source: trunk/third/kermit/ckaaaa.hlp @ 10780

Revision 10780, 15.2 KB checked in by brlewis, 27 years ago (diff)
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[10779]1CKAAAA.HLP                                                       September 1996
3                 C-KERMIT VERSION 6.0.192, OVERVIEW OF FILES
5    Communications software for UNIX, (Open)VMS, Stratus VOS, AOS/VS, QNX,
6         BeBox, Plan 9, OS-9, Apollo Aegis, and the Commodore Amiga.
8C-Kermit 6.0.192 bears the following copyright notice:
10  Copyright (C) 1985, 1996, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New
11  York.  The C-Kermit software may not be, in whole or in part, licensed or
12  sold for profit as a software product itself, nor may it be included in or
13  distributed with commercial products or otherwise distributed by commercial
14  concerns to their clients or customers without written permission of the
15  Office of Kermit Development and Distribution, Columbia University.  This
16  copyright notice must not be removed, altered, or obscured.
18And the following disclaimer:
20  The C-Kermit software is provided in source code form by Kermit Development
21  and Distribution, Columbia University.  The software is provided "as is;" no
22  other warranty is provided, express or implied, including without
23  limitations, any implied warranty of merchantability or implied warranty of
24  fitness for a particular purpose.
26  Neither Columbia University nor any of the contributors to the C-Kermit
27  development effort, including, but not limited to, AT&T, Digital Equipment
28  Corporation, Data General Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, or
29  International Business Machines Corporation, warrant C-Kermit software or
30  documentation in any way.  In addition, neither the authors of any Kermit
31  programs, publications or documentation, nor Columbia University nor any
32  contributing institutions or individuals acknowledge any liability resulting
33  from program or documentation errors.
37  C-Kermit is documented in the book "Using C-Kermit", Second Edition, by
38  Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press, ISBN 1-55558-164-1.
39  Available at book and computer stores, or order from Columbia University
40  by calling +1 212 854-3703 (MasterCard and Visa accepted), or by calling
41  Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann at one of the numbers below
42  (MasterCard, Visa, and American Express accepted).  PLEASE PURCHASE THE
43  DOCUMENTATION: it shows you step-by-step how to use C-Kermit with lots of
44  examples and illustrations, it will answer most of your questions, and
45  sales help to fund the Kermit development and support effort.  Digital
46  Press phone numbers:
48    +1 800 366-2665   (Woburn, Massachusetts office for USA & Canada)
49    +44 1865 314627   (Oxford, England distribution centre for UK & Europe)
50    +61 03 9245 7111  (Melbourne, Vic, office for Australia & NZ)
51    +65 356-1968      (Singapore office for Asia)
52    +27 (31) 2683111  (Durban office for South Africa)
54  A German edition is available from Verlag Heinz Heise in Hannover, Germany,
55  Tel. +49 (05 11) 53 52-0, Fax. +49 (05 11) 53 52-1 29.
59  If you have obtained C-Kermit on a CD-ROM collection of "free software",
60  C-Kermit was very likely included without permission.  Please help to support
61  the Kermit project by obtaining Kermit software through the proper channels,
62  with proper documentation.
66  The definitive FTP source for Kermit software is
67  Kermit software obtained from other FTP sites is not necessarily complete
68  or up to date, and may have been modified.
70C-Kermit for UNIX computers that have a C compiler and 'make' program:
72  Directory kermit/archives, binary mode, file cku192.tar.Z or cku192.tar.gz
74  This is a compressed tar archive of UNIX C-Kermit source code, makefile, and
75  other files.  Transfer in binary mode, uncompress (or gunzip), untar (tar
76  xvf cku192.tar), and then give the appropriate "make" command to build for
77  your UNIX system; read the comments in the makefile and ckuins.doc for
78  further info.
80  TEST VERSION, if any:
81    kermit/test/tar/ckuNNN.tar.Z or .gz, where NNN is the edit number.
83C-Kermit for VMS: 
85  Get the file kermit/f/ckvaaa.hlp in text mode, read it, take it from there.
87  TEST VERSION, if any:
88    kermit/test/text/ckvaaa.hlp.
