1660 | "; |
1661 | |
1662 | help psych: |
1663 | "Phone x3-2916."; |
1664 | |
1665 | help mcc: |
1666 | |
1667 | "MIT Computer Connection -- consulting support for purchasing |
1668 | supported hardware, software, and peripherals. Dial x3-7686, stop by |
1669 | W20-021, or see http://web.mit.edu/mcc/www/"; |
1670 | |
1671 | help ishelp: |
1672 | "Macintosh questions -- x3-1101, email mac-help@mit.edu |
1673 | DOS/Windows/PC questions -- x3-1102, email pc-help@mit.edu |
1674 | UNIX/VMS questions (subscribers only) -- x3-1103, email unix-vms-help@mit.edu |
1675 | |
1676 | http://web.mit.edu/helpdesk/ |
1677 | "; |
1678 | |
1679 | help sipb: |
1680 | "Student-staffed group that provides help |
1681 | with SIPB-sponsored and other software |
1682 | on Athena and other computers. Open |
1683 | most of the day and night. Phone x3-7788 |
1684 | or stop by the office on the fifth floor |
1685 | of the Student Center. |
1686 | |
1687 | http://www.mit.edu/sipb/"; |
1688 | |
1689 | help aboutcw: |
1690 | "Courseware is, for the most part, only supported by |
1691 | the teaching staff for a particular course. If you have |
1692 | problems with any courseware package (other than |
1693 | widely used packages like MATLAB, Maple, etc.) |
1694 | please contact the professor or TA for the course |
1695 | instead of reporting it to Athena. |
1696 | |
1697 | Consulting and OLC will probably not be able to |
1698 | provide any detailed assistance. Some courses |
1699 | are registered to use the OLTA (On Line TA) system, |
1700 | and may provide assistance there (see OLTA in this menu). |
1701 | |
1702 | Any problems with starting courseware from dash |
1703 | should be directed via email to <f_l@mit.edu>"; |
1704 | |
1705 | help screensaver: |
1706 | "Use this program if you need to leave your workstation |
1707 | unattended for less than 20 minutes. To lock the screen, |
1708 | click on the xss icon; this activates a locked screensaver, |
1709 | which you clear by typing in your password. (By default, |
1710 | the screensaver comes up automatically when you are |
1711 | idle for 10 minutes and locks after an additional minute.) |
1712 | |
1713 | It is against the Athena Rules of Use to attempt to lock up |
1714 | a workstation for more than 20 minutes! Cluster Patrol staff |
1715 | will logout users whose screensaver displays more than 20 |
1716 | minutes of idle time, and will immediately reboot a workstation |
1717 | whose screensaver has been hacked to hide the idle time |
1718 | or to disable the logout option. |
1719 | |
1720 | Please be courteous to your fellow users and abide by these rules. |
1721 | |
1722 | To run on a workstation: xss-button & |
1723 | |
1724 | Other help: man xss, man xss-button |
1725 | |
1726 | Bug reports: use sendbug"; |
1727 | |
1728 | help sendbug: |
1729 | "This program is used to send bug reports |
1730 | about software on the system. You will be |
1731 | asked for the name of the broken program, |
1732 | then put into an editor to fill out the rest |
1733 | of the form. Please fill it out as completely |
1734 | as possible. |
1735 | |
1736 | To run: sendbug"; |
1737 | |
1738 | help lower: |
1739 | "This option will push the Dash menus below all |
1740 | the other windows on your screen. If some part |
1741 | of the menu bar is still visible, moving the mouse |
1742 | cursor into this area will make the entire menu |
1743 | bar visible again."; |
1744 | |
1745 | help logout: |
1746 | "This option will log you off of Athena. |
1747 | You will be asked to verify that |
1748 | you really want to logout."; |
1749 | |
1750 | help logoutopt: |
1751 | "This option will log you off of Athena. |
1752 | You will be asked to verify that |
1753 | you really want to logout."; |
1754 | |
1755 | help websis: |
1756 | "WebSIS is the web-based student information system |
1757 | that allows you to look up your academic and financial |
1758 | records, update your address information, pre-register, |
1759 | view the course catalog, and print forms. |
1760 | |
1761 | To access WebSIS, you must have an Athena account and |
1762 | your MIT ID# (not your social security number). |
1763 | |
1764 | To run WebSIS go to http://student.mit.edu/ or click on |
1765 | *WebSIS at left. |
1766 | Send bugs to: <websis@mit.edu>"; |
1767 | |
1768 | help rules: |
1769 | "This item opens the Athena Rules of Use: |
1770 | |
1771 | http://web.mit.edu/olh/Welcome/rules.html |
1772 | |
1773 | in your web browser. All Athena users are responsible for |
1774 | knowing and following the complete set of rules. |
1775 | |
