1 | Please note: This file provides a complete, temporally ordered log of |
2 | changes that went into every version of Perl. If you'd like more |
3 | detailed information, please consult the comments in the individual |
4 | patches posted to the perl5-porters mailing list. Patches for each |
5 | individual change may also be obtained through ftp and rsync--see |
6 | pod/perlhack.pod for the details. |
7 | |
8 | For information on what's new in this release, see pod/perldelta.pod. |
9 | |
10 | [The "CAST AND CREW" list has been moved to AUTHORS.] |
11 | |
12 | NOTE: Each change entry shows the change number; who checked it into the |
13 | repository; when; description of the change; which branch the change |
14 | happened in; and the affected files. The file lists have a short symbolic |
15 | indicator: |
16 | |
17 | ! modified |
18 | + added |
19 | - deleted |
20 | +> branched (from elsewhere) |
21 | !> merged changes (from elsewhere) |
22 | |
23 | The Message-Ids in the change entries refer to the email messages sent |
24 | to the perl5-porters mailing list. You can retrieve the messages for |
25 | example from http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/perl5-porters/ |
26 | |
27 | -------------- |
28 | Version v5.8.3 Maintenance release working toward v5.8.3 |
29 | -------------- |
30 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
31 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
32 | [ 22151] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 17:54:36 |
33 | Log: Integrate: |
34 | [ 22149] |
35 | Subject: Doc patches for File::Find |
36 | From: Andy Lester <andy@petdance.com> |
37 | Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 00:10:50 -0600 |
38 | Message-Id: <20040112061050.GB7308@petdance.com> |
39 | |
40 | [ 22150] |
41 | Bump version number as file has changed since 5.8.2 |
42 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
43 | !> lib/File/Find.pm |
44 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
45 | [ 22148] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 16:53:02 |
46 | Log: Update Changes |
47 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
48 | ! Changes |
49 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
50 | [ 22147] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 16:51:39 |
51 | Log: Update sample config to 5.8.3 |
52 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
53 | ! Porting/config.sh Porting/config_H |
54 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
55 | [ 22146] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 16:32:27 |
56 | Log: Subject: arm patches to rc1 |
57 | From: Redvers Davies <red@criticalintegration.com> |
58 | Message-Id: <1073949147.10300.143.camel@ragefire> |
59 | Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 18:12:27 -0500 |
60 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
61 | ! Cross/Makefile Cross/Makefile.SH.patch |
62 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
63 | [ 22145] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 15:14:51 |
64 | Log: All pigs are fed, watered and ready to fly. |
65 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
66 | ! patchlevel.h |
67 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
68 | [ 22144] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 14:48:32 |
69 | Log: Update Changes |
70 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
71 | ! Changes patchlevel.h |
72 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
73 | [ 22143] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 14:47:49 |
74 | Log: We're planning on making history today. Mind you, not that much - |
75 | only 1 line. |
76 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
77 | ! pod/perlhist.pod |
78 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
79 | [ 22142] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 14:45:07 |
80 | Log: Mention that bug 24846 is fixed (utf8 join) |
81 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
82 | ! pod/perl583delta.pod |
83 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
84 | [ 22141] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 14:40:59 |
85 | Log: Update changes |
86 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
87 | ! Changes patchlevel.h |
88 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
89 | [ 22140] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 14:37:50 |
90 | Log: rebuild pod/perltoc.pod |
91 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
92 | ! pod/perltoc.pod |
93 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
94 | [ 22139] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 14:34:46 |
95 | Log: Note that I failed to integrate the suidperl patch. me-- |
96 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
97 | ! pod/perl583delta.pod |
98 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
99 | [ 22138] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 13:51:23 |
100 | Log: Revert 21936 (which solves leaks with threads and weak references) |
101 | because it can introduce new SEGVs, and I'd prefer to ship with |
102 | the same bugs as 5.8.2, rather than different bugs. |
103 | Same bugs feels like the lesser of two evils. |
104 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
105 | ! mg.c sv.c |
106 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
107 | [ 22137] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 13:20:47 |
108 | Log: Integrate CGI::Fast and CGI::Util from CGI 3.03 |
109 | (just version number changes) |
110 | I don't want to integratre CGI.pm 3.03 as it also has functionality |
111 | changes, and is less than 48 hours old. |
112 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
113 | !> lib/CGI/Fast.pm lib/CGI/Util.pm |
114 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
115 | [ 22135] By: nicholas on 2004/01/14 12:25:57 |
116 | Log: Some more updates |
117 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
118 | ! pod/perl583delta.pod |
119 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
120 | [ 22134] By: nicholas on 2004/01/13 23:07:41 |
121 | Log: Integrate: |
122 | [ 22133] |
123 | Add VMS to the list of "don't fork" OSes |
124 | [In the most simple way possible. Fix this properly post 5.8.3 |
125 | to use $Config{d_fork} or something more robust] |
126 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
127 | !> ext/threads/shared/t/wait.t |
128 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
129 | [ 22132] By: nicholas on 2004/01/13 21:55:59 |
130 | Log: Integrate: |
131 | [ 21644] |
132 | Document the fact that keys() and values() are optimized |
133 | for void context (as suggested by Liz.) |
134 | |
135 | [ 22108] |
136 | documentation nit |
137 | |
138 | [ 22125] |
139 | Document usage of $_ and pos() inside /(?{...})/. |
140 | (see change #2367.) |
141 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
142 | !> pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlop.pod pod/perlre.pod |
143 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
144 | [ 22131] By: nicholas on 2004/01/13 21:16:27 |
145 | Log: Back out 22144. |
146 | (Craig Berry informs us that the official name is |
147 | "OpenVMS Industry Standard 64" |
148 | which may be shortened to "OpenVMS I64" |
149 | Bah. Marketrdroids) |
150 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
151 | ! pod/perl583delta.pod |
152 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
153 | [ 22127] By: nicholas on 2004/01/13 08:55:10 |
154 | Log: Integrate: |
155 | [ 22122] |
156 | Subject: Re: 5.8.3-RC1, ext/threads/shared/t/wait still hanging |
157 | From: Mike Pomraning <mjp@pilcrow.madison.wi.us> |
158 | Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0401121127210.15844@benevelle.wi.securepipe.com> |
159 | Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 12:41:52 -0600 (CST) |
160 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
161 | !> ext/threads/shared/t/wait.t |
162 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
163 | [ 22118] By: nicholas on 2004/01/12 12:43:13 |
164 | Log: Integrate: |
165 | [ 22117] |
166 | Subject: Re: [perl #24846] [PATCH] Apparent utf8 bug in join() in 5.8.[012] |
167 | From: SADAHIRO Tomoyuki <bqw10602@nifty.com> |
168 | Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 11:19:37 +0900 |
169 | Message-Id: <20040112111007.EB69.BQW10602@nifty.com> |
170 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
171 | !> doop.c t/op/join.t |
172 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
173 | [ 22116] By: nicholas on 2004/01/11 23:55:36 |
174 | Log: Integrate: |
175 | [ 22115] |
176 | Subject: Re: 5.8.3-RC1, ext/threads/shared/t/wait still hanging |
177 | From: Mike Pomraning <mjp@pilcrow.madison.wi.us> |
178 | Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0401111548010.6679@localhost.localdomain> |
179 | Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 16:24:18 -0600 (CST) |
180 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
181 | !> ext/threads/shared/t/wait.t |
182 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
183 | [ 22114] By: nicholas on 2004/01/11 23:27:27 |
184 | Log: Typo spotted by Jarkko |
185 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
186 | ! pod/perl583delta.pod |
187 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
188 | [ 22111] By: nicholas on 2004/01/11 19:57:50 |
189 | Log: Subject: Re: [PATCH win32/makefile.mk] (was Re: 5.8.3 RC1) |
190 | From: Abe Timmerman <abe@ztreet.demon.nl> |
191 | Message-Id: <200401111813.40829.abe@ztreet.demon.nl> |
192 | Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 18:13:40 +0100 |
193 | |
194 | plus revert 22092 and 22080 |
195 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
196 | ! pod/buildtoc win32/Makefile win32/makefile.mk |
197 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
198 | [ 22105] By: nicholas on 2004/01/09 22:10:43 |
199 | Log: Integrate: |
200 | [ 22104] |
201 | Bah. Makefile.PL still tests the sub-MANIFEST |
202 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
203 | !> ext/Storable/MANIFEST |
204 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
205 | [ 22099] By: nicholas on 2004/01/08 16:52:35 |
206 | Log: Update META.yml |
207 | ext/threads and ext/PerlIO now aren't in the list - is this correct? |
208 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
209 | ! META.yml |
210 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
211 | [ 22098] By: nicholas on 2004/01/08 15:24:15 |
212 | Log: Integrate: |
213 | [ 22096] |
214 | Subject: [PATCH pod/perlhist.pod] Mention 5.8.3-RC1 |
215 | From: Abigail <abigail@abigail.nl> |
216 | Message-ID: <20040107230027.GC393@abigail.nl> |
217 | Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 00:00:27 +0100 |
218 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
219 | !> pod/perlhist.pod |
220 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
221 | [ 22097] By: nicholas on 2004/01/08 14:44:17 |
222 | Log: That was RC1. With some bonus bits |
223 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
224 | ! patchlevel.h |
225 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
226 | [ 22095] By: nicholas on 2004/01/08 13:13:10 |
227 | Log: Remove duplicated entries, spotted by Enache Adrian |
228 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
229 | ! Changes |
230 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
231 | [ 22094] By: nicholas on 2004/01/08 13:09:12 |
232 | Log: Fixes from Petras Kudaras and Gisle Aas, plus document the addition |
233 | to perldiag.pod |
234 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
235 | ! pod/perl583delta.pod |
236 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
237 | [ 22093] By: nicholas on 2004/01/08 12:46:09 |
238 | Log: Graham says that the search.cpan.org pod finder hashes on name |
239 | The 4 files all thinking they are perldelta.pod confuses it. |
240 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
241 | ! pod/perl581delta.pod pod/perl582delta.pod pod/perl58delta.pod |
242 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
243 | [ 22092] By: nicholas on 2004/01/08 12:33:11 |
244 | Log: Subject: Re: [PATCH win32/makefile.mk] (was Re: 5.8.3 RC1) |
245 | From: Abe Timmerman <abe@ztreet.demon.nl> |
246 | Message-Id: <200401080156.01280.abe@ztreet.demon.nl> |
247 | Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 01:56:01 +0100 |
248 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
249 | ! win32/makefile.mk |
250 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
251 | [ 22090] By: nicholas on 2004/01/07 13:30:14 |
252 | Log: Correct timestamp on ext/IO/IO.xs |
253 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
254 | ! ext/IO/IO.xs |
255 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
256 | [ 22089] By: nicholas on 2004/01/07 13:19:41 |
257 | Log: Seems to be an off-by-4-years in Perforce on MacOS. Fix it. Grr. |
258 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