90Others:  In the kermit/f or kermit/test directories under the appropriate
91prefixes, explained below.
96Installation procedures depend on the system.  Please read the CK?INS.DOC,
97if any, file for your system (?=U for UNIX, V for VMS, etc).  Please note
98the naming and placement for the initialization files:
101    The standard initialization file.  Please leave it as is unless you
102    know what you are doing and (if you are changing it or replacing it
103    for others to use) you are prepared to support it.  Rename this file
104    to .kermrc in UNIX, OS-9, BeBox, or Plan 9.  In Stratus VOS, rename
105    it ckermit.ini (lowercase).  On multiuser systems, it goes either in the
106    (or EACH) user's home (login) directory, or else in a common shared
107    place if C-Kermit has been configured to look in that place.
110    A *sample* customization file.  On multiuser OS's, a copy of this file
111    goes in each user's home directory, and then each user edits it to suit
112    her needs and preferences; e.g. defining the dialing locale and the
113    dialout device and characteristics.
116    Dialing directory files can be system-wide, per-group, or per-user, or
117    any combination.  For example, there can be a corporate wide directory
118    shared by all users, a supplemental directory for each division or
119    department, and a personal directory for each user.  Simply be sure the
120    dialing directory files are identified a SET DIAL DIRECTORY command in
121    the user's (or the system-wide) C-Kermit initialization file, or in the
122    environment variable (logical name, symbol) K_DIAL_DIRECTORY.  (The
123    standard initialization file looks by default in the user's home or login
124    directory.)  When installing C-Kermit on multiuser platforms from which
125    users will dial out, you can also set environment variables for area
126    code, country code, and the various dialing prefixes as described on page
127    478 of "Using C-Kermit" (second edition), so users don't have to worry
128    about defining these items themselves.   Network directories and service
129    directories can also be set up in a similar manner.
134C-Kermit is a family of Kermit programs for many different computer systems.
135The program shares a common set of system-independent file transfer protocol
136modules, written in the C language.  System-dependent operations are collected
137into system-specific modules for each system.
139C-Kermit file names all start with the letters "CK", followed by a single
140letter indicating the subgroup.  When referring to these files in the UNIX
141environment, use lowercase letters, rather than the uppercase letters shown
142here.  Subgroups:
144  A: General descriptive material and documentation
145  B: BOO file encoders and decoders (mostly obsolete)
146  C: All systems with C compilers
147  D: Data General AOS/VS
148  E: Reserved for "ckermit" files, like CKERMIT.INI, CKERMIT.UPD
149  F: (reserved)
150  H: (reserved)
151  I: Commodore Amiga (Intuition)
152  J: (unused)
153  K: (unused)
154  L: Stratus VOS
155  M: Macintosh with Mac OS
156  N: Microsoft Windows NT
157  O: OS/2
158  P: Bell Labs Plan 9
159  Q: (reserved)
160  R: DEC PDP-11 with RSTS/E (reserved)
161  S: Atari ST GEMDOS (last supported in version 5A(189))
162  T: DEC PDP-11 with RT-11 (reserved)
163  U: UNIX or environments with UNIX-like C libraries
164  V: VMS and OpenVMS
165  W: Wart (Lex-like preprocessor, used with all systems)
166  X: DEC PDP-11 with RSX-11 (reserved)
167  Y: (reserved)
168  Z: (reserved)
169  0-8: (reserved)
170  9: Microware OS-9
172Examples (use lowercase on UNIX):
174  CKAAAA.HLP - This file
175  CKVAAA.HLP - Read-me file for the VMS version
176  CKOAAA.HLP - Read-me file for the OS/2 version
177  CKUFIO.C   - File i/o for UNIX
178  CKSTIO.C   - Communications i/o for the Atari ST
179  CKUKER.NR  - Nroff source file for UNIX C-Kermit man page
180  MAKEFILE   - Makefile for building UNIX C-Kermit
181  CKOKER.MAK - Makefile for building OS/2 C-Kermit
183IMPORTANT FILES (use lowercase names on UNIX):
185  CKAAAA.HLP  - This file (overview of the C-Kermit files).
186                For system-specific distributions, this will normally
187                be replaced by a system-specific READ.ME file.