1776 | Use of Athena facilities is restricted to authorized holders |
1777 | of Athena accounts (MIT students, faculty, staff, and other |
1778 | authorized guests). Questions on account eligibility should be |
1779 | directed to <accounts@mit.edu>."; |
1780 | |
1781 | help licenses: |
1782 | "A set of files informing users of license obligations |
1783 | (and some basic additional information) can be found |
1784 | in most third-party software lockers maintained by IS. |
1785 | To see this information, type: |
1786 | |
1787 | attach <lockername> |
1788 | more /mit/<lockername>/README.athena |
1789 | |
1790 | "; |
1791 | |
1792 | help sw-wrw: |
1793 | "This item opens the 'What Runs Where' |
1794 | table of software on Athena: |
1795 | |
1796 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/whereruns.html |
1797 | |
1798 | in your web browser. |
1799 | "; |
1800 | |
1801 | help sw-new: |
1802 | "This item opens the 'What's New' |
1803 | list of software on Athena: |
1804 | |
1805 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/whatsnew.html |
1806 | |
1807 | in your web browser. |
1808 | "; |
1809 | |
1810 | help sw-help: |
1811 | "For help, see the resources under Help -> Help on Athena. |
1812 | |
1813 | If you have comments or suggestions, send mail to: |
1814 | |
1815 | <suggest@mit.edu> |
1816 | "; |
1817 | |
1818 | help aboutpictures: |
1819 | "Athena currently does not have a fully-supported drawing program like |
1820 | MacDraw. There are a few different packages available, but we may not be |
1821 | able to fix bugs nor answer very detailed questions. Consulting may be |
1822 | able to answer your questions, but we cannot guarantee it."; |
1823 | |
1824 | help aboutspreadsheets: |
1825 | |
1826 | "Athena has several spreadsheet programs available. Xess is the currently |
1827 | supported product; Applix Spreadsheets is also available. `sc' which is supported |
1828 | by the SIPB, runs over dialup."; |
1829 | |
1830 | help aboutneos: |
1831 | |
1832 | "NEOS (Networked Educational On-line System) is a set of programs for |
1833 | classroom oriented file exchange that is intended to mimic operations |
1834 | normally performed with paper in and out of class. With NEOS you can hand |
1835 | in assignments, pickup graded assignments, handouts and papers and exchange |
1836 | documents for peer review."; |
1837 | |
1838 | help eos: |
1839 | "The eos program is an editor, using the full multi-media functionality of |
1840 | EZ, which also allows students to turn in and pick up papers, where papers |
1841 | can be assignments, handouts or papers for general viewing (Exchange |
1842 | papers). |
1843 | |
1844 | To run on a workstation: add andrew; eos |
1845 | |
1846 | Other help: ahelp eos |
1847 | click on the `Help' button in the application |
1848 | NEOS on Athena Student Guide (AC-91) and TA Guide (AC-92), from CopyTech |
1849 | and in OLH under `Using Athena for Courses' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1850 | |
1851 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1852 | "; |
1853 | |
1854 | help grade: |
1855 | "The grade program allows course instructors to view assignments turned in |
1856 | by students, edit and annotate the work and to return it back to the |
1857 | student. It can also be used to create and review handouts for courses. |
1858 | |
1859 | To run on a workstation: add andrew; grade |
1860 | |
1861 | Other help: ahelp grade |
1862 | click on the `Help' button in the application |
1863 | NEOS on Athena Student Guide (AC-91) and TA Guide (AC-92), from CopyTech |
1864 | and in OLH under `Using Athena for Courses' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1865 | |
1866 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1867 | "; |
1868 | |
1869 | help aboutmh: |
1870 | "MH (Mail Handler) is a set of utilities for reading mail. You can run a |
1871 | program to get your mail, another to read it, and another to send mail to |
1872 | someone else, for example. Or, you can run an X-based mail handler which |
1873 | displays all of the functions on buttons, so you can point and click to do |
1874 | what you want. Or, if you prefer working inside emacs, you can receive, |
1875 | read, and send mail while in emacs. The options on this menu explain |
1876 | how."; |
1877 | |
1878 | help mh: |
1879 | "The mail handler (MH) system is really a set of commands. |
1880 | The most commonly used are: |
1881 | inc incorporate (get) new mail |
1882 | show show message(s) |
1883 | next show the next message |
1884 | prev show the previous message |
1885 | comp compose a new message |