259 | ! ext/Digest/MD5/hints/MacOS.pl ext/Filter/t/call.t |
260 | ! ext/POSIX/t/taint.t lib/AutoSplit.t lib/Devel/SelfStubber.pm |
261 | ! lib/Devel/SelfStubber.t lib/File/DosGlob.t lib/Pod/t/Usage.t |
262 | ! lib/blib.pm lib/charnames.t lib/diagnostics.t lib/subs.t |
263 | ! t/comp/cpp.t t/comp/use.t t/io/inplace.t t/io/iprefix.t |
264 | ! t/lib/compmod.pl t/lib/filter-util.pl t/lib/warnings/mg |
265 | ! t/op/glob.t t/op/method.t t/op/mkdir.t t/op/read.t |
266 | ! t/op/recurse.t t/op/srand.t t/op/study.t t/op/subst_wamp.t |
267 | ! t/pod/testp2pt.pl t/run/exit.t t/run/switchI.t |
268 | ! t/run/switchPx.t t/run/switchx.t t/x2p/s2p.t utils/splain.PL |
269 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
270 | [ 22088] By: nicholas on 2004/01/07 13:10:22 |
271 | Log: Attempt timestamp fixup |
272 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
273 | ! ext/IO/IO.xs |
274 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
275 | [ 22087] By: nicholas on 2004/01/07 12:10:19 |
276 | Log: This is RC1 |
277 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
278 | ! patchlevel.h |
279 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
280 | [ 22086] By: nicholas on 2004/01/07 12:09:16 |
281 | Log: Update Changes |
282 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
283 | ! Changes patchlevel.h |
284 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
285 | [ 22085] By: nicholas on 2004/01/07 12:08:00 |
286 | Log: Cargo cult upgrade to 5.8.3 |
287 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
288 | ! NetWare/Makefile cygwin/perlld.in epoc/createpkg.pl |
289 | ! patchlevel.h plan9/config.plan9 vos/build.cm |
290 | ! vos/config.alpha.def vos/config.alpha.h vos/config.ga.def |
291 | ! vos/config.ga.h vos/install_perl.cm win32/Makefile |
292 | ! win32/config_H.bc win32/config_H.gc win32/config_H.vc |
293 | ! win32/config_H.vc64 win32/makefile.mk wince/Makefile.ce |
294 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
295 | [ 22081] By: nicholas on 2004/01/06 14:33:15 |
296 | Log: Move pod/perldelta.pod to pod/perl583delta.pod, and arrange for |
297 | a copy to be made at build time. |
298 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
299 | +> pod/perl583delta.pod |
300 | - pod/perldelta.pod |
301 | ! MANIFEST Makefile.SH pod.lst pod/buildtoc pod/perltoc.pod |
302 | ! vms/descrip_mms.template win32/Makefile win32/makefile.mk |
303 | ! win32/pod.mak |
304 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
305 | [ 22080] By: nicholas on 2004/01/06 12:50:45 |
306 | Log: Integrate: |
307 | [ 22079] |
308 | Jarkko didn't move the cd ..\pod correctly. Given that it's been |
309 | like this pre 5.8.1, I suspect that no-one has used it recently. |
310 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
311 | !> win32/makefile.mk |
312 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
313 | [ 22078] By: nicholas on 2004/01/06 12:13:08 |
314 | Log: Subject: [PATCH maintperl] copy reentr.inc to CORE on VMS |
315 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
316 | Message-ID: <3FFA4A86.6090607@mac.com> |
317 | Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 23:41:26 -0600 |
318 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
319 | ! vms/descrip_mms.template |
320 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
321 | [ 22077] By: nicholas on 2004/01/06 11:23:38 |
322 | Log: http://www.perforce.com/perforce/technotes/note014.html |
323 | I want a disintegrate command, and right now I know where I want to |
324 | aim it. |
325 | (Missing un-adds from reversing back to MM 6.17) |
326 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
327 | - lib/ExtUtils/t/parse_version.t |
328 | - t/lib/MakeMaker/Test/Setup/BFD.pm |
329 | - t/lib/MakeMaker/Test/Setup/Problem.pm |
330 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
331 | [ 22073] By: nicholas on 2004/01/05 22:44:03 |
332 | Log: Update pod/perltoc.pod |
333 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
334 | ! pod/perltoc.pod |
335 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
336 | [ 22072] By: nicholas on 2004/01/05 22:39:35 |
337 | Log: Revert to MM 6.17 (same as 5.8.2) |
338 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
339 | + lib/ExtUtils/t/00setup_dummy.t |
340 | + lib/ExtUtils/t/zz_cleanup_dummy.t |
341 | ! MANIFEST lib/ExtUtils/Changes lib/ExtUtils/Command.pm |
342 | ! lib/ExtUtils/Command/MM.pm lib/ExtUtils/Install.pm |
343 | ! lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/Kid.pm lib/ExtUtils/MANIFEST.SKIP |
344 | ! lib/ExtUtils/META.yml lib/ExtUtils/MM.pm |
345 | ! lib/ExtUtils/MM_Any.pm lib/ExtUtils/MM_Cygwin.pm |
346 | ! lib/ExtUtils/MM_NW5.pm lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm |
347 | ! lib/ExtUtils/MM_VMS.pm lib/ExtUtils/MM_Win32.pm |
348 | ! lib/ExtUtils/MM_Win95.pm lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm |
349 | ! lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/Tutorial.pod |
350 | ! lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/bytes.pm |
351 | ! lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/vmsish.pm lib/ExtUtils/Manifest.pm |
352 | ! lib/ExtUtils/README lib/ExtUtils/TODO lib/ExtUtils/instmodsh |
353 | ! lib/ExtUtils/t/Command.t lib/ExtUtils/t/INST.t |
354 | ! lib/ExtUtils/t/INST_PREFIX.t lib/ExtUtils/t/Install.t |
355 | ! lib/ExtUtils/t/MM_Cygwin.t lib/ExtUtils/t/MM_Unix.t |
356 | ! lib/ExtUtils/t/MM_Win32.t lib/ExtUtils/t/Manifest.t |
357 | ! lib/ExtUtils/t/basic.t lib/ExtUtils/t/postamble.t |
358 | ! lib/ExtUtils/t/prefixify.t lib/ExtUtils/t/prereq_print.t |
359 | ! lib/ExtUtils/t/problems.t lib/ExtUtils/t/writemakefile_args.t |
360 | ! pod/perldelta.pod t/lib/MakeMaker/Test/Setup/Recurs.pm |
361 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
362 | [ 22070] By: nicholas on 2004/01/05 21:57:23 |
363 | Log: Resort MANIFEST (the way perltoc likes it) |
364 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
365 | ! MANIFEST |
366 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
367 | [ 22069] By: nicholas on 2004/01/05 21:56:17 |
368 | Log: Integrate: |
369 | [ 22064] |
370 | Fix bug with MANIFEST generation when we also regenerate perltoc.pod |
371 | |
372 | [ 22067] |
373 | Change the flag logic in buildtoc |
374 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
375 | !> pod.lst pod/buildtoc |
376 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
377 | [ 22059] By: nicholas on 2004/01/05 09:29:29 |
378 | Log: Integrate: |
379 | [ 22058] |
380 | Subject: [PATCH] skip num.t #47 on VMS |
381 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
382 | Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 23:16:26 -0600 |
383 | Message-ID: <3FF8F32A.5000108@mac.com> |
384 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
385 | !> t/base/num.t |
386 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
387 | [ 22054] By: nicholas on 2004/01/03 20:56:11 |
388 | Log: Integrate: |
389 | [ 22052] |
390 | Upgrade to PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint 0.06 |
391 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
392 | !> lib/PerlIO/via/QuotedPrint.pm |
393 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
394 | [ 22053] By: nicholas on 2004/01/03 20:16:23 |
395 | Log: Integrate: |
396 | [ 22049] |
397 | Fix minor problems with the CPAN release |
398 | 1: Make Storable.xs to work on 5.8.2 and later (already in the core) |
399 | 2: Ship the linux hints file |
400 | 3: Ship Test::More for the benefit of Perls pre 5.6.2 |
401 | 4: Correct Makefile.PL to install in core for 5.8.0 and later |
402 | |
403 | [ 22050] |
404 | No matter how hard you proof read it, something always slips through. |
405 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
406 | !> ext/Storable/ChangeLog ext/Storable/MANIFEST |
407 | !> ext/Storable/Makefile.PL ext/Storable/README |
408 | !> ext/Storable/Storable.pm |
409 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
410 | [ 22048] By: nicholas on 2004/01/03 18:00:31 |
411 | Log: Changes suggested by Merijn (but his words mangled by me) |
412 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
413 | ! pod/perldelta.pod |
414 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
415 | [ 22046] By: nicholas on 2004/01/02 16:57:17 |
416 | Log: Integrate: |
417 | [ 21981] |
418 | Subject: PATCH: *DB*_File |
419 | From: "Paul Marquess" <Paul.Marquess@btinternet.com> |
420 | Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 20:02:30 -0000 |
421 | Message-ID: <AIEAJICLCBDNAAOLLOKLIEAOPGAA.Paul.Marquess@btinternet.com> |
422 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
423 | !> XSUB.h ext/DB_File/Changes ext/DB_File/DB_File.pm |
424 | !> ext/DB_File/DB_File.xs ext/DB_File/t/db-btree.t |
425 | !> ext/DB_File/t/db-hash.t ext/DB_File/t/db-recno.t |
426 | !> ext/DB_File/typemap ext/GDBM_File/typemap |
427 | !> ext/NDBM_File/typemap ext/ODBM_File/typemap |
428 | !> ext/SDBM_File/typemap |
429 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
430 | [ 22045] By: nicholas on 2004/01/02 16:36:54 |
431 | Log: Integrate: |
432 | [ 22030] |
433 | Document that detached threads aren't supported on Windows yet. |
434 | |
435 | [ 22031] |
436 | Document that /[\W]/ doesn't work, unicode-wise (see bug #18281) |
437 | |
438 | [ 22036] |
439 | Document the quirks of SUPER, especially the fact that it it |
440 | relative to the current package and not to the invoking object. |
441 | |
442 | [ 22037] |
443 | addition to 22036 (document SUPER better): superclass may be plural |
444 | |
445 | [ 22044] |
446 | Bump $threads::VERSION as the documentation has changed. Tweak the |
447 | documentaiton, update Arthur's e-mail address |
448 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
449 | !> ext/threads/threads.pm pod/perlboot.pod pod/perlbot.pod |
450 | !> pod/perlobj.pod pod/perltoot.pod pod/perlunicode.pod |
451 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
452 | [ 22042] By: nicholas on 2004/01/02 00:42:36 |
453 | Log: Waah. This is a mess. The debugger is forked, with maint's $VERSION |
454 | 2 higher than blead's. No idea how much code is forked. |
455 | |
456 | Integrate: |
457 | [ 21940] |
458 | Fix a side-effect of bug #24674 in the perl debugger. |
459 | |
460 | Subject: [perl #24674] 5.x odd taint bug |
461 | From: Dominique Quatravaux (via RT) <perlbug-followup@perl.org> |
462 | Date: 16 Dec 2003 15:03:24 -0000 |
463 | Message-ID: <rt-3.0.7_01-24674-68456.11.3124667849085@perl.org> |
464 | |
465 | [ 22041] |
466 | Update debugger version number and Changes file |
467 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
468 | ! lib/perl5db.pl |
469 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
470 | [ 22040] By: nicholas on 2004/01/02 00:21:57 |
471 | Log: Integrate: |
472 | [ 22033] |
473 | Subject: Perl 5.8.3 patches from the BS2000 port - part 2 |
474 | From: Dorner Thomas <tdorner@amadeus.net> |
475 | Message-ID: <6727B1DACFCDD311A757009027CA8D69044B6740@Ex02.inhouse.start.de> |
476 | Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 07:16:47 +0100 |
477 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
478 | !> t/io/utf8.t t/op/pat.t |
479 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
480 | [ 22039] By: nicholas on 2004/01/01 23:59:34 |
481 | Log: Integrate: |
482 | [ 22034] |
483 | Fix bug #24383, where hashes with the :unique attribute weren't |
484 | getting made readonly on interpreter clone. Also, remove the |
485 | :unique attribute from the hashes in warnings.pm, since they may |
486 | later be modified by warnings::register. Finally, adds tests for |
487 | the :unique attribute. |
488 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
489 | !> ext/threads/t/problems.t lib/warnings.pm sv.c warnings.pl |
490 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
491 | [ 22038] By: nicholas on 2004/01/01 23:35:15 |
492 | Log: |
493 | Subject: [PATCH 5.8.2 @21574] OS/2 update |
494 | From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse@ilyaz.org> |
495 | Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 14:10:29 -0800 |
496 | Message-ID: <20031218221029.GA7898@math.berkeley.edu> |
497 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
498 | ! installperl |
499 | !> README.os2 hints/os2.sh lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm makedef.pl |
500 | !> os2/Changes os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/Changes os2/OS2/REXX/DLL/DLL.pm |
501 | !> os2/os2.c os2/os2ish.h os2/perl2cmd.pl |
502 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
503 | [ 22035] By: nicholas on 2004/01/01 21:30:41 |
504 | Log: Corrections from Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes and Randy W. Sims |
505 | Message-ID: <20040101195205.GA3212@efn.org> |
506 | Message-ID: <20031230183815.GC8164@penkwe.pair.com> |
507 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
508 | ! pod/perldelta.pod |
509 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
510 | [ 22028] By: nicholas on 2003/12/31 18:19:46 |
