#!/bin/sh # $Id: netparams.sh,v 1.1 1997-12-30 18:29:53 ghudson Exp $ # Usage: netparams [-d defaultbits] [-e] [-f file] address ... # # Computes the netmask for each address and outputs the netmask, # network, broadcast address, and gateway address. Options are: # # -d defaultbits Give the default number of bits to use if an # IP address is not located on the file. The # default is 24. # # -e Error if an IP address is not located in the # file. # # -f file Give the masks filename to use. The default # is the concatenation of /etc/athena/masks.local # (if it exists) and /etc/athena/masks. # # The format of each line of the masks file is: # # address significant-bits mask-bits [gateway] # # The first of
are compared against the # given IP address. If they match, is the number of bits # in the netmask, and is the gateway address if given. (If # gateway is not given, it is assumed to be one greater than the # network address.) The first match in the file is taken. Blank lines # and lines beginning with a '#' are ignored. # This script may want to run before /usr is mounted on BSD-ish # systems, so it uses a very limited set of external commands (expr, # test, echo). If you want to use a command not in that set, make # sure it lives in /bin or /sbin in BSD 4.4. # Regular expression to match things that looklike IP addresss. ipreg='^[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$' # Usage message usage="$0 [-f file] [-d defaultbits] [-e] address ..." # octet sets o1..o4 to the octets of the address. octets() { OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS=. set -- $1 o1=$1 o2=$2 o3=$3 o4=$4 IFS="$OLDIFS" } # octetbits splits up into four values b1..b4 each between 0 # and 8. If you want the first n bits of a 32-bit value, then you # want the first b1..b4 bits of the corresponding octets. octetbits() { case "$1" in 0) b1=0; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 1) b1=1; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 2) b1=2; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 3) b1=3; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 4) b1=4; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 5) b1=5; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 6) b1=6; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 7) b1=7; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 8) b1=8; b2=0; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 9) b1=8; b2=1; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 10) b1=8; b2=2; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 11) b1=8; b2=3; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 12) b1=8; b2=4; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 13) b1=8; b2=5; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 14) b1=8; b2=6; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 15) b1=8; b2=7; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 16) b1=8; b2=8; b3=0; b4=0 ;; 17) b1=8; b2=8; b3=1; b4=0 ;; 18) b1=8; b2=8; b3=2; b4=0 ;; 19) b1=8; b2=8; b3=3; b4=0 ;; 20) b1=8; b2=8; b3=4; b4=0 ;; 21) b1=8; b2=8; b3=5; b4=0 ;; 22) b1=8; b2=8; b3=6; b4=0 ;; 23) b1=8; b2=8; b3=7; b4=0 ;; 24) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=0 ;; 25) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=1 ;; 26) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=2 ;; 27) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=3 ;; 28) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=4 ;; 29) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=5 ;; 30) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=6 ;; 31) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=7 ;; 32) b1=8; b2=8; b3=8; b4=8 ;; esac } # mask8 sets a8 to the first bits of . mask8() { case "$2" in 0) a8=0 ;; 1) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 128` ;; 2) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 64` ;; 3) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 32` ;; 4) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 16` ;; 5) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 8` ;; 6) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 4` ;; 7) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 2` ;; 8) a8=$1 ;; esac } # fill8 sets a8 to with the last 8- bits set to 1. fill8() { case "$2" in 0) a8=255 ;; 1) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 128 + 127` ;; 2) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 64 + 63` ;; 3) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 32 + 31` ;; 4) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 16 + 15` ;; 5) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 8 + 7` ;; 6) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 4 + 3` ;; 7) a8=`expr "$1" - "$1" % 2 + 1` ;; 8) a8=$1 ;; esac } # mask sets a to the first bits of . # If a third parameter is given, add 1 to the last octet (to get the # gateway address). mask() { a="" octets "$1" octetbits "$2" mask8 "$o1" "$b1" a=$a8 mask8 "$o2" "$b2" a=$a.$a8 mask8 "$o3" "$b3" a=$a.$a8 mask8 "$o4" "$b4" if [ -n "$3" ]; then a8=`expr "$a8" + 1` fi a=$a.$a8 } # fill sets a to with the last 32- bits # set to 1. fill() { a="" octets "$1" octetbits "$2" fill8 "$o1" "$b1" a=$a8 fill8 "$o2" "$b2" a=$a.$a8 fill8 "$o3" "$b3" a=$a.$a8 fill8 "$o4" "$b4" a=$a.$a8 } # getnetmask sets maskbits to the number of netmask # bits for according to . Also sets gateway to the # gateway field on the matching line, if one was specified. getnetmask() { exec < $2 maskbits="" while read addr sigbits mbits gw; do # Ignore blank lines and comments. if [ -z "$addr" -o `expr "$addr" : '^#'` -ne 0 ]; then continue fi # Make sure the line is in the proper form. if [ `expr "$addr" : "$ipreg"` -eq 0 \ -o `expr "$sigbits" : '^[0-9][0-9]*$'` -eq 0 \ -o `expr "$mbits" : '^[0-9][0-9]*$'` -eq 0 ]; then echo "Bad line in $2: $addr $sigbits $mbits $gw" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ -n "$gw" -a `expr "$gw" : "$ipreg"` -eq 0 ]; then echo "Bad gateway in $2: $gw" 1>&2 exit 1 fi mask "$1" "$sigbits" if [ "$a" = "$addr" ]; then maskbits=$mbits gateway=$gw break fi done } # Process arguments. defaultbits=24 errornf=false maskfile="" while getopts d:ef: opt; do case "$opt" in d) defaultbits=$OPTARG ;; e) errornf=true ;; f) maskfile=$OPTARG ;; \?) echo "$usage" exit 1 ;; esac done shift `expr $OPTIND - 1` # Make sure we have some addresses. if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 ip-address ..." 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Make sure our addresses are in something like the proper format. for ip in "$@"; do if [ `expr "$ip" : "$ipreg"` -eq 0 ]; then echo "Bad address: $ip" 1>&2 echo "Usage: $0 ip-address ..." 1>&2 exit 1 fi done for ip in "$@"; do if [ -n "$maskfile" ]; then getnetmask "$ip" "$maskfile" elif [ -f /etc/athena/masks.local ]; then getnetmask "$ip" /etc/athena/masks.local if [ -z "$maskbits" ]; then getnetmask "$ip" /etc/athena/masks fi else getnetmask "$ip" /etc/athena/masks fi if [ -z "$maskbits" ]; then # Error out if we were told to, or guess. if [ "$errornf" = true ]; then echo "$ip not matched." 1>&2 exit 1 fi maskbits=$defaultbits fi mask "$maskbits" netmask=$a mask "$ip" "$maskbits" network=$a fill "$ip" "$maskbits" broadcast=$a if [ -z "$gateway" ]; then mask "$ip" "$maskbits" 1 gateway=$a fi echo "$netmask $network $broadcast $gateway" done