1 | =head1 NAME |
2 | |
3 | perldiag - various Perl diagnostics |
4 | |
5 | =head1 DESCRIPTION |
6 | |
7 | These messages are classified as follows (listed in increasing order of |
8 | desperation): |
9 | |
10 | (W) A warning (optional). |
11 | (D) A deprecation (optional). |
12 | (S) A severe warning (default). |
13 | (F) A fatal error (trappable). |
14 | (P) An internal error you should never see (trappable). |
15 | (X) A very fatal error (nontrappable). |
16 | (A) An alien error message (not generated by Perl). |
17 | |
18 | The majority of messages from the first three classifications above |
19 | (W, D & S) can be controlled using the C<warnings> pragma. |
20 | |
21 | If a message can be controlled by the C<warnings> pragma, its warning |
22 | category is included with the classification letter in the description |
23 | below. |
24 | |
25 | Optional warnings are enabled by using the C<warnings> pragma or the B<-w> |
26 | and B<-W> switches. Warnings may be captured by setting C<$SIG{__WARN__}> |
27 | to a reference to a routine that will be called on each warning instead |
28 | of printing it. See L<perlvar>. |
29 | |
30 | Default warnings are always enabled unless they are explicitly disabled |
31 | with the C<warnings> pragma or the B<-X> switch. |
32 | |
33 | Trappable errors may be trapped using the eval operator. See |
34 | L<perlfunc/eval>. In almost all cases, warnings may be selectively |
35 | disabled or promoted to fatal errors using the C<warnings> pragma. |
36 | See L<warnings>. |
37 | |
38 | The messages are in alphabetical order, without regard to upper or |
39 | lower-case. Some of these messages are generic. Spots that vary are |
40 | denoted with a %s or other printf-style escape. These escapes are |
41 | ignored by the alphabetical order, as are all characters other than |
42 | letters. To look up your message, just ignore anything that is not a |
43 | letter. |
44 | |
45 | =over 4 |
46 | |
47 | =item accept() on closed socket %s |
48 | |
49 | (W closed) You tried to do an accept on a closed socket. Did you forget |
50 | to check the return value of your socket() call? See |
51 | L<perlfunc/accept>. |
52 | |
53 | =item Allocation too large: %lx |
54 | |
55 | (X) You can't allocate more than 64K on an MS-DOS machine. |
56 | |
57 | =item '!' allowed only after types %s |
58 | |
59 | (F) The '!' is allowed in pack() and unpack() only after certain types. |
60 | See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
61 | |
62 | =item Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::%s(), qualify as such or use & |
63 | |
64 | (W ambiguous) A subroutine you have declared has the same name as a Perl |
65 | keyword, and you have used the name without qualification for calling |
66 | one or the other. Perl decided to call the builtin because the |
67 | subroutine is not imported. |
68 | |
69 | To force interpretation as a subroutine call, either put an ampersand |
70 | before the subroutine name, or qualify the name with its package. |
71 | Alternatively, you can import the subroutine (or pretend that it's |
72 | imported with the C<use subs> pragma). |
73 | |
74 | To silently interpret it as the Perl operator, use the C<CORE::> prefix |
75 | on the operator (e.g. C<CORE::log($x)>) or by declaring the subroutine |
76 | to be an object method (see L<perlsub/"Subroutine Attributes"> or |
77 | L<attributes>). |
78 | |
79 | =item Ambiguous use of %s resolved as %s |
80 | |
81 | (W ambiguous)(S) You said something that may not be interpreted the way |
82 | you thought. Normally it's pretty easy to disambiguate it by supplying |
83 | a missing quote, operator, parenthesis pair or declaration. |
84 | |
85 | =item '|' and '<' may not both be specified on command line |
86 | |
87 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl does its own command line |
88 | redirection, and found that STDIN was a pipe, and that you also tried to |
89 | redirect STDIN using '<'. Only one STDIN stream to a customer, please. |
90 | |
91 | =item '|' and '>' may not both be specified on command line |
92 | |
93 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl does its own command line |
94 | redirection, and thinks you tried to redirect stdout both to a file and |
95 | into a pipe to another command. You need to choose one or the other, |
96 | though nothing's stopping you from piping into a program or Perl script |
97 | which 'splits' output into two streams, such as |
98 | |
99 | open(OUT,">$ARGV[0]") or die "Can't write to $ARGV[0]: $!"; |
100 | while (<STDIN>) { |
101 | print; |
102 | print OUT; |
103 | } |
104 | close OUT; |
105 | |
106 | =item Applying %s to %s will act on scalar(%s) |
107 | |
108 | (W misc) The pattern match (//), substitution (s///), and |
109 | transliteration (tr///) operators work on scalar values. If you apply |
110 | one of them to an array or a hash, it will convert the array or hash to |
111 | a scalar value -- the length of an array, or the population info of a |
112 | hash -- and then work on that scalar value. This is probably not what |
113 | you meant to do. See L<perlfunc/grep> and L<perlfunc/map> for |
114 | alternatives. |
115 | |
116 | =item Args must match #! line |
117 | |
118 | (F) The setuid emulator requires that the arguments Perl was invoked |
119 | with match the arguments specified on the #! line. Since some systems |
120 | impose a one-argument limit on the #! line, try combining switches; |
121 | for example, turn C<-w -U> into C<-wU>. |
122 | |
123 | =item Arg too short for msgsnd |
124 | |
125 | (F) msgsnd() requires a string at least as long as sizeof(long). |
126 | |
127 | =item %s argument is not a HASH or ARRAY element |
128 | |
129 | (F) The argument to exists() must be a hash or array element, such as: |
130 | |
131 | $foo{$bar} |
132 | $ref->{"susie"}[12] |
133 | |
134 | =item %s argument is not a HASH or ARRAY element or slice |
135 | |
136 | (F) The argument to delete() must be either a hash or array element, |
137 | such as: |
138 | |
139 | $foo{$bar} |
140 | $ref->{"susie"}[12] |
141 | |
142 | or a hash or array slice, such as: |
143 | |
144 | @foo[$bar, $baz, $xyzzy] |
145 | @{$ref->[12]}{"susie", "queue"} |
146 | |
147 | =item %s argument is not a subroutine name |
148 | |
149 | (F) The argument to exists() for C<exists &sub> must be a subroutine |
150 | name, and not a subroutine call. C<exists &sub()> will generate this |
151 | error. |
152 | |
153 | =item Argument "%s" isn't numeric%s |
154 | |
155 | (W numeric) The indicated string was fed as an argument to an operator |
156 | that expected a numeric value instead. If you're fortunate the message |
157 | will identify which operator was so unfortunate. |
158 | |
159 | =item Array @%s missing the @ in argument %d of %s() |
160 | |
161 | (D deprecated) Really old Perl let you omit the @ on array names in some |
162 | spots. This is now heavily deprecated. |
163 | |
164 | =item assertion botched: %s |
165 | |
166 | (P) The malloc package that comes with Perl had an internal failure. |
167 | |
168 | =item Assertion failed: file "%s" |
169 | |
170 | (P) A general assertion failed. The file in question must be examined. |
171 | |
172 | =item Assignment to both a list and a scalar |
173 | |
174 | (F) If you assign to a conditional operator, the 2nd and 3rd arguments |
175 | must either both be scalars or both be lists. Otherwise Perl won't |
176 | know which context to supply to the right side. |
177 | |
178 | =item Negative offset to vec in lvalue context |
179 | |
180 | (F) When vec is called in an lvalue context, the second argument must be |
181 | greater than or equal to zero. |
182 | |
183 | =item Attempt to free non-arena SV: 0x%lx |
184 | |
185 | (P internal) All SV objects are supposed to be allocated from arenas |
186 | that will be garbage collected on exit. An SV was discovered to be |
187 | outside any of those arenas. |
188 | |
189 | =item Attempt to free nonexistent shared string |
190 | |
191 | (P internal) Perl maintains a reference counted internal table of |
192 | strings to optimize the storage and access of hash keys and other |
193 | strings. This indicates someone tried to decrement the reference count |
194 | of a string that can no longer be found in the table. |
195 | |
196 | =item Attempt to free temp prematurely |
197 | |
198 | (W debugging) Mortalized values are supposed to be freed by the |
199 | free_tmps() routine. This indicates that something else is freeing the |
200 | SV before the free_tmps() routine gets a chance, which means that the |
201 | free_tmps() routine will be freeing an unreferenced scalar when it does |
202 | try to free it. |
203 | |
204 | =item Attempt to free unreferenced glob pointers |
205 | |
206 | (P internal) The reference counts got screwed up on symbol aliases. |
207 | |
208 | =item Attempt to free unreferenced scalar |
209 | |
210 | (W internal) Perl went to decrement the reference count of a scalar to |
211 | see if it would go to 0, and discovered that it had already gone to 0 |
212 | earlier, and should have been freed, and in fact, probably was freed. |
213 | This could indicate that SvREFCNT_dec() was called too many times, or |
214 | that SvREFCNT_inc() was called too few times, or that the SV was |
215 | mortalized when it shouldn't have been, or that memory has been |
216 | corrupted. |
217 | |
218 | =item Attempt to join self |
219 | |
220 | (F) You tried to join a thread from within itself, which is an |
221 | impossible task. You may be joining the wrong thread, or you may need |
222 | to move the join() to some other thread. |
223 | |
224 | =item Attempt to pack pointer to temporary value |
225 | |
226 | (W pack) You tried to pass a temporary value (like the result of a |
227 | function, or a computed expression) to the "p" pack() template. This |
228 | means the result contains a pointer to a location that could become |
229 | invalid anytime, even before the end of the current statement. Use |
230 | literals or global values as arguments to the "p" pack() template to |
231 | avoid this warning. |
232 | |
233 | =item Attempt to use reference as lvalue in substr |
234 | |
235 | (W substr) You supplied a reference as the first argument to substr() |
236 | used as an lvalue, which is pretty strange. Perhaps you forgot to |
237 | dereference it first. See L<perlfunc/substr>. |
238 | |
239 | =item Bad arg length for %s, is %d, should be %d |
240 | |
241 | (F) You passed a buffer of the wrong size to one of msgctl(), semctl() |
242 | or shmctl(). In C parlance, the correct sizes are, respectively, |
243 | S<sizeof(struct msqid_ds *)>, S<sizeof(struct semid_ds *)>, and |
244 | S<sizeof(struct shmid_ds *)>. |
245 | |
246 | =item Bad evalled substitution pattern |
247 | |
248 | (F) You've used the /e switch to evaluate the replacement for a |
249 | substitution, but perl found a syntax error in the code to evaluate, |
250 | most likely an unexpected right brace '}'. |
251 | |
252 | =item Bad filehandle: %s |
253 | |
254 | (F) A symbol was passed to something wanting a filehandle, but the |
255 | symbol has no filehandle associated with it. Perhaps you didn't do an |
256 | open(), or did it in another package. |
257 | |
258 | =item Bad free() ignored |
259 | |
260 | (S malloc) An internal routine called free() on something that had never |
261 | been malloc()ed in the first place. Mandatory, but can be disabled by |
262 | setting environment variable C<PERL_BADFREE> to 0. |
263 | |
264 | This message can be seen quite often with DB_File on systems with "hard" |
265 | dynamic linking, like C<AIX> and C<OS/2>. It is a bug of C<Berkeley DB> |
266 | which is left unnoticed if C<DB> uses I<forgiving> system malloc(). |
267 | |
268 | =item Bad hash |
269 | |
270 | (P) One of the internal hash routines was passed a null HV pointer. |
271 | |
272 | =item Bad index while coercing array into hash |
273 | |
274 | (F) The index looked up in the hash found as the 0'th element of a |
275 | pseudo-hash is not legal. Index values must be at 1 or greater. |
276 | See L<perlref>. |
277 | |
278 | =item Badly placed ()'s |
279 | |
280 | (A) You've accidentally run your script through B<csh> instead |
281 | of Perl. Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into |
282 | Perl yourself. |
283 | |
284 | =item Bad name after %s:: |
285 | |
286 | (F) You started to name a symbol by using a package prefix, and then |
287 | didn't finish the symbol. In particular, you can't interpolate outside |
288 | of quotes, so |
289 | |
290 | $var = 'myvar'; |
291 | $sym = mypack::$var; |
292 | |
293 | is not the same as |
294 | |
295 | $var = 'myvar'; |
296 | $sym = "mypack::$var"; |
297 | |
298 | =item Bad realloc() ignored |
299 | |
300 | (S malloc) An internal routine called realloc() on something that had |
301 | never been malloc()ed in the first place. Mandatory, but can be disabled |
302 | by setting environment variable C<PERL_BADFREE> to 1. |
303 | |
304 | =item Bad symbol for array |
305 | |
306 | (P) An internal request asked to add an array entry to something that |
307 | wasn't a symbol table entry. |
308 | |
309 | =item Bad symbol for filehandle |
310 | |
311 | (P) An internal request asked to add a filehandle entry to something |
312 | that wasn't a symbol table entry. |
313 | |
314 | =item Bad symbol for hash |
315 | |
316 | (P) An internal request asked to add a hash entry to something that |
317 | wasn't a symbol table entry. |
318 | |
319 | =item Bareword found in conditional |
320 | |
321 | (W bareword) The compiler found a bareword where it expected a |
322 | conditional, which often indicates that an || or && was parsed as part |
323 | of the last argument of the previous construct, for example: |
324 | |
325 | open FOO || die; |
326 | |
327 | It may also indicate a misspelled constant that has been interpreted as |
328 | a bareword: |
329 | |
330 | use constant TYPO => 1; |
331 | if (TYOP) { print "foo" } |
332 | |
333 | The C<strict> pragma is useful in avoiding such errors. |
334 | |
335 | =item Bareword "%s" not allowed while "strict subs" in use |
336 | |
337 | (F) With "strict subs" in use, a bareword is only allowed as a |
338 | subroutine identifier, in curly brackets or to the left of the "=>" |
339 | symbol. Perhaps you need to predeclare a subroutine? |
340 | |
341 | =item Bareword "%s" refers to nonexistent package |
342 | |
343 | (W bareword) You used a qualified bareword of the form C<Foo::>, but the |
344 | compiler saw no other uses of that namespace before that point. Perhaps |
345 | you need to predeclare a package? |
346 | |
347 | =item BEGIN failed--compilation aborted |
348 | |
349 | (F) An untrapped exception was raised while executing a BEGIN |
350 | subroutine. Compilation stops immediately and the interpreter is |
351 | exited. |
352 | |
353 | =item BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted |
354 | |
355 | (F) Perl found a C<BEGIN {}> subroutine (or a C<use> directive, which |
356 | implies a C<BEGIN {}>) after one or more compilation errors had already |
357 | occurred. Since the intended environment for the C<BEGIN {}> could not |
358 | be guaranteed (due to the errors), and since subsequent code likely |
359 | depends on its correct operation, Perl just gave up. |
360 | |
361 | =item \1 better written as $1 |
362 | |
363 | (W syntax) Outside of patterns, backreferences live on as variables. |
364 | The use of backslashes is grandfathered on the right-hand side of a |
365 | substitution, but stylistically it's better to use the variable form |
366 | because other Perl programmers will expect it, and it works better if |
367 | there are more than 9 backreferences. |
368 | |
369 | =item Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable |
370 | |
371 | (W portable) The binary number you specified is larger than 2**32-1 |
372 | (4294967295) and therefore non-portable between systems. See |
373 | L<perlport> for more on portability concerns. |
374 | |
375 | =item bind() on closed socket %s |
376 | |
377 | (W closed) You tried to do a bind on a closed socket. Did you forget to |
378 | check the return value of your socket() call? See L<perlfunc/bind>. |
379 | |
380 | =item Bit vector size > 32 non-portable |
381 | |
382 | (W portable) Using bit vector sizes larger than 32 is non-portable. |
383 | |
384 | =item Bizarre copy of %s in %s |
385 | |
386 | (P) Perl detected an attempt to copy an internal value that is not |
387 | copyable. |
388 | |
389 | =item B<-P> not allowed for setuid/setgid script |
390 | |
391 | (F) The script would have to be opened by the C preprocessor by name, |
392 | which provides a race condition that breaks security. |
393 | |
394 | =item Buffer overflow in prime_env_iter: %s |
395 | |
396 | (W internal) A warning peculiar to VMS. While Perl was preparing to |
397 | iterate over %ENV, it encountered a logical name or symbol definition |
398 | which was too long, so it was truncated to the string shown. |
399 | |
400 | =item Callback called exit |
401 | |
402 | (F) A subroutine invoked from an external package via call_sv() |
403 | exited by calling exit. |
404 | |
405 | =item %s() called too early to check prototype |
406 | |
407 | (W prototype) You've called a function that has a prototype before the |
408 | parser saw a definition or declaration for it, and Perl could not check |
409 | that the call conforms to the prototype. You need to either add an |
410 | early prototype declaration for the subroutine in question, or move the |
411 | subroutine definition ahead of the call to get proper prototype |
412 | checking. Alternatively, if you are certain that you're calling the |
413 | function correctly, you may put an ampersand before the name to avoid |
414 | the warning. See L<perlsub>. |
415 | |
416 | =item / cannot take a count |
417 | |
418 | (F) You had an unpack template indicating a counted-length string, but |
419 | you have also specified an explicit size for the string. See |
420 | L<perlfunc/pack>. |
421 | |
422 | =item Can't bless non-reference value |
423 | |
424 | (F) Only hard references may be blessed. This is how Perl "enforces" |
425 | encapsulation of objects. See L<perlobj>. |
426 | |
427 | =item Can't call method "%s" in empty package "%s" |
428 | |
429 | (F) You called a method correctly, and it correctly indicated a package |
430 | functioning as a class, but that package doesn't have ANYTHING defined |
431 | in it, let alone methods. See L<perlobj>. |
432 | |
433 | =item Can't call method "%s" on an undefined value |
434 | |
435 | (F) You used the syntax of a method call, but the slot filled by the |
436 | object reference or package name contains an undefined value. Something |
437 | like this will reproduce the error: |
438 | |
439 | $BADREF = undef; |
440 | process $BADREF 1,2,3; |
441 | $BADREF->process(1,2,3); |
442 | |
443 | =item Can't call method "%s" on unblessed reference |
444 | |
445 | (F) A method call must know in what package it's supposed to run. It |
446 | ordinarily finds this out from the object reference you supply, but you |