511 | Log: Integrate: |
512 | [ 21951] |
513 | re-fix [perl #24508] without speed regression. |
514 | keep an eye on this. |
515 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
516 | !> op.c opcode.h opcode.pl |
517 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
518 | [ 22027] By: nicholas on 2003/12/31 15:41:04 |
519 | Log: Integrate: |
520 | [ 22025] |
521 | Subject: [PATCH] "piconv -C 512" badly broken |
522 | From: Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org> |
523 | Message-Id: <1072870210.769.5.camel@localhost> |
524 | Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 19:30:10 +0800 |
525 | |
526 | [ 22026] |
527 | Tweak 00compile.t to avoid splatting a DIAG over core perl's |
528 | beautiful clean run of OKs. You are all getting a clean run of OKs, |
529 | aren't you? |
530 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
531 | !> ext/Encode/bin/piconv lib/Test/Harness/t/00compile.t |
532 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
533 | [ 22024] By: nicholas on 2003/12/31 15:05:22 |
534 | Log: Integrate: |
535 | [ 21798] |
536 | Implement C<use Exporter 'import'> : |
537 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
538 | !> lib/Exporter.pm lib/Exporter.t |
539 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
540 | [ 22023] By: nicholas on 2003/12/31 14:25:32 |
541 | Log: Integrate: |
542 | [ 22020] |
543 | C++ comments, bad. |
544 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
545 | !> ext/Cwd/Cwd.xs |
546 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
547 | [ 22022] By: nicholas on 2003/12/31 13:41:17 |
548 | Log: Integrate: |
549 | [ 22021] |
550 | Upgrade to Test::Harness 2.40. |
551 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
552 | !> lib/Test/Harness.pm lib/Test/Harness/Changes |
553 | !> lib/Test/Harness/Iterator.pm lib/Test/Harness/Straps.pm |
554 | !> lib/Test/Harness/bin/prove lib/Test/Harness/t/00compile.t |
555 | !> lib/Test/Harness/t/assert.t lib/Test/Harness/t/callback.t |
556 | !> lib/Test/Harness/t/prove-switches.t |
557 | !> lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.t lib/Test/Harness/t/strap.t |
558 | !> lib/Test/Harness/t/test-harness.t |
559 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
560 | [ 22019] By: nicholas on 2003/12/31 00:19:24 |
561 | Log: Integrate: |
562 | [ 22018] |
563 | Bump VERSION numbers |
564 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
565 | !> ext/POSIX/POSIX.pm lib/Benchmark.pm lib/File/CheckTree.pm |
566 | !> lib/Getopt/Std.pm lib/PerlIO.pm lib/Tie/Hash.pm |
567 | !> lib/diagnostics.pm |
568 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
569 | [ 22017] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 22:10:24 |
570 | Log: Integrate: |
571 | [ 22016] |
572 | A patch for Test::Harness on VMS by Craig Berry |
573 | (see RT CPAN bug #4745) |
574 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
575 | !> lib/Test/Harness/Straps.pm |
576 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
577 | [ 22015] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 19:08:19 |
578 | Log: Integrate: |
579 | [ 21999] |
580 | Add Mike Pomraning |
581 | |
582 | [ 22009] |
583 | bug #24757 perlrun.pod's description of find -mtime was ambiguous |
584 | |
585 | [ 22013] |
586 | Subject: more uni doc tweakage |
587 | From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi@iki.fi> |
588 | Message-ID: <20031230133755.GA23118@vipunen.hut.fi> |
589 | Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 15:37:55 +0200 |
590 | |
591 | Subject: one more pod fix |
592 | From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi@iki.fi> |
593 | Message-ID: <20031230135641.GA24516@vipunen.hut.fi> |
594 | Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 15:56:41 +0200 |
595 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
596 | !> AUTHORS lib/PerlIO.pm pod/perlrun.pod pod/perlunicode.pod |
597 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
598 | [ 22014] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 18:48:08 |
599 | Log: Integrate: |
600 | [ 21937] |
601 | after back-references, restricted hashes. |
602 | see http://nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/86497 |
603 | this is hopefully only a temporary solution. |
604 | |
605 | [ 22005] |
606 | Subject: Re: [perl #24774] eval + format - \n = pp_ctl.c assertion |
607 | heuristics for calculating buffer size needed to compile a format |
608 | didn't allow for \0 |
609 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
610 | !> perl.c pp_ctl.c t/op/write.t |
611 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
612 | [ 22012] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 17:53:35 |
613 | Log: Integrate: |
614 | [ 22007] |
615 | Upgrade to Math::BigInt 1.68. |
616 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
617 | +> lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigroot.t |
618 | !> MANIFEST lib/Math/BigFloat.pm lib/Math/BigInt.pm |
619 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/Calc.pm lib/Math/BigInt/CalcEmu.pm |
620 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/alias.inc lib/Math/BigInt/t/bare_mbi.t |
621 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigfltpm.inc lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.inc |
622 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/sub_mbi.t |
623 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
624 | [ 22011] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 17:37:54 |
625 | Log: $expletive perforce. Why can't you integrate an add with an edit? |
626 | |
627 | Integrate: |
628 | [ 21956] |
629 | Subject: BigInt v1.68 - pre-release |
630 | From: Tels <perl_dummy@bloodgate.com> |
631 | Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 01:09:23 +0100 |
632 | Message-Id: <200312230106.27661@bloodgate.com> |
633 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
634 | +> lib/Math/BigInt/CalcEmu.pm lib/Math/BigInt/t/alias.inc |
635 | +> lib/Math/BigInt/t/mbf_ali.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/mbi_ali.t |
636 | +> lib/Math/BigInt/t/sub_ali.t |
637 | !> MANIFEST lib/Math/BigFloat.pm lib/Math/BigInt.pm |
638 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/Calc.pm lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigfltpm.inc |
639 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintc.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.inc |
640 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/upgrade.inc |
641 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
642 | [ 22010] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 17:16:42 |
643 | Log: $expletive perforce |
644 | |
645 | Mop up, due to perforce's inexplicable inability to SILENTLY FAIL to |
646 | integrate two changes, where the first adds and the second edits a |
647 | file. |
648 | |
649 | Integrate: |
650 | [ 21882] |
651 | Subject: [PATCH] Math::BigInt v1.67 released |
652 | From: Tels <perl_dummy@bloodgate.com> |
653 | Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 18:47:43 +0100 |
654 | Message-Id: <200312121847.49039@bloodgate.com> |
655 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
656 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/fallback.t |
657 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
658 | [ 22008] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 16:17:16 |
659 | Log: Integrate: |
660 | [ 21970] |
661 | Allow overriding of the p4 settings via environment variables |
662 | Make regexp more robust to parse FreeBSD's patch output |
663 | |
664 | [ 22002] |
665 | Updates the notes about byacc in pumpkin.pod. |
666 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
667 | !> Porting/apply Porting/pumpkin.pod |
668 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
669 | [ 22006] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 15:23:04 |
670 | Log: Integrate: |
671 | [ 21986] |
672 | Fix bug [perl #24762] : C<*foo{CODE} ? 1 : 0> was a syntax error |
673 | |
674 | [ 21988] |
675 | Regenerate the perly.c patch for byacc output painless fixing |
676 | |
677 | [ 22003] |
678 | Add a regression test for bug #24762 |
679 | |
680 | Plus tweaks for maint |
681 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
682 | ! perly.c perly_c.diff vms/perly_c.vms |
683 | !> perly.y t/comp/parser.t |
684 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
685 | [ 22004] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 12:59:19 |
686 | Log: Changes following feedback from p5p |
687 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
688 | ! pod/perldelta.pod |
689 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
690 | [ 22000] By: nicholas on 2003/12/30 00:17:01 |
691 | Log: First stab at a perldelta for 5.8.3 |
692 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
693 | ! pod/perldelta.pod |
694 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
695 | [ 21998] By: nicholas on 2003/12/29 21:28:25 |
696 | Log: Update changes |
697 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
698 | ! Changes patchlevel.h |
699 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
700 | [ 21995] By: nicholas on 2003/12/29 18:25:43 |
701 | Log: Integrate: |
702 | [ 21991] |
703 | Upgrade to Encode 1.99. |
704 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
705 | !> ext/Encode/Changes ext/Encode/Encode.pm ext/Encode/META.yml |
706 | !> ext/Encode/Unicode/Unicode.xs ext/Encode/encoding.pm |
707 | !> ext/Encode/t/enc_eucjp.t ext/Encode/t/enc_utf8.t |
708 | !> ext/Encode/t/mime-header.t ext/Encode/ucm/gsm0338.ucm |
709 | !> ext/Encode/ucm/macArabic.ucm ext/Encode/ucm/macFarsi.ucm |
710 | !> ext/Encode/ucm/macHebrew.ucm |
711 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
712 | [ 21994] By: nicholas on 2003/12/29 17:53:46 |
713 | Log: |
714 | Subject: [PATCH] win32_chsize buglet |
715 | From: "Kevin Chase" <kevincha99@hotmail.com> |
716 | Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2003 15:48:56 -0800 |
717 | Message-ID: <BAY2-F90usv0ccZRh8Z0005683d@hotmail.com> |
718 | |
719 | [ 21993] |
720 | Windows hasn't getuid/setuid and friends. |
721 | Therefore disable the code related to them in POSIX.xs. |
722 | |
723 | Subject: [PATCH: ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs] Re: Smoke [5.8.2] 21979 FAIL(Xt) MSWin32 5.1 Service Pack 1 (x86/1 cpu) |
724 | From: "Marcus Holland-Moritz" <mhx-perl@gmx.net> |
725 | Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 04:51:19 +0100 |
726 | Message-ID: <03d401c3cdbf$05730ee0$d500a8c0@R2D2> |
727 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
728 | !> ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs win32/win32.c |
729 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
730 | [ 21987] By: nicholas on 2003/12/27 23:17:19 |
731 | Log: Integrate: |
732 | [ 21985] |
733 | Subject: Cross compilation patches for arm. |
734 | From: Redvers Davies <red@criticalintegration.com> |
735 | Message-Id: <1072098653.4789.6.camel@ragefire> |
736 | Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 08:11:34 -0500 |
737 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
738 | ! Cross/README |
739 | !> Cross/Makefile Cross/Makefile.SH.patch |
740 | !> Cross/config.sh-arm-linux Cross/installperl.patch |
741 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
742 | [ 21984] By: nicholas on 2003/12/27 22:17:18 |
743 | Log: Integrate: |
744 | [ 21983] |
745 | Fix bug [perl #24735] : make sure that the range (..) operator |
746 | treats an undefined argument as 0 for numerical ranges and as "" |
747 | for magical string ranges. |
748 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
749 | !> pp_ctl.c t/op/range.t |
750 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
751 | [ 21982] By: nicholas on 2003/12/27 21:10:07 |
752 | Log: Integrate: |
753 | [ 21962] |
754 | Subject: [PATCH: sv.c] Re: GCC bug breaking Perl_sv_catpvfn()? |
755 | From: "Marcus Holland-Moritz" <mhx-perl@gmx.net> |
756 | Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 02:47:09 +0100 |
757 | Message-ID: <03ca01c3cb52$2d509b40$5700a8c0@R2D2> |
758 | |
759 | [ 21967] |
760 | Subject: [PATCH: sv.c] Turn Quad_t to Uquad_t in unsigned branch |
761 | From: "Marcus Holland-Moritz" <mhx-perl@gmx.net> |
762 | Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 02:48:19 +0100 |
763 | Message-ID: <010001c3cc1b$813763a0$d500a8c0@R2D2> |
764 | |
765 | [ 21971] |
766 | Subject: [PATCH] Remove Win32 compiler warnings |
767 | From: "Marcus Holland-Moritz" <mhx-perl@gmx.net> |
768 | Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 17:39:20 +0100 |
769 | Message-ID: <018901c3cc97$fa976660$d500a8c0@R2D2> |
770 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
771 | !> ext/XS/APItest/APItest.xs ext/threads/shared/shared.xs sv.c |
772 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
773 | [ 21980] By: nicholas on 2003/12/27 19:55:01 |
774 | Log: Integrate: |
775 | [ 20734] |
776 | Subject: [PATCH] Taint problems in Cwd::abs_path |