1886 | repl reply to a message |
1887 | forw forward message(s) to another user |
1888 | rmm remove message(s) |
1889 | scan list messages, showing sender and subject |
1890 | send send a previously composed message |
1891 | |
1892 | To run one of the programs listed above, simply type the |
1893 | name of the command at the `athena%' prompt. |
1894 | |
1895 | Other help: man mh |
1896 | also man pages for each command, i.e. type `man comp' etc. |
1897 | Electronic Mail on Athena (AC-31) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1898 | OLH under `Communicating With Other Users' -> `Electronic Mail' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1899 | |
1900 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1901 | "; |
1902 | |
1903 | help xmh: |
1904 | "XMH is a graphical interface to MH. Each command |
1905 | is displayed on a button. Simply click on the button of |
1906 | the command you wish to run. Many users prefer this |
1907 | to the text-based versions of the same programs. |
1908 | |
1909 | To run on a workstation: xmh & |
1910 | |
1911 | Other help: man xmh |
1912 | Electronic Mail on Athena (AC-31) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1913 | OLH under `Communicating With Other Users' -> |
1914 | `Electronic Mail' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1915 | |
1916 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1917 | "; |
1918 | |
1919 | help exmh: |
1920 | |
1921 | "EXMH is a more advanced graphical interface to MH. Unlike XMH, it |
1922 | provides MIME support: with the click of a button, EXMH will bring up |
1923 | an appropriate viewing application for most types of email enclosures. |
1924 | (MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, a standard for |
1925 | transmission of images, audio, enriched text, FTP pointers, etc. via |
1926 | email.) |
1927 | |
1928 | To run on a workstation: add sipb; exmh & |
1929 | |
1930 | Other help: man exmh |
1931 | Help button within EXMH |
1932 | Manual and FAQ at http://www.beedub.com/exmh/ |
1933 | |
1934 | Bug reports: send email to <bug-sipb@mit.edu> |
1935 | "; |
1936 | |
1937 | |
1938 | help mh-rmail: |
1939 | "Emacs has a built-in mode for reading mail called |
1940 | `mh-rmail'. You can get, read, delete, send, etc., |
1941 | usually with one or two keystrokes. If you use |
1942 | emacs a lot, you may find that reading mail in it is |
1943 | preferable to either a text-based or X-based interface. |
1944 | |
1945 | To use it, type `Meta-X mh-rmail' while in emacs. |
1946 | |
1947 | Or to start up a new emacs running only mh-rmail: |
1948 | |
1949 | on a workstation: emacs -f mh-rmail & |
1950 | on dialup: emacs -f mh-rmail |
1951 | |
1952 | Other help: type `Ctrl-h m' while in mh-rmail mode |
1953 | Electronic Mail on Athena (AC-31) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
1954 | OLH under `Communicating With Other Users' -> |
1955 | `Electronic Mail' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
1956 | |
1957 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1958 | "; |
1959 | |
1960 | help mailmaint: |
1961 | "mailmaint is a text-based menu driven system for |
1962 | manipulating mailing lists on Athena. You should use |
1963 | it to add or remove yourself from mailing lists. |
1964 | |
1965 | To run: mailmaint |
1966 | |
1967 | Other help: man mailmaint |
1968 | |
1969 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1970 | "; |
1971 | |
1972 | help listmaint: |
1973 | "listmaint is a text-based, menu driven system for |
1974 | manipulating mailing lists on Athena. It is primarily |
1975 | intended for maintainers of mailing lists and groups |
1976 | to maintain the membership of the list or group. |
1977 | |
1978 | To run: listmaint |
1979 | |
1980 | Other help: man listmaint |
1981 | |
1982 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
1983 | "; |
1984 | |
1985 | help aboutnews: |
1986 | "Netnews is a worldwide forum where hundreds of |
1987 | thousands of users post and read articles about |
1988 | hundreds of topics. |
1989 | |
1990 | Help on netnews is available in On-Line Help |
1991 | (http://web.mit.edu/olh/). All three news |
1992 | readers on this menu are documented |
1993 | there. There is also a document on netnews |
1994 | available from the SIPB."; |
1995 | |
1996 | help xrn: |
1997 | "XRN is an X-based interface to netnews that lets you |
1998 | subscribe to and browse newsgroups by clicking on buttons. |
1999 | |
2000 | To run on a workstation: add sipb ; xrn & |
2001 | |
2002 | Other help: Some help is available in the program - moving the mouse over |