189  CKERMIT.UPD - Updates: Supplement to "Using C-Kermit".
190  CKERMIT.BWR - "Beware file" (limitations, known bugs, hints), general.
191  CKERMIT.INI - Standard initialization file (rename to .kermrc in UNIX, OS-9)
192  CKERMOD.INI - Sample customization file (rename to .mykermrc in UNIX, OS-9)
193  CKERMIT.KDD - Sample dialing directory file (rename to .kdd in UNIX, OS-9)
194  CKERMIT.KND - Sample dialing directory file (rename to .knd in UNIX, OS-9)
195  CKERMIT.KSD - Sample services directory file (rename to .ksd in UNIX, OS-9)
196  CKEDEMO.KSC - Demonstration macros from "Using C-Kermit"
197  CKEPAGE.KSD - Ditto
198  CKEVT.KSC   - Ditto
200UNIX-specific files (use lowercase names on UNIX):
202  CKUINS.DOC - UNIX-specific installation instructions.
203  CKUKER.BWR - UNIX-specific beware file.
204  CKUKER.NR  - "man page" for UNIX.
205  CKURZSZ.INI - Macros for external protocols.
207VMS-specific files:
209  CKVINS.DOC - VMS-specific installation instructions.
210  CKVKER.BWR - VMS-specific beware file
211  CKVKER.HLP - VMS C-Kermit HELP topic
213DG AOS/VS-specific files:
215  CKDINS.DOC - Data General AOS/VS C-Kermit installation instructions
216  CKDKER.BWR - AOS/VS "beware" file
217  CKD*.CLI   - Procedures for building AOS/VS C-Kermit
219The following files are of interest mainly to programmers and historians:
221  CKCKER.ANN - Release announcements.
222  CKCCFG.DOC - Configuration information (feature selection), general.
223  CKCPLM.DOC - Program logic manual (for programmers).
224  CKC192.UPD - Program update history for edits 191-192 (big).
225  CKC190.UPD - Program update history for edits 189-190 (big).
226  CKC188.UPD - Program update history, edits 179-188 (big).
227  CKC178.UPD - Program edit history, 5A edits through 178 (very big).
228  CKCV4F.UPD - Program edit history, version 4F.
229  CKCV4E.UPD - Program edit history, version 4E.
233If you have FTP access to (also known as,,, you can
235also retrieve various C-Kermit binaries from the directory kermit/bin/ck*.*.
236Test versions would be in kermit/test/bin/ck*.*.  Be sure to transfer these
237files in binary mode.  The READ.ME file in that directory explains what's what.
241The source files for the UNIX version (all UNIX versions) are available in
242kermit/archives/ckuNNN.tar.Z, approximately 1MB in size.  Transfer this file
243in binary mode.  This is a compressed tar archive.  There is also a gzip'd
244version, cku192.tar.gz.  To get the binary tar archive:
246  mkdir kermit                   (at shell prompt, make a Kermit directory)
247  cd kermit                      (make it your current directory)
249  ftp        (make an ftp connection)
250  user: anonymous                (log in as user "anonymous", lower case!)
251  password:                      (use your email id as a password)
252  cd kermit/archives             (go to the archives directory)
253  type binary                    (specify binary file transfer)
254  get cku192.tar.Z               (get the tar archive) (or get cku192.tar.gz)
255  bye                            (disconnect and exit from ftp)
257  uncompress cku192.tar.Z        (at the shell prompt, uncompress the archive)
258  tar xvf cku192.tar             (extract the files from the tar archive)
259  make xxx                       (build C-Kermit for your system)
261(where "xxx" is the makefile entry appropriate for your system.)