777 | From: Michael G Schwern <schwern@pobox.com> |
778 | Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 18:43:45 -0700 |
779 | Message-ID: <20030816014345.GE4023@windhund.schwern.org> |
780 | |
781 | [ 21972] |
782 | Assimilate Cwd 2.12 from CPAN. Cwd wasn't in Maintainers, so change |
783 | 21646 was only applied to core (must punt this back and thereby unfork) |
784 | Need to fix test boilerplate properly for PERL_CORE |
785 | |
786 | [ 21974] |
787 | Assimilate File::Spec 0.87 |
788 | |
789 | [ 21978] |
790 | Straggler from Cwd |
791 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
792 | +> ext/Cwd/Changes |
793 | ! ext/Cwd/t/taint.t |
794 | !> MANIFEST Porting/Maintainers.pl ext/Cwd/Cwd.xs ext/Cwd/t/cwd.t |
795 | !> lib/Cwd.pm lib/File/Spec.pm lib/File/Spec/t/Spec.t |
796 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
797 | [ 21979] By: nicholas on 2003/12/27 19:30:17 |
798 | Log: Integrate: |
799 | [ 21548] |
800 | Sync with Pod::Perldoc 3.12 |
801 | |
802 | [ 21973] |
803 | Assimilate Digest 1.05 |
804 | |
805 | [ 21975] |
806 | Assimilate PodParser-1.26 |
807 | |
808 | [ 21976] |
809 | Assimilate Unicode::Collate 0.33 |
810 | |
811 | [ 21977] |
812 | Straggler from Unicode::Collate. |
813 | We need to automate this. |
814 | For some value of we. (tr/w/m/ I suspect) |
815 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
816 | +> lib/Unicode/Collate/t/altern.t |
817 | +> lib/Unicode/Collate/t/rearrang.t lib/Unicode/Collate/t/view.t |
818 | !> MANIFEST lib/Digest.pm lib/Digest/t/digest.t |
819 | !> lib/Pod/Checker.pm lib/Pod/Find.pm lib/Pod/InputObjects.pm |
820 | !> lib/Pod/ParseUtils.pm lib/Pod/Parser.pm lib/Pod/Perldoc.pm |
821 | !> lib/Pod/PlainText.pm lib/Pod/Select.pm lib/Pod/Usage.pm |
822 | !> lib/Unicode/Collate.pm lib/Unicode/Collate/Changes |
823 | !> lib/Unicode/Collate/README lib/Unicode/Collate/keys.txt |
824 | !> lib/Unicode/Collate/t/contract.t |
825 | !> lib/Unicode/Collate/t/illegal.t lib/Unicode/Collate/t/test.t |
826 | !> lib/Unicode/Collate/t/version.t pod/pod2usage.PL |
827 | !> pod/podselect.PL t/pod/pod2usage.xr t/pod/podselect.xr |
828 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
829 | [ 21969] By: nicholas on 2003/12/27 16:37:27 |
830 | Log: Integrate: |
831 | [ 21958] |
832 | Fix bug [perl #24641] : when POSIX::set[ug]id() are called, |
833 | update the perl variables PL_uid and PL_euid (resp. PL_gid |
834 | and PL_egid) with the new values. |
835 | |
836 | [ 21968] |
837 | Subject: [PATCH] perl 5.8.0, FindBin::again |
838 | From: Slaven Rezic <slaven@rezic.de> |
839 | Date: 01 May 2003 21:28:10 +0200 |
840 | Message-ID: <873cjy31rp.fsf@vran.herceg.de> |
841 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
842 | !> ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs lib/FindBin.pm lib/FindBin.t |
843 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
844 | [ 21966] By: nicholas on 2003/12/26 21:30:11 |
845 | Log: Integrate: |
846 | [ 21957] |
847 | Subject: [PATCH 5.8.2 @21574] INSTALL_PREFIX from C |
848 | From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse@ilyaz.org> |
849 | Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 12:30:06 -0800 |
850 | Message-ID: <20031218203006.GA7772@math.berkeley.edu> |
851 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
852 | !> config_h.SH |
853 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
854 | [ 21965] By: nicholas on 2003/12/26 20:49:47 |
855 | Log: Integrate: |
856 | [ 21955] |
857 | Subject: [perl #24506] [PATCH] cannot weaken refs to read only values |
858 | From: Fergal Daly <fergal@esatclear.ie> |
859 | Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 23:18:18 +0000 |
860 | Message-Id: <200312022318.18353.fergal@esatclear.ie> |
861 | |
862 | (tweaked so the test is skipped on perls < 5.9.0) |
863 | |
864 | [ 21964] |
865 | Change minimum perl version where the test is run from 5.9.0 to 5.8.3 |
866 | as I'm going to integrate the core patch |
867 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
868 | !> ext/List/Util/t/weak.t sv.c |
869 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
870 | [ 21963] By: nicholas on 2003/12/26 19:56:31 |
871 | Log: Integrate: |
872 | [ 21950] |
873 | sanitize some macros - based on Chip Salzenberg suggestions and |
874 | on the way GNU people use the gcc-ish 'blocks in parens' |
875 | |
876 | [ 21960] |
877 | Refactor the code that checks whether a range is numeric |
878 | or string-magical. |
879 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
880 | ! sv.h |
881 | !> XSUB.h pp_ctl.c |
882 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
883 | [ 21961] By: nicholas on 2003/12/26 17:54:21 |
884 | Log: Integrate: |
885 | [ 21959] |
886 | Restore ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/Makefile to its pre-21655 state. |
887 | This fixes building SDBM_File on AIX. |
888 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
889 | !> ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/Makefile.PL |
890 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
891 | [ 21954] By: nicholas on 2003/12/24 15:32:55 |
892 | Log: Integrate: |
893 | [ 21952] |
894 | Subject: [patch t/test.pl] comment fix |
895 | From: Stas Bekman <stas@stason.org> |
896 | Message-ID: <3FE8C65A.4060708@stason.org> |
897 | Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 14:48:58 -0800 |
898 | |
899 | [ 21953] |
900 | Subject: [PATCH: perl@21949] document patch for VMS port on new file systems |
901 | From: PPrymmer@factset.com |
902 | Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 17:27:44 -0500 |
903 | Message-Id: <OF32243F10.A592C9A9-ON85256E05.007B1741-85256E05.007B63CB@factset.com> |
904 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
905 | !> README.vms t/test.pl |
906 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
907 | [ 21949] By: nicholas on 2003/12/22 21:55:52 |
908 | Log: Integrate: |
909 | [ 21948] |
910 | Subject: Re: Smoke [5.8.2] 21930 FAIL(t) MSWin32 5.1 Service Pack 1 (x86/1 cpu) |
911 | Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0312220116520.17374@localhost.localdomain> |
912 | Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 01:52:08 -0600 (CST) |
913 | From: Mike Pomraning <mjp@pilcrow.madison.wi.us> |
914 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
915 | !> ext/threads/shared/shared.xs |
916 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
917 | [ 21947] By: nicholas on 2003/12/22 20:35:11 |
918 | Log: Integrate: |
919 | [ 21942] |
920 | Subject: [perl #24651] Taint bug with multiple backticks in ref consturctors |
921 | From: Mike Guy <mjtg@cam.ac.uk> |
922 | Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 17:17:11 +0000 |
923 | Message-Id: <E1AXOFT-0007DE-7q@draco.cus.cam.ac.uk> |
924 | |
925 | [ 21946] |
926 | Subject: doc nits |
927 | From: Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi@iki.fi> |
928 | Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 21:57:34 +0200 |
929 | Message-Id: <20031222195734.GA29441@vipunen.hut.fi> |
930 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
931 | !> pod/perlsec.pod pod/perltodo.pod pod/perlunicode.pod |
932 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
933 | [ 21945] By: nicholas on 2003/12/22 20:07:07 |
934 | Log: Integrate: |
935 | [ 21944] |
936 | Subject: [PATCH] configure.com archname tweak |
937 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
938 | Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 23:07:13 -0600 |
939 | Message-ID: <3FE67C01.1000704@mac.com> |
940 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
941 | !> configure.com |
942 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
943 | [ 21943] By: nicholas on 2003/12/21 22:41:21 |
944 | Log: Make reentrant functions work with C++ |
945 | Patch by Jan Dubois, bug report and testing by Chip Salzenberg |
946 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
947 | ! reentr.inc reentr.pl |
948 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
949 | [ 21941] By: nicholas on 2003/12/21 20:42:53 |
950 | Log: Integrate: |
951 | [ 21936] |
952 | fix [perl #24660], [perl #24663]. |
953 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
954 | !> mg.c sv.c |
955 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
956 | [ 21939] By: nicholas on 2003/12/20 23:40:37 |
957 | Log: Integrate: |
958 | [ 21933] |
959 | Subject: [PATCH] OpenVMS I64 support |
960 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
961 | Message-ID: <3FE2441F.2070603@mac.com> |
962 | Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 18:19:43 -0600 |
963 | |
964 | [ 21938] |
965 | Subject: Perl 5.8.3 patches from the BS2000 port |
966 | From: Dorner Thomas <tdorner@amadeus.net> |
967 | Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 15:41:17 +0100 |
968 | Message-ID: <6727B1DACFCDD311A757009027CA8D69044B673A@Ex02.inhouse.start.de> |
969 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
970 | !> configure.com hints/posix-bc.sh t/base/num.t t/comp/parser.t |
971 | !> vms/gen_shrfls.pl |
972 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
973 | [ 21934] By: nicholas on 2003/12/20 20:21:46 |
974 | Log: Integrate: |
975 | [ 21931] |
976 | Solaris gconvert() doesn't like ndigits == 0. Currently we have no |
977 | Configure test for troublesome gconvert(), so for now simply avoid |
978 | the optimisation that calls gconvert() in this case. |
979 | |
980 | [ 21932] |
981 | remove duplicate PERL_HASH (as spotted by Enache Adrian in |
982 | <20031220124854.GA1265@ratsnest.hole> ) |
983 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
984 | !> hv.c sv.c |
985 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
986 | [ 21930] By: nicholas on 2003/12/19 19:46:46 |
987 | Log: Integrate: |
988 | [ 21921] |
989 | Subject: [PATCH] 2-arg cond_wait, cond_timedwait, tests |
990 | From: Mike Pomraning <mjp@pilcrow.madison.wi.us> |
991 | Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 00:05:58 -0600 (CST) |
992 | Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0312092202040.13494@benevelle.wi.securepipe.com> |
993 | |
994 | [ 21922] |
995 | Subject: [PATCH: embed.fnc] arguments for perl_clone() |
996 | From: "Marcus Holland-Moritz" <mhx-perl@gmx.net> |
997 | Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 13:26:52 +0100 |
998 | Message-ID: <055701c3c499$11144f90$8cecfe91@R2D2> |
999 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1000 | +> ext/threads/shared/t/wait.t |
1001 | ! embed.h |
1002 | !> MANIFEST embed.fnc ext/threads/shared/shared.pm |
1003 | !> ext/threads/shared/shared.xs global.sym |
1004 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1005 | [ 21929] By: nicholas on 2003/12/19 19:06:10 |
1006 | Log: Integrate: |
1007 | [ 21915] |
1008 | Add the macros dAX and dITEMS to PPPort. |
1009 | |
1010 | [ 21927] |
1011 | Subject: [DOCPATCH] base.pm |
1012 | From: Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz@dijkmat.nl> |
1013 | Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 22:30:52 +0100 |
1014 | Message-Id: <p05111b12bc07cc596977@[]> |
1015 | |
1016 | Plus, remove leftover mentions of pseudo-hashes |
1017 | |
1018 | [ 21928] |
1019 | Upgrade to CGI.pm 3.01 |
1020 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1021 | !> ext/Devel/PPPort/PPPort.pm lib/CGI.pm lib/CGI/Carp.pm |
1022 | !> lib/CGI/Cookie.pm lib/CGI/Fast.pm lib/CGI/Pretty.pm |
1023 | !> lib/CGI/Util.pm lib/CGI/t/carp.t lib/CGI/t/request.t |
1024 | !> lib/base.pm |
1025 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1026 | [ 21926] By: nicholas on 2003/12/18 20:49:11 |
1027 | Log: Integrate: |
1028 | [ 21883] |
1029 | Modify the common guard for the signal.h header, because |
1030 | C99 compilers don't like it.o |
1031 | |
1032 | see : |
1033 | Subject: UNIX03 & C99 issue with 5.8.2 |
1034 | From: Alan Burlison <Alan.Burlison@sun.com> |
1035 | Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 23:04:52 +0000 |
1036 | Message-ID: <3FDA4994.6050209@sun.com> |
1037 | |
1038 | [ 21916] |
1039 | Remove incorrect guards around inclusion of <signal.h> |
1040 | Causes problems with UNIX03/SUSv3 |
1041 | |
1042 | [ 21917] |
1043 | Remove incorrect guards around inclusion of <signal.h> |
1044 | Causes problems with UNIX03/SUSv3 |
1045 | Part 2 of change 21916 - oops! |
1046 | |
1047 | See: |
1048 | Message-Id: <3FDD06A5.8010004@sun.com> |
1049 | Subject: Re: UNIX03 & C99 issue with 5.8.2 |
1050 | From: Alan Burlison <Alan.Burlison@sun.com> |
1051 | Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 00:56:05 +0000 |
1052 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1053 | !> doio.c doop.c mg.c mpeix/mpeixish.h plan9/plan9ish.h unixish.h |
1054 | !> util.c |
1055 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1056 | [ 21925] By: nicholas on 2003/12/18 20:26:39 |
1057 | Log: Integrate: |
1058 | [ 21912] |
1059 | Subject: [DOCPATCH] perlfunc delete |
1060 | From: Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz@dijkmat.nl> |