2003 | a button will give a short help message about that button. |
2004 | Netnews on Athena (AC-33) from at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
2005 | OLH under `Communicating with Other Users' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
2006 | Netnews: A One-Page Guide to the Usenet (SIPB) |
2007 | man rn |
2008 | |
2009 | Bug reports: send email to <bug-sipb> |
2010 | "; |
2011 | |
2012 | help rrn: |
2013 | "RRN is a text-based interface to netnews. |
2014 | |
2015 | To run: add sipb ; rrn |
2016 | |
2017 | Other help: Type `h' at any time for help. |
2018 | Netnews on Athena (AC-33) from at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
2019 | OLH under `Communicating with Other Users' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
2020 | Netnews: A One-Page Guide to the Usenet (SIPB) |
2021 | man rn |
2022 | |
2023 | Bug reports: send email to <bug-sipb> |
2024 | "; |
2025 | |
2026 | help gnus: |
2027 | "Emacs has a netnews interface (called GNUS), |
2028 | which is similar to the mail-reading interface. |
2029 | In order to use it, you'll need to modify your |
2030 | emacs startup file (~/.emacs). On-Line Help |
2031 | contains instructions on how to do this. Type |
2032 | `help', then select `Communicating with Other |
2033 | Users', `Network News', `News Readers', then |
2034 | read the help file `gnus'. |
2035 | |
2036 | Simply selecting this option will start up a |
2037 | new emacs in gnus mode, if you do not want to |
2038 | go through all the work yourself."; |
2039 | |
2040 | help aboutdiscuss: |
2041 | "Discuss is a networked conferencing system |
2042 | similar to other bulletin boards. Discussions |
2043 | (called meetings) exist on hundreds of topics. |
2044 | |
2045 | Help on all versions of discuss (text-based, |
2046 | emacs-based and X-window-based) is available |
2047 | in On-Line Help."; |
2048 | |
2049 | help xdsc: |
2050 | "xdsc is a graphical interface to discuss. |
2051 | |
2052 | To run on a workstation: xdsc & |
2053 | |
2054 | Other help: man xdsc |
2055 | Discuss on Athena (AC-32) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
2056 | OLH under `Communicating with Other Users' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
2057 | click on the `HELP' button within the application |
2058 | |
2059 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2060 | "; |
2061 | |
2062 | help discuss: |
2063 | "The text-based discuss reader is simply called |
2064 | `discuss'. |
2065 | |
2066 | To run: discuss |
2067 | |
2068 | Other help: man discuss |
2069 | Discuss on Athena (AC-32) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
2070 | OLH under `Communicating with Other Users' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
2071 | type `help' or `?' within the application |
2072 | |
2073 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2074 | "; |
2075 | |
2076 | help edsc: |
2077 | "Emacs has a discuss reader similar to mh-rmail |
2078 | and the netnews reader (gnus). |
2079 | |
2080 | Simply selecting this option will start up a |
2081 | new emacs in discuss mode. |
2082 | |
2083 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2084 | "; |
2085 | |
2086 | help aboutzephyr: |
2087 | "Zephyr is an instantaneous messaging and location |
2088 | system. Using zephyr, you can send a message to |
2089 | any user who is logged-in to Athena without having |
2090 | to know where they are logged in. The message is |
2091 | sent immediately and shows up in a separate window |
2092 | on their screen. If you receive a `zephyrgram', |
2093 | you can get rid of it by simply clicking a mouse |
2094 | button in it. |
2095 | |
2096 | You can find more help on zephyr in On-Line |
2097 | Help, and there are manual pages for each of |
2098 | the commands described below."; |
2099 | |
2100 | help zwrite: |
2101 | "The basic command for sending a message is |
2102 | `zwrite'. To send a message to another user, |
2103 | simply type: |
2104 | |
2105 | zwrite username |
2106 | |
2107 | Other help: man zwrite |
2108 | Zephyr on Athena (AC-34) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
2109 | OLH under `Communicating with Other Users' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
2110 | |
2111 | Bug reports: use sendbug"; |
2112 | |
2113 | ! help zsub: |
2114 | "You are automatically subscribed to messages |
2115 | that are addressed directly to you. However, |
2116 | Zephyr has `instances' which are similar to |
2117 | channels on a CB radio. Anyone that wants |
2118 | to listen may, and anyone may `broadcast' |