447 | didn't supply an object reference in this case. A reference isn't an |
448 | object reference until it has been blessed. See L<perlobj>. |
449 | |
450 | =item Can't call method "%s" without a package or object reference |
451 | |
452 | (F) You used the syntax of a method call, but the slot filled by the |
453 | object reference or package name contains an expression that returns a |
454 | defined value which is neither an object reference nor a package name. |
455 | Something like this will reproduce the error: |
456 | |
457 | $BADREF = 42; |
458 | process $BADREF 1,2,3; |
459 | $BADREF->process(1,2,3); |
460 | |
461 | =item Can't chdir to %s |
462 | |
463 | (F) You called C<perl -x/foo/bar>, but C</foo/bar> is not a directory |
464 | that you can chdir to, possibly because it doesn't exist. |
465 | |
466 | =item Can't check filesystem of script "%s" for nosuid |
467 | |
468 | (P) For some reason you can't check the filesystem of the script for |
469 | nosuid. |
470 | |
471 | =item Can't coerce array into hash |
472 | |
473 | (F) You used an array where a hash was expected, but the array has no |
474 | information on how to map from keys to array indices. You can do that |
475 | only with arrays that have a hash reference at index 0. |
476 | |
477 | =item Can't coerce %s to integer in %s |
478 | |
479 | (F) Certain types of SVs, in particular real symbol table entries |
480 | (typeglobs), can't be forced to stop being what they are. So you can't |
481 | say things like: |
482 | |
483 | *foo += 1; |
484 | |
485 | You CAN say |
486 | |
487 | $foo = *foo; |
488 | $foo += 1; |
489 | |
490 | but then $foo no longer contains a glob. |
491 | |
492 | =item Can't coerce %s to number in %s |
493 | |
494 | (F) Certain types of SVs, in particular real symbol table entries |
495 | (typeglobs), can't be forced to stop being what they are. |
496 | |
497 | =item Can't coerce %s to string in %s |
498 | |
499 | (F) Certain types of SVs, in particular real symbol table entries |
500 | (typeglobs), can't be forced to stop being what they are. |
501 | |
502 | =item Can't create pipe mailbox |
503 | |
504 | (P) An error peculiar to VMS. The process is suffering from exhausted |
505 | quotas or other plumbing problems. |
506 | |
507 | =item Can't declare class for non-scalar %s in "%s" |
508 | |
509 | (S) Currently, only scalar variables can declared with a specific class |
510 | qualifier in a "my" or "our" declaration. The semantics may be extended |
511 | for other types of variables in future. |
512 | |
513 | =item Can't declare %s in "%s" |
514 | |
515 | (F) Only scalar, array, and hash variables may be declared as "my" or |
516 | "our" variables. They must have ordinary identifiers as names. |
517 | |
518 | =item Can't do inplace edit: %s is not a regular file |
519 | |
520 | (S inplace) You tried to use the B<-i> switch on a special file, such as |
521 | a file in /dev, or a FIFO. The file was ignored. |
522 | |
523 | =item Can't do inplace edit on %s: %s |
524 | |
525 | (S inplace) The creation of the new file failed for the indicated |
526 | reason. |
527 | |
528 | =item Can't do inplace edit without backup |
529 | |
530 | (F) You're on a system such as MS-DOS that gets confused if you try |
531 | reading from a deleted (but still opened) file. You have to say |
532 | C<-i.bak>, or some such. |
533 | |
534 | =item Can't do inplace edit: %s would not be unique |
535 | |
536 | (S inplace) Your filesystem does not support filenames longer than 14 |
537 | characters and Perl was unable to create a unique filename during |
538 | inplace editing with the B<-i> switch. The file was ignored. |
539 | |
540 | =item Can't do {n,m} with n > m before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
541 | |
542 | (F) Minima must be less than or equal to maxima. If you really want your |
543 | regexp to match something 0 times, just put {0}. The << HERE shows in the |
544 | regular expression about where the problem was discovered. See L<perlre>. |
545 | |
546 | =item Can't do setegid! |
547 | |
548 | (P) The setegid() call failed for some reason in the setuid emulator of |
549 | suidperl. |
550 | |
551 | =item Can't do seteuid! |
552 | |
553 | (P) The setuid emulator of suidperl failed for some reason. |
554 | |
555 | =item Can't do setuid |
556 | |
557 | (F) This typically means that ordinary perl tried to exec suidperl to do |
558 | setuid emulation, but couldn't exec it. It looks for a name of the form |
559 | sperl5.000 in the same directory that the perl executable resides under |
560 | the name perl5.000, typically /usr/local/bin on Unix machines. If the |
561 | file is there, check the execute permissions. If it isn't, ask your |
562 | sysadmin why he and/or she removed it. |
563 | |
564 | =item Can't do waitpid with flags |
565 | |
566 | (F) This machine doesn't have either waitpid() or wait4(), so only |
567 | waitpid() without flags is emulated. |
568 | |
569 | =item Can't emulate -%s on #! line |
570 | |
571 | (F) The #! line specifies a switch that doesn't make sense at this |
572 | point. For example, it'd be kind of silly to put a B<-x> on the #! |
573 | line. |
574 | |
575 | =item Can't exec "%s": %s |
576 | |
577 | (W exec) An system(), exec(), or piped open call could not execute the |
578 | named program for the indicated reason. Typical reasons include: the |
579 | permissions were wrong on the file, the file wasn't found in |
580 | C<$ENV{PATH}>, the executable in question was compiled for another |
581 | architecture, or the #! line in a script points to an interpreter that |
582 | can't be run for similar reasons. (Or maybe your system doesn't support |
583 | #! at all.) |
584 | |
585 | =item Can't exec %s |
586 | |
587 | (F) Perl was trying to execute the indicated program for you because |
588 | that's what the #! line said. If that's not what you wanted, you may |
589 | need to mention "perl" on the #! line somewhere. |
590 | |
591 | =item Can't execute %s |
592 | |
593 | (F) You used the B<-S> switch, but the copies of the script to execute |
594 | found in the PATH did not have correct permissions. |
595 | |
596 | =item Can't find an opnumber for "%s" |
597 | |
598 | (F) A string of a form C<CORE::word> was given to prototype(), but there |
599 | is no builtin with the name C<word>. |
600 | |
601 | =item Can't find label %s |
602 | |
603 | (F) You said to goto a label that isn't mentioned anywhere that it's |
604 | possible for us to go to. See L<perlfunc/goto>. |
605 | |
606 | =item Can't find %s on PATH |
607 | |
608 | (F) You used the B<-S> switch, but the script to execute could not be |
609 | found in the PATH. |
610 | |
611 | =item Can't find %s on PATH, '.' not in PATH |
612 | |
613 | (F) You used the B<-S> switch, but the script to execute could not be |
614 | found in the PATH, or at least not with the correct permissions. The |
615 | script exists in the current directory, but PATH prohibits running it. |
616 | |
617 | =item Can't find string terminator %s anywhere before EOF |
618 | |
619 | (F) Perl strings can stretch over multiple lines. This message means |
620 | that the closing delimiter was omitted. Because bracketed quotes count |
621 | nesting levels, the following is missing its final parenthesis: |
622 | |
623 | print q(The character '(' starts a side comment.); |
624 | |
625 | If you're getting this error from a here-document, you may have included |
626 | unseen whitespace before or after your closing tag. A good programmer's |
627 | editor will have a way to help you find these characters. |
628 | |
629 | =item Can't find %s property definition %s |
630 | |
631 | (F) You may have tried to use C<\p> which means a Unicode property for |
632 | example \p{Lu} is all uppercase letters. Escape the C<\p>, either |
633 | C<\\p> (just the C<\p>) or by C<\Q\p> (the rest of the string, until |
634 | possible C<\E>). |
635 | |
636 | =item Can't fork |
637 | |
638 | (F) A fatal error occurred while trying to fork while opening a |
639 | pipeline. |
640 | |
641 | =item Can't get filespec - stale stat buffer? |
642 | |
643 | (S) A warning peculiar to VMS. This arises because of the difference |
644 | between access checks under VMS and under the Unix model Perl assumes. |
645 | Under VMS, access checks are done by filename, rather than by bits in |
646 | the stat buffer, so that ACLs and other protections can be taken into |
647 | account. Unfortunately, Perl assumes that the stat buffer contains all |
648 | the necessary information, and passes it, instead of the filespec, to |
649 | the access checking routine. It will try to retrieve the filespec using |
650 | the device name and FID present in the stat buffer, but this works only |
651 | if you haven't made a subsequent call to the CRTL stat() routine, |
652 | because the device name is overwritten with each call. If this warning |
653 | appears, the name lookup failed, and the access checking routine gave up |
654 | and returned FALSE, just to be conservative. (Note: The access checking |
655 | routine knows about the Perl C<stat> operator and file tests, so you |
656 | shouldn't ever see this warning in response to a Perl command; it arises |
657 | only if some internal code takes stat buffers lightly.) |
658 | |
659 | =item Can't get pipe mailbox device name |
660 | |
661 | (P) An error peculiar to VMS. After creating a mailbox to act as a |
662 | pipe, Perl can't retrieve its name for later use. |
663 | |
664 | =item Can't get SYSGEN parameter value for MAXBUF |
665 | |
666 | (P) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl asked $GETSYI how big you want your |
667 | mailbox buffers to be, and didn't get an answer. |
668 | |
669 | =item Can't "goto" into the middle of a foreach loop |
670 | |
671 | (F) A "goto" statement was executed to jump into the middle of a foreach |
672 | loop. You can't get there from here. See L<perlfunc/goto>. |
673 | |
674 | =item Can't "goto" out of a pseudo block |
675 | |
676 | (F) A "goto" statement was executed to jump out of what might look like |
677 | a block, except that it isn't a proper block. This usually occurs if |
678 | you tried to jump out of a sort() block or subroutine, which is a no-no. |
679 | See L<perlfunc/goto>. |
680 | |
681 | =item Can't goto subroutine from an eval-string |
682 | |
683 | (F) The "goto subroutine" call can't be used to jump out of an eval |
684 | "string". (You can use it to jump out of an eval {BLOCK}, but you |
685 | probably don't want to.) |
686 | |
687 | =item Can't goto subroutine outside a subroutine |
688 | |
689 | (F) The deeply magical "goto subroutine" call can only replace one |
690 | subroutine call for another. It can't manufacture one out of whole |
691 | cloth. In general you should be calling it out of only an AUTOLOAD |
692 | routine anyway. See L<perlfunc/goto>. |
693 | |
694 | =item Can't ignore signal CHLD, forcing to default |
695 | |
696 | (W signal) Perl has detected that it is being run with the SIGCHLD |
697 | signal (sometimes known as SIGCLD) disabled. Since disabling this |
698 | signal will interfere with proper determination of exit status of child |
699 | processes, Perl has reset the signal to its default value. This |
700 | situation typically indicates that the parent program under which Perl |
701 | may be running (e.g. cron) is being very careless. |
702 | |
703 | =item Can't "last" outside a loop block |
704 | |
705 | (F) A "last" statement was executed to break out of the current block, |
706 | except that there's this itty bitty problem called there isn't a current |
707 | block. Note that an "if" or "else" block doesn't count as a "loopish" |
708 | block, as doesn't a block given to sort(), map() or grep(). You can |
709 | usually double the curlies to get the same effect though, because the |
710 | inner curlies will be considered a block that loops once. See |
711 | L<perlfunc/last>. |
712 | |
713 | =item Can't localize lexical variable %s |
714 | |
715 | (F) You used local on a variable name that was previously declared as a |
716 | lexical variable using "my". This is not allowed. If you want to |
717 | localize a package variable of the same name, qualify it with the |
718 | package name. |
719 | |
720 | =item Can't localize pseudo-hash element |
721 | |
722 | (F) You said something like C<< local $ar->{'key'} >>, where $ar is a |
723 | reference to a pseudo-hash. That hasn't been implemented yet, but you |
724 | can get a similar effect by localizing the corresponding array element |
725 | directly -- C<< local $ar->[$ar->[0]{'key'}] >>. |
726 | |
727 | =item Can't localize through a reference |
728 | |
729 | (F) You said something like C<local $$ref>, which Perl can't currently |
730 | handle, because when it goes to restore the old value of whatever $ref |
731 | pointed to after the scope of the local() is finished, it can't be sure |
732 | that $ref will still be a reference. |
733 | |
734 | =item Can't locate %s |
735 | |
736 | (F) You said to C<do> (or C<require>, or C<use>) a file that couldn't be |
737 | found. Perl looks for the file in all the locations mentioned in @INC, |
738 | unless the file name included the full path to the file. Perhaps you |
739 | need to set the PERL5LIB or PERL5OPT environment variable to say where |
740 | the extra library is, or maybe the script needs to add the library name |
741 | to @INC. Or maybe you just misspelled the name of the file. See |
742 | L<perlfunc/require> and L<lib>. |
743 | |
744 | =item Can't locate auto/%s.al in @INC |
745 | |
746 | (F) A function (or method) was called in a package which allows |
747 | autoload, but there is no function to autoload. Most probable causes |
748 | are a misprint in a function/method name or a failure to C<AutoSplit> |
749 | the file, say, by doing C<make install>. |
750 | |
751 | =item Can't locate object method "%s" via package "%s" |
752 | |
753 | (F) You called a method correctly, and it correctly indicated a package |
754 | functioning as a class, but that package doesn't define that particular |
755 | method, nor does any of its base classes. See L<perlobj>. |
756 | |
757 | =item (perhaps you forgot to load "%s"?) |
758 | |
759 | (F) This is an educated guess made in conjunction with the message |
760 | "Can't locate object method \"%s\" via package \"%s\"". It often means |
761 | that a method requires a package that has not been loaded. |
762 | |
763 | =item Can't locate package %s for @%s::ISA |
764 | |
765 | (W syntax) The @ISA array contained the name of another package that |
766 | doesn't seem to exist. |
767 | |
768 | =item Can't make list assignment to \%ENV on this system |
769 | |
770 | (F) List assignment to %ENV is not supported on some systems, notably |
771 | VMS. |
772 | |
773 | =item Can't modify %s in %s |
774 | |
775 | (F) You aren't allowed to assign to the item indicated, or otherwise try |
776 | to change it, such as with an auto-increment. |
777 | |
778 | =item Can't modify nonexistent substring |
779 | |
780 | (P) The internal routine that does assignment to a substr() was handed |
781 | a NULL. |
782 | |
783 | =item Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call |
784 | |
785 | (F) Subroutines meant to be used in lvalue context should be declared as |
786 | such, see L<perlsub/"Lvalue subroutines">. |
787 | |
788 | =item Can't msgrcv to read-only var |
789 | |
790 | (F) The target of a msgrcv must be modifiable to be used as a receive |
791 | buffer. |
792 | |
793 | =item Can't "next" outside a loop block |
794 | |
795 | (F) A "next" statement was executed to reiterate the current block, but |
796 | there isn't a current block. Note that an "if" or "else" block doesn't |
797 | count as a "loopish" block, as doesn't a block given to sort(), map() or |
798 | grep(). You can usually double the curlies to get the same effect |
799 | though, because the inner curlies will be considered a block that loops |
800 | once. See L<perlfunc/next>. |
801 | |
802 | =item Can't open %s: %s |
803 | |
804 | (S inplace) The implicit opening of a file through use of the C<< <> >> |
805 | filehandle, either implicitly under the C<-n> or C<-p> command-line |
806 | switches, or explicitly, failed for the indicated reason. Usually this |
807 | is because you don't have read permission for a file which you named on |
808 | the command line. |
809 | |
810 | =item Can't open bidirectional pipe |
811 | |
812 | (W pipe) You tried to say C<open(CMD, "|cmd|")>, which is not supported. |
813 | You can try any of several modules in the Perl library to do this, such |
814 | as IPC::Open2. Alternately, direct the pipe's output to a file using |
815 | ">", and then read it in under a different file handle. |
816 | |
817 | =item Can't open error file %s as stderr |
818 | |
819 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl does its own command line |
820 | redirection, and couldn't open the file specified after '2>' or '2>>' on |
821 | the command line for writing. |
822 | |
823 | =item Can't open input file %s as stdin |
824 | |
825 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl does its own command line |
826 | redirection, and couldn't open the file specified after '<' on the |
827 | command line for reading. |
828 | |
829 | =item Can't open output file %s as stdout |
830 | |
831 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl does its own command line |
832 | redirection, and couldn't open the file specified after '>' or '>>' on |
833 | the command line for writing. |
834 | |
835 | =item Can't open output pipe (name: %s) |
836 | |
837 | (P) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl does its own command line |
838 | redirection, and couldn't open the pipe into which to send data destined |
839 | for stdout. |
840 | |
841 | =item Can't open perl script "%s": %s |
842 | |
843 | (F) The script you specified can't be opened for the indicated reason. |
844 | |
845 | =item Can't read CRTL environ |
846 | |
847 | (S) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl tried to read an element of %ENV |
848 | from the CRTL's internal environment array and discovered the array was |
849 | missing. You need to figure out where your CRTL misplaced its environ |
850 | or define F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> (see L<perlvms>) so that environ is not |
851 | searched. |
852 | |
853 | =item Can't redefine active sort subroutine %s |
854 | |
855 | (F) Perl optimizes the internal handling of sort subroutines and keeps |
856 | pointers into them. You tried to redefine one such sort subroutine when |
857 | it was currently active, which is not allowed. If you really want to do |
858 | this, you should write C<sort { &func } @x> instead of C<sort func @x>. |
859 | |
860 | =item Can't "redo" outside a loop block |
861 | |
862 | (F) A "redo" statement was executed to restart the current block, but |
863 | there isn't a current block. Note that an "if" or "else" block doesn't |
864 | count as a "loopish" block, as doesn't a block given to sort(), map() |
865 | or grep(). You can usually double the curlies to get the same effect |