1061 | Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 20:25:07 +0100 |
1062 | Message-Id: <p05111b07bc0269065a99@[]> |
1063 | |
1064 | [ 21914] |
1065 | Subject: [patch Porting/pumpkin.pod] trying to ensure that PPPort is up-to-date on each new release |
1066 | From: Stas Bekman <stas@stason.org> |
1067 | Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 15:12:40 -0800 |
1068 | Message-ID: <3FDCEE68.3080509@stason.org> |
1069 | |
1070 | [ 21923] |
1071 | Perl 1.0.16 has been released. |
1072 | |
1073 | [ 21924] |
1074 | "Richard" - who he? (Add "Richard Clamp" to the list of pumpkings) |
1075 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1076 | !> Porting/pumpkin.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perlhist.pod |
1077 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1078 | [ 21920] By: nicholas on 2003/12/16 23:32:48 |
1079 | Log: Integrate: |
1080 | [ 21875] |
1081 | fix bug #24605. |
1082 | substr() wasn't working when used repeatedly on the same utf-8 |
1083 | string. |
1084 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1085 | ! sv.c |
1086 | !> t/op/substr.t |
1087 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1088 | [ 21919] By: nicholas on 2003/12/16 23:11:18 |
1089 | Log: Integrate: |
1090 | [ 21866] |
1091 | plumb a leak with pos(). |
1092 | |
1093 | #! perl |
1094 | while (1) { |
1095 | my $a = "\x{1ff}"; $a =~ /\x{1ff}/g; pos($a); |
1096 | } |
1097 | __END__ |
1098 | |
1099 | [ 21867] |
1100 | yet another 2 leaks. example for the second: |
1101 | #! perl |
1102 | eval q{ open $p{q}, "foo" } while 1 |
1103 | __END__ |
1104 | |
1105 | [ 21868] |
1106 | yet another leak. bigger fish still swimming around. |
1107 | #!perl |
1108 | eval q{ $_ = "x"; s/x/"in subst"/e } while 1; |
1109 | __END__ |
1110 | |
1111 | [ 21876] |
1112 | #21866 was wrong. another try to plumb that damn leak. |
1113 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1114 | ! sv.c |
1115 | !> mg.c op.c pp_ctl.c |
1116 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1117 | [ 21913] By: nicholas on 2003/12/14 22:50:47 |
1118 | Log: Update Changes |
1119 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1120 | ! Changes patchlevel.h |
1121 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1122 | [ 21911] By: nicholas on 2003/12/14 20:25:18 |
1123 | Log: Integrate: |
1124 | [ 21898] |
1125 | Add Perl_ceil |
1126 | |
1127 | [ 21910] |
1128 | Forgot to remove a comment |
1129 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1130 | !> perl.h pp.c |
1131 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1132 | [ 21909] By: nicholas on 2003/12/14 19:53:35 |
1133 | Log: Integrate: |
1134 | [ 21647] |
1136 | From: "Marcus Holland-Moritz" <mhx-perl@gmx.net> |
1137 | Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 20:53:33 +0100 |
1138 | Message-ID: <023a01c3a244$2a1dd5a0$0c2f1fac@R2D2> |
1139 | |
1140 | [ 21902] |
1141 | Subject: Re: 5.6.2-RC1 on Cygwin |
1142 | From: Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes <sthoenna@efn.org> |
1143 | Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 22:32:59 -0800 |
1144 | Message-ID: <20031207063259.GA3004@efn.org> |
1145 | (with tweaks to cleanup code) |
1146 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1147 | !> ext/Devel/PPPort/PPPort.pm t/op/taint.t |
1148 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1149 | [ 21908] By: nicholas on 2003/12/14 19:16:51 |
1150 | Log: Integrate: |
1151 | [ 21872] |
1152 | temporary fix to avoid t/op/tie.t failures on Win32 |
1153 | |
1154 | [ 21904] |
1155 | Clean up a bug I introduced into caseless ENV hv_delete |
1156 | (should be the proper fix for 21870 and 21872's band aid) |
1157 | |
1158 | [ 21905] |
1159 | Subject: Re: Change 21862 |
1160 | From: Enache Adrian <enache@rdslink.ro> |
1161 | Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 06:05:58 +0200 |
1162 | Message-ID: <20031210040558.GC1584@ratsnest.hole> |
1163 | |
1164 | (1st hunk), plus the equivalent for hv_delete_common |
1165 | |
1166 | [ 21906] |
1167 | Some fool missed a letter n. |
1168 | (and then "optimised" code based on its absense. D'oh) |
1169 | Restore the correct behaviour - fetch with uppercase key, then if |
1170 | still not found store with mixed/lowercase key. |
1171 | |
1172 | [ 21907] |
1173 | S_save_hek_flags should honour the "free" flag. |
1174 | Ought to mask the flag bits that shouldn't be stored. |
1175 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1176 | !> hv.c |
1177 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1178 | [ 21903] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 23:02:59 |
1179 | Log: Integrate: |
1180 | [ 21834] |
1181 | Subject: Re: [perl #24574] find2perl provides different results to find |
1182 | From: Slaven Rezic <slaven@rezic.de> |
1183 | Date: 30 Nov 2003 22:16:59 +0100 |
1184 | Message-ID: <8765h1pnec.fsf@vran.herceg.de> |
1185 | |
1186 | (plus a note about find2perl now defaulting to -print in perldelta) |
1187 | |
1188 | [ 21891] |
1189 | Make the XSRETURN macro evaluate its argument only once. |
1190 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1191 | !> XSUB.h pod/perldelta.pod x2p/find2perl.PL |
1192 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1193 | [ 21901] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 21:22:15 |
1194 | Log: Integrate: |
1195 | [ 21892] |
1196 | Subject: Patch for: [perl #24650] File::CheckTree should list Larry Wall as author, not unknown |
1197 | From: David Dyck <david.dyck@fluke.com> |
1198 | Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 00:01:34 -0800 (PST) |
1199 | Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.51.0312122351450.8825@dd.tc.fluke.com> |
1200 | |
1201 | [ 21895] |
1202 | alarm() is now implemented on Win32. |
1203 | |
1204 | [ 21897] |
1205 | Reformat a long line in perlembed.pod (bug #24623). |
1206 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1207 | !> lib/File/CheckTree.pm pod/perlembed.pod pod/perlport.pod |
1208 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1209 | [ 21900] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 21:08:12 |
1210 | Log: Integrate: |
1211 | [ 21855] |
1212 | Subject: [PATCH] SCALAR/FIRSTKEY for tied hashes in scalar context |
1213 | From: Tassilo von Parseval <tassilo.parseval@post.rwth-aachen.de> |
1214 | Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 11:50:59 +0100 |
1215 | Message-id: <20031206105059.GA13989@ethan> |
1216 | |
1217 | [ 21856] |
1218 | Clarify the description of SCALAR in perltie |
1219 | |
1220 | [ 21857] |
1221 | Remove the "Can't provide tied hash usage" error from perldiag. |
1222 | Mention the new tied hash SCALAR method in perldelta. |
1223 | |
1224 | [ 21863] |
1225 | Missing thingies. |
1226 | |
1227 | [ 21865] |
1228 | Subject: [PATCH] documenting SCALAR gotcha |
1229 | From: Tassilo von Parseval <tassilo.parseval@post.rwth-aachen.de> |
1230 | Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2003 16:41:16 +0100 |
1231 | Message-id: <20031207154116.GA825@ethan> |
1232 | |
1233 | [ 21869] |
1234 | Subject: [PATCH] iterator reset moved to hv.c (was: [PATCH] SCALAR/FIRSTKEY for tied hashes in scalar context) |
1235 | From: Tassilo von Parseval <tassilo.parseval@post.rwth-aachen.de> |
1236 | Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 08:17:46 +0100 |
1237 | Message-id: <20031208071746.GA594@ethan> |
1238 | |
1239 | [ 21896] |
1240 | The binary compatibility notes say that new global functions should |
1241 | go at the end. Not that I'm anything more than "trainee" when it |
1242 | comes to this bincompat stuff. |
1243 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1244 | ! pp.c pp_hot.c |
1245 | !> embed.fnc embed.h global.sym hv.c lib/Tie/Hash.pm mg.c |
1246 | !> pod/perlapi.pod pod/perldiag.pod pod/perlfunc.pod |
1247 | !> pod/perltie.pod proto.h t/op/tie.t |
1248 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1249 | [ 21899] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 20:26:39 |
1250 | Log: Refactor to use t/test.pl |
1251 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1252 | ! t/op/avhv.t |
1253 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1254 | [ 21894] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 17:59:41 |
1255 | Log: regenerate perltoc.pod and Integrate: |
1256 | [ 21884] |
1257 | Subject: RE: [perl #24610] Pod::Html infinite recursion |
1258 | From: Anders Johnson <ajohnson@nvidia.com> |
1259 | Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 14:07:40 -0800 |
1260 | Message-ID: <33171CC36240D94EAF1FE584B1D14E0A06EC6F51@mail-sc-11.nvidia.com> |
1261 | (with tweaks) |
1262 | |
1263 | [ 21885] |
1264 | Fix some of the pods to produce more standard manpages, |
1265 | as reported by Eric S. Raymond. |
1266 | |
1267 | [ 21886] |
1268 | More POD fixes ; regenerate perltoc and perlmodlib. |
1269 | |
1270 | [ 21893] |
1271 | foreach qw() { # not valid syntax for 5.005. So fix it. |
1272 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1273 | ! pod/perltoc.pod |
1274 | !> README.ce README.netware ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL |
1275 | !> lib/Getopt/Std.pm lib/Pod/Html.pm lib/diagnostics.pm |
1276 | !> pod/buildtoc pod/perlmodlib.pod |
1277 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1278 | [ 21890] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 16:19:29 |
1279 | Log: Integrate: |
1280 | [ 21826] |
1281 | Upgrade to Test::Harness 2.38. |
1282 | Introduce the prove(1) utility. |
1283 | (The prove-switches test is disabled for now.) |
1284 | |
1285 | [ 21836] |
1286 | The prove utility should also be installed on VMS and on Windows. |
1287 | Haven't we regression tests for installations yet ? |
1288 | |
1289 | [ 21871] |
1290 | Upgrade to Digest-MD5 2.33. |
1291 | |
1292 | [ 21874] |
1293 | Suppress a C< $DB::single = 1 > from Switch.pm, as noticed |
1294 | by Jan Dubois. |
1295 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1296 | +> lib/Test/Harness/bin/prove lib/Test/Harness/t/inc_taint.t |
1297 | +> lib/Test/Harness/t/prove-switches.t t/lib/Dev/Null.pm |
1298 | +> t/lib/sample-tests/inc_taint t/lib/sample-tests/taint_warn |
1299 | +> utils/prove.PL |
1300 | ! installperl |
1301 | !> MANIFEST ext/Digest/MD5/Changes ext/Digest/MD5/MD5.pm |
1302 | !> ext/Digest/MD5/MD5.xs ext/Digest/MD5/Makefile.PL |
1303 | !> ext/Digest/MD5/t/files.t ext/Digest/MD5/typemap lib/Switch.pm |
1304 | !> lib/Test/Harness.pm lib/Test/Harness/Assert.pm |
1305 | !> lib/Test/Harness/Changes lib/Test/Harness/Iterator.pm |
1306 | !> lib/Test/Harness/Straps.pm lib/Test/Harness/t/00compile.t |
1307 | !> lib/Test/Harness/t/assert.t lib/Test/Harness/t/callback.t |
1308 | !> lib/Test/Harness/t/pod.t lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.t |
1309 | !> lib/Test/Harness/t/strap.t lib/Test/Harness/t/test-harness.t |
1310 | !> utils.lst utils/Makefile vms/descrip_mms.template |
1311 | !> win32/Makefile win32/makefile.mk |
1312 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1313 | [ 21889] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 15:55:57 |
1314 | Log: Integrate: |
1315 | [ 21859] |
1316 | Math::BigInt::Scalar is only for tests. |
1317 | Move it under t/lib. |
1318 | |
1319 | [ 21860] |
1320 | Forgot to update the MANIFEST. |
1321 | |
1322 | [ 21861] |
1323 | Subject: [PATCH] Math::BigInt v1.67 (pre-release) |
1324 | From: Tels <perl_dummy@bloodgate.com> |
1325 | Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 20:19:44 +0100 |
1326 | Message-Id: <200312062016.50484@bloodgate.com> |
1327 | |
1328 | [ 21882] |
1329 | Subject: [PATCH] Math::BigInt v1.67 released |
1330 | From: Tels <perl_dummy@bloodgate.com> |
1331 | Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 18:47:43 +0100 |
1332 | Message-Id: <200312121847.49039@bloodgate.com> |
1333 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1334 | +> lib/Math/BigInt/t/const_mbf.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/fallback.t |
1335 | +> t/lib/Math/BigInt/Scalar.pm |
1336 | - lib/Math/BigInt/Scalar.pm |
1337 | !> MANIFEST lib/Math/BigFloat.pm lib/Math/BigInt.pm |
1338 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/Calc.pm lib/Math/BigInt/t/bare_mbf.t |
1339 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/bare_mbi.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigfltpm.inc |
1340 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigfltpm.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintc.t |
1341 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.inc lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigintpm.t |
1342 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/bigints.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/biglog.t |
1343 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/constant.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/downgrade.t |
1344 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/sub_mbf.t lib/Math/BigInt/t/sub_mbi.t |
1345 | !> lib/Math/BigInt/t/with_sub.t |
