source: trunk/third/libxslt/doc/search.xml @ 20733

Revision 20733, 1.7 KB checked in by ghudson, 20 years ago (diff)
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r20732, which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3  This stylesheet is not used directly, but rather is processed by
4  xmllint with xinclude in order to "insert" the php code from the
5  file
7  It processes a "generic" documentation page (search.templ) which
8  is produced by api.xsl, changes it from xhtml to html (because of
9  php limitations), and inserts the php code at the "right spot".
10  This "right spot" is a unique element generated by api.xsl with
11  the tag name "insert_php".  This script replaces that element.
12  In order to avoid parsing problems, php code is contained within
13  a <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> node.
15<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
16  xmlns:xsl=""
17  xmlns:xhtml=""
18  xmlns:xi=""
19  exclude-result-prefixes="xhtml xi">
21  <xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"
22    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
23    doctype-system=""/>
25  <!-- The <html> element is the root for our processing -->
26  <xsl:template match="xhtml:html">
27    <html>
28      <xsl:apply-templates/>
29    </html>
30  </xsl:template>
32  <!-- api.xsl has put a dummy tag at the insert point -->
33  <xsl:template match="xhtml:insert_php">
34    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
35<!-- This will be replaced with the php code -->
36<xi:include parse="text" href=""/>
37    </xsl:text>
38  </xsl:template>
40  <!-- anything else just gets copied out -->
41  <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
42    <xsl:copy>
43      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
44      <xsl:apply-templates/>
45    </xsl:copy>
46  </xsl:template>
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