1 | # $Id: db2rest.awk 3956 2010-01-05 20:56:56Z zacheiss $ |
2 | # |
3 | # This converts the file used to originally create the database |
4 | # into a program to restore it from a backup. |
5 | # This is not guaranteed to work for all data types; it may |
6 | # need to be extended. |
7 | |
8 | BEGIN { |
9 | print "/* This file automatically generated */"; |
10 | print "/* Do not edit */\n"; |
11 | print "EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca;"; |
12 | print "EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO dbmserr();"; |
13 | print "#include <com_err.h>"; |
14 | print "#include \"dump_db.h\""; |
15 | print "#include \"rest.h\""; |
16 | |
17 | print "/* This file automatically generated */" > "rest1.pc"; |
18 | print "/* Do not edit */\n" >> "rest1.pc"; |
19 | print "#include \"dump_db.h\"" >> "rest1.pc"; |
20 | print "#include \"rest.h\"" >> "rest1.pc"; |
21 | print "void do_restores(char *prefix)\n{" >> "rest1.pc"; |
22 | |
23 | print "/* This file automatically generated */" > "bkup.h"; |
24 | print "/* Do not edit */\n" >> "bkup.h"; |
25 | } |
26 | |
27 | $1=="#" { next; } |
28 | |
29 | /^create/ { |
30 | printf "void restore_%s(FILE *f)\n", $3; |
32 | printf " restore_%s(open_file(prefix, \"%s\"));\n", $3, $3 >> "rest1.pc"; |
33 | printf "void restore_%s(FILE *f);\n", $3 >> "rest.h"; |
34 | |
35 | tablename = $3; |
36 | rangename = substr(tablename, 1, 1); |
37 | count = 0; |
38 | next; |
39 | } |
40 | |
41 | NF >= 2 { |
42 | vname[count] = $1; |
43 | printf " /* %s */\n", $0; |
44 | if ($2 ~ /INTEGER/ || $2 ~ /SMALLINT/ || $2 ~ /INTEGER1/) { |
45 | printf " char\tt_%s[39];\n", vname[count]; |
46 | vtype[count]="int"; |
47 | } else if ($2 ~ /CHAR\([0-9]*\)/) { |
48 | t = split($2, temp, "("); |
49 | if (t != 2) printf "Can't parse %s\n", $2; |
50 | t = split(temp[2], temp2, ")"); |
51 | if (t != 2) printf "Can't parse %s\n", temp[2]; |
52 | printf " char\tt_%s[%d];\n", vname[count], temp2[1]+1; |
53 | if ($1 == "signature" || $1 == "sid") { |
54 | vtype[count]="bin"; |
55 | printf " EXEC SQL VAR t_%s IS STRING(%d);\n", vname[count], temp2[1]+1; |
56 | } else vtype[count]="str"; |
57 | vsize[count] = temp2[1]+1; |
58 | } else if ($2 ~ /DATE/) { |
59 | printf " char\tt_%s[26];\n", vname[count]; |
60 | vtype[count]="date"; |
61 | } else printf "Unknown data type %s\n", $2; |
62 | count++; |
63 | } |
64 | |
65 | /^\);$/ { |
66 | printf " EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;\n\n int count = 0;\n"; |
67 | |
68 | print " while (!feof(f))\n {"; |
69 | print " if (!(++count % 100))\n EXEC SQL COMMIT;\n"; |
70 | |
71 | for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
72 | if (i != 0) print " parse_sep(f);"; |
73 | if (vtype[i] ~ /int/) { |
74 | printf(" parse_str(f, t_%s, 39);\n", vname[i]); |
75 | } else if (vtype[i] ~ /date/) { |
76 | printf " parse_str(f, t_%s, 26);\n", vname[i]; |
77 | } else { |
78 | printf " parse_str(f, t_%s, %d);\n", vname[i], vsize[i]; |
79 | } |
80 | if (i == 0) print " if (feof(f))\n break;"; |
81 | } |
82 | printf " parse_nl(f);\n" |
83 | |
84 | printf " EXEC SQL INSERT INTO %s (\n", tablename; |
85 | for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
86 | if (i != 0) printf ",\n"; |
87 | printf " %s", vname[i]; |
88 | } |
89 | printf ")\n VALUES (\n"; |
90 | for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
91 | if (i != 0) printf ",\n"; |
92 | if (vtype[i] ~ /date/) { |
93 | printf " TO_DATE(NVL(:t_%s,TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD_mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')), 'DD-mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')", vname[i]; |
94 | } else if(vtype[i] ~ /int/) { |
95 | printf " TO_NUMBER(:t_%s)", vname[i]; |
96 | } else { |
97 | printf " NVL(:t_%s,CHR(0))", vname[i]; |
98 | } |
99 | } |
100 | printf ");\n if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0)\n {\n"; |
101 | printf " sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc[sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml] = 0;\n"; |
102 | printf " printf(\"%%s\\n\", sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc);\n"; |
103 | printf " com_err(\"restore\", 0, \"insert failed\");\n"; |
104 | printf " exit(2);\n }\n }\n"; |
105 | printf " fclose(f);\n"; |
106 | printf " EXEC SQL COMMIT;\n"; |
107 | printf "}\n\n"; |
108 | } |
109 | |
110 | |
111 | END { |
112 | print "/* All done */"; |
113 | print "}" >> "rest1.pc"; |
114 | } |