1346 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1347 | [ 21888] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 14:42:15 |
1348 | Log: Integrate: |
1349 | [ 21858] |
1350 | Subject: [PATCH] casting bug in VMS part of Perl_start_glob |
1351 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
1352 | Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 12:44:40 -0600 |
1353 | Message-ID: <3FD22398.1060506@mac.com> |
1354 | |
1355 | [ 21864] |
1356 | Subject: [PATCH] setenv tweak for VMS |
1357 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
1358 | Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2003 18:13:32 -0600 |
1359 | Message-ID: <3FD270AC.3000106@mac.com> |
1360 | |
1361 | [ 21879] |
1362 | Subject: [PATCH] environ array fix for VMS |
1363 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
1364 | Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:35:29 -0600 |
1365 | Message-ID: <3FD8D511.2030805@mac.com> |
1366 | |
1367 | [ 21881] |
1368 | Subject: [PATCH] d_u32align for win32 |
1369 | From: Gisle Aas <gisle@ActiveState.com> |
1370 | Date: 11 Dec 2003 01:33:39 -0800 |
1371 | Message-ID: <lrzndzr958.fsf@caliper.activestate.com> |
1372 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1373 | !> doio.c vms/vms.c win32/config.bc win32/config.gc |
1374 | !> win32/config.vc |
1375 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1376 | [ 21887] By: nicholas on 2003/12/13 14:12:49 |
1377 | Log: Integrate: |
1378 | [ 21873] |
1379 | Subject: [PATCH perlunicode.pod, encoding.pm] Implicit upgrading docs |
1380 | From: Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org> |
1381 | Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 20:39:16 +0800 |
1382 | Message-ID: <20031209123915.GA1454@not.autrijus.org> |
1383 | |
1384 | [ 21877] |
1385 | Add a mention of the error "DESTROY created new reference |
1386 | to dead object" in perldiag. |
1387 | |
1388 | [ 21878] |
1389 | Subject: [PATCH] Perl 5.9.0 AUTHORS |
1390 | From: Mark Leighton Fisher <mark-fisher@mindspring.com> |
1391 | Message-ID: <3FD8E74F.7000202@mindspring.com> |
1392 | Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 16:53:19 -0500 |
1393 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1394 | !> AUTHORS ext/Encode/encoding.pm pod/perldiag.pod |
1395 | !> pod/perlunicode.pod |
1396 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1397 | [ 21862] By: nick on 2003/12/06 21:16:01 |
1398 | Log: Win32/MinGW tweaks |
1399 | A. ENV_IS_CASELESS has trys to free(keysave) when |
1400 | keysave isn't in scope yet. |
1401 | B. For default makefile.mk which build with perlhost.h |
1402 | stuff "live" need to link with g++ to find new/delete etc. |
1403 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1404 | ! hv.c win32/makefile.mk |
1405 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1406 | [ 21852] By: nicholas on 2003/12/05 21:09:27 |
1407 | Log: Integrate: |
1408 | [ 21851] |
1409 | Back out the Makefile.PL part of 21808 as requested by Gisle Aas |
1410 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1411 | !> ext/Digest/MD5/Makefile.PL |
1412 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1413 | [ 21850] By: nicholas on 2003/12/05 19:44:34 |
1414 | Log: Integrate: |
1415 | [ 21843] |
1416 | Subject: [PATCH] another ext/SDBM_File/sdbm build fix |
1417 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
1418 | Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 16:00:03 -0600 |
1419 | Message-ID: <3FCFAE63.1080106@mac.com> |
1420 | |
1421 | [ 21844] |
1422 | Subject: [REPATCH lib/AutoLoader.t] Test can() with AutoLoader |
1423 | From: chromatic <chromatic@wgz.org> |
1424 | Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003 09:20:21 -0800 |
1425 | Message-Id: <1070299221.1275.19.camel@localhost> |
1426 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1427 | !> ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/Makefile.PL lib/AutoLoader.t |
1428 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1429 | [ 21849] By: nicholas on 2003/12/05 19:26:44 |
1430 | Log: Integrate: |
1431 | [ 21837] |
1432 | Subject: Re: XS modules having problems with CLONE and ithreads unless PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT is defined |
1433 | From: Stas Bekman <stas@stason.org> |
1434 | Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 01:41:42 -0800 |
1435 | Message-ID: <3FCDAFD6.9050106@stason.org> |
1436 | |
1437 | [ 21842] |
1438 | Subject: [PATCH] $^P, eval and caller |
1439 | From: Paul Johnson <paul@pjcj.net> |
1440 | Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 00:57:21 +0100 |
1441 | Message-ID: <20031204235721.GJ26355@pjcj.net> |
1442 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1443 | ! mg.c |
1444 | !> sv.c |
1445 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1446 | [ 21848] By: nicholas on 2003/12/05 18:43:44 |
1447 | Log: Integrate: |
1448 | [ 21840] |
1449 | Subject: Re: a2p.pod not being installed in 5.8.2? |
1450 | From: Alan Burlison <Alan.Burlison@sun.com> |
1451 | Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 12:14:30 +0000 |
1452 | Message-ID: <3FCF2526.3030905@sun.com> |
1453 | |
1454 | [ 21846] |
1455 | Subject: [PATCH] Configure gets d_u32align wrong |
1456 | From: Gisle Aas <gisle@ActiveState.com> |
1457 | Date: 05 Dec 2003 03:47:01 -0800 |
1458 | Message-ID: <lr4qwfbi6i.fsf_-_@caliper.activestate.com> |
1459 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1460 | !> Configure installperl |
1461 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1462 | [ 21847] By: nicholas on 2003/12/05 18:25:53 |
1463 | Log: Integrate: |
1464 | [ 21841] |
1465 | Fix File::Copy with hard links on Windows. |
1466 | |
1467 | Subject: [PATCH] Re: perl @ 21830 |
1468 | From: Steve Hay <steve.hay@uk.radan.com> |
1469 | Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 10:53:02 +0000 |
1470 | Message-ID: <3FCDC08E.7080800@uk.radan.com> |
1471 | |
1472 | and |
1473 | Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 11:02:22 +0000 |
1474 | Message-ID: <3FCF143E.1040905@uk.radan.com> |
1475 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1476 | !> lib/File/Copy.pm lib/File/Copy.t |
1477 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1478 | [ 21839] By: nicholas on 2003/12/03 21:51:48 |
1479 | Log: Integrate: |
1480 | [ 21832] |
1481 | Better docs for the special code blocks, based on : |
1482 | Subject: [DOCPATCH] BEGIN, CHECK, INIT, END explained more |
1483 | From: Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz@dijkmat.nl> |
1484 | Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 23:15:56 +0100 |
1485 | Message-Id: <p05111b01bbeec2e8bf30@[]> |
1486 | |
1487 | [ 21835] |
1488 | FAQ sync. |
1489 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1490 | !> pod/perlfaq1.pod pod/perlfaq2.pod pod/perlfaq3.pod |
1491 | !> pod/perlfaq4.pod pod/perlfaq5.pod pod/perlmod.pod |
1492 | !> pod/perlsub.pod |
1493 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1494 | [ 21838] By: nicholas on 2003/12/03 19:13:35 |
1495 | Log: Remove duplicate call to PERL_HASH in delete |
1496 | Transpires that in maint there just aren't enough shared hash SVs |
1497 | to make the check in hv.c worth it. |
1498 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1499 | ! hv.c |
1500 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1501 | [ 21831] By: nicholas on 2003/12/02 20:35:22 |
1502 | Log: Integrate: |
1503 | (The hv.c changes of 17740) |
1504 | [ 17740] |
1505 | Clean up copy-on-write macros and debug facilities (new flag 'C'). |
1506 | Handle CoW in hashes: |
1507 | Subject: Re: why would tr/// be performing hash copies? |
1508 | From: Nicholas Clark <nick@unfortu.net> |
1509 | Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 23:17:01 +0100 |
1510 | Message-id: <20020818221700.GD294@Bagpuss.unfortu.net> |
1511 | |
1512 | [ 21747] |
1513 | merge hv_exists and hv_exists_ent into S_hv_exists_common |
1514 | |
1515 | [ 21750] |
1516 | integrate hv_delete and hv_delete_ent into hv_delete_common |
1517 | |
1518 | [ 21753] |
1519 | merge hv_fetch and hv_fetch_ent into hv_fetch_common |
1520 | remove S_hv_fetch_flags |
1521 | hv.c now 13% smaller than when I started. hv_store TODO |
1522 | |
1523 | [ 21758] |
1524 | Merge sv_store_flags and sv_store_ent into sv_store_common |
1525 | |
1526 | [ 21760] |
1527 | Shift negative klen/flags games from hv_fetch_common out to hv_fetch |
1528 | |
1529 | [ 21765] |
1530 | Tweaks to S_hv_delete_common: |
1531 | make the magic call hv_fetch_common rather than ent-or-not |
1532 | grab the hash from a shared hash key scalar if possible |
1533 | use masked flags rather than flags for the comparison |
1534 | |
1535 | [ 21766] |
1536 | Move the negative key -> utf8 flag conversion out to hv_delete |
1537 | |
1538 | [ 21768] |
1539 | Shift negative klen/flags games from hv_exists_common out to hv_exists |
1540 | |
1541 | [ 21769] |
1542 | Shift negative klen/flags games from hv_store_common out to hv_store |
1543 | |
1544 | [ 21770] |
1545 | Farewell hv_exists_common - exists is now a call to fetch |
1546 | (with the exists magic handling moved into fetch) |
1547 | |
1548 | [ 21771] |
1549 | "Space Is a Province of Brazil" |
1550 | Farewell, hv_store_common. Store is now part of Fetch. |
1551 | All tests pass. hv.c 15% smaller than when I started all this |
1552 | |
1553 | [ 21772] |
1554 | Reorder functions in hv.c so that callers of hv_fetch_common are all |
1555 | close to it. |
1556 | |
1557 | [ 21779] |
1558 | D'oh. Mistake in the DYNAMIC_ENV_FETCH conditional code |
1559 | reported by Craig Berry |
1560 | |
1561 | [ 21781] |
1562 | Tweak the order of initialisation of oentry in hv_fetch_common - |
1563 | C source now cleaner, but optimised object file still the same size. |
1564 | |
1565 | [ 21782] |
1566 | Should fix the infinite loop on a dynamic %ENV fetch |
1567 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1568 | ! hv.c |
1569 | !> embed.fnc embed.h proto.h |
1570 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1571 | [ 21830] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 21:36:13 |
1572 | Log: Update Changes |
1573 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1574 | ! Changes patchlevel.h |
1575 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1576 | [ 21829] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 21:35:03 |
1577 | Log: Integrate: |
1578 | [ 21827] |
1579 | Keep installing xsubpp in lib/ExtUtils, |
1580 | so MakeMaker can find it. |
1581 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1582 | ! installperl |
1583 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1584 | [ 21825] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 20:19:43 |
1585 | Log: Update Changes |
1586 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1587 | ! Changes patchlevel.h |
1588 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1589 | [ 21824] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 19:00:33 |
1590 | Log: Integrate: |
1591 | [ 21802] |
1592 | POSIX::isXXX(undef) segfaulted. (bug #24554.) |
1593 | |
1594 | [ 21823] |
1595 | Subject: Re: [perl #24554] Segfault in POSIX module |
1596 | From: SADAHIRO Tomoyuki <bqw10602@nifty.com> |
1597 | Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 23:32:38 +0900 |
1598 | Message-Id: <20031129233010.8E2F.BQW10602@nifty.com> |
1599 | |
1600 | (plus a test for the stringification of references |
1601 | passed to POSIX::isXXX()) |
1602 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1603 | !> ext/POSIX/POSIX.xs ext/POSIX/t/is.t ext/POSIX/t/posix.t |
1604 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1605 | [ 21822] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 10:35:31 |
1606 | Log: Integrate: |
1607 | [ 21810] |
1608 | Update Unicode::Collate to 0.31 (Only the .pm version for now) |
1609 | |
1610 | [ 21812] |
1611 | Update Unicode::Normalize to 0.28 |
1612 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1613 | +> ext/Unicode/Normalize/t/illegal.t |
1614 | +> ext/Unicode/Normalize/t/null.t ext/Unicode/Normalize/t/short.t |
1615 | +> lib/Unicode/Collate/t/illegal.t |
1616 | +> lib/Unicode/Collate/t/illegalp.t |
1617 | !> MANIFEST ext/Unicode/Normalize/Changes |
1618 | !> ext/Unicode/Normalize/Normalize.pm |
1619 | !> ext/Unicode/Normalize/Normalize.xs |
1620 | !> ext/Unicode/Normalize/README lib/Unicode/Collate.pm |
1621 | !> lib/Unicode/Collate/Changes lib/Unicode/Collate/README |
1622 | !> lib/Unicode/Collate/t/version.t |
1623 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1624 | [ 21821] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 10:24:55 |
1625 | Log: Integrate: |
1626 | [ 21807] |
1627 | Update Digest to 1.03 |
1628 | |
1629 | [ 21808] |
1630 | Update to Digest::MD5 2.31 |
1631 | |
1632 | [ 21809] |
1633 | D'oh! Forgot to lib/Digest/base.pm |
1634 | |
1635 | [ 21811] |
1636 | D'oh! This has been moved to lib/Digest/t/digest.t but not deleted. |