866 | though, because the inner curlies will be considered a block that |
867 | loops once. See L<perlfunc/redo>. |
868 | |
869 | =item Can't remove %s: %s, skipping file |
870 | |
871 | (S inplace) You requested an inplace edit without creating a backup |
872 | file. Perl was unable to remove the original file to replace it with |
873 | the modified file. The file was left unmodified. |
874 | |
875 | =item Can't rename %s to %s: %s, skipping file |
876 | |
877 | (S inplace) The rename done by the B<-i> switch failed for some reason, |
878 | probably because you don't have write permission to the directory. |
879 | |
880 | =item Can't reopen input pipe (name: %s) in binary mode |
881 | |
882 | (P) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl thought stdin was a pipe, and tried |
883 | to reopen it to accept binary data. Alas, it failed. |
884 | |
885 | =item Can't resolve method `%s' overloading `%s' in package `%s' |
886 | |
887 | (F|P) Error resolving overloading specified by a method name (as opposed |
888 | to a subroutine reference): no such method callable via the package. If |
889 | method name is C<???>, this is an internal error. |
890 | |
891 | =item Can't reswap uid and euid |
892 | |
893 | (P) The setreuid() call failed for some reason in the setuid emulator of |
894 | suidperl. |
895 | |
896 | =item Can't return %s from lvalue subroutine |
897 | |
898 | (F) Perl detected an attempt to return illegal lvalues (such as |
899 | temporary or readonly values) from a subroutine used as an lvalue. This |
900 | is not allowed. |
901 | |
902 | =item Can't return %s to lvalue scalar context |
903 | |
904 | (F) You tried to return a complete array or hash from an lvalue subroutine, |
905 | but you called the subroutine in a way that made Perl think you meant |
906 | to return only one value. You probably meant to write parentheses around |
907 | the call to the subroutine, which tell Perl that the call should be in |
908 | list context. |
909 | |
910 | =item Can't return outside a subroutine |
911 | |
912 | (F) The return statement was executed in mainline code, that is, where |
913 | there was no subroutine call to return out of. See L<perlsub>. |
914 | |
915 | =item Can't stat script "%s" |
916 | |
917 | (P) For some reason you can't fstat() the script even though you have it |
918 | open already. Bizarre. |
919 | |
920 | =item Can't swap uid and euid |
921 | |
922 | (P) The setreuid() call failed for some reason in the setuid emulator of |
923 | suidperl. |
924 | |
925 | =item Can't take log of %g |
926 | |
927 | (F) For ordinary real numbers, you can't take the logarithm of a |
928 | negative number or zero. There's a Math::Complex package that comes |
929 | standard with Perl, though, if you really want to do that for the |
930 | negative numbers. |
931 | |
932 | =item Can't take sqrt of %g |
933 | |
934 | (F) For ordinary real numbers, you can't take the square root of a |
935 | negative number. There's a Math::Complex package that comes standard |
936 | with Perl, though, if you really want to do that. |
937 | |
938 | =item Can't undef active subroutine |
939 | |
940 | (F) You can't undefine a routine that's currently running. You can, |
941 | however, redefine it while it's running, and you can even undef the |
942 | redefined subroutine while the old routine is running. Go figure. |
943 | |
944 | =item Can't unshift |
945 | |
946 | (F) You tried to unshift an "unreal" array that can't be unshifted, such |
947 | as the main Perl stack. |
948 | |
949 | =item Can't upgrade that kind of scalar |
950 | |
951 | (P) The internal sv_upgrade routine adds "members" to an SV, making it |
952 | into a more specialized kind of SV. The top several SV types are so |
953 | specialized, however, that they cannot be interconverted. This message |
954 | indicates that such a conversion was attempted. |
955 | |
956 | =item Can't upgrade to undef |
957 | |
958 | (P) The undefined SV is the bottom of the totem pole, in the scheme of |
959 | upgradability. Upgrading to undef indicates an error in the code |
960 | calling sv_upgrade. |
961 | |
962 | =item Can't use an undefined value as %s reference |
963 | |
964 | (F) A value used as either a hard reference or a symbolic reference must |
965 | be a defined value. This helps to delurk some insidious errors. |
966 | |
967 | =item Can't use bareword ("%s") as %s ref while "strict refs" in use |
968 | |
969 | (F) Only hard references are allowed by "strict refs". Symbolic |
970 | references are disallowed. See L<perlref>. |
971 | |
972 | =item Can't use %! because Errno.pm is not available |
973 | |
974 | (F) The first time the %! hash is used, perl automatically loads the |
975 | Errno.pm module. The Errno module is expected to tie the %! hash to |
976 | provide symbolic names for C<$!> errno values. |
977 | |
978 | =item Can't use %s for loop variable |
979 | |
980 | (F) Only a simple scalar variable may be used as a loop variable on a |
981 | foreach. |
982 | |
983 | =item Can't use global %s in "my" |
984 | |
985 | (F) You tried to declare a magical variable as a lexical variable. This |
986 | is not allowed, because the magic can be tied to only one location |
987 | (namely the global variable) and it would be incredibly confusing to |
988 | have variables in your program that looked like magical variables but |
989 | weren't. |
990 | |
991 | =item Can't use "my %s" in sort comparison |
992 | |
993 | (F) The global variables $a and $b are reserved for sort comparisons. |
994 | You mentioned $a or $b in the same line as the <=> or cmp operator, |
995 | and the variable had earlier been declared as a lexical variable. |
996 | Either qualify the sort variable with the package name, or rename the |
997 | lexical variable. |
998 | |
999 | =item Can't use %s ref as %s ref |
1000 | |
1001 | (F) You've mixed up your reference types. You have to dereference a |
1002 | reference of the type needed. You can use the ref() function to |
1003 | test the type of the reference, if need be. |
1004 | |
1005 | =item Can't use string ("%s") as %s ref while "strict refs" in use |
1006 | |
1007 | (F) Only hard references are allowed by "strict refs". Symbolic |
1008 | references are disallowed. See L<perlref>. |
1009 | |
1010 | =item Can't use subscript on %s |
1011 | |
1012 | (F) The compiler tried to interpret a bracketed expression as a |
1013 | subscript. But to the left of the brackets was an expression that |
1014 | didn't look like an array reference, or anything else subscriptable. |
1015 | |
1016 | =item Can't use \%c to mean $%c in expression |
1017 | |
1018 | (W syntax) In an ordinary expression, backslash is a unary operator that |
1019 | creates a reference to its argument. The use of backslash to indicate a |
1020 | backreference to a matched substring is valid only as part of a regular |
1021 | expression pattern. Trying to do this in ordinary Perl code produces a |
1022 | value that prints out looking like SCALAR(0xdecaf). Use the $1 form |
1023 | instead. |
1024 | |
1025 | =item Can't weaken a nonreference |
1026 | |
1027 | (F) You attempted to weaken something that was not a reference. Only |
1028 | references can be weakened. |
1029 | |
1030 | =item Can't x= to read-only value |
1031 | |
1032 | (F) You tried to repeat a constant value (often the undefined value) |
1033 | with an assignment operator, which implies modifying the value itself. |
1034 | Perhaps you need to copy the value to a temporary, and repeat that. |
1035 | |
1036 | =item chmod() mode argument is missing initial 0 |
1037 | |
1038 | (W chmod) A novice will sometimes say |
1039 | |
1040 | chmod 777, $filename |
1041 | |
1042 | not realizing that 777 will be interpreted as a decimal number, |
1043 | equivalent to 01411. Octal constants are introduced with a leading 0 in |
1044 | Perl, as in C. |
1045 | |
1046 | =item close() on unopened filehandle %s |
1047 | |
1048 | (W unopened) You tried to close a filehandle that was never opened. |
1049 | |
1050 | =item %s: Command not found |
1051 | |
1052 | (A) You've accidentally run your script through B<csh> instead of Perl. |
1053 | Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into Perl yourself. |
1054 | |
1055 | =item Compilation failed in require |
1056 | |
1057 | (F) Perl could not compile a file specified in a C<require> statement. |
1058 | Perl uses this generic message when none of the errors that it |
1059 | encountered were severe enough to halt compilation immediately. |
1060 | |
1061 | =item Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (%d) exceeded |
1062 | |
1063 | (W regexp) The regular expression engine uses recursion in complex |
1064 | situations where back-tracking is required. Recursion depth is limited |
1065 | to 32766, or perhaps less in architectures where the stack cannot grow |
1066 | arbitrarily. ("Simple" and "medium" situations are handled without |
1067 | recursion and are not subject to a limit.) Try shortening the string |
1068 | under examination; looping in Perl code (e.g. with C<while>) rather than |
1069 | in the regular expression engine; or rewriting the regular expression so |
1070 | that it is simpler or backtracks less. (See L<perlfaq2> for information |
1071 | on I<Mastering Regular Expressions>.) |
1072 | |
1073 | =item connect() on closed socket %s |
1074 | |
1075 | (W closed) You tried to do a connect on a closed socket. Did you forget |
1076 | to check the return value of your socket() call? See |
1077 | L<perlfunc/connect>. |
1078 | |
1079 | =item Constant(%s)%s: %s |
1080 | |
1081 | (F) The parser found inconsistencies either while attempting to define |
1082 | an overloaded constant, or when trying to find the character name |
1083 | specified in the C<\N{...}> escape. Perhaps you forgot to load the |
1084 | corresponding C<overload> or C<charnames> pragma? See L<charnames> and |
1085 | L<overload>. |
1086 | |
1087 | =item Constant is not %s reference |
1088 | |
1089 | (F) A constant value (perhaps declared using the C<use constant> pragma) |
1090 | is being dereferenced, but it amounts to the wrong type of reference. |
1091 | The message indicates the type of reference that was expected. This |
1092 | usually indicates a syntax error in dereferencing the constant value. |
1093 | See L<perlsub/"Constant Functions"> and L<constant>. |
1094 | |
1095 | =item Constant subroutine %s redefined |
1096 | |
1097 | (S|W redefine) You redefined a subroutine which had previously been |
1098 | eligible for inlining. See L<perlsub/"Constant Functions"> for |
1099 | commentary and workarounds. |
1100 | |
1101 | =item Constant subroutine %s undefined |
1102 | |
1103 | (W misc) You undefined a subroutine which had previously been eligible |
1104 | for inlining. See L<perlsub/"Constant Functions"> for commentary and |
1105 | workarounds. |
1106 | |
1107 | =item Copy method did not return a reference |
1108 | |
1109 | (F) The method which overloads "=" is buggy. See |
1110 | L<overload/Copy Constructor>. |
1111 | |
1112 | =item CORE::%s is not a keyword |
1113 | |
1114 | (F) The CORE:: namespace is reserved for Perl keywords. |
1115 | |
1116 | =item corrupted regexp pointers |
1117 | |
1118 | (P) The regular expression engine got confused by what the regular |
1119 | expression compiler gave it. |
1120 | |
1121 | =item corrupted regexp program |
1122 | |
1123 | (P) The regular expression engine got passed a regexp program without a |
1124 | valid magic number. |
1125 | |
1126 | =item Corrupt malloc ptr 0x%lx at 0x%lx |
1127 | |
1128 | (P) The malloc package that comes with Perl had an internal failure. |
1129 | |
1130 | =item C<-p> destination: %s |
1131 | |
1132 | (F) An error occurred during the implicit output invoked by the C<-p> |
1133 | command-line switch. (This output goes to STDOUT unless you've |
1134 | redirected it with select().) |
1135 | |
1136 | =item C<-T> and C<-B> not implemented on filehandles |
1137 | |
1138 | (F) Perl can't peek at the stdio buffer of filehandles when it doesn't |
1139 | know about your kind of stdio. You'll have to use a filename instead. |
1140 | |
1141 | =item Deep recursion on subroutine "%s" |
1142 | |
1143 | (W recursion) This subroutine has called itself (directly or indirectly) |
1144 | 100 times more than it has returned. This probably indicates an |
1145 | infinite recursion, unless you're writing strange benchmark programs, in |
1146 | which case it indicates something else. |
1147 | |
1148 | =item defined(@array) is deprecated |
1149 | |
1150 | (D deprecated) defined() is not usually useful on arrays because it |
1151 | checks for an undefined I<scalar> value. If you want to see if the |
1152 | array is empty, just use C<if (@array) { # not empty }> for example. |
1153 | |
1154 | =item defined(%hash) is deprecated |
1155 | |
1156 | (D deprecated) defined() is not usually useful on hashes because it |
1157 | checks for an undefined I<scalar> value. If you want to see if the hash |
1158 | is empty, just use C<if (%hash) { # not empty }> for example. |
1159 | |
1160 | =item Delimiter for here document is too long |
1161 | |
1162 | (F) In a here document construct like C<<<FOO>, the label C<FOO> is too |
1163 | long for Perl to handle. You have to be seriously twisted to write code |
1164 | that triggers this error. |
1165 | |
1166 | =item Did not produce a valid header |
1167 | |
1168 | See Server error. |
1169 | |
1170 | =item %s did not return a true value |
1171 | |
1172 | (F) A required (or used) file must return a true value to indicate that |
1173 | it compiled correctly and ran its initialization code correctly. It's |
1174 | traditional to end such a file with a "1;", though any true value would |
1175 | do. See L<perlfunc/require>. |
1176 | |
1177 | =item (Did you mean &%s instead?) |
1178 | |
1179 | (W) You probably referred to an imported subroutine &FOO as $FOO or some |
1180 | such. |
1181 | |
1182 | =item (Did you mean "local" instead of "our"?) |
1183 | |
1184 | (W misc) Remember that "our" does not localize the declared global |
1185 | variable. You have declared it again in the same lexical scope, which |
1186 | seems superfluous. |
1187 | |
1188 | =item (Did you mean $ or @ instead of %?) |
1189 | |
1190 | (W) You probably said %hash{$key} when you meant $hash{$key} or |
1191 | @hash{@keys}. On the other hand, maybe you just meant %hash and got |
1192 | carried away. |
1193 | |
1194 | =item Died |
1195 | |
1196 | (F) You passed die() an empty string (the equivalent of C<die "">) or |
1197 | you called it with no args and both C<$@> and C<$_> were empty. |
1198 | |
1199 | =item Document contains no data |
1200 | |
1201 | See Server error. |
1202 | |
1203 | =item Don't know how to handle magic of type '%s' |
1204 | |
1205 | (P) The internal handling of magical variables has been cursed. |
1206 | |
1207 | =item do_study: out of memory |
1208 | |
1209 | (P) This should have been caught by safemalloc() instead. |
1210 | |
1211 | =item (Do you need to predeclare %s?) |
1212 | |
1213 | (S) This is an educated guess made in conjunction with the message "%s |
1214 | found where operator expected". It often means a subroutine or module |
1215 | name is being referenced that hasn't been declared yet. This may be |
1216 | because of ordering problems in your file, or because of a missing |
1217 | "sub", "package", "require", or "use" statement. If you're referencing |
1218 | something that isn't defined yet, you don't actually have to define the |
1219 | subroutine or package before the current location. You can use an empty |
1220 | "sub foo;" or "package FOO;" to enter a "forward" declaration. |
1221 | |
1222 | =item Duplicate free() ignored |
1223 | |
1224 | (S malloc) An internal routine called free() on something that had |
1225 | already been freed. |
1226 | |
1227 | =item elseif should be elsif |
1228 | |
1229 | (S) There is no keyword "elseif" in Perl because Larry thinks it's ugly. |
1230 | Your code will be interpreted as an attempt to call a method named |
1231 | "elseif" for the class returned by the following block. This is |
1232 | unlikely to be what you want. |
1233 | |
1234 | =item entering effective %s failed |
1235 | |
1236 | (F) While under the C<use filetest> pragma, switching the real and |
1237 | effective uids or gids failed. |
1238 | |
1239 | =item Error converting file specification %s |
1240 | |
1241 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Because Perl may have to deal with file |
1242 | specifications in either VMS or Unix syntax, it converts them to a |
1243 | single form when it must operate on them directly. Either you've passed |
1244 | an invalid file specification to Perl, or you've found a case the |
1245 | conversion routines don't handle. Drat. |
1246 | |
1247 | =item %s: Eval-group in insecure regular expression |
1248 | |
1249 | (F) Perl detected tainted data when trying to compile a regular |
1250 | expression that contains the C<(?{ ... })> zero-width assertion, which |
1251 | is unsafe. See L<perlre/(?{ code })>, and L<perlsec>. |
1252 | |
1253 | =item %s: Eval-group not allowed at run time |
1254 | |
1255 | (F) Perl tried to compile a regular expression containing the |
1256 | C<(?{ ... })> zero-width assertion at run time, as it would when the |
1257 | pattern contains interpolated values. Since that is a security risk, it |
1258 | is not allowed. If you insist, you may still do this by explicitly |
1259 | building the pattern from an interpolated string at run time and using |
1260 | that in an eval(). See L<perlre/(?{ code })>. |
1261 | |
1262 | =item %s: Eval-group not allowed, use re 'eval' |
1263 | |
1264 | (F) A regular expression contained the C<(?{ ... })> zero-width |
1265 | assertion, but that construct is only allowed when the C<use re 'eval'> |
1266 | pragma is in effect. See L<perlre/(?{ code })>. |
1267 | |
1268 | =item Excessively long <> operator |
1269 | |
1270 | (F) The contents of a <> operator may not exceed the maximum size of a |
1271 | Perl identifier. If you're just trying to glob a long list of |
1272 | filenames, try using the glob() operator, or put the filenames into a |
1273 | variable and glob that. |
1274 | |
1275 | =item Execution of %s aborted due to compilation errors |
1276 | |
1277 | (F) The final summary message when a Perl compilation fails. |
1278 | |
1279 | =item Exiting eval via %s |
1280 | |
1281 | (W exiting) You are exiting an eval by unconventional means, such as a |
1282 | goto, or a loop control statement. |
1283 | |
1284 | =item Exiting format via %s |
1285 | |
1286 | (W exiting) You are exiting an eval by unconventional means, such as a |
1287 | goto, or a loop control statement. |
1288 | |
1289 | =item Exiting pseudo-block via %s |
1290 | |
1291 | (W exiting) You are exiting a rather special block construct (like a |
1292 | sort block or subroutine) by unconventional means, such as a goto, or a |
1293 | loop control statement. See L<perlfunc/sort>. |
1294 | |
1295 | =item Exiting subroutine via %s |
1296 | |
1297 | (W exiting) You are exiting a subroutine by unconventional means, such |