263All C-Kermit source and other text files are also kept separately in the
264kermit/f directory.  The files necessary to build a particular implementation
265of C-Kermit are listed in the appropriate makefile or equivalent:
267       UNIX: makefile (or rename ckuker.mak to makefile)
268   2.11 BSD: ckubs2.mak (rename to makefile), ckustr.sed
269     Plan 9:  (rename to mkfile)
270  Macintosh: ckmker.mak (rename to kermit.make, use MPW C 3.2)
271        VMS: CKVKER.COM (DCL) (and optionally also CKVKER.MMS)
272             or CKVOLD.COM (for VMS 4.x)
273      Amiga: CKIKER.MAK (Aztec C) or CKISAS.MAK (SAS C)
274   Atari ST: CKSKER.MAK
275       OS-9: CK9KER.MAK or CK9KER.GCC
277Stratus VOS: CKLMAK.CM
279Minimal source files for building selected versions (these patterns get all
280the files you need, and in some cases maybe a few extra):
282   UNIX:   ck[cuw]*.[cwh] (including QNX, Plan 9, and BeBox)
283   VMS:    ck[cuwv]*.[cwh]
284   Mac:    ck[cuwm]*.[cwhr]
285   AOS/VS: ck[cuwd]*.[cwh]
286   VOS:    ck[cwhl]*.[cwh]
287   Amiga:  ck[cuwi]*.[cwh]
288   Atari:  ck[cuws]*.[cwh]
289   OS-9:   ck[cwh9]*.[cwha]
291For a detailed, specific source file list for this C-Kermit release, see the
292file CKCxxx.UPD, where xxx is the current C-Kermit edit number, such as 192.
294Finally, here is a more detailed description of the C-Kermit file naming
295conventions.  A C-Kermit filename has the form:
297  CK<system><what>.<type>
301<system> is described earlier in this file;
303<type> is the file type (use lowercase on UNIX):
305  C:   C language source
306  H:   Header file for C language source
307  W:   Wart preprocessor source, converted by Wart (or Lex) to a C program
308  R:   Macintosh resource file (8-bit text)
309  A:   Assembler source
311  ANN: The text of an announcement of a particular version
312  DOC: Documentation
313  HLP: Help text
314  NR:  Nroff/Troff text formatter source for UNIX "man page"
315  UPD: Program update history
316  BWR: A "beware" file - list of known bugs, limitations
317  MSS: Scribe text formatter source
318  PS:  Typeset material to be printed on a PostScript printer
319  DSK: A "" file for diskette distributions
321  INI: Initialization file
322  TAK: A Kermit TAKE command file
323  KDD: A Kermit Dialing Directory
324  KSD: A Kermit Services Directory
325  TXT: A plain-text file
327  MAK: A Makefile or other build procedure (often needs renaming)
328  COM: (VMS only) a DCL command procedure
329  CMD: (OS/2 only) a Rexx command procedure
330  REL: (VMS only) a RELEASE_NOTES file
332  BOO: "boo"-encoded executable program, decode with CKBUNB program.
333  HEX: "hex"-encoded executable program, decode with CKVDEH program (VMS only).
334  HQX: BinHex'd Macintosh Kermit program, decode with BinHex version 4.0.
335  UUE: A uuencoded binary file, decode with uudecode or (DG only) CKDECO.
337  DEF: An OS/2 linker definitions file.
338  SED: A UNIX sed (editor) script.
339  STR: A file of character strings extracted from C-Kermit (BSD 2.1x).
341<what> is mnemonic (up to 3 characters) for what's in the file:
343  AAA: A "read-me" file, like this one
344  INS: Installation instructions or procedures
345  KER: General C-Kermit definitions, information, documentation
347  CMD: Command parsing
348  CON: CONNECT command
349  DEB: Debug/Transaction Log formats, Typedefs
350  DIA: Modem/Dialer control
351  FIO: System-depdendent File I/O
352  FNS: Protocol support functions
353  FN2: More protocol support functions (and FN3, ...)
354  MAI: Main program
355  PRO: Protocol
356  SCR: SCRIPT command
357  TIO: System-dependent communications i/o & control and interrupt handing
358  USR: User interface
359  US2: More user interface
360  US3: Still more user interface (and USR4, USR5, USR6, ...)
361  USX: Common user interface functions
362  USY: Command-line parsing
363  XLA: Character set translation module
364  NET: Network support module
365  MDB: Malloc-debugging module
366  STR: Strings module
368(End of CKAAAA.HLP)
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