1 | Copyright (C) 2004 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
2 | Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Internet Software Consortium.
3 | See COPYRIGHT in the source root or http://isc.org/copyright.html for terms.
4 |
5 | $Id: win32-build.txt,v 2005-04-15 15:30:49 ghudson Exp $
6 |
7 | BIND 9.2.0 Beta for Win32 Source Build Instructions. 28-Jul-2001
8 |
9 | Building BIND 9.2 on Windows NT/2000 has two prerequisites:
10 | 1) You need to install Perl for Windows NT/2000. ActiveState
11 | (http://www.activestate.com/) is the one most people install and use;
12 | 2) OpenSSL (http://www.openssl.org) needs to be downloaded and built
13 | on the system on which you are building BIND.
14 |
15 | The instructions assume a Visual C++ 6.0 compiler with Visual Studio and
16 | Visual Studio Service Pack 3 or later. It may build and work with earlier
17 | versions but it has not been tested. The binaries may be built and run on
18 | any of the following platforms: NT 4.0 Workstation (SP3 or later), NT 4.0
19 | Server (SP3 or later), Windows 2000 Professional (SP1 or later),
20 | Windows 2000 Server or any kind (SP1 or later). It should run on the
21 | to-be-released Windows XP platforms of various flavors. It will NOT build
22 | or run on Windows 95, Windows 98, etc. platforms.
23 |
24 | Step 1: Download and Build OpenSSL
25 |
26 | Download and untar the OpenSSL sources from http://www.openssl.org/.
27 | if you have place the BIND sources in /BIND9 you should place the
28 | OpenSSL sources in /OpenSSL-0.9.6b. If you place the sources anywhere
29 | else you will have to edit the libdns.dsp or libdns.mak files to point
30 | the include directories and the link library location to the correct
31 | places as well as move the DLL to the BUILD/Release subdirectory.
32 |
33 | Note: Building OpenSSL also requires that you install Perl as it uses
34 | it during its build process. Follow the instructions for NT given
35 | in the INSTALL.W32 file to build the kit. This will produce libeay32.lib
36 | and libeay32.dll in the out32dll subdirectory.
37 |
38 |
39 | Step 2 Building BIND
40 |
41 | From the command prompt cd to the win32utils under the BIND root.
42 | Execute the BuildAll.bat file. This will do the following:
43 | 1) copy config.h.win32 to config.h in the root.
44 | 2) create the versions.h file in the root.
45 | 3) Build the gen application in the lib/dns directory.
46 | 4) Run the gen application and build the required lib/dns header
47 | files.
48 | 5) Create the Build/Release subdirectory under the root of the BIND
49 | source tree which will hold the binaries being built.
50 | 6) Build the libraries, named, application tools like dig, rndc
51 | dnssec tools, installer, checkconf and checkzones programs,
52 | BIND 9 Installer.
53 | 7) Copies the release notes and the OpenSSL DLL to the BUILD/Release
54 | directory.
55 | 8) Copies the BIND 9 ARM HTML files and the application HTML files
56 | to the Build\Release area.
57 |
58 | If you wish to use Visual Studio for building, you can just run the
59 | BuildSetup.bat file which will create all the necessary files and you
60 | can then use the BINDBuild.dsw to open the workspace for all of the
61 | libraries and applications. These files reside in the same win32utils
62 | directory as this file.
63 |
64 | The following files are built:
65 |
66 | libisc.dll
67 | libdns.dll
68 | libisccc.dll
69 | libisccfg.dll
70 | liblwres.dll
71 | named.exe
72 | bindevt.dll
73 | BINDInstall.exe
74 |
75 | rndc.exe
76 | dig.exe
77 | host.exe
78 | nslookup.exe
79 | nsupdate.exe
80 |
81 | named-checkconf.exe
82 | named-checkzone.exe
83 |
84 | dnssec-keygen.exe
85 | dnssec-makekeyset.exe
86 | dnssec-signkey.exe
87 | dnssec-signzone.exe
88 |
89 | You should end up with 20 binaries in the bind9/Build/Release
90 | directory. The Install instructions Readme1st.txt from win32utils
91 | and libeay32.dll from the openssl/out32dll/ directory are also copied
92 | into the Build area. In addition you should have 22 HTML files.
93 |
94 | The set of files in the directory bind9/Build/Release form the
95 | installation kit which can then be zipped and distributed to any
96 | suitable Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 platform.
97 |
98 | Installation is accomplished by running the BINDInstall program. All DLL's
99 | are copied to the system32 area and all applications (including BINDInstall
100 | which may be necessary for uninstalling BIND 9) to the dns/bin directory.
101 | If BIND 8 has previously been installed on the system it must be uninstalled
102 | first by running it's own BINDInstall program. The BIND 9 installer does
103 | not yet do this.
104 |
105 | All bugs found, whether in the process of building the application or
106 | running BIND or the tools should be reported to the bind9 bugs email
107 | account at bind9-bugs@isc.org.
108 |
109 | Danny Mayer
110 | danny.mayer@nominum.com
111 |
112 |