2119 | to an instance. |
2120 | |
2121 | The program that is used to control your |
2122 | subscriptions (what you listen to) is called |
2123 | `zctl'. |
2124 | |
2125 | For more information on subscriptions, |
2126 | refer to On-Line Help or the manual page |
2127 | for zctl."; |
2128 | |
2129 | help zlocate: |
2130 | "Zephyr can tell you the name of the machine |
2131 | where a person is logged in. |
2132 | |
2133 | To locate another user on the system, |
2134 | type: |
2135 | |
2136 | zlocate username |
2137 | |
2138 | Other help: man zlocate |
2139 | Zephyr on Athena (AC-34) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
2140 | OLH under `Communicating with Other Users' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
2141 | |
2142 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2143 | "; |
2144 | |
2145 | help zephhide: |
2146 | "This option will hide your location from |
2147 | zephyr, so that people will not be able |
2148 | to locate you. You will still be able to |
2149 | receive zephyrgrams, and it will not |
2150 | change your visibility for future sessions. |
2151 | |
2152 | To run: zctl hide |
2153 | |
2154 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2155 | "; |
2156 | |
2157 | help zephunhide: |
2158 | "This option will unhide your location from |
2159 | zephyr, so that people can locate you. It |
2160 | will not change your visibility for future |
2161 | sessions. |
2162 | |
2163 | To run: zctl unhide |
2164 | |
2165 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2166 | "; |
2167 | |
2168 | help zephannounce: |
2169 | "This option sets your exposure to |
2170 | `realm-announced', which means that each |
2171 | time you login, your location will be broadcast. |
2172 | Anyone that is interested in listening to |
2173 | these broadcasts will be able to. |
2174 | |
2175 | To run: zctl set exposure realm-announced"; |
2176 | |
2177 | help zephunannounce: |
2178 | "This option sets your exposure to |
2179 | `realm-visible', which means that each time |
2180 | you login, your location will not be broadcast, |
2181 | but you will be locatable to anyone who is |
2182 | interested in finding you. |
2183 | |
2184 | To run: zctl set exposure realm-visible"; |
2185 | |
2186 | help zephhidelogin: |
2187 | "This option effectively turns zephyr off |
2188 | altogether. Your location will not be |
2189 | announced, you will not be locatable by |
2190 | other users, and you will not receive any |
2191 | zephyrgrams. It is not recommended that |
2192 | you use this setting. |
2193 | |
2194 | To run: zctl set exposure none"; |
2195 | |
2196 | help wwwcert: |
2197 | "Certificates are used to authenticate access to MIT's secure web services |
2198 | including WebSIS (MIT Student Information System), SAPweb, and MCC/Online. |
2199 | This item opens the Certificates at MIT web page: |
2200 | |
2201 | http://web.mit.edu/is/help/cert/ |
2202 | "; |
2203 | |
2204 | |
2205 | help lynxmit: |
2206 | "Lynx is a text-only web browser which |
2207 | can be run in an xterm or over dialup. |
2208 | This item connects you to the MIT |
2209 | Home Page. |
2210 | |
2211 | To run: add infoagents; lynx http://web.mit.edu/ |
2212 | |
2213 | Other help: man lynx |
2214 | type `h' in the application |
2215 | |
2216 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2217 | "; |
2218 | |
2219 | help lynxsipb: |
2220 | "Lynx is a text-only web browser which |
2221 | can be run in an xterm or over dialup. |
2222 | This item will connect you to the SIPB |
2223 | Home Page. |
2224 | |
2225 | To run: add infoagents; lynx http://www.mit.edu/sipb/ |
2226 | |
2227 | Other help: man lynx |
2228 | type `h' in the application |
2229 | |
2230 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2231 | "; |
2232 | |
2233 | |
2234 | !help lynxdefault: |
2235 | "Lynx is a text-only web browser which |
2236 | can be run in an xterm or over dialup. |
2237 | This item will, by default, connect you to |
2238 | the MIT Home Page. (If you have set another |
2239 | page as your startup default, it will start on |
2240 | that instead.) |
2241 | |
2242 | To run: add infoagents; lynx |
2243 | |
2244 | Other help: man lynx |
2245 | type `h' in the application |
2246 | |
2247 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2248 | "; |
2249 | |
2250 | |
2251 | help netscapemit: |
2252 | "Netscape is a graphical WWW browser. This item connects |
2253 | you to the MIT Home Page. |
2254 | |
2255 | To run: netscape http://web.mit.edu/ & |
2256 | |
2257 | Other help: Click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