1298 | as a goto, or a loop control statement. |
1299 | |
1300 | =item Exiting substitution via %s |
1301 | |
1302 | (W exiting) You are exiting a substitution by unconventional means, such |
1303 | as a return, a goto, or a loop control statement. |
1304 | |
1305 | =item Explicit blessing to '' (assuming package main) |
1306 | |
1307 | (W misc) You are blessing a reference to a zero length string. This has |
1308 | the effect of blessing the reference into the package main. This is |
1309 | usually not what you want. Consider providing a default target package, |
1310 | e.g. bless($ref, $p || 'MyPackage'); |
1311 | |
1312 | =item %s: Expression syntax |
1313 | |
1314 | (A) You've accidentally run your script through B<csh> instead of Perl. |
1315 | Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into Perl yourself. |
1316 | |
1317 | =item %s failed--call queue aborted |
1318 | |
1319 | (F) An untrapped exception was raised while executing a CHECK, INIT, or |
1320 | END subroutine. Processing of the remainder of the queue of such |
1321 | routines has been prematurely ended. |
1322 | |
1323 | =item false [] range "%s" in regexp |
1324 | |
1325 | (W regexp) A character class range must start and end at a literal |
1326 | character, not another character class like C<\d> or C<[:alpha:]>. The |
1327 | "-" in your false range is interpreted as a literal "-". Consider |
1328 | quoting the "-", "\-". See L<perlre>. |
1329 | |
1330 | =item Fatal VMS error at %s, line %d |
1331 | |
1332 | (P) An error peculiar to VMS. Something untoward happened in a VMS |
1333 | system service or RTL routine; Perl's exit status should provide more |
1334 | details. The filename in "at %s" and the line number in "line %d" tell |
1335 | you which section of the Perl source code is distressed. |
1336 | |
1337 | =item fcntl is not implemented |
1338 | |
1339 | (F) Your machine apparently doesn't implement fcntl(). What is this, a |
1340 | PDP-11 or something? |
1341 | |
1342 | =item Filehandle %s opened only for input |
1343 | |
1344 | (W io) You tried to write on a read-only filehandle. If you intended it |
1345 | to be a read-write filehandle, you needed to open it with "+<" or "+>" |
1346 | or "+>>" instead of with "<" or nothing. If you intended only to write |
1347 | the file, use ">" or ">>". See L<perlfunc/open>. |
1348 | |
1349 | =item Filehandle %s opened only for output |
1350 | |
1351 | (W io) You tried to read from a filehandle opened only for writing. If |
1352 | you intended it to be a read/write filehandle, you needed to open it |
1353 | with "+<" or "+>" or "+>>" instead of with "<" or nothing. If you |
1354 | intended only to read from the file, use "<". See L<perlfunc/open>. |
1355 | |
1356 | =item Final $ should be \$ or $name |
1357 | |
1358 | (F) You must now decide whether the final $ in a string was meant to be |
1359 | a literal dollar sign, or was meant to introduce a variable name that |
1360 | happens to be missing. So you have to put either the backslash or the |
1361 | name. |
1362 | |
1363 | =item Final @ should be \@ or @name |
1364 | |
1365 | (F) You must now decide whether the final @ in a string was meant to be |
1366 | a literal "at" sign, or was meant to introduce a variable name that |
1367 | happens to be missing. So you have to put either the backslash or the |
1368 | name. |
1369 | |
1370 | =item flock() on closed filehandle %s |
1371 | |
1372 | (W closed) The filehandle you're attempting to flock() got itself closed |
1373 | some time before now. Check your logic flow. flock() operates on |
1374 | filehandles. Are you attempting to call flock() on a dirhandle by the |
1375 | same name? |
1376 | |
1377 | =item Quantifier follows nothing before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
1378 | |
1379 | (F) You started a regular expression with a quantifier. Backslash it if you |
1380 | meant it literally. The << HERE shows in the regular expression about where the |
1381 | problem was discovered. See L<perlre>. |
1382 | |
1383 | =item Format not terminated |
1384 | |
1385 | (F) A format must be terminated by a line with a solitary dot. Perl got |
1386 | to the end of your file without finding such a line. |
1387 | |
1388 | =item Format %s redefined |
1389 | |
1390 | (W redefine) You redefined a format. To suppress this warning, say |
1391 | |
1392 | { |
1393 | no warnings; |
1394 | eval "format NAME =..."; |
1395 | } |
1396 | |
1397 | =item Found = in conditional, should be == |
1398 | |
1399 | (W syntax) You said |
1400 | |
1401 | if ($foo = 123) |
1402 | |
1403 | when you meant |
1404 | |
1405 | if ($foo == 123) |
1406 | |
1407 | (or something like that). |
1408 | |
1409 | =item %s found where operator expected |
1410 | |
1411 | (S) The Perl lexer knows whether to expect a term or an operator. If it |
1412 | sees what it knows to be a term when it was expecting to see an |
1413 | operator, it gives you this warning. Usually it indicates that an |
1414 | operator or delimiter was omitted, such as a semicolon. |
1415 | |
1416 | =item gdbm store returned %d, errno %d, key "%s" |
1417 | |
1418 | (S) A warning from the GDBM_File extension that a store failed. |
1419 | |
1420 | =item gethostent not implemented |
1421 | |
1422 | (F) Your C library apparently doesn't implement gethostent(), probably |
1423 | because if it did, it'd feel morally obligated to return every hostname |
1424 | on the Internet. |
1425 | |
1426 | =item get%sname() on closed socket %s |
1427 | |
1428 | (W closed) You tried to get a socket or peer socket name on a closed |
1429 | socket. Did you forget to check the return value of your socket() call? |
1430 | |
1431 | =item getpwnam returned invalid UIC %#o for user "%s" |
1432 | |
1433 | (S) A warning peculiar to VMS. The call to C<sys$getuai> underlying the |
1434 | C<getpwnam> operator returned an invalid UIC. |
1435 | |
1436 | =item getsockopt() on closed socket %s |
1437 | |
1438 | (W closed) You tried to get a socket option on a closed socket. Did you |
1439 | forget to check the return value of your socket() call? See |
1440 | L<perlfunc/getsockopt>. |
1441 | |
1442 | =item Global symbol "%s" requires explicit package name |
1443 | |
1444 | (F) You've said "use strict vars", which indicates that all variables |
1445 | must either be lexically scoped (using "my"), declared beforehand using |
1446 | "our", or explicitly qualified to say which package the global variable |
1447 | is in (using "::"). |
1448 | |
1449 | =item glob failed (%s) |
1450 | |
1451 | (W glob) Something went wrong with the external program(s) used for |
1452 | C<glob> and C<< <*.c> >>. Usually, this means that you supplied a |
1453 | C<glob> pattern that caused the external program to fail and exit with a |
1454 | nonzero status. If the message indicates that the abnormal exit |
1455 | resulted in a coredump, this may also mean that your csh (C shell) is |
1456 | broken. If so, you should change all of the csh-related variables in |
1457 | config.sh: If you have tcsh, make the variables refer to it as if it |
1458 | were csh (e.g. C<full_csh='/usr/bin/tcsh'>); otherwise, make them all |
1459 | empty (except that C<d_csh> should be C<'undef'>) so that Perl will |
1460 | think csh is missing. In either case, after editing config.sh, run |
1461 | C<./Configure -S> and rebuild Perl. |
1462 | |
1463 | =item Glob not terminated |
1464 | |
1465 | (F) The lexer saw a left angle bracket in a place where it was expecting |
1466 | a term, so it's looking for the corresponding right angle bracket, and |
1467 | not finding it. Chances are you left some needed parentheses out |
1468 | earlier in the line, and you really meant a "less than". |
1469 | |
1470 | =item Got an error from DosAllocMem |
1471 | |
1472 | (P) An error peculiar to OS/2. Most probably you're using an obsolete |
1473 | version of Perl, and this should not happen anyway. |
1474 | |
1475 | =item goto must have label |
1476 | |
1477 | (F) Unlike with "next" or "last", you're not allowed to goto an |
1478 | unspecified destination. See L<perlfunc/goto>. |
1479 | |
1480 | =item %s had compilation errors |
1481 | |
1482 | (F) The final summary message when a C<perl -c> fails. |
1483 | |
1484 | =item Had to create %s unexpectedly |
1485 | |
1486 | (S internal) A routine asked for a symbol from a symbol table that ought |
1487 | to have existed already, but for some reason it didn't, and had to be |
1488 | created on an emergency basis to prevent a core dump. |
1489 | |
1490 | =item Hash %%s missing the % in argument %d of %s() |
1491 | |
1492 | (D deprecated) Really old Perl let you omit the % on hash names in some |
1493 | spots. This is now heavily deprecated. |
1494 | |
1495 | =item %s has too many errors |
1496 | |
1497 | (F) The parser has given up trying to parse the program after 10 errors. |
1498 | Further error messages would likely be uninformative. |
1499 | |
1500 | =item Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable |
1501 | |
1502 | (W portable) The hexadecimal number you specified is larger than 2**32-1 |
1503 | (4294967295) and therefore non-portable between systems. See |
1504 | L<perlport> for more on portability concerns. |
1505 | |
1506 | =item Identifier too long |
1507 | |
1508 | (F) Perl limits identifiers (names for variables, functions, etc.) to |
1509 | about 250 characters for simple names, and somewhat more for compound |
1510 | names (like C<$A::B>). You've exceeded Perl's limits. Future versions |
1511 | of Perl are likely to eliminate these arbitrary limitations. |
1512 | |
1513 | =item Illegal binary digit %s |
1514 | |
1515 | (F) You used a digit other than 0 or 1 in a binary number. |
1516 | |
1517 | =item Illegal binary digit %s ignored |
1518 | |
1519 | (W digit) You may have tried to use a digit other than 0 or 1 in a |
1520 | binary number. Interpretation of the binary number stopped before the |
1521 | offending digit. |
1522 | |
1523 | =item Illegal character %s (carriage return) |
1524 | |
1525 | (F) Perl normally treats carriage returns in the program text as it |
1526 | would any other whitespace, which means you should never see this error |
1527 | when Perl was built using standard options. For some reason, your |
1528 | version of Perl appears to have been built without this support. Talk |
1529 | to your Perl administrator. |
1530 | |
1531 | =item Illegal division by zero |
1532 | |
1533 | (F) You tried to divide a number by 0. Either something was wrong in |
1534 | your logic, or you need to put a conditional in to guard against |
1535 | meaningless input. |
1536 | |
1537 | =item Illegal hexadecimal digit %s ignored |
1538 | |
1539 | (W digit) You may have tried to use a character other than 0 - 9 or |
1540 | A - F, a - f in a hexadecimal number. Interpretation of the hexadecimal |
1541 | number stopped before the illegal character. |
1542 | |
1543 | =item Illegal modulus zero |
1544 | |
1545 | (F) You tried to divide a number by 0 to get the remainder. Most |
1546 | numbers don't take to this kindly. |
1547 | |
1548 | =item Illegal number of bits in vec |
1549 | |
1550 | (F) The number of bits in vec() (the third argument) must be a power of |
1551 | two from 1 to 32 (or 64, if your platform supports that). |
1552 | |
1553 | =item Illegal octal digit %s |
1554 | |
1555 | (F) You used an 8 or 9 in a octal number. |
1556 | |
1557 | =item Illegal octal digit %s ignored |
1558 | |
1559 | (W digit) You may have tried to use an 8 or 9 in a octal number. |
1560 | Interpretation of the octal number stopped before the 8 or 9. |
1561 | |
1562 | =item Illegal switch in PERL5OPT: %s |
1563 | |
1564 | (X) The PERL5OPT environment variable may only be used to set the |
1565 | following switches: B<-[DIMUdmw]>. |
1566 | |
1567 | =item Ill-formed CRTL environ value "%s" |
1568 | |
1569 | (W internal) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl tried to read the CRTL's |
1570 | internal environ array, and encountered an element without the C<=> |
1571 | delimiter used to separate keys from values. The element is ignored. |
1572 | |
1573 | =item Ill-formed message in prime_env_iter: |%s| |
1574 | |
1575 | (W internal) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl tried to read a logical |
1576 | name or CLI symbol definition when preparing to iterate over %ENV, and |
1577 | didn't see the expected delimiter between key and value, so the line was |
1578 | ignored. |
1579 | |
1580 | =item (in cleanup) %s |
1581 | |
1582 | (W misc) This prefix usually indicates that a DESTROY() method raised |
1583 | the indicated exception. Since destructors are usually called by the |
1584 | system at arbitrary points during execution, and often a vast number of |
1585 | times, the warning is issued only once for any number of failures that |
1586 | would otherwise result in the same message being repeated. |
1587 | |
1588 | Failure of user callbacks dispatched using the C<G_KEEPERR> flag could |
1589 | also result in this warning. See L<perlcall/G_KEEPERR>. |
1590 | |
1591 | =item Insecure dependency in %s |
1592 | |
1593 | (F) You tried to do something that the tainting mechanism didn't like. |
1594 | The tainting mechanism is turned on when you're running setuid or |
1595 | setgid, or when you specify B<-T> to turn it on explicitly. The |
1596 | tainting mechanism labels all data that's derived directly or indirectly |
1597 | from the user, who is considered to be unworthy of your trust. If any |
1598 | such data is used in a "dangerous" operation, you get this error. See |
1599 | L<perlsec> for more information. |
1600 | |
1601 | =item Insecure directory in %s |
1602 | |
1603 | (F) You can't use system(), exec(), or a piped open in a setuid or |
1604 | setgid script if C<$ENV{PATH}> contains a directory that is writable by |
1605 | the world. See L<perlsec>. |
1606 | |
1607 | =item Insecure $ENV{%s} while running %s |
1608 | |
1609 | (F) You can't use system(), exec(), or a piped open in a setuid or |
1610 | setgid script if any of C<$ENV{PATH}>, C<$ENV{IFS}>, C<$ENV{CDPATH}>, |
1611 | C<$ENV{ENV}> or C<$ENV{BASH_ENV}> are derived from data supplied (or |
1612 | potentially supplied) by the user. The script must set the path to a |
1613 | known value, using trustworthy data. See L<perlsec>. |
1614 | |
1615 | =item Integer overflow in %s number |
1616 | |
1617 | (W overflow) The hexadecimal, octal or binary number you have specified |
1618 | either as a literal or as an argument to hex() or oct() is too big for |
1619 | your architecture, and has been converted to a floating point number. |
1620 | On a 32-bit architecture the largest hexadecimal, octal or binary number |
1621 | representable without overflow is 0xFFFFFFFF, 037777777777, or |
1622 | 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 respectively. Note that Perl |
1623 | transparently promotes all numbers to a floating point representation |
1624 | internally--subject to loss of precision errors in subsequent |
1625 | operations. |
1626 | |
1627 | =item Internal disaster before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
1628 | |
1629 | (P) Something went badly wrong in the regular expression parser. |
1630 | The << HERE shows in the regular expression about where the problem was |
1631 | discovered. |
1632 | |
1633 | |
1634 | =item Internal inconsistency in tracking vforks |
1635 | |
1636 | (S) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl keeps track of the number of times |
1637 | you've called C<fork> and C<exec>, to determine whether the current call |
1638 | to C<exec> should affect the current script or a subprocess (see |
1639 | L<perlvms/"exec LIST">). Somehow, this count has become scrambled, so |
1640 | Perl is making a guess and treating this C<exec> as a request to |
1641 | terminate the Perl script and execute the specified command. |
1642 | |
1643 | =item Internal urp before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
1644 | |
1645 | (P) Something went badly awry in the regular expression parser. The <<<HERE |
1646 | shows in the regular expression about where the problem was discovered. |
1647 | |
1648 | |
1649 | =item %s (...) interpreted as function |
1650 | |
1651 | (W syntax) You've run afoul of the rule that says that any list operator |
1652 | followed by parentheses turns into a function, with all the list |
1653 | operators arguments found inside the parentheses. See |
1654 | L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)>. |
1655 | |
1656 | =item Invalid %s attribute: %s |
1657 | |
1658 | The indicated attribute for a subroutine or variable was not recognized |
1659 | by Perl or by a user-supplied handler. See L<attributes>. |
1660 | |
1661 | =item Invalid %s attributes: %s |
1662 | |
1663 | The indicated attributes for a subroutine or variable were not |
1664 | recognized by Perl or by a user-supplied handler. See L<attributes>. |
1665 | |
1666 | =item Invalid conversion in %s: "%s" |
1667 | |
1668 | (W printf) Perl does not understand the given format conversion. See |
1669 | L<perlfunc/sprintf>. |
1670 | |
1671 | =item invalid [] range "%s" in regexp |
1672 | |
1673 | (F) The range specified in a character class had a minimum character |
1674 | greater than the maximum character. See L<perlre>. |
1675 | |
1676 | =item Invalid separator character %s in attribute list |
1677 | |
1678 | (F) Something other than a colon or whitespace was seen between the |
1679 | elements of an attribute list. If the previous attribute had a |
1680 | parenthesised parameter list, perhaps that list was terminated too soon. |
1681 | See L<attributes>. |
1682 | |
1683 | =item Invalid type in pack: '%s' |
1684 | |
1685 | (F) The given character is not a valid pack type. See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
1686 | (W pack) The given character is not a valid pack type but used to be |
1687 | silently ignored. |
1688 | |
1689 | =item Invalid type in unpack: '%s' |
1690 | |
1691 | (F) The given character is not a valid unpack type. See |
1692 | L<perlfunc/unpack>. |
1693 | (W unpack) The given character is not a valid unpack type but used to be |
1694 | silently ignored. |
1695 | |
1696 | =item ioctl is not implemented |
1697 | |
1698 | (F) Your machine apparently doesn't implement ioctl(), which is pretty |
1699 | strange for a machine that supports C. |
1700 | |
1701 | =item `%s' is not a code reference |
1702 | |
1703 | (W) The second (fourth, sixth, ...) argument of overload::constant needs |
1704 | to be a code reference. Either an anonymous subroutine, or a reference |
1705 | to a subroutine. |
1706 | |
1707 | =item `%s' is not an overloadable type |
1708 | |
1709 | (W) You tried to overload a constant type the overload package is unaware of. |
1710 | |
1711 | =item junk on end of regexp |
1712 | |
1713 | (P) The regular expression parser is confused. |
1714 | |
1715 | =item Label not found for "last %s" |
1716 | |
1717 | (F) You named a loop to break out of, but you're not currently in a loop |
1718 | of that name, not even if you count where you were called from. See |