1637 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1638 | +> ext/Digest/MD5/t/bits.t lib/Digest/base.pm lib/Digest/t/base.t |
1639 | +> lib/Digest/t/digest.t |
1640 | - lib/Digest.t |
1641 | !> MANIFEST Porting/Maintainers.pl ext/Digest/MD5/Changes |
1642 | !> ext/Digest/MD5/MD5.pm ext/Digest/MD5/Makefile.PL |
1643 | !> ext/Digest/MD5/t/badfile.t ext/Digest/MD5/t/files.t |
1644 | !> lib/Digest.pm |
1645 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1646 | [ 21820] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 10:11:14 |
1647 | Log: Integrate all the t/op/readline.t changes: |
1648 | [ 19069] |
1649 | Subject: [PATCH] Re: [perl #21614] 5.8.0 Unbalanced string table refcount |
1650 | From: Nicholas Clark <nick@unfortu.net> |
1651 | Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 22:59:17 +0000 |
1652 | Message-ID: <20030325225917.GE284@Bagpuss.unfortu.net> |
1653 | |
1654 | [ 19069] |
1655 | Subject: [PATCH] Re: [perl #21614] 5.8.0 Unbalanced string table refcount |
1656 | From: Nicholas Clark <nick@unfortu.net> |
1657 | Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 22:59:17 +0000 |
1658 | Message-ID: <20030325225917.GE284@Bagpuss.unfortu.net> |
1659 | |
1660 | [ 19071] |
1661 | Better version of change #19069 |
1662 | Subject: [PATCH] Re: [PATCH] Re: [perl #21614] 5.8.0 Unbalanced string table refcount |
1663 | From: Nicholas Clark <nick@unfortu.net> |
1664 | Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 23:01:46 +0000 |
1665 | Message-ID: <20030326230145.GC279@Bagpuss.unfortu.net> |
1666 | |
1667 | [ 19267] |
1668 | Subject: [PATCH] readline.t tweak for VMS |
1669 | From: "Craig A. Berry" <craigberry@mac.com> |
1670 | Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 17:18:19 -0500 |
1671 | Message-ID: <3E9F282B.6090603@mac.com> |
1672 | |
1673 | [ 20431] |
1674 | More runperl(switches => ...) finds (bleadperl only). |
1675 | |
1676 | [ 21787] |
1677 | Subject: [PATCH] Re: bug or a feature? |
1678 | From: Torsten Foertsch <torsten.foertsch@gmx.net> |
1679 | Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 13:15:53 +0100 |
1680 | Message-Id: <200311221315.58539.torsten.foertsch@gmx.net> |
1681 | |
1682 | and |
1683 | Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 14:21:45 +0100 |
1684 | Message-Id: <200311221421.48940.torsten.foertsch@gmx.net> |
1685 | (test moved to t/op/readline.t) |
1686 | |
1687 | [ 21794] |
1688 | Arguments to skip were the wrong way round, hence why all the *BSDs |
1689 | were failing |
1690 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1691 | ! sv.c t/op/readline.t |
1692 | !> pp_hot.c |
1693 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1694 | [ 21819] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 09:57:11 |
1695 | Log: Integrate: |
1696 | [ 21805] |
1697 | Silence gcc 2.95 warning |
1698 | (Its trace flow isn't good enough to realise that there is no problem) |
1699 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1700 | !> pp_hot.c |
1701 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1702 | [ 21818] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 09:43:55 |
1703 | Log: Integrate: |
1704 | [ 21800] |
1705 | Fix a regression introduced by change #21694 on sprintf() |
1706 | with long doubles, by disabling the specific optimisation |
1707 | path in this case ; remove a unnecessary cast ; add a new |
1708 | test file for miscellaneous sprintf() test that don't fit |
1709 | in the t/op/sprintf.t framework. |
1710 | |
1711 | [ 21804] |
1712 | Gconvert actually takes type NV, while nv may be either double |
1713 | or long double (depending on some conditional code) |
1714 | Rafael and I think that this cast should work. |
1715 | |
1716 | [ 21806] |
1717 | When Gconvert is a macro around sprintf with a .* format we need |
1718 | to cast to int (in case STRLEN isn't the same size as int) |
1719 | gcc issues a warning even when it is the same size |
1720 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1721 | +> t/op/sprintf2.t |
1722 | !> MANIFEST sv.c |
1723 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1724 | [ 21817] By: nicholas on 2003/11/30 09:25:20 |
1725 | Log: Copy SvIsCOW(sv) and SvIsCOW_shared_hash(sv) from blead |
1726 | (Each is part of separate much larger changes, so can't integrate) |
1727 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1728 | ! sv.h |
1729 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1730 | [ 21816] By: nicholas on 2003/11/29 21:15:29 |
1731 | Log: Integrate: |
1732 | [ 21799] |
1733 | Subject: [patch pod/perlsec.pod] (was Re: why PERL5LIB is ignored when -T is in effect) |
1734 | From: Stas Bekman <stas@stason.org> |
1735 | Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:42:25 -0800 |
1736 | Message-ID: <3FC7CF51.7060804@stason.org> |
1737 | |
1738 | [ 21813] |
1739 | Remove whitespace from ends of lines (simply because it irritates me) |
1740 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1741 | !> pod/perlsec.pod utils/h2xs.PL |
1742 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1743 | [ 21815] By: nicholas on 2003/11/29 21:15:05 |
1744 | Log: Integrate: |
1745 | [ 21797] |
1746 | Subject: Re: [perl #24245] File::Copy::copy damages hard linked files |
1747 | From: Slaven Rezic <slaven@rezic.de> |
1748 | Date: 19 Oct 2003 19:11:31 +0200 |
1749 | Message-ID: <87smlprw3g.fsf@vran.herceg.de> |
1750 | (with further tweaks) |
1751 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1752 | !> lib/File/Copy.pm lib/File/Copy.t |
1753 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1754 | [ 21803] By: nicholas on 2003/11/29 13:09:40 |
1755 | Log: Integrate: |
1756 | It's back! |
1757 | [ 21449] |
1758 | Subject: [PATCH] SIGN => 1 support for MakeMaker |
1759 | From: Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org> |
1760 | Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 18:32:28 +0800 |
1761 | Message-Id: <1066127547.65845.35.camel@localhost> |
1762 | |
1763 | [ 21652] |
1764 | Upgrade to ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.19 |
1765 | |
1766 | [ 21675] |
1767 | Upgrade to MakeMaker 6.20. |
1768 | |
1769 | [ 21702] |
1770 | Upgrade to MakeMaker 6.21. |
1771 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1772 | +> lib/ExtUtils/t/parse_version.t |
1773 | +> t/lib/MakeMaker/Test/Setup/BFD.pm |
1774 | +> t/lib/MakeMaker/Test/Setup/Problem.pm |
1775 | - lib/ExtUtils/t/00setup_dummy.t |
1776 | - lib/ExtUtils/t/zz_cleanup_dummy.t |
1777 | ! lib/ExtUtils/MM_Any.pm lib/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm |
1778 | !> (integrate 37 files) |
1779 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1780 | [ 21801] By: nicholas on 2003/11/29 11:05:18 |
1781 | Log: Integrate: |
1782 | [ 21655] |
1783 | Temporary kludge to allow SDBM_File being built |
1784 | with MakeMaker 6.19. |
1785 | |
1786 | [ 21657] |
1787 | Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.19 |
1788 | From: Michael G Schwern <schwern@pobox.com> |
1789 | Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 17:59:13 -0800 |
1790 | Message-ID: <20031105015913.GL15406@localhost.comcast.net> |
1791 | |
1792 | Replaces the temporary kludge (#21655). |
1793 | |
1794 | [ 21710] |
1795 | Subject: [PATCH] Last stab at sdbm/Makefile.PL |
1796 | From: Michael G Schwern <schwern@pobox.com> |
1797 | Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 21:02:30 -0800 |
1798 | Message-ID: <20031112050230.GO6874@localhost.comcast.net> |
1799 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1800 | !> ext/SDBM_File/sdbm/Makefile.PL |
1801 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1802 | [ 21796] By: nicholas on 2003/11/28 20:05:30 |
1803 | Log: Integrate: |
1804 | [ 21788] |
1805 | Add Torsten Foertsch to AUTHORS (patches plus tests are what we like) |
1806 | |
1807 | [ 21789] |
1808 | Marcus Holland-Moritz is now the maintainer of Devel::PPPort. |
1809 | PerlIO and threads are not on CPAN. |
1810 | |
1811 | [ 21795] |
1812 | Subject: [PATCH] Fix perl 5.8 and 5.9 to build on latest VOS |
1813 | From: "Green, Paul" <Paul.Green@stratus.com> |
1814 | Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 21:51:26 -0500 |
1815 | Message-ID: <A2A34F15EE916148BC4C4748223E67A4069FB815@exna4.stratus.com> |
1816 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1817 | !> AUTHORS Porting/Maintainers.pl hints/vos.sh |
1818 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1819 | [ 21786] By: nicholas on 2003/11/25 19:48:30 |
1820 | Log: re-run pod/buildtoc |
1821 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1822 | ! pod.lst pod/perl.pod pod/perltoc.pod vms/descrip_mms.template |
1823 | ! win32/pod.mak |
1824 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1825 | [ 21785] By: nicholas on 2003/11/25 19:42:14 |
1826 | Log: Re-order entries |
1827 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1828 | ! MANIFEST |
1829 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1830 | [ 21784] By: nicholas on 2003/11/25 19:25:25 |
1831 | Log: Integrate: |
1832 | [ 21780] |
1833 | Subject: Re: [perl #24439] 64 bit build failure on Solaris 9 |
1834 | From: Andy Dougherty <doughera@lafayette.edu> |
1835 | Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 09:38:05 -0500 (EST) |
1836 | Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.4.53.0311200926550.25274@maxwell.phys.lafayette.edu> |
1837 | |
1838 | and : |
1839 | Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 09:36:24 -0500 (EST) |
1840 | Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.4.53.0311210927460.1876@maxwell.phys.lafayette.edu> |
1841 | |
1842 | [ 21783] |
1843 | Subject: remove hardcoded version number from cygwin/perlld.in |
1844 | From: Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes <sthoenna@efn.org> |
1845 | Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 08:11:36 -0800 |
1846 | Message-ID: <20031124161136.GC2656@efn.org> |
1847 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1848 | !> cygwin/Makefile.SHs cygwin/perlld.in hints/solaris_2.sh |
1849 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1850 | [ 21778] By: nicholas on 2003/11/22 23:21:32 |
1851 | Log: Integrate: |
1852 | [ 21706] |
1853 | Subject: Re: [perl #24460] [DOC PATCH] the begincheck program |
1854 | From: Tom Phoenix <rootbeer@redcat.com> |
1855 | Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 15:50:35 -0800 (PST) |
1856 | Message-Id: <Pine.BSO.4.53.0311111547500.9242@blue.stonehenge.com> |
1857 | |
1858 | [ 21751] |
1859 | Update the runops stuff in perlguts |
1860 | |
1861 | [ 21754] |
1862 | Subject: [docpatch] PerlIO layers in perlrun.pod and PerlIO.pm |
1863 | From: Iain Truskett <spoon@cpan.org> |
1864 | Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 00:41:33 +1100 |
1865 | Message-ID: <20031119134132.GG21314@gytha.anu.edu.au> |
1866 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1867 | !> lib/PerlIO.pm pod/perlguts.pod pod/perlmod.pod pod/perlrun.pod |
1868 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1869 | [ 21777] By: nicholas on 2003/11/22 23:17:43 |
1870 | Log: Integrate: |
1871 | [ 21697] |
1872 | Subject: [PATCH 5.8.2 @21574] make install: line noise |
1873 | From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse@ilyaz.org> |
1874 | Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:10:16 -0800 |
1875 | Message-ID: <20031105041016.GA2639@math.berkeley.edu> |
1876 | |
1877 | and part of |
1878 | Subject: [PATCH 5.8.2 @21574] make install: PREFIX and DESTDIR |
1879 | From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse@ilyaz.org> |
1880 | Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:18:37 -0800 |
1881 | Message-ID: <20031105041836.GA2649@math.berkeley.edu> |
1882 | |
1883 | (I've left out the PREFIX part for now) |
1884 | |
1885 | [ 21708] |
1886 | Subject: [PATCH 5.8.2 @21574] make install not installing fully |
1887 | From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse@ilyaz.org> |
1888 | Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:07:25 -0800 |
1889 | Message-ID: <20031105040725.GA2629@math.berkeley.edu> |
1890 | |
1891 | [ 21723] |
1892 | Include "SCCS" in the list of directory names that should |
1893 | be ignored by installperl. |
1894 | |
1895 | [ 21739] |
1896 | Subject: Re: [perl #24493] install.html not working |
1897 | From: Slaven Rezic <slaven@rezic.de> |
1898 | Date: 16 Nov 2003 20:52:29 +0100 |
1899 | Message-ID: <87d6bsw0oy.fsf@vran.herceg.de> |
1900 | |
1901 | [ 21740] |
1902 | Install instmodsh and xsubpp in bin/ along the other utilities. |
1903 | |
1904 | [ 21741] |
1905 | Complement of change #21740 for Windows. |
1906 | (I have the feeling that it's already subtly broken on VMS) |
1907 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1908 | +> utils/instmodsh.PL utils/xsubpp.PL |
1909 | !> MANIFEST Makefile.SH installhtml installperl os2/Makefile.SHs |
1910 | !> utils.lst utils/Makefile win32/Makefile win32/makefile.mk |
1911 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1912 | [ 21776] By: nicholas on 2003/11/22 22:48:49 |