2258 | |
2259 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2260 | "; |
2261 | |
2262 | help netscapesipb: |
2263 | "Netscape is a graphical WWW browser. This item connects |
2264 | you to the SIPB Home Page. |
2265 | |
2266 | To run: netscape http://www.mit.edu/sipb/ & |
2267 | |
2268 | Other help: Click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
2269 | |
2270 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2271 | "; |
2272 | |
2273 | !help netscapedefault: |
2274 | "Netscape is a graphical WWW browser. By default, this item |
2275 | connects you to the MIT Home Page. (If you have set another page as |
2276 | your startup default, it will start on that instead.) |
2277 | |
2278 | To run: netscape & |
2279 | |
2280 | Other help: Click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
2281 | |
2282 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2283 | "; |
2284 | |
2285 | help netscape3mit: |
2286 | "Netscape is a graphical WWW browser. This item connects |
2287 | you to the MIT Home Page. |
2288 | |
2289 | To run: add infoagents; netscape-3.01 http://web.mit.edu/ & |
2290 | |
2291 | Other help: click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
2292 | |
2293 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2294 | "; |
2295 | |
2296 | help netscape3sipb: |
2297 | "Netscape is a graphical WWW browser. This item connects |
2298 | you to the SIPB Home Page. |
2299 | |
2300 | To run: add infoagents; netscape-3.01 http://www.mit.edu/sipb/ & |
2301 | |
2302 | Other help: click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
2303 | |
2304 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2305 | "; |
2306 | |
2307 | !help netscape3default: |
2308 | "Netscape is a graphical WWWW browser. By default, this item |
2309 | connects you to the MIT Home Page. (If you have set another page as |
2310 | your startup default, it will start on that instead.) |
2311 | |
2312 | To run: add infoagents; netscape-3.01 & |
2313 | |
2314 | Other help: click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
2315 | |
2316 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2317 | "; |
2318 | |
2319 | |
2320 | help mozillamit: |
2321 | "Mozilla is a graphical WWW browser. This item connects |
2322 | you to the MIT Home Page. |
2323 | |
2324 | To run: add infoagents; mozilla & |
2325 | |
2326 | Other help: click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
2327 | |
2328 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2329 | "; |
2330 | |
2331 | help mozillasipb: |
2332 | "Netscape is a graphical WWW browser. This item connects |
2333 | you to the SIPB Home Page. |
2334 | |
2335 | To run: add infoagents; mozilla http://www.mit.edu/sipb/ & |
2336 | |
2337 | Help: click on the `Help' menu item in the application |
2338 | |
2339 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2340 | "; |
2341 | |
2342 | |
2343 | |
2344 | !help aboutgopher: |
2345 | "Gopher assists in retrieving information |
2346 | from the Internet. It performs automatic |
2347 | Telnetting and FTPing for you."; |
2348 | |
2349 | !help xgopher: |
2350 | "This is a graphical version of Gopher, |
2351 | featuring a point and click interface. |
2352 | |
2353 | To run on a workstation: add gopher; xgopher |
2354 | |
2355 | Other help: man xgopher |
2356 | |
2357 | "; |
2358 | |
2359 | !help gopher: |
2360 | "This is the -tty version of Gopher, |
2361 | which can run in an xterm or over |
2362 | dialup. |
2363 | |
2364 | To run: add gopher; gopher |
2365 | |
2366 | Other help: man gopher |
2367 | |
2368 | "; |
2369 | |
2370 | help logoutbutton: |
2371 | "Create a logout button which you can |
2372 | click on when you want to log out of |
2373 | Athena. See also `Logout' on the |
2374 | `Special' menu."; |
2375 | |
2376 | help pascal: |
2377 | "The standard name for the Pascal compiler |
2378 | under UNIX is `pc'; this available on Athena |
2379 | Suns and SGIs. |
2380 | |
2381 | Other help: man pc |
2382 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#pc |
2383 | |
2384 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2385 | "; |
2386 | |
2387 | help perl: |
2388 | "Perl 5 is available as part of the Athena release; there is also a perl |
2389 | locker which may contain other versions. To run the default version, |
2390 | currently perl 5: |
2391 | |
2392 | perl <filename> or !#/usr/athena/bin/perl in a script |
2393 | |
2394 | To run from the perl locker, currently perl 4: |
2395 | |
2396 | add -f perl; perl <filename> or !#/afs/athena/contrib/perl/perl in a script |
2397 | |
2398 | Other help: man perl |