1719 | L<perlfunc/last>. |
1720 | |
1721 | =item Label not found for "next %s" |
1722 | |
1723 | (F) You named a loop to continue, but you're not currently in a loop of |
1724 | that name, not even if you count where you were called from. See |
1725 | L<perlfunc/last>. |
1726 | |
1727 | =item Label not found for "redo %s" |
1728 | |
1729 | (F) You named a loop to restart, but you're not currently in a loop of |
1730 | that name, not even if you count where you were called from. See |
1731 | L<perlfunc/last>. |
1732 | |
1733 | =item leaving effective %s failed |
1734 | |
1735 | (F) While under the C<use filetest> pragma, switching the real and |
1736 | effective uids or gids failed. |
1737 | |
1738 | =item listen() on closed socket %s |
1739 | |
1740 | (W closed) You tried to do a listen on a closed socket. Did you forget |
1741 | to check the return value of your socket() call? See |
1742 | L<perlfunc/listen>. |
1743 | |
1744 | =item Lookbehind longer than %d not implemented at {#} mark in regex %s |
1745 | |
1746 | There is an upper limit to the depth of lookbehind in the (?<= |
1747 | regular expression construct. |
1748 | |
1749 | =item Lvalue subs returning %s not implemented yet |
1750 | |
1751 | (F) Due to limitations in the current implementation, array and hash |
1752 | values cannot be returned in subroutines used in lvalue context. See |
1753 | L<perlsub/"Lvalue subroutines">. |
1754 | |
1755 | =item Lookbehind longer than %d not implemented before << HERE %s |
1756 | |
1757 | (F) There is currently a limit on the length of string which lookbehind can |
1758 | handle. This restriction may be eased in a future release. The << HERE shows in |
1759 | the regular expression about where the problem was discovered. |
1760 | |
1761 | =item Malformed PERLLIB_PREFIX |
1762 | |
1763 | (F) An error peculiar to OS/2. PERLLIB_PREFIX should be of the form |
1764 | |
1765 | prefix1;prefix2 |
1766 | |
1767 | or |
1768 | |
1769 | prefix1 prefix2 |
1770 | |
1771 | with nonempty prefix1 and prefix2. If C<prefix1> is indeed a prefix of |
1772 | a builtin library search path, prefix2 is substituted. The error may |
1773 | appear if components are not found, or are too long. See |
1774 | "PERLLIB_PREFIX" in L<perlos2>. |
1775 | |
1776 | =item Malformed UTF-8 character (%s) |
1777 | |
1778 | Perl detected something that didn't comply with UTF-8 encoding rules. |
1779 | |
1780 | =item Malformed UTF-16 surrogate |
1781 | |
1782 | Perl thought it was reading UTF-16 encoded character data but while |
1783 | doing it Perl met a malformed Unicode surrogate. |
1784 | |
1785 | =item %s matches null string many times |
1786 | |
1787 | (W regexp) The pattern you've specified would be an infinite loop if the |
1788 | regular expression engine didn't specifically check for that. See |
1789 | L<perlre>. |
1790 | |
1791 | =item % may only be used in unpack |
1792 | |
1793 | (F) You can't pack a string by supplying a checksum, because the |
1794 | checksumming process loses information, and you can't go the other way. |
1795 | See L<perlfunc/unpack>. |
1796 | |
1797 | =item Method for operation %s not found in package %s during blessing |
1798 | |
1799 | (F) An attempt was made to specify an entry in an overloading table that |
1800 | doesn't resolve to a valid subroutine. See L<overload>. |
1801 | |
1802 | =item Method %s not permitted |
1803 | |
1804 | See Server error. |
1805 | |
1806 | =item Might be a runaway multi-line %s string starting on line %d |
1807 | |
1808 | (S) An advisory indicating that the previous error may have been caused |
1809 | by a missing delimiter on a string or pattern, because it eventually |
1810 | ended earlier on the current line. |
1811 | |
1812 | =item Misplaced _ in number |
1813 | |
1814 | (W syntax) An underline in a decimal constant wasn't on a 3-digit boundary. |
1815 | |
1816 | =item Missing %sbrace%s on \N{} |
1817 | |
1818 | (F) Wrong syntax of character name literal C<\N{charname}> within |
1819 | double-quotish context. |
1820 | |
1821 | =item Missing comma after first argument to %s function |
1822 | |
1823 | (F) While certain functions allow you to specify a filehandle or an |
1824 | "indirect object" before the argument list, this ain't one of them. |
1825 | |
1826 | =item Missing command in piped open |
1827 | |
1828 | (W pipe) You used the C<open(FH, "| command")> or |
1829 | C<open(FH, "command |")> construction, but the command was missing or |
1830 | blank. |
1831 | |
1832 | =item Missing name in "my sub" |
1833 | |
1834 | (F) The reserved syntax for lexically scoped subroutines requires that |
1835 | they have a name with which they can be found. |
1836 | |
1837 | =item Missing $ on loop variable |
1838 | |
1839 | (F) Apparently you've been programming in B<csh> too much. Variables |
1840 | are always mentioned with the $ in Perl, unlike in the shells, where it |
1841 | can vary from one line to the next. |
1842 | |
1843 | =item (Missing operator before %s?) |
1844 | |
1845 | (S) This is an educated guess made in conjunction with the message "%s |
1846 | found where operator expected". Often the missing operator is a comma. |
1847 | |
1848 | =item Missing right curly or square bracket |
1849 | |
1850 | (F) The lexer counted more opening curly or square brackets than closing |
1851 | ones. As a general rule, you'll find it's missing near the place you |
1852 | were last editing. |
1853 | |
1854 | =item (Missing semicolon on previous line?) |
1855 | |
1856 | (S) This is an educated guess made in conjunction with the message "%s |
1857 | found where operator expected". Don't automatically put a semicolon on |
1858 | the previous line just because you saw this message. |
1859 | |
1860 | =item Modification of a read-only value attempted |
1861 | |
1862 | (F) You tried, directly or indirectly, to change the value of a |
1863 | constant. You didn't, of course, try "2 = 1", because the compiler |
1864 | catches that. But an easy way to do the same thing is: |
1865 | |
1866 | sub mod { $_[0] = 1 } |
1867 | mod(2); |
1868 | |
1869 | Another way is to assign to a substr() that's off the end of the string. |
1870 | |
1871 | Yet another way is to assign to a C<foreach> loop I<VAR> when I<VAR> |
1872 | is aliased to a constant in the look I<LIST>: |
1873 | |
1874 | $x = 1; |
1875 | foreach my $n ($x, 2) { |
1876 | $n *= 2; # modifies the $x, but fails on attempt to modify the 2 |
1877 | } |
1878 | |
1879 | =item Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, %s |
1880 | |
1881 | (F) You tried to make an array value spring into existence, and the |
1882 | subscript was probably negative, even counting from end of the array |
1883 | backwards. |
1884 | |
1885 | =item Modification of non-creatable hash value attempted, %s |
1886 | |
1887 | (P) You tried to make a hash value spring into existence, and it |
1888 | couldn't be created for some peculiar reason. |
1889 | |
1890 | =item Module name must be constant |
1891 | |
1892 | (F) Only a bare module name is allowed as the first argument to a "use". |
1893 | |
1894 | =item Module name required with -%c option |
1895 | |
1896 | (F) The C<-M> or C<-m> options say that Perl should load some module, but |
1897 | you omitted the name of the module. Consult L<perlrun> for full details |
1898 | about C<-M> and C<-m>. |
1899 | |
1900 | =item msg%s not implemented |
1901 | |
1902 | (F) You don't have System V message IPC on your system. |
1903 | |
1904 | =item Multidimensional syntax %s not supported |
1905 | |
1906 | (W syntax) Multidimensional arrays aren't written like C<$foo[1,2,3]>. |
1907 | They're written like C<$foo[1][2][3]>, as in C. |
1908 | |
1909 | =item / must be followed by a*, A* or Z* |
1910 | |
1911 | (F) You had a pack template indicating a counted-length string, |
1912 | Currently the only things that can have their length counted are a*, A* |
1913 | or Z*. See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
1914 | |
1915 | =item / must be followed by a, A or Z |
1916 | |
1917 | (F) You had an unpack template indicating a counted-length string, which |
1918 | must be followed by one of the letters a, A or Z to indicate what sort |
1919 | of string is to be unpacked. See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
1920 | |
1921 | =item / must follow a numeric type |
1922 | |
1923 | (F) You had an unpack template that contained a '#', but this did not |
1924 | follow some numeric unpack specification. See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
1925 | |
1926 | =item "my sub" not yet implemented |
1927 | |
1928 | (F) Lexically scoped subroutines are not yet implemented. Don't try |
1929 | that yet. |
1930 | |
1931 | =item "my" variable %s can't be in a package |
1932 | |
1933 | (F) Lexically scoped variables aren't in a package, so it doesn't make |
1934 | sense to try to declare one with a package qualifier on the front. Use |
1935 | local() if you want to localize a package variable. |
1936 | |
1937 | =item Name "%s::%s" used only once: possible typo |
1938 | |
1939 | (W once) Typographical errors often show up as unique variable names. |
1940 | If you had a good reason for having a unique name, then just mention it |
1941 | again somehow to suppress the message. The C<our> declaration is |
1942 | provided for this purpose. |
1943 | |
1944 | =item Negative length |
1945 | |
1946 | (F) You tried to do a read/write/send/recv operation with a buffer |
1947 | length that is less than 0. This is difficult to imagine. |
1948 | |
1949 | =item Nested quantifiers before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
1950 | |
1951 | (F) You can't quantify a quantifier without intervening parentheses. So |
1952 | things like ** or +* or ?* are illegal. The << HERE shows in the regular |
1953 | expression about where the problem was discovered. |
1954 | |
1955 | Note, however, that the minimal matching quantifiers, C<*?>, C<+?>, and |
1956 | C<??> appear to be nested quantifiers, but aren't. See L<perlre>. |
1957 | |
1958 | |
1959 | =item %s never introduced |
1960 | |
1961 | (S internal) The symbol in question was declared but somehow went out of |
1962 | scope before it could possibly have been used. |
1963 | |
1964 | =item No %s allowed while running setuid |
1965 | |
1966 | (F) Certain operations are deemed to be too insecure for a setuid or |
1967 | setgid script to even be allowed to attempt. Generally speaking there |
1968 | will be another way to do what you want that is, if not secure, at least |
1969 | securable. See L<perlsec>. |
1970 | |
1971 | =item No B<-e> allowed in setuid scripts |
1972 | |
1973 | (F) A setuid script can't be specified by the user. |
1974 | |
1975 | =item No comma allowed after %s |
1976 | |
1977 | (F) A list operator that has a filehandle or "indirect object" is not |
1978 | allowed to have a comma between that and the following arguments. |
1979 | Otherwise it'd be just another one of the arguments. |
1980 | |
1981 | One possible cause for this is that you expected to have imported a |
1982 | constant to your name space with B<use> or B<import> while no such |
1983 | importing took place, it may for example be that your operating system |
1984 | does not support that particular constant. Hopefully you did use an |
1985 | explicit import list for the constants you expect to see, please see |
1986 | L<perlfunc/use> and L<perlfunc/import>. While an explicit import list |
1987 | would probably have caught this error earlier it naturally does not |
1988 | remedy the fact that your operating system still does not support that |
1989 | constant. Maybe you have a typo in the constants of the symbol import |
1990 | list of B<use> or B<import> or in the constant name at the line where |
1991 | this error was triggered? |
1992 | |
1993 | =item No command into which to pipe on command line |
1994 | |
1995 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl handles its own command line |
1996 | redirection, and found a '|' at the end of the command line, so it |
1997 | doesn't know where you want to pipe the output from this command. |
1998 | |
1999 | =item No DB::DB routine defined |
2000 | |
2001 | (F) The currently executing code was compiled with the B<-d> switch, but |
2002 | for some reason the perl5db.pl file (or some facsimile thereof) didn't |
2003 | define a routine to be called at the beginning of each statement. Which |
2004 | is odd, because the file should have been required automatically, and |
2005 | should have blown up the require if it didn't parse right. |
2006 | |
2007 | =item No dbm on this machine |
2008 | |
2009 | (P) This is counted as an internal error, because every machine should |
2010 | supply dbm nowadays, because Perl comes with SDBM. See L<SDBM_File>. |
2011 | |
2012 | =item No DBsub routine |
2013 | |
2014 | (F) The currently executing code was compiled with the B<-d> switch, |
2015 | but for some reason the perl5db.pl file (or some facsimile thereof) |
2016 | didn't define a DB::sub routine to be called at the beginning of each |
2017 | ordinary subroutine call. |
2018 | |
2019 | =item No error file after 2> or 2>> on command line |
2020 | |
2021 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl handles its own command line |
2022 | redirection, and found a '2>' or a '2>>' on the command line, but can't |
2023 | find the name of the file to which to write data destined for stderr. |
2024 | |
2025 | =item No input file after < on command line |
2026 | |
2027 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl handles its own command line |
2028 | redirection, and found a '<' on the command line, but can't find the |
2029 | name of the file from which to read data for stdin. |
2030 | |
2031 | =item No #! line |
2032 | |
2033 | (F) The setuid emulator requires that scripts have a well-formed #! line |
2034 | even on machines that don't support the #! construct. |
2035 | |
2036 | =item "no" not allowed in expression |
2037 | |
2038 | (F) The "no" keyword is recognized and executed at compile time, and |
2039 | returns no useful value. See L<perlmod>. |
2040 | |
2041 | =item No output file after > on command line |
2042 | |
2043 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl handles its own command line |
2044 | redirection, and found a lone '>' at the end of the command line, so it |
2045 | doesn't know where you wanted to redirect stdout. |
2046 | |
2047 | =item No output file after > or >> on command line |
2048 | |
2049 | (F) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl handles its own command line |
2050 | redirection, and found a '>' or a '>>' on the command line, but can't |
2051 | find the name of the file to which to write data destined for stdout. |
2052 | |
2053 | =item No package name allowed for variable %s in "our" |
2054 | |
2055 | (F) Fully qualified variable names are not allowed in "our" |
2056 | declarations, because that doesn't make much sense under existing |
2057 | semantics. Such syntax is reserved for future extensions. |
2058 | |
2059 | =item No Perl script found in input |
2060 | |
2061 | (F) You called C<perl -x>, but no line was found in the file beginning |
2062 | with #! and containing the word "perl". |
2063 | |
2064 | =item No setregid available |
2065 | |
2066 | (F) Configure didn't find anything resembling the setregid() call for |
2067 | your system. |
2068 | |
2069 | =item No setreuid available |
2070 | |
2071 | (F) Configure didn't find anything resembling the setreuid() call for |
2072 | your system. |
2073 | |
2074 | =item No space allowed after -%c |
2075 | |
2076 | (F) The argument to the indicated command line switch must follow |
2077 | immediately after the switch, without intervening spaces. |
2078 | |
2079 | =item No %s specified for -%c |
2080 | |
2081 | (F) The indicated command line switch needs a mandatory argument, but |
2082 | you haven't specified one. |
2083 | |
2084 | =item No such pipe open |
2085 | |
2086 | (P) An error peculiar to VMS. The internal routine my_pclose() tried to |
2087 | close a pipe which hadn't been opened. This should have been caught |
2088 | earlier as an attempt to close an unopened filehandle. |
2089 | |
2090 | =item No such pseudo-hash field "%s" |
2091 | |
2092 | (F) You tried to access an array as a hash, but the field name used is |
2093 | not defined. The hash at index 0 should map all valid field names to |
2094 | array indices for that to work. |
2095 | |
2096 | =item No such pseudo-hash field "%s" in variable %s of type %s |
2097 | |
2098 | (F) You tried to access a field of a typed variable where the type does |
2099 | not know about the field name. The field names are looked up in the |
2100 | %FIELDS hash in the type package at compile time. The %FIELDS hash is |
2101 | %usually set up with the 'fields' pragma. |
2102 | |
2103 | =item No such signal: SIG%s |
2104 | |
2105 | (W signal) You specified a signal name as a subscript to %SIG that was |
2106 | not recognized. Say C<kill -l> in your shell to see the valid signal |
2107 | names on your system. |
2108 | |
2109 | =item Not a CODE reference |
2110 | |
2111 | (F) Perl was trying to evaluate a reference to a code value (that is, a |
2112 | subroutine), but found a reference to something else instead. You can |
2113 | use the ref() function to find out what kind of ref it really was. See |
2114 | also L<perlref>. |
2115 | |
2116 | =item Not a format reference |
2117 | |
2118 | (F) I'm not sure how you managed to generate a reference to an anonymous |
2119 | format, but this indicates you did, and that it didn't exist. |
2120 | |
2121 | =item Not a GLOB reference |
2122 | |
2123 | (F) Perl was trying to evaluate a reference to a "typeglob" (that is, a |
2124 | symbol table entry that looks like C<*foo>), but found a reference to |
2125 | something else instead. You can use the ref() function to find out what |
2126 | kind of ref it really was. See L<perlref>. |
2127 | |
2128 | =item Not a HASH reference |
2129 | |
2130 | (F) Perl was trying to evaluate a reference to a hash value, but found a |
2131 | reference to something else instead. You can use the ref() function to |
2132 | find out what kind of ref it really was. See L<perlref>. |
2133 | |
2134 | =item Not an ARRAY reference |
2135 | |
2136 | (F) Perl was trying to evaluate a reference to an array value, but found |
2137 | a reference to something else instead. You can use the ref() function |
2138 | to find out what kind of ref it really was. See L<perlref>. |
2139 | |
2140 | =item Not a perl script |
2141 | |
2142 | (F) The setuid emulator requires that scripts have a well-formed #! line |
2143 | even on machines that don't support the #! construct. The line must |
2144 | mention perl. |
2145 | |
2146 | =item Not a SCALAR reference |
2147 | |
2148 | (F) Perl was trying to evaluate a reference to a scalar value, but found |
2149 | a reference to something else instead. You can use the ref() function |
2150 | to find out what kind of ref it really was. See L<perlref>. |
2151 | |
2152 | =item Not a subroutine reference |
2153 | |
2154 | (F) Perl was trying to evaluate a reference to a code value (that is, a |