1913 | Log: Integrate: |
1914 | [ 21663] |
1915 | Subject: Re: Smoke [5.9.0] 21474 FAIL(F) darwin 6.8 (darwin/1 cpu) |
1916 | From: Slaven Rezic <slaven@rezic.de> |
1917 | Date: 20 Oct 2003 22:39:28 +0200 |
1918 | Message-Id: <87oewbiqyn.fsf@vran.herceg.de> |
1919 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1920 | !> lib/filetest.t |
1921 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1922 | [ 21775] By: nicholas on 2003/11/22 22:35:25 |
1923 | Log: Integrate: |
1924 | [ 21732] |
1925 | Subject: [PATCH] configpm, our $summary : unique |
1926 | From: Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz@dijkmat.nl> |
1927 | Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 22:18:32 +0100 |
1928 | Message-Id: <p05111b03bbdc478d10cb@[]> |
1929 | (plus comments) |
1930 | |
1931 | [ 21733] |
1932 | Subject: [PATCH] Re:ext/threads/t/problem.t (was: Problems with mod_perl 1.12 (?) and ActivePerl 5.8.1) |
1933 | From: Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz@dijkmat.nl> |
1934 | Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 23:22:16 +0100 |
1935 | Message-Id: <p05111b04bbdc49076950@[]> |
1936 | |
1937 | [ 21752] |
1938 | Fix bug [perl #24508] Wrong assignment in nested assignment |
1939 | together with subroutine call |
1940 | Apparently concat still doesn't deal correctly with lexicals |
1941 | in all cases. Disable the whole TARGET_MY optimisation for it. |
1942 | (and remove the corresponding code from the peephole optimiser.) |
1943 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1944 | ! opcode.h |
1945 | !> configpm ext/threads/t/problems.t op.c opcode.pl t/op/concat.t |
1946 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1947 | [ 21763] By: nicholas on 2003/11/21 21:38:15 |
1948 | Log: Test all permuations of utf8 flags on hashes and keys |
1949 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1950 | ! ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t |
1951 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1952 | [ 21762] By: nicholas on 2003/11/21 20:41:03 |
1953 | Log: Refactor hash API tests (prior to some additions) |
1954 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1955 | ! ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t |
1956 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1957 | [ 21761] By: nicholas on 2003/11/21 20:20:04 |
1958 | Log: Integrate: |
1959 | [ 21742] |
1960 | Whoops. We weren't actually testing hv_store_ent |
1961 | We are now. Plus test hv_store for an initially empty hash. |
1962 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1963 | !> ext/XS/APItest/APItest.xs ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t |
1964 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1965 | [ 21759] By: nicholas on 2003/11/20 22:17:24 |
1966 | Log: perforce-- # Can't integrate a brange and an edit in one shot |
1967 | |
1968 | mop up the file it failed on. |
1969 | |
1970 | Integrate: |
1971 | [ 21735] |
1972 | utf8 keys now work for tied hashes via hv_fetch, hv_store, hv_delete |
1973 | (pp functions use the _ent variants, and as the implementation is |
1974 | duplicated, these bugs aren't tested, and aren't noticed) |
1975 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1976 | !> ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t |
1977 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1978 | [ 21757] By: nicholas on 2003/11/20 19:23:15 |
1979 | Log: Integrate: |
1980 | [ 21756] |
1981 | Subject: [PATCH] promote hv_clear_placeholders to perl API |
1982 | From: Alan Burlison <Alan.Burlison@sun.com> |
1983 | Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 10:34:30 +0000 |
1984 | Message-ID: <3FBC98B6.6090909@sun.com> |
1985 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1986 | !> embed.fnc embed.h global.sym hv.c pod/perlapi.pod proto.h |
1987 | !> universal.c |
1988 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1989 | [ 21749] By: nicholas on 2003/11/19 20:08:42 |
1990 | Log: Integrate: |
1991 | [ 21748] |
1992 | Subject: [PATCH] clear of empty locked hash SEGVs |
1993 | From: Alan Burlison <Alan.Burlison@sun.com> |
1994 | Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 14:39:03 +0000 |
1995 | Message-ID: <3FBB8087.20206@sun.com> |
1996 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
1997 | !> hv.c lib/Hash/Util.t |
1998 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
1999 | [ 21745] By: nicholas on 2003/11/19 18:42:14 |
2000 | Log: Integrate: |
2001 | [ 21743] |
2002 | Restore errno after having read $^E (like for $!) |
2003 | to preserve errno from unfortunate side-effects. |
2004 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2005 | !> mg.c |
2006 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2007 | [ 21738] By: nicholas on 2003/11/16 21:49:45 |
2008 | Log: Integrate: |
2009 | [ 21737] |
2010 | Ooops. left an XXX comment in, and worse still it's a // comment |
2011 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2012 | !> hv.c |
2013 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2014 | [ 21736] By: nicholas on 2003/11/16 21:27:24 |
2015 | Log: Integrate: |
2016 | [ 21734] |
2017 | Accessing unicode keys in tie hashes via hv_exists was broken. |
2018 | (pp_exists uses hv_exists_ent, which isn't broken) |
2019 | I expect an equivalent bug in hv_delete |
2020 | |
2021 | [ 21735] |
2022 | utf8 keys now work for tied hashes via hv_fetch, hv_store, hv_delete |
2023 | (pp functions use the _ent variants, and as the implementation is |
2024 | duplicated, these bugs aren't tested, and aren't noticed) |
2025 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2026 | +> ext/XS/APItest/t/hash.t |
2027 | !> MANIFEST ext/XS/APItest/APItest.pm ext/XS/APItest/APItest.xs |
2028 | !> ext/XS/APItest/MANIFEST hv.c |
2029 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2030 | [ 21731] By: nicholas on 2003/11/15 22:25:53 |
2031 | Log: Integrate: |
2032 | [ 21712] |
2033 | Enable hints to create call-back units that can act when |
2034 | a specific variable is *not* set (like -Uuselargefiles) |
2035 | |
2036 | [ 21713] |
2037 | Simplified the reading |
2038 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2039 | !> Configure hints/README.hints hints/solaris_2.sh |
2040 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2041 | [ 21730] By: nicholas on 2003/11/15 14:42:58 |
2042 | Log: Integrate: |
2043 | [ 21728] |
2044 | Update perlhist with 5.6.2. |
2045 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2046 | !> pod/perlhist.pod |
2047 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2048 | [ 21721] By: nicholas on 2003/11/13 21:25:56 |
2049 | Log: Integrate: |
2050 | [ 21673] |
2051 | Subject: [PATCH] Be sure to use -fPIC not -fpic on Linux/SPARC |
2052 | From: Andy Dougherty <doughera@lafayette.edu> |
2053 | Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 17:19:03 -0500 (EST) |
2054 | Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.4.53.0311051715140.24878@maxwell.phys.lafayette.edu> |
2055 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2056 | !> hints/linux.sh |
2057 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2058 | [ 21720] By: nicholas on 2003/11/13 21:07:58 |
2059 | Log: Integrate: |
2060 | [ 21677] |
2061 | Subject: [PATCH 5.8.2 @21574] OS/2 docu |
2062 | From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse@ilyaz.org> |
2063 | Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2003 23:26:18 -0800 |
2064 | Message-ID: <20031107072618.GA4370@math.berkeley.edu> |
2065 | |
2066 | [ 21687] |
2067 | Subject: [PATCH 5.6.2-RC1 pod/perlhist.pod] Updated. |
2068 | From: Abigail <abigail@abigail.nl> |
2069 | Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 18:51:30 +0100 |
2070 | Message-Id: <20031108175130.GA22273@abigail.nl> |
2071 | |
2072 | [ 21691] |
2073 | Update the list of pumpkings in perlhist.pod. |
2074 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2075 | !> os2/Changes pod/perlhist.pod |
2076 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2077 | [ 21719] By: nicholas on 2003/11/13 20:59:26 |
2078 | Log: Integrate: |
2079 | [ 21718] |
2080 | Subject: Re: Empty subroutine as object method segfaults in 5.8.2 (sometimes) |
2081 | From: Enache Adrian <enache@rdslink.ro> |
2082 | Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 15:25:29 +0200 |
2083 | Message-ID: <20031111132529.GB1271@ratsnest.hole> |
2084 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2085 | ! op.c |
2086 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2087 | [ 21717] By: nicholas on 2003/11/13 20:29:04 |
2088 | Log: Integrate: |
2089 | [ 21674] |
2090 | Subject: [PATCH blead] Re: [perl #24248] taint propagation regression, |
2091 | tests fail to spot this |
2092 | From: Rick Delaney <rick@bort.ca> |
2093 | Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 23:02:41 -0500 |
2094 | Message-Id: <20031105230241.D13585@biff.bort.ca> |
2095 | |
2096 | [ 21676] |
2097 | bugid #24407: numeric key for shared hash got stringified using |
2098 | wrong interpreter, and thus got malloced into the wrong thread |
2099 | memory pool |
2100 | |
2101 | [ 21694] |
2102 | Subject: [PATCH 5.8.2 @21574] sprintf() painfully slow |
2103 | From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse@ilyaz.org> |
2104 | Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 20:27:39 -0800 |
2105 | Message-ID: <20031104042739.GA1697@math.berkeley.edu> |
2106 | |
2107 | Subject: Re: [PATCH 5.8.2 @21574] sprintf() painfully slow |
2108 | From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse@ilyaz.org> |
2109 | Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 20:57:48 -0800 |
2110 | Message-ID: <20031104045748.GA1826@math.berkeley.edu> |
2111 | |
2112 | [ 21714] |
2113 | Fix bug [perl #24380] : assigning to a hash in list |
2114 | or scalar context yielded a wrong value if the list |
2115 | contained duplicated keys for the hash. This is fixed |
2116 | by counting the number of duplicate keys and trimming |
2117 | the stack by the corresponding number of items. |
2118 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2119 | ! t/op/taint.t |
2120 | !> ext/threads/shared/shared.xs ext/threads/shared/t/hv_simple.t |
2121 | !> pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c sv.c t/op/hashassign.t |
2122 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2123 | [ 21715] By: nicholas on 2003/11/13 19:57:33 |
2124 | Log: Integrate: |
2125 | [ 21662] |
2126 | Subject: Re: 'make minitest' fails for op/cproto and op/pat |
2127 | From: Michael G Schwern <schwern@pobox.com> |
2128 | Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 06:26:36 -0800 |
2129 | Message-Id: <20031105142635.GA22761@localhost.comcast.net> |
2130 | |
2131 | [ 21671] |
2132 | Subject: Re: [perl #24398] Benchmark.pm cmpthese segfault |
2133 | From: Stas Bekman <stas@stason.org> |
2134 | Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 00:50:25 -0800 |
2135 | Message-ID: <3FA8B9D1.2020806@stason.org> |
2136 | |
2137 | [ 21672] |
2138 | Subject: [patch t/op/hash.t] extending the hash attack test |
2139 | From: Stas Bekman <stas@stason.org> |
2140 | Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 14:33:09 -0800 |
2141 | Message-ID: <3FA82925.7020703@stason.org> |
2142 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2143 | !> lib/Benchmark.pm t/op/cproto.t t/op/hash.t |
2144 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2145 | [ 21704] By: nicholas on 2003/11/11 20:48:54 |
2146 | Log: Integrate: |
2147 | [ 21693] |
2148 | Subject: [PATCH-5.8.2 for WinCE] must copy changes from win32/makeifle.mk to wince/makefile.ce |
2149 | From: Vadim Konovalov <konovalo@mail.wplus.net> |
2150 | Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2003 13:31:59 +0300 |
2151 | Message-ID: <93187393948.20031109133159@mail.wplus.net> |
2152 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2153 | !> wince/Makefile.ce |
2154 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2155 | [ 21703] By: nicholas on 2003/11/11 20:21:13 |
2156 | Log: Update changes |
2157 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2158 | ! Changes Changes5.8.2 |
2159 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2160 | [ 21701] By: nicholas on 2003/11/11 20:08:50 |
2161 | Log: Remove carriage returns (which had slipped in) |
2162 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2163 | ! win32/Makefile win32/makefile.mk wince/compile-all.bat |
2164 | ! wince/registry.bat |
2165 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2166 | [ 21700] By: nicholas on 2003/11/11 19:28:07 |
2167 | Log: perldelta changeover |
2168 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2169 | ! pod/perldelta.pod |
2170 | ____________________________________________________________________________ |
2171 | [ 21699] By: nicholas on 2003/11/11 19:21:20 |
2172 | Log: Disarm the maint branch |
2173 | Branch: maint-5.8/perl |
2174 | +> Changes5.8.2 pod/perl582delta.pod |
2175 | ! Changes MANIFEST patchlevel.h |