2399 | http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#perl |
2400 | |
2401 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2402 | "; |
2403 | |
2404 | help ct: |
2405 | "cT is a programming language whose code |
2406 | is transportable between Macintosh, DOS, |
2407 | and Unix workstation platforms. Built |
2408 | in are easy-to-use facilities for graphics, |
2409 | pull-down menus, and acceptance |
2410 | of mouse clicks. It is useful for rapid |
2411 | prototyping of applications, and for |
2412 | building simple applications. On-line |
2413 | help is available. To start it up, type: |
2414 | |
2415 | add ct ; cT demos/samples/GettingStarted.t |
2416 | |
2417 | Some sample files may be found in |
2418 | the /mit/ct/demos directory. |
2419 | |
2420 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2421 | "; |
2422 | |
2423 | help lisp: |
2424 | "Allegro Common Lisp is available on Athena Suns and SGIs. To run: |
2425 | |
2426 | add acl |
2427 | cl for Lisp-only TTY interface; to exit, type: (exit) |
2428 | cl-xemacs for xemacs interface, connects to Composer Development Environment |
2429 | |
2430 | Other help: http://web.mit.edu/acs/www/whererunsa.html#lisp |
2431 | |
2432 | Bug reports: use sendbug"; |
2433 | |
2434 | help multi: |
2435 | "Multi is an integrated debugging environment coupled |
2436 | to a set of C, C++, and FORTRAN compilers (ghcc, gcx, and gfc |
2437 | respectively) from Green Hills Software. It is unsupported and use is |
2438 | on an `as is' basis. It is available on Athena Suns only. To run: |
2439 | |
2440 | add multi |
2441 | |
2442 | and see the file /mit/multi/README.to_run for usage info. |
2443 | |
2444 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2445 | "; |
2446 | |
2447 | help multilang: |
2448 | "Multi is an integrated debugging environment coupled |
2449 | to a set of C, C++, and FORTRAN compilers (ghcc, gcx, and gfc |
2450 | respectively) from Green Hills Software. It is unsupported and use is |
2451 | on an `as is' basis. It is available on Athena Suns only. To run: |
2452 | |
2453 | add multi |
2454 | |
2455 | and see the file /mit/multi/README.to_run for usage info. |
2456 | |
2457 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2458 | "; |
2459 | |
2460 | help maple: |
2461 | "Maple, developed at the University of Waterloo, |
2462 | performs numerical and symbolic computations |
2463 | in addition to having extensive graphics |
2464 | capabilities. |
2465 | |
2466 | It can manipulate real numbers and integers of |
2467 | up to 10,000 digits, do formal and numerical |
2468 | integration, solve algebraic or transcendental |
2469 | systems and differential equations, and perform |
2470 | series expansions and matrix manipulations. |
2471 | |
2472 | To run on a workstation: add maple ; maple |
2473 | For TTY interface: add maple ; maple.tty |
2474 | |
2475 | Other help: `Maple on Athena' (AC-72) at CopyTech or http://web.mit.edu/is/pubs/ |
2476 | manuals in libraries and N42-105 |
2477 | OLH under `Numerical and Math Software' (http://web.mit.edu/olh/) |
2478 | OLC stock answers |
2479 | type `?help' inside Maple or use the Help menu |
2480 | |
2481 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2482 | "; |
2483 | |
2484 | help xess: |
2485 | "Xess is an easy to learn and use spreadsheet |
2486 | designed specifically for science and engineering |
2487 | computing. It provides a full range of |
2488 | mathematical, statistical, matrix and string |
2489 | functions while handling complex calculations |
2490 | with the ease of a familiar spreadsheet |
2491 | format. |
2492 | |
2493 | Help is available by pulling down the `Help' |
2494 | menu on the menubar at the top of the Xess |
2495 | window. |
2496 | |
2497 | To run: add xess ; xess |
2498 | |
2499 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2500 | "; |
2501 | |
2502 | help sas: |
2503 | "SAS is a system for controlling data. It allows you to take |
2504 | data in any form and access, manage, analyze, and present |
2505 | according to your needs and level of computer expertise. |
2506 | |
2507 | To run on a workstation: add sas ; sas & |
2508 | |
2509 | Bug reports: use sendbug |
2510 | "; |
2511 | |
2512 | help library: |
2513 | "Connect to the MIT Libraries' web site for electronic |
2514 | resources and full information on MIT's library collections, |
2515 | services, and locations: |
2516 | |
2517 | http://libraries.mit.edu/"; |
2518 | |
2519 | |
2520 | help assess: |
2521 | "Assess is an interactive program for utility assessment |
2522 | of simulated decisions processes. |