2155 | subroutine), but found a reference to something else instead. You can |
2156 | use the ref() function to find out what kind of ref it really was. See |
2157 | also L<perlref>. |
2158 | |
2159 | =item Not a subroutine reference in overload table |
2160 | |
2161 | (F) An attempt was made to specify an entry in an overloading table that |
2162 | doesn't somehow point to a valid subroutine. See L<overload>. |
2163 | |
2164 | =item Not enough arguments for %s |
2165 | |
2166 | (F) The function requires more arguments than you specified. |
2167 | |
2168 | =item Not enough format arguments |
2169 | |
2170 | (W syntax) A format specified more picture fields than the next line |
2171 | supplied. See L<perlform>. |
2172 | |
2173 | =item %s: not found |
2174 | |
2175 | (A) You've accidentally run your script through the Bourne shell instead |
2176 | of Perl. Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into Perl |
2177 | yourself. |
2178 | |
2179 | =item no UTC offset information; assuming local time is UTC |
2180 | |
2181 | (S) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl was unable to find the local |
2182 | timezone offset, so it's assuming that local system time is equivalent |
2183 | to UTC. If it's not, define the logical name |
2184 | F<SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL> to translate to the number of seconds which |
2185 | need to be added to UTC to get local time. |
2186 | |
2187 | =item Null filename used |
2188 | |
2189 | (F) You can't require the null filename, especially because on many |
2190 | machines that means the current directory! See L<perlfunc/require>. |
2191 | |
2192 | =item NULL OP IN RUN |
2193 | |
2194 | (P debugging) Some internal routine called run() with a null opcode |
2195 | pointer. |
2196 | |
2197 | =item Null picture in formline |
2198 | |
2199 | (F) The first argument to formline must be a valid format picture |
2200 | specification. It was found to be empty, which probably means you |
2201 | supplied it an uninitialized value. See L<perlform>. |
2202 | |
2203 | =item Null realloc |
2204 | |
2205 | (P) An attempt was made to realloc NULL. |
2206 | |
2207 | =item NULL regexp argument |
2208 | |
2209 | (P) The internal pattern matching routines blew it big time. |
2210 | |
2211 | =item NULL regexp parameter |
2212 | |
2213 | (P) The internal pattern matching routines are out of their gourd. |
2214 | |
2215 | =item Number too long |
2216 | |
2217 | (F) Perl limits the representation of decimal numbers in programs to |
2218 | about about 250 characters. You've exceeded that length. Future |
2219 | versions of Perl are likely to eliminate this arbitrary limitation. In |
2220 | the meantime, try using scientific notation (e.g. "1e6" instead of |
2221 | "1_000_000"). |
2222 | |
2223 | =item Octal number in vector unsupported |
2224 | |
2225 | (F) Numbers with a leading C<0> are not currently allowed in vectors. |
2226 | The octal number interpretation of such numbers may be supported in a |
2227 | future version. |
2228 | |
2229 | =item Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable |
2230 | |
2231 | (W portable) The octal number you specified is larger than 2**32-1 |
2232 | (4294967295) and therefore non-portable between systems. See |
2233 | L<perlport> for more on portability concerns. |
2234 | |
2235 | See also L<perlport> for writing portable code. |
2236 | |
2237 | =item Odd number of arguments for overload::constant |
2238 | |
2239 | (W) The call to overload::constant contained an odd number of arguments. |
2240 | The arguments should come in pairs. |
2241 | |
2242 | =item Odd number of elements in hash assignment |
2243 | |
2244 | (W misc) You specified an odd number of elements to initialize a hash, |
2245 | which is odd, because hashes come in key/value pairs. |
2246 | |
2247 | =item Offset outside string |
2248 | |
2249 | (F) You tried to do a read/write/send/recv operation with an offset |
2250 | pointing outside the buffer. This is difficult to imagine. The sole |
2251 | exception to this is that C<sysread()>ing past the buffer will extend |
2252 | the buffer and zero pad the new area. |
2253 | |
2254 | =item -%s on unopened filehandle %s |
2255 | |
2256 | (W unopened) You tried to invoke a file test operator on a filehandle |
2257 | that isn't open. Check your logic. See also L<perlfunc/-X>. |
2258 | |
2259 | =item %s() on unopened %s %s |
2260 | |
2261 | (W unopened) An I/O operation was attempted on a filehandle that was |
2262 | never initialized. You need to do an open(), a sysopen(), or a socket() |
2263 | call, or call a constructor from the FileHandle package. |
2264 | |
2265 | =item oops: oopsAV |
2266 | |
2267 | (S internal) An internal warning that the grammar is screwed up. |
2268 | |
2269 | =item oops: oopsHV |
2270 | |
2271 | (S internal) An internal warning that the grammar is screwed up. |
2272 | |
2273 | =item Operation `%s': no method found, %s |
2274 | |
2275 | (F) An attempt was made to perform an overloaded operation for which no |
2276 | handler was defined. While some handlers can be autogenerated in terms |
2277 | of other handlers, there is no default handler for any operation, unless |
2278 | C<fallback> overloading key is specified to be true. See L<overload>. |
2279 | |
2280 | =item Operator or semicolon missing before %s |
2281 | |
2282 | (S ambiguous) You used a variable or subroutine call where the parser |
2283 | was expecting an operator. The parser has assumed you really meant to |
2284 | use an operator, but this is highly likely to be incorrect. For |
2285 | example, if you say "*foo *foo" it will be interpreted as if you said |
2286 | "*foo * 'foo'". |
2287 | |
2288 | =item "our" variable %s redeclared |
2289 | |
2290 | (W misc) You seem to have already declared the same global once before |
2291 | in the current lexical scope. |
2292 | |
2293 | =item Out of memory! |
2294 | |
2295 | (X) The malloc() function returned 0, indicating there was insufficient |
2296 | remaining memory (or virtual memory) to satisfy the request. Perl has |
2297 | no option but to exit immediately. |
2298 | |
2299 | =item Out of memory during "large" request for %s |
2300 | |
2301 | (F) The malloc() function returned 0, indicating there was insufficient |
2302 | remaining memory (or virtual memory) to satisfy the request. However, |
2303 | the request was judged large enough (compile-time default is 64K), so a |
2304 | possibility to shut down by trapping this error is granted. |
2305 | |
2306 | =item Out of memory during request for %s |
2307 | |
2308 | (X|F) The malloc() function returned 0, indicating there was |
2309 | insufficient remaining memory (or virtual memory) to satisfy the |
2310 | request. |
2311 | |
2312 | The request was judged to be small, so the possibility to trap it |
2313 | depends on the way perl was compiled. By default it is not trappable. |
2314 | However, if compiled for this, Perl may use the contents of C<$^M> as an |
2315 | emergency pool after die()ing with this message. In this case the error |
2316 | is trappable I<once>, and the error message will include the line and file |
2317 | where the failed request happened. |
2318 | |
2319 | =item Out of memory during ridiculously large request |
2320 | |
2321 | (F) You can't allocate more than 2^31+"small amount" bytes. This error |
2322 | is most likely to be caused by a typo in the Perl program. e.g., |
2323 | C<$arr[time]> instead of C<$arr[$time]>. |
2324 | |
2325 | =item Out of memory for yacc stack |
2326 | |
2327 | (F) The yacc parser wanted to grow its stack so it could continue |
2328 | parsing, but realloc() wouldn't give it more memory, virtual or |
2329 | otherwise. |
2330 | |
2331 | =item @ outside of string |
2332 | |
2333 | (F) You had a pack template that specified an absolute position outside |
2334 | the string being unpacked. See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
2335 | |
2336 | =item %s package attribute may clash with future reserved word: %s |
2337 | |
2338 | (W reserved) A lowercase attribute name was used that had a |
2339 | package-specific handler. That name might have a meaning to Perl itself |
2340 | some day, even though it doesn't yet. Perhaps you should use a |
2341 | mixed-case attribute name, instead. See L<attributes>. |
2342 | |
2343 | =item page overflow |
2344 | |
2345 | (W io) A single call to write() produced more lines than can fit on a |
2346 | page. See L<perlform>. |
2347 | |
2348 | =item panic: %s |
2349 | |
2350 | (P) An internal error. |
2351 | |
2352 | =item panic: ck_grep |
2353 | |
2354 | (P) Failed an internal consistency check trying to compile a grep. |
2355 | |
2356 | =item panic: ck_split |
2357 | |
2358 | (P) Failed an internal consistency check trying to compile a split. |
2359 | |
2360 | =item panic: corrupt saved stack index |
2361 | |
2362 | (P) The savestack was requested to restore more localized values than |
2363 | there are in the savestack. |
2364 | |
2365 | =item panic: del_backref |
2366 | |
2367 | (P) Failed an internal consistency check while trying to reset a weak |
2368 | reference. |
2369 | |
2370 | =item panic: die %s |
2371 | |
2372 | (P) We popped the context stack to an eval context, and then discovered |
2373 | it wasn't an eval context. |
2374 | |
2375 | =item panic: pp_match |
2376 | |
2377 | (P) The internal pp_match() routine was called with invalid operational |
2378 | data. |
2379 | |
2380 | =item panic: do_subst |
2381 | |
2382 | (P) The internal pp_subst() routine was called with invalid operational |
2383 | data. |
2384 | |
2385 | =item panic: do_trans_%s |
2386 | |
2387 | (P) The internal do_trans routines were called with invalid operational |
2388 | data. |
2389 | |
2390 | =item panic: frexp |
2391 | |
2392 | (P) The library function frexp() failed, making printf("%f") impossible. |
2393 | |
2394 | =item panic: goto |
2395 | |
2396 | (P) We popped the context stack to a context with the specified label, |
2397 | and then discovered it wasn't a context we know how to do a goto in. |
2398 | |
2399 | =item panic: INTERPCASEMOD |
2400 | |
2401 | (P) The lexer got into a bad state at a case modifier. |
2402 | |
2403 | =item panic: INTERPCONCAT |
2404 | |
2405 | (P) The lexer got into a bad state parsing a string with brackets. |
2406 | |
2407 | =item panic: kid popen errno read |
2408 | |
2409 | (F) forked child returned an incomprehensible message about its errno. |
2410 | |
2411 | =item panic: last |
2412 | |
2413 | (P) We popped the context stack to a block context, and then discovered |
2414 | it wasn't a block context. |
2415 | |
2416 | =item panic: leave_scope clearsv |
2417 | |
2418 | (P) A writable lexical variable became read-only somehow within the |
2419 | scope. |
2420 | |
2421 | =item panic: leave_scope inconsistency |
2422 | |
2423 | (P) The savestack probably got out of sync. At least, there was an |
2424 | invalid enum on the top of it. |
2425 | |
2426 | =item panic: magic_killbackrefs |
2427 | |
2428 | (P) Failed an internal consistency check while trying to reset all weak |
2429 | references to an object. |
2430 | |
2431 | =item panic: malloc |
2432 | |
2433 | (P) Something requested a negative number of bytes of malloc. |
2434 | |
2435 | =item panic: mapstart |
2436 | |
2437 | (P) The compiler is screwed up with respect to the map() function. |
2438 | |
2439 | =item panic: null array |
2440 | |
2441 | (P) One of the internal array routines was passed a null AV pointer. |
2442 | |
2443 | =item panic: pad_alloc |
2444 | |
2445 | (P) The compiler got confused about which scratch pad it was allocating |
2446 | and freeing temporaries and lexicals from. |
2447 | |
2448 | =item panic: pad_free curpad |
2449 | |
2450 | (P) The compiler got confused about which scratch pad it was allocating |
2451 | and freeing temporaries and lexicals from. |
2452 | |
2453 | =item panic: pad_free po |
2454 | |
2455 | (P) An invalid scratch pad offset was detected internally. |
2456 | |
2457 | =item panic: pad_reset curpad |
2458 | |
2459 | (P) The compiler got confused about which scratch pad it was allocating |
2460 | and freeing temporaries and lexicals from. |
2461 | |
2462 | =item panic: pad_sv po |
2463 | |
2464 | (P) An invalid scratch pad offset was detected internally. |
2465 | |
2466 | =item panic: pad_swipe curpad |
2467 | |
2468 | (P) The compiler got confused about which scratch pad it was allocating |
2469 | and freeing temporaries and lexicals from. |
2470 | |
2471 | =item panic: pad_swipe po |
2472 | |
2473 | (P) An invalid scratch pad offset was detected internally. |
2474 | |
2475 | =item panic: pp_iter |
2476 | |
2477 | (P) The foreach iterator got called in a non-loop context frame. |
2478 | |
2479 | =item panic: pp_split |
2480 | |
2481 | (P) Something terrible went wrong in setting up for the split. |
2482 | |
2483 | =item panic: realloc |
2484 | |
2485 | (P) Something requested a negative number of bytes of realloc. |
2486 | |
2487 | =item panic: restartop |
2488 | |
2489 | (P) Some internal routine requested a goto (or something like it), and |
2490 | didn't supply the destination. |
2491 | |
2492 | =item panic: return |
2493 | |
2494 | (P) We popped the context stack to a subroutine or eval context, and |
2495 | then discovered it wasn't a subroutine or eval context. |
2496 | |
2497 | =item panic: scan_num |
2498 | |
2499 | (P) scan_num() got called on something that wasn't a number. |
2500 | |
2501 | =item panic: sv_insert |
2502 | |
2503 | (P) The sv_insert() routine was told to remove more string than there |
2504 | was string. |
2505 | |
2506 | =item panic: top_env |
2507 | |
2508 | (P) The compiler attempted to do a goto, or something weird like that. |
2509 | |
2510 | =item panic: yylex |
2511 | |
2512 | (P) The lexer got into a bad state while processing a case modifier. |
2513 | |
2514 | =item panic: utf16_to_utf8: odd bytelen |
2515 | |
2516 | (P) Something tried to call utf16_to_utf8 with an odd (as opposed |
2517 | to even) byte length. |
2518 | |
2519 | =item Parentheses missing around "%s" list |
2520 | |
2521 | (W parenthesis) You said something like |
2522 | |
2523 | my $foo, $bar = @_; |
2524 | |
2525 | when you meant |
2526 | |
2527 | my ($foo, $bar) = @_; |
2528 | |
2529 | Remember that "my", "our", and "local" bind tighter than comma. |
2530 | |
2531 | =item Perl %s required--this is only version %s, stopped |
2532 | |
2533 | (F) The module in question uses features of a version of Perl more |
2534 | recent than the currently running version. How long has it been since |
2535 | you upgraded, anyway? See L<perlfunc/require>. |
2536 | |
2537 | =item PERL_SH_DIR too long |
2538 | |
2539 | (F) An error peculiar to OS/2. PERL_SH_DIR is the directory to find the |
2540 | C<sh>-shell in. See "PERL_SH_DIR" in L<perlos2>. |
2541 | |
2542 | =item perl: warning: Setting locale failed. |
2543 | |
2544 | (S) The whole warning message will look something like: |
2545 | |
2546 | perl: warning: Setting locale failed. |
2547 | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: |
2548 | LC_ALL = "En_US", |
2549 | LANG = (unset) |
2550 | are supported and installed on your system. |
2551 | perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). |
2552 | |
2553 | Exactly what were the failed locale settings varies. In the above the |
2554 | settings were that the LC_ALL was "En_US" and the LANG had no value. |
2555 | This error means that Perl detected that you and/or your operating |
2556 | system supplier and/or system administrator have set up the so-called |
2557 | locale system but Perl could not use those settings. This was not |
2558 | dead serious, fortunately: there is a "default locale" called "C" that |
2559 | Perl can and will use, the script will be run. Before you really fix |
2560 | the problem, however, you will get the same error message each time |
2561 | you run Perl. How to really fix the problem can be found in |
2562 | L<perllocale> section B<LOCALE PROBLEMS>. |
2563 | |
2564 | =item Permission denied |
2565 | |
2566 | (F) The setuid emulator in suidperl decided you were up to no good. |
2567 | |
2568 | =item pid %x not a child |
2569 | |
2570 | (W exec) A warning peculiar to VMS. Waitpid() was asked to wait for a |
2571 | process which isn't a subprocess of the current process. While this is |
2572 | fine from VMS' perspective, it's probably not what you intended. |
2573 | |
2574 | =item POSIX syntax [%s] belongs inside character classes |
2575 | |
2576 | (W unsafe) The character class constructs [: :], [= =], and [. .] go |
2577 | I<inside> character classes, the [] are part of the construct, for |
2578 | example: /[012[:alpha:]345]/. Note that [= =] and [. .] are not |
2579 | currently implemented; they are simply placeholders for future |
2580 | extensions and will cause fatal errors. |
2581 | |
2582 | =item POSIX syntax [. .] is reserved for future extensions |
2583 | |
2584 | (F regexp) Within regular expression character classes ([]) the syntax |
2585 | beginning with "[." and ending with ".]" is reserved for future |
2586 | extensions. If you need to represent those character sequences inside |
2587 | a regular expression character class, just quote the square brackets |
2588 | with the backslash: "\[." and ".\]". |
2589 | |
2590 | =item POSIX syntax [= =] is reserved for future extensions |
2591 | |
2592 | (F) Within regular expression character classes ([]) the syntax |
2593 | beginning with "[=" and ending with "=]" is reserved for future |
2594 | extensions. If you need to represent those character sequences inside |
2595 | a regular expression character class, just quote the square brackets |
2596 | with the backslash: "\[=" and "=\]". |
2597 | |
2598 | =item POSIX class [:%s:] unknown |
2599 | |
2600 | (F) The class in the character class [: :] syntax is unknown. See |
2601 | L<perlre>. |
2602 | |
2603 | =item POSIX getpgrp can't take an argument |
2604 | |
2605 | (F) Your system has POSIX getpgrp(), which takes no argument, unlike |
2606 | the BSD version, which takes a pid. |
2607 | |
2608 | =item Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list |
2609 | |
2610 | (W qw) qw() lists contain items separated by whitespace; as with literal |
2611 | strings, comment characters are not ignored, but are instead treated as |
2612 | literal data. (You may have used different delimiters than the |
2613 | parentheses shown here; braces are also frequently used.) |
2614 | |
2615 | You probably wrote something like this: |
2616 | |
2617 | @list = qw( |
2618 | a # a comment |
2619 | b # another comment |
2620 | ); |
2621 | |
2622 | when you should have written this: |
2623 | |
2624 | @list = qw( |
2625 | a |
2626 | b |
2627 | ); |
2628 | |
2629 | If you really want comments, build your list the |
2630 | old-fashioned way, with quotes and commas: |
2631 | |
2632 | @list = ( |
2633 | 'a', # a comment |
2634 | 'b', # another comment |
2635 | ); |
2636 | |
2637 | =item Possible attempt to separate words with commas |
2638 | |
2639 | (W qw) qw() lists contain items separated by whitespace; therefore |
2640 | commas aren't needed to separate the items. (You may have used |
2641 | different delimiters than the parentheses shown here; braces are also |
2642 | frequently used.) |
2643 | |
2644 | You probably wrote something like this: |
2645 | |
2646 | qw! a, b, c !; |
2647 | |
2648 | which puts literal commas into some of the list items. Write it without |
2649 | commas if you don't want them to appear in your data: |
2650 | |
2651 | qw! a b c !; |
2652 | |
2653 | =item Possible memory corruption: %s overflowed 3rd argument |
2654 | |
2655 | (F) An ioctl() or fcntl() returned more than Perl was bargaining for. |
2656 | Perl guesses a reasonable buffer size, but puts a sentinel byte at the |
2657 | end of the buffer just in case. This sentinel byte got clobbered, and |
2658 | Perl assumes that memory is now corrupted. See L<perlfunc/ioctl>. |
2659 | |
2660 | =item Possible Y2K bug: %s |
2661 | |
2662 | (W y2k) You are concatenating the number 19 with another number, which |
2663 | could be a potential Year 2000 problem. |
2664 | |
2665 | =item pragma "attrs" is deprecated, use "sub NAME : ATTRS" instead |
2666 | |
2667 | (W deprecated) You have written something like this: |
2668 | |
2669 | sub doit |
2670 | { |
2671 | use attrs qw(locked); |
2672 | } |
2673 | |
2674 | You should use the new declaration syntax instead. |
2675 | |
2676 | sub doit : locked |
2677 | { |
2678 | ... |
2679 | |
2680 | The C<use attrs> pragma is now obsolete, and is only provided for |
2681 | backward-compatibility. See L<perlsub/"Subroutine Attributes">. |
2682 | |
2683 | =item Precedence problem: open %s should be open(%s) |
2684 | |
2685 | (S precedence) The old irregular construct |
2686 | |
2687 | open FOO || die; |
2688 | |
2689 | is now misinterpreted as |
2690 | |
2691 | open(FOO || die); |
2692 | |
2693 | because of the strict regularization of Perl 5's grammar into unary and |
2694 | list operators. (The old open was a little of both.) You must put |
2695 | parentheses around the filehandle, or use the new "or" operator instead |
2696 | of "||". |
2697 | |
2698 | =item Premature end of script headers |
2699 | |
2700 | See Server error. |
2701 | |
2702 | =item printf() on closed filehandle %s |
2703 | |
2704 | (W closed) The filehandle you're writing to got itself closed sometime |
2705 | before now. Check your logic flow. |
2706 | |
2707 | =item print() on closed filehandle %s |
2708 | |
2709 | (W closed) The filehandle you're printing on got itself closed sometime |
2710 | before now. Check your logic flow. |
2711 | |
2712 | =item Process terminated by SIG%s |
2713 | |
2714 | (W) This is a standard message issued by OS/2 applications, while *nix |
2715 | applications die in silence. It is considered a feature of the OS/2 |
2716 | port. One can easily disable this by appropriate sighandlers, see |
2717 | L<perlipc/"Signals">. See also "Process terminated by SIGTERM/SIGINT" |
2718 | in L<perlos2>. |
2719 | |
2720 | =item Prototype mismatch: %s vs %s |
2721 | |
2722 | (S unsafe) The subroutine being declared or defined had previously been |
2723 | declared or defined with a different function prototype. |
2724 | |
2725 | =item Quantifier in {,} bigger than %d before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
2726 | |
2727 | (F) There is currently a limit to the size of the min and max values of the |
2728 | {min,max} construct. The << HERE shows in the regular expression about where |
2729 | the problem was discovered. See L<perlre>. |
2730 | |
2731 | =item Quantifier unexpected on zero-length expression before << HERE %s |
2732 | |
2733 | (W regexp) You applied a regular expression quantifier in a place where |
2734 | it makes no sense, such as on a zero-width assertion. Try putting the |
2735 | quantifier inside the assertion instead. For example, the way to match |
2736 | "abc" provided that it is followed by three repetitions of "xyz" is |
2737 | C</abc(?=(?:xyz){3})/>, not C</abc(?=xyz){3}/>. |
2738 | |
2739 | =item Range iterator outside integer range |
2740 | |
2741 | (F) One (or both) of the numeric arguments to the range operator ".." |
2742 | are outside the range which can be represented by integers internally. |
2743 | One possible workaround is to force Perl to use magical string increment |
2744 | by prepending "0" to your numbers. |
2745 | |
2746 | =item readline() on closed filehandle %s |
2747 | |
2748 | (W closed) The filehandle you're reading from got itself closed sometime |
2749 | before now. Check your logic flow. |
2750 | |
2751 | =item Reallocation too large: %lx |
2752 | |
2753 | (F) You can't allocate more than 64K on an MS-DOS machine. |
2754 | |
2755 | =item realloc() of freed memory ignored |
2756 | |
2757 | (S malloc) An internal routine called realloc() on something that had |
2758 | already been freed. |
2759 | |
2760 | =item Recompile perl with B<-D>DEBUGGING to use B<-D> switch |
2761 | |
2762 | (F debugging) You can't use the B<-D> option unless the code to produce |
2763 | the desired output is compiled into Perl, which entails some overhead, |
2764 | which is why it's currently left out of your copy. |
2765 | |
2766 | =item Recursive inheritance detected in package '%s' |
2767 | |
2768 | (F) More than 100 levels of inheritance were used. Probably indicates |
2769 | an unintended loop in your inheritance hierarchy. |
2770 | |
2771 | =item Recursive inheritance detected while looking for method %s |
2772 | |
2773 | (F) More than 100 levels of inheritance were encountered while invoking |
2774 | a method. Probably indicates an unintended loop in your inheritance |
2775 | hierarchy. |
2776 | |
2777 | =item Reference found where even-sized list expected |
2778 | |
2779 | (W misc) You gave a single reference where Perl was expecting a list |
2780 | with an even number of elements (for assignment to a hash). This usually |
2781 | means that you used the anon hash constructor when you meant to use |
2782 | parens. In any case, a hash requires key/value B<pairs>. |
2783 | |
2784 | %hash = { one => 1, two => 2, }; # WRONG |
2785 | %hash = [ qw/ an anon array / ]; # WRONG |
2786 | %hash = ( one => 1, two => 2, ); # right |
2787 | %hash = qw( one 1 two 2 ); # also fine |
2788 | |
2789 | =item Reference is already weak |
2790 | |
2791 | (W misc) You have attempted to weaken a reference that is already weak. |
2792 | Doing so has no effect. |
2793 | |
2794 | =item Reference miscount in sv_replace() |
2795 | |
2796 | (W internal) The internal sv_replace() function was handed a new SV with |
2797 | a reference count of other than 1. |
2798 | |
2799 | =item Reference to nonexistent group before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
2800 | |
2801 | (F) You used something like C<\7> in your regular expression, but there are |
2802 | not at least seven sets of capturing parentheses in the expression. If you |
2803 | wanted to have the character with value 7 inserted into the regular expression, |
2804 | prepend a zero to make the number at least two digits: C<\07> |
2805 | |
2806 | The << HERE shows in the regular expression about where the problem was |
2807 | discovered. |
2808 | |
2809 | =item regexp memory corruption |
2810 | |
2811 | (P) The regular expression engine got confused by what the regular |
2812 | expression compiler gave it. |
2813 | |
2814 | =item Regexp out of space |
2815 | |
2816 | (P) A "can't happen" error, because safemalloc() should have caught it |
2817 | earlier. |
2818 | |
2819 | =item Repeat count in pack overflows |
2820 | |
2821 | (F) You can't specify a repeat count so large that it overflows your |
2822 | signed integers. See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
2823 | |
2824 | =item Repeat count in unpack overflows |
2825 | |
2826 | (F) You can't specify a repeat count so large that it overflows your |
2827 | signed integers. See L<perlfunc/unpack>. |
2828 | |
2829 | =item Reversed %s= operator |
2830 | |
2831 | (W syntax) You wrote your assignment operator backwards. The = must |
2832 | always comes last, to avoid ambiguity with subsequent unary operators. |
2833 | |
2834 | =item Runaway format |
2835 | |
2836 | (F) Your format contained the ~~ repeat-until-blank sequence, but it |
2837 | produced 200 lines at once, and the 200th line looked exactly like the |
2838 | 199th line. Apparently you didn't arrange for the arguments to exhaust |
2839 | themselves, either by using ^ instead of @ (for scalar variables), or by |
2840 | shifting or popping (for array variables). See L<perlform>. |
2841 | |
2842 | =item Scalar value @%s[%s] better written as $%s[%s] |
2843 | |
2844 | (W syntax) You've used an array slice (indicated by @) to select a |
2845 | single element of an array. Generally it's better to ask for a scalar |
2846 | value (indicated by $). The difference is that C<$foo[&bar]> always |
2847 | behaves like a scalar, both when assigning to it and when evaluating its |
2848 | argument, while C<@foo[&bar]> behaves like a list when you assign to it, |
2849 | and provides a list context to its subscript, which can do weird things |
2850 | if you're expecting only one subscript. |
2851 | |
2852 | On the other hand, if you were actually hoping to treat the array |
2853 | element as a list, you need to look into how references work, because |
2854 | Perl will not magically convert between scalars and lists for you. See |
2855 | L<perlref>. |
2856 | |
2857 | =item Scalar value @%s{%s} better written as $%s{%s} |
2858 | |
2859 | (W syntax) You've used a hash slice (indicated by @) to select a single |
2860 | element of a hash. Generally it's better to ask for a scalar value |
2861 | (indicated by $). The difference is that C<$foo{&bar}> always behaves |
2862 | like a scalar, both when assigning to it and when evaluating its |
2863 | argument, while C<@foo{&bar}> behaves like a list when you assign to it, |
2864 | and provides a list context to its subscript, which can do weird things |
2865 | if you're expecting only one subscript. |
2866 | |
2867 | On the other hand, if you were actually hoping to treat the hash element |
2868 | as a list, you need to look into how references work, because Perl will |
2869 | not magically convert between scalars and lists for you. See |
2870 | L<perlref>. |
2871 | |
2872 | =item Scalars leaked: %d |
2873 | |
2874 | (P) Something went wrong in Perl's internal bookkeeping of scalars: |
2875 | not all scalar variables were deallocated by the time Perl exited. |
2876 | What this usually indicates is a memory leak, which is of course bad, |
2877 | especially if the Perl program is intended to be long-running. |
2878 | |
2879 | =item Script is not setuid/setgid in suidperl |
2880 | |
2881 | (F) Oddly, the suidperl program was invoked on a script without a setuid |
2882 | or setgid bit set. This doesn't make much sense. |
2883 | |
2884 | =item Search pattern not terminated |
2885 | |
2886 | (F) The lexer couldn't find the final delimiter of a // or m{} |
2887 | construct. Remember that bracketing delimiters count nesting level. |
2888 | Missing the leading C<$> from a variable C<$m> may cause this error. |
2889 | |
2890 | =item %sseek() on unopened filehandle |
2891 | |
2892 | (W unopened) You tried to use the seek() or sysseek() function on a |
2893 | filehandle that was either never opened or has since been closed. |
2894 | |
2895 | =item select not implemented |
2896 | |
2897 | (F) This machine doesn't implement the select() system call. |
2898 | |
2899 | =item Semicolon seems to be missing |
2900 | |
2901 | (W semicolon) A nearby syntax error was probably caused by a missing |
2902 | semicolon, or possibly some other missing operator, such as a comma. |
2903 | |
2904 | =item semi-panic: attempt to dup freed string |
2905 | |
2906 | (S internal) The internal newSVsv() routine was called to duplicate a |
2907 | scalar that had previously been marked as free. |
2908 | |
2909 | =item sem%s not implemented |
2910 | |
2911 | (F) You don't have System V semaphore IPC on your system. |
2912 | |
2913 | =item send() on closed socket %s |
2914 | |
2915 | (W closed) The socket you're sending to got itself closed sometime |
2916 | before now. Check your logic flow. |
2917 | |
2918 | =item Sequence (? incomplete before << HERE mark in regex m/%s/ |
2919 | |
2920 | (F) A regular expression ended with an incomplete extension (?. The <<<HERE |
2921 | shows in the regular expression about where the problem was discovered. See |
2922 | L<perlre>. |
2923 | |
2924 | =item Sequence (?{...}) not terminated or not {}-balanced in %s |
2925 | |
2926 | (F) If the contents of a (?{...}) clause contains braces, they must balance |
2927 | for Perl to properly detect the end of the clause. See L<perlre>. |
2928 | |
2929 | =item Sequence (?%s...) not implemented before << HERE mark in %s |
2930 | |
2931 | (F) A proposed regular expression extension has the character reserved but |
2932 | has not yet been written. The << HERE shows in the regular expression about |
2933 | where the problem was discovered. See L<perlre>. |
2934 | |
2935 | =item Sequence (?%s...) not recognized before << HERE mark in %s |
2936 | |
2937 | (F) You used a regular expression extension that doesn't make sense. |
2938 | The << HERE shows in the regular expression about |
2939 | where the problem was discovered. |
2940 | See L<perlre>. |
2941 | |
2942 | =item Sequence (?#... not terminated in regex m/%s/ |
2943 | |
2944 | (F) A regular expression comment must be terminated by a closing |
2945 | parenthesis. Embedded parentheses aren't allowed. See L<perlre>. |
2946 | |
2947 | =item 500 Server error |
2948 | |
2949 | See Server error. |
2950 | |
2951 | =item Server error |
2952 | |
2953 | This is the error message generally seen in a browser window when trying |
2954 | to run a CGI program (including SSI) over the web. The actual error text |
2955 | varies widely from server to server. The most frequently-seen variants |
2956 | are "500 Server error", "Method (something) not permitted", "Document |
2957 | contains no data", "Premature end of script headers", and "Did not |
2958 | produce a valid header". |
2959 | |
2960 | B<This is a CGI error, not a Perl error>. |
2961 | |
2962 | You need to make sure your script is executable, is accessible by the |
2963 | user CGI is running the script under (which is probably not the user |
2964 | account you tested it under), does not rely on any environment variables |
2965 | (like PATH) from the user it isn't running under, and isn't in a |
2966 | location where the CGI server can't find it, basically, more or less. |
2967 | Please see the following for more information: |
2968 | |
2969 | http://www.perl.com/CPAN/doc/FAQs/cgi/idiots-guide.html |
2970 | http://www.perl.com/CPAN/doc/FAQs/cgi/perl-cgi-faq.html |
2971 | ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/www/cgi-faq |
2972 | http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/interface.html |
2973 | http://www-genome.wi.mit.edu/WWW/faqs/www-security-faq.html |
2974 | |
2975 | You should also look at L<perlfaq9>. |
2976 | |
2977 | =item setegid() not implemented |
2978 | |
2979 | (F) You tried to assign to C<$)>, and your operating system doesn't |
2980 | support the setegid() system call (or equivalent), or at least Configure |
2981 | didn't think so. |
2982 | |
2983 | =item seteuid() not implemented |
2984 | |
2985 | (F) You tried to assign to C<< $> >>, and your operating system doesn't |
2986 | support the seteuid() system call (or equivalent), or at least Configure |
2987 | didn't think so. |
2988 | |
2989 | =item setpgrp can't take arguments |
2990 | |
2991 | (F) Your system has the setpgrp() from BSD 4.2, which takes no |
2992 | arguments, unlike POSIX setpgid(), which takes a process ID and process |
2993 | group ID. |
2994 | |
2995 | =item setrgid() not implemented |
2996 | |
2997 | (F) You tried to assign to C<$(>, and your operating system doesn't |
2998 | support the setrgid() system call (or equivalent), or at least Configure |
2999 | didn't think so. |
3000 | |
3001 | =item setruid() not implemented |
3002 | |
3003 | (F) You tried to assign to C<$<>, and your operating system doesn't |
3004 | support the setruid() system call (or equivalent), or at least Configure |
3005 | didn't think so. |
3006 | |
3007 | =item setsockopt() on closed socket %s |
3008 | |
3009 | (W closed) You tried to set a socket option on a closed socket. Did you |
3010 | forget to check the return value of your socket() call? See |
3011 | L<perlfunc/setsockopt>. |
3012 | |
3013 | =item Setuid/gid script is writable by world |
3014 | |
3015 | (F) The setuid emulator won't run a script that is writable by the |
3016 | world, because the world might have written on it already. |
3017 | |
3018 | =item shm%s not implemented |
3019 | |
3020 | (F) You don't have System V shared memory IPC on your system. |
3021 | |
3022 | =item <> should be quotes |
3023 | |
3024 | (F) You wrote C<< require <file> >> when you should have written |
3025 | C<require 'file'>. |
3026 | |
3027 | =item /%s/ should probably be written as "%s" |
3028 | |
3029 | (W syntax) You have used a pattern where Perl expected to find a string, |
3030 | as in the first argument to C<join>. Perl will treat the true or false |
3031 | result of matching the pattern against $_ as the string, which is |
3032 | probably not what you had in mind. |
3033 | |
3034 | =item shutdown() on closed socket %s |
3035 | |
3036 | (W closed) You tried to do a shutdown on a closed socket. Seems a bit |
3037 | superfluous. |
3038 | |
3039 | =item SIG%s handler "%s" not defined |
3040 | |
3041 | (W signal) The signal handler named in %SIG doesn't, in fact, exist. |
3042 | Perhaps you put it into the wrong package? |
3043 | |
3044 | =item sort is now a reserved word |
3045 | |
3046 | (F) An ancient error message that almost nobody ever runs into anymore. |
3047 | But before sort was a keyword, people sometimes used it as a filehandle. |
3048 | |
3049 | =item Sort subroutine didn't return a numeric value |
3050 | |
3051 | (F) A sort comparison routine must return a number. You probably blew |
3052 | it by not using C<< <=> >> or C<cmp>, or by not using them correctly. |
3053 | See L<perlfunc/sort>. |
3054 | |
3055 | =item Sort subroutine didn't return single value |
3056 | |
3057 | (F) A sort comparison subroutine may not return a list value with more |
3058 | or less than one element. See L<perlfunc/sort>. |
3059 | |
3060 | =item Split loop |
3061 | |
3062 | (P) The split was looping infinitely. (Obviously, a split shouldn't |
3063 | iterate more times than there are characters of input, which is what |
3064 | happened.) See L<perlfunc/split>. |
3065 | |
3066 | =item Statement unlikely to be reached |
3067 | |
3068 | (W exec) You did an exec() with some statement after it other than a |
3069 | die(). This is almost always an error, because exec() never returns |
3070 | unless there was a failure. You probably wanted to use system() |
3071 | instead, which does return. To suppress this warning, put the exec() in |
3072 | a block by itself. |