2523 | |
2524 | To run: add 1.101 ; assess"; |
2525 | |
2526 | help growltiger: |
2527 | "GROWLTIGER is a structural analysis and design package |
2528 | for 2/D linear structures which provides an interactive |
2529 | environment for experimenting with structure behavior and |
2530 | design. |
2531 | |
2532 | To run: add growltiger; growltiger &"; |
2533 | |
2534 | help vihelp: |
2535 | "VISDYCON stands for VISual DYNamics and CONtrol. |
2536 | The visdycon software is designed to teach and |
2537 | reinforce classic control theory and basic lumped |
2538 | parameter modelling techniques for dynamic systems. |
2539 | |
2540 | To use on athena: add visdycon; visdycon |
2541 | For more information: http://lancet.mit.edu/idc/ |
2542 | man visdycon"; |
2543 | help sysresp: |
2544 | "A playground for understanding linear system representations and methods |
2545 | for analyzing linear dynamic systems. Linear systems can be entered as |
2546 | transfer functions, root lists, poles & zeros, state-space matrices, |
2547 | linear graphs, or bond graphs. Once the system has been entered (a 1 to |
2548 | 30 second process), it can be analyzed using Bode plots, sinusoid, step, |
2549 | ramp, and impulse responses, s-plane, transfer function, and state space |
2550 | representations, and nyquist & nichols stability measures."; |
2551 | |
2552 | help rlocus: |
2553 | "A quick method of determining the root locus of a system. This program |
2554 | generates the root locus of a system based upon the roots entered in the |
2555 | s-plane. You can easily see the effects of small changes by dragging |
2556 | the roots of your system in the s-plane and watching the root locus |
2557 | change in real time. Rlocus also offers a step-by-step tutorial for |
2558 | interactively explaining how to derive a root locus."; |
2559 | |
2560 | !help lingraph: |
2561 | !"coming soon"; |
2562 | |
2563 | !help bodiag: |
2564 | ! "coming soon" |
2565 | help cat: |
2566 | "CAT (Computer Aided Thermodynamics) is a modelling |
2567 | package for use in gas-phase chemical kinetics calculations. |
2568 | |
2569 | To run on a workstation: add 2.40 ; CAT"; |
2570 | |
2571 | help 6111: |
2572 | "This will set up your environment to run the software |
2573 | tools for 6.111 Digital Design. |
2574 | |
2575 | To run: setup 6.111"; |
2576 | |
2577 | help 6270: |
2578 | "This will set up your environment to run the software |
2579 | for the 6.270 LEGO Robot Competition. |
2580 | |
2581 | To run: setup 6.270"; |
2582 | |
2583 | help xmap: |
2584 | "MITMap is an X based thematic mapping program that will draw |
2585 | and graphically overlay boundary, image, point and attribute |
2586 | information. |
2587 | |
2588 | To run on a workstation: attach crldata |
2589 | add crlbin |
2590 | mitmap"; |
2591 | |
2592 | help cvsim: |
2593 | "The Cardiovascular Simulator (CVSIM) is a realtime physiological |
2594 | simulation of cardiovascular hemodynamics and control. |
2595 | |
2596 | To run on a workstation: add hst ; cvsim"; |
2597 | |
2598 | help quantphysx11: |
2599 | "The Quantitative Physiology suite of programs |
2600 | simulates different cell and tissue functions. |
2601 | |
2602 | To run on a workstation: setup 6.021J"; |
2603 | |
2604 | !help ode: |
2605 | !"ODE is a program built using cT which graphically depicts |
2606 | !Ordinary Differential Equations. |
2607 | ! |
2608 | !To run on a workstation: add 18.03; ode"; |
2609 | |
2610 | !help 301: |
2611 | !"This launches the Mosaic interface to the 3.01 |
2612 | !World Wide Web home page. |
2613 | ! |
2614 | !If you're already running Mosaic, you can simply open |
2615 | !the following URL: |
2616 | ! |
2617 | ! http://web.mit.edu/course/3/3.01/html/homepage.html |
2618 | ! |
2619 | !to view the page. |
2620 | !"; |
2621 | |
2622 | help 3091: |
2623 | "The 3.091 Courseware includes programs for modelling 3-D cubic |
2624 | crystalline solids, data analysis for properties of the elements, |
2625 | and other related applications. |
2626 | |
2627 | To run on a workstation: setup 3.091"; |
2628 | |
2629 | help 4203acad12: |
2630 | "This version of autocad is for use |
2631 | by students in 4.203."; |
2632 | |
2633 | help 4203acad13: |
2634 | "This version of autocad is for use |
2635 | by students in 4.203."; |
2636 | |
2637 | help crlolh: |
2638 | "On-Line Help for the CRL displays a window with |
2639 | information about the CRL."; |
2640 | |
2641 | help 1803x1: |
2642 | "To run on a workstation: add 18.03 ; x1"; |
2643 | |
2644 | help 1803x2: |
2645 | "To run on a workstation: add 18.03 ; x2"; |