3073 | |
3074 | =item stat() on unopened filehandle %s |
3075 | |
3076 | (W unopened) You tried to use the stat() function on a filehandle that |
3077 | was either never opened or has since been closed. |
3078 | |
3079 | =item Stub found while resolving method `%s' overloading %s |
3080 | |
3081 | (P) Overloading resolution over @ISA tree may be broken by importation |
3082 | stubs. Stubs should never be implicitly created, but explicit calls to |
3083 | C<can> may break this. |
3084 | |
3085 | =item Subroutine %s redefined |
3086 | |
3087 | (W redefine) You redefined a subroutine. To suppress this warning, say |
3088 | |
3089 | { |
3090 | no warnings; |
3091 | eval "sub name { ... }"; |
3092 | } |
3093 | |
3094 | =item Substitution loop |
3095 | |
3096 | (P) The substitution was looping infinitely. (Obviously, a substitution |
3097 | shouldn't iterate more times than there are characters of input, which |
3098 | is what happened.) See the discussion of substitution in |
3099 | L<perlop/"Quote and Quote-like Operators">. |
3100 | |
3101 | =item Substitution pattern not terminated |
3102 | |
3103 | (F) The lexer couldn't find the interior delimiter of a s/// or s{}{} |
3104 | construct. Remember that bracketing delimiters count nesting level. |
3105 | Missing the leading C<$> from variable C<$s> may cause this error. |
3106 | |
3107 | =item Substitution replacement not terminated |
3108 | |
3109 | (F) The lexer couldn't find the final delimiter of a s/// or s{}{} |
3110 | construct. Remember that bracketing delimiters count nesting level. |
3111 | Missing the leading C<$> from variable C<$s> may cause this error. |
3112 | |
3113 | =item substr outside of string |
3114 | |
3115 | (W substr),(F) You tried to reference a substr() that pointed outside of |
3116 | a string. That is, the absolute value of the offset was larger than the |
3117 | length of the string. See L<perlfunc/substr>. This warning is fatal if |
3118 | substr is used in an lvalue context (as the left hand side of an |
3119 | assignment or as a subroutine argument for example). |
3120 | |
3121 | =item suidperl is no longer needed since %s |
3122 | |
3123 | (F) Your Perl was compiled with B<-D>SETUID_SCRIPTS_ARE_SECURE_NOW, but |
3124 | a version of the setuid emulator somehow got run anyway. |
3125 | |
3126 | =item Switch (?(condition)... contains too many branches before << HE%s |
3127 | |
3128 | (F) A (?(condition)if-clause|else-clause) construct can have at most two |
3129 | branches (the if-clause and the else-clause). If you want one or both to |
3130 | contain alternation, such as using C<this|that|other>, enclose it in |
3131 | clustering parentheses: |
3132 | |
3133 | (?(condition)(?:this|that|other)|else-clause) |
3134 | |
3135 | The << HERE shows in the regular expression about where the problem was |
3136 | discovered. See L<perlre>. |
3137 | |
3138 | =item Switch condition not recognized before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
3139 | |
3140 | (F) If the argument to the (?(...)if-clause|else-clause) construct is a |
3141 | number, it can be only a number. The << HERE shows in the regular expression |
3142 | about where the problem was discovered. See L<perlre>. |
3143 | |
3144 | =item switching effective %s is not implemented |
3145 | |
3146 | (F) While under the C<use filetest> pragma, we cannot switch the real |
3147 | and effective uids or gids. |
3148 | |
3149 | =item syntax error |
3150 | |
3151 | (F) Probably means you had a syntax error. Common reasons include: |
3152 | |
3153 | A keyword is misspelled. |
3154 | A semicolon is missing. |
3155 | A comma is missing. |
3156 | An opening or closing parenthesis is missing. |
3157 | An opening or closing brace is missing. |
3158 | A closing quote is missing. |
3159 | |
3160 | Often there will be another error message associated with the syntax |
3161 | error giving more information. (Sometimes it helps to turn on B<-w>.) |
3162 | The error message itself often tells you where it was in the line when |
3163 | it decided to give up. Sometimes the actual error is several tokens |
3164 | before this, because Perl is good at understanding random input. |
3165 | Occasionally the line number may be misleading, and once in a blue moon |
3166 | the only way to figure out what's triggering the error is to call |
3167 | C<perl -c> repeatedly, chopping away half the program each time to see |
3168 | if the error went away. Sort of the cybernetic version of S<20 |
3169 | questions>. |
3170 | |
3171 | =item syntax error at line %d: `%s' unexpected |
3172 | |
3173 | (A) You've accidentally run your script through the Bourne shell instead |
3174 | of Perl. Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into Perl |
3175 | yourself. |
3176 | |
3177 | =item %s syntax OK |
3178 | |
3179 | (F) The final summary message when a C<perl -c> succeeds. |
3180 | |
3181 | =item System V %s is not implemented on this machine |
3182 | |
3183 | (F) You tried to do something with a function beginning with "sem", |
3184 | "shm", or "msg" but that System V IPC is not implemented in your |
3185 | machine. In some machines the functionality can exist but be |
3186 | unconfigured. Consult your system support. |
3187 | |
3188 | =item syswrite() on closed filehandle %s |
3189 | |
3190 | (W closed) The filehandle you're writing to got itself closed sometime |
3191 | before now. Check your logic flow. |
3192 | |
3193 | =item Target of goto is too deeply nested |
3194 | |
3195 | (F) You tried to use C<goto> to reach a label that was too deeply nested |
3196 | for Perl to reach. Perl is doing you a favor by refusing. |
3197 | |
3198 | =item tell() on unopened filehandle |
3199 | |
3200 | (W unopened) You tried to use the tell() function on a filehandle that |
3201 | was either never opened or has since been closed. |
3202 | |
3203 | =item That use of $[ is unsupported |
3204 | |
3205 | (F) Assignment to C<$[> is now strictly circumscribed, and interpreted |
3206 | as a compiler directive. You may say only one of |
3207 | |
3208 | $[ = 0; |
3209 | $[ = 1; |
3210 | ... |
3211 | local $[ = 0; |
3212 | local $[ = 1; |
3213 | ... |
3214 | |
3215 | This is to prevent the problem of one module changing the array base out |
3216 | from under another module inadvertently. See L<perlvar/$[>. |
3217 | |
3218 | =item The crypt() function is unimplemented due to excessive paranoia |
3219 | |
3220 | (F) Configure couldn't find the crypt() function on your machine, |
3221 | probably because your vendor didn't supply it, probably because they |
3222 | think the U.S. Government thinks it's a secret, or at least that they |
3223 | will continue to pretend that it is. And if you quote me on that, I |
3224 | will deny it. |
3225 | |
3226 | =item The %s function is unimplemented |
3227 | |
3228 | The function indicated isn't implemented on this architecture, according |
3229 | to the probings of Configure. |
3230 | |
3231 | =item The stat preceding C<-l _> wasn't an lstat |
3232 | |
3233 | (F) It makes no sense to test the current stat buffer for symbolic |
3234 | linkhood if the last stat that wrote to the stat buffer already went |
3235 | past the symlink to get to the real file. Use an actual filename |
3236 | instead. |
3237 | |
3238 | =item This Perl can't reset CRTL environ elements (%s) |
3239 | |
3240 | =item This Perl can't set CRTL environ elements (%s=%s) |
3241 | |
3242 | (W internal) Warnings peculiar to VMS. You tried to change or delete an |
3243 | element of the CRTL's internal environ array, but your copy of Perl |
3244 | wasn't built with a CRTL that contained the setenv() function. You'll |
3245 | need to rebuild Perl with a CRTL that does, or redefine |
3246 | F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> (see L<perlvms>) so that the environ array isn't the |
3247 | target of the change to |
3248 | %ENV which produced the warning. |
3249 | |
3250 | =item times not implemented |
3251 | |
3252 | (F) Your version of the C library apparently doesn't do times(). I |
3253 | suspect you're not running on Unix. |
3254 | |
3255 | =item Too few args to syscall |
3256 | |
3257 | (F) There has to be at least one argument to syscall() to specify the |
3258 | system call to call, silly dilly. |
3259 | |
3260 | =item Too late for "B<-T>" option |
3261 | |
3262 | (X) The #! line (or local equivalent) in a Perl script contains the |
3263 | B<-T> option, but Perl was not invoked with B<-T> in its command line. |
3264 | This is an error because, by the time Perl discovers a B<-T> in a |
3265 | script, it's too late to properly taint everything from the environment. |
3266 | So Perl gives up. |
3267 | |
3268 | If the Perl script is being executed as a command using the #! |
3269 | mechanism (or its local equivalent), this error can usually be fixed by |
3270 | editing the #! line so that the B<-T> option is a part of Perl's first |
3271 | argument: e.g. change C<perl -n -T> to C<perl -T -n>. |
3272 | |
3273 | If the Perl script is being executed as C<perl scriptname>, then the |
3274 | B<-T> option must appear on the command line: C<perl -T scriptname>. |
3275 | |
3276 | =item Too late for "-%s" option |
3277 | |
3278 | (X) The #! line (or local equivalent) in a Perl script contains the |
3279 | B<-M> or B<-m> option. This is an error because B<-M> and B<-m> options |
3280 | are not intended for use inside scripts. Use the C<use> pragma instead. |
3281 | |
3282 | =item Too late to run %s block |
3283 | |
3284 | (W void) A CHECK or INIT block is being defined during run time proper, |
3285 | when the opportunity to run them has already passed. Perhaps you are |
3286 | loading a file with C<require> or C<do> when you should be using C<use> |
3287 | instead. Or perhaps you should put the C<require> or C<do> inside a |
3288 | BEGIN block. |
3289 | |
3290 | =item Too many args to syscall |
3291 | |
3292 | (F) Perl supports a maximum of only 14 args to syscall(). |
3293 | |
3294 | =item Too many arguments for %s |
3295 | |
3296 | (F) The function requires fewer arguments than you specified. |
3297 | |
3298 | =item Too many )'s |
3299 | |
3300 | (A) You've accidentally run your script through B<csh> instead of Perl. |
3301 | Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into Perl yourself. |
3302 | |
3303 | =item Too many ('s |
3304 | |
3305 | =item trailing \ in regexp |
3306 | |
3307 | (F) The regular expression ends with an unbackslashed backslash. |
3308 | Backslash it. See L<perlre>. |
3309 | |
3310 | =item Transliteration pattern not terminated |
3311 | |
3312 | (F) The lexer couldn't find the interior delimiter of a tr/// or tr[][] |
3313 | or y/// or y[][] construct. Missing the leading C<$> from variables |
3314 | C<$tr> or C<$y> may cause this error. |
3315 | |
3316 | =item Transliteration replacement not terminated |
3317 | |
3318 | (F) The lexer couldn't find the final delimiter of a tr/// or tr[][] |
3319 | construct. |
3320 | |
3321 | =item truncate not implemented |
3322 | |
3323 | (F) Your machine doesn't implement a file truncation mechanism that |
3324 | Configure knows about. |
3325 | |
3326 | =item Type of arg %d to %s must be %s (not %s) |
3327 | |
3328 | (F) This function requires the argument in that position to be of a |
3329 | certain type. Arrays must be @NAME or C<@{EXPR}>. Hashes must be |
3330 | %NAME or C<%{EXPR}>. No implicit dereferencing is allowed--use the |
3331 | {EXPR} forms as an explicit dereference. See L<perlref>. |
3332 | |
3333 | =item umask: argument is missing initial 0 |
3334 | |
3335 | (W umask) A umask of 222 is incorrect. It should be 0222, because octal |
3336 | literals always start with 0 in Perl, as in C. |
3337 | |
3338 | =item umask not implemented |
3339 | |
3340 | (F) Your machine doesn't implement the umask function and you tried to |
3341 | use it to restrict permissions for yourself (EXPR & 0700). |
3342 | |
3343 | =item Unable to create sub named "%s" |
3344 | |
3345 | (F) You attempted to create or access a subroutine with an illegal name. |
3346 | |
3347 | =item Unbalanced context: %d more PUSHes than POPs |
3348 | |
3349 | (W internal) The exit code detected an internal inconsistency in how |
3350 | many execution contexts were entered and left. |
3351 | |
3352 | =item Unbalanced saves: %d more saves than restores |
3353 | |
3354 | (W internal) The exit code detected an internal inconsistency in how |
3355 | many values were temporarily localized. |
3356 | |
3357 | =item Unbalanced scopes: %d more ENTERs than LEAVEs |
3358 | |
3359 | (W internal) The exit code detected an internal inconsistency in how |
3360 | many blocks were entered and left. |
3361 | |
3362 | =item Unbalanced tmps: %d more allocs than frees |
3363 | |
3364 | (W internal) The exit code detected an internal inconsistency in how |
3365 | many mortal scalars were allocated and freed. |
3366 | |
3367 | =item Undefined format "%s" called |
3368 | |
3369 | (F) The format indicated doesn't seem to exist. Perhaps it's really in |
3370 | another package? See L<perlform>. |
3371 | |
3372 | =item Undefined sort subroutine "%s" called |
3373 | |
3374 | (F) The sort comparison routine specified doesn't seem to exist. |
3375 | Perhaps it's in a different package? See L<perlfunc/sort>. |
3376 | |
3377 | =item Undefined subroutine &%s called |
3378 | |
3379 | (F) The subroutine indicated hasn't been defined, or if it was, it has |
3380 | since been undefined. |
3381 | |
3382 | =item Undefined subroutine called |
3383 | |
3384 | (F) The anonymous subroutine you're trying to call hasn't been defined, |
3385 | or if it was, it has since been undefined. |
3386 | |
3387 | =item Undefined subroutine in sort |
3388 | |
3389 | (F) The sort comparison routine specified is declared but doesn't seem |
3390 | to have been defined yet. See L<perlfunc/sort>. |
3391 | |
3392 | =item Undefined top format "%s" called |
3393 | |
3394 | (F) The format indicated doesn't seem to exist. Perhaps it's really in |
3395 | another package? See L<perlform>. |
3396 | |
3397 | =item Undefined value assigned to typeglob |
3398 | |
3399 | (W misc) An undefined value was assigned to a typeglob, a la |
3400 | C<*foo = undef>. This does nothing. It's possible that you really mean |
3401 | C<undef *foo>. |
3402 | |
3403 | =item %s: Undefined variable |
3404 | |
3405 | (A) You've accidentally run your script through B<csh> instead of Perl. |
3406 | Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into Perl yourself. |
3407 | |
3408 | =item unexec of %s into %s failed! |
3409 | |
3410 | (F) The unexec() routine failed for some reason. See your local FSF |
3411 | representative, who probably put it there in the first place. |
3412 | |
3413 | |
3414 | =item Unknown BYTEORDER |
3415 | |
3416 | (F) There are no byte-swapping functions for a machine with this byte |
3417 | order. |
3418 | |
3419 | =item Unknown switch condition (?(%.2s before << HERE in regex m/%s/ |
3420 | |
3421 | (F) The condition of a (?(condition)if-clause|else-clause) construct is not |
3422 | known. The condition may be lookaround (the condition is true if the |
3423 | lookaround is true), a (?{...}) construct (the condition is true if the |
3424 | code evaluates to a true value), or a number (the condition is true if the |
3425 | set of capturing parentheses named by the number is defined). |
3426 | |
3427 | The << HERE shows in the regular expression about where the problem was |
3428 | discovered. See L<perlre>. |
3429 | |
3430 | =item Unknown open() mode '%s' |
3431 | |
3432 | (F) The second argument of 3-argument open() is not among the list |
3433 | of valid modes: C<< < >>, C<< > >>, C<<< >> >>>, C<< +< >>, |
3434 | C<< +> >>, C<<< +>> >>>, C<-|>, C<|->. |
3435 | |
3436 | =item Unknown process %x sent message to prime_env_iter: %s |
3437 | |
3438 | (P) An error peculiar to VMS. Perl was reading values for %ENV before |
3439 | iterating over it, and someone else stuck a message in the stream of |
3440 | data Perl expected. Someone's very confused, or perhaps trying to |
3441 | subvert Perl's population of %ENV for nefarious purposes. |
3442 | |
3443 | =item unmatched [ before << HERE mark in regex m/%s/ |
3444 | |
3445 | (F) The brackets around a character class must match. If you wish to |
3446 | include a closing bracket in a character class, backslash it or put it |
3447 | first. See L<perlre>. The << HERE shows in the regular expression about |
3448 | where the escape was discovered. |
3449 | |
3450 | =item unmatched ( in regexp before << HERE mark in regex m/%s/ |
3451 | |
3452 | (F) Unbackslashed parentheses must always be balanced in regular |
3453 | expressions. If you're a vi user, the % key is valuable for finding the |
3454 | matching parenthesis. See L<perlre>. |
3455 | |
3456 | =item Unmatched right %s bracket |
3457 | |
3458 | (F) The lexer counted more closing curly or square brackets than opening |
3459 | ones, so you're probably missing a matching opening bracket. As a |
3460 | general rule, you'll find the missing one (so to speak) near the place |
3461 | you were last editing. |
3462 | |
3463 | =item Unquoted string "%s" may clash with future reserved word |
3464 | |
3465 | (W reserved) You used a bareword that might someday be claimed as a |
3466 | reserved word. It's best to put such a word in quotes, or capitalize it |
3467 | somehow, or insert an underbar into it. You might also declare it as a |
3468 | subroutine. |
3469 | |
3470 | =item Unrecognized character %s |
3471 | |
3472 | (F) The Perl parser has no idea what to do with the specified character |
3473 | in your Perl script (or eval). Perhaps you tried to run a compressed |
3474 | script, a binary program, or a directory as a Perl program. |
3475 | |
3476 | =item /%s/: Unrecognized escape \\%c in character class passed through |
3477 | |
3478 | (W regexp) You used a backslash-character combination which is not |
3479 | recognized by Perl inside character classes. The character was |
3480 | understood literally. |
3481 | |
3482 | =item Unrecognized escape \\%c passed through before << HERE in m/%s/ |
3483 | |
3484 | (W regexp) You used a backslash-character combination which is not |
3485 | recognized by Perl. This combination appears in an interpolated variable or |
3486 | a C<'>-delimited regular expression. The character was understood |
3487 | literally. The << HERE shows in the regular expression about where the escape |
3488 | was discovered. |
3489 | |
3490 | |
3491 | =item Unrecognized escape \\%c passed through |
3492 | |
3493 | (W misc) You used a backslash-character combination which is not |
3494 | recognized by Perl. |
3495 | |
3496 | =item Unrecognized signal name "%s" |
3497 | |
3498 | (F) You specified a signal name to the kill() function that was not |
3499 | recognized. Say C<kill -l> in your shell to see the valid signal names |
3500 | on your system. |
3501 | |
3502 | =item Unrecognized switch: -%s (-h will show valid options) |
3503 | |
3504 | (F) You specified an illegal option to Perl. Don't do that. (If you |
3505 | think you didn't do that, check the #! line to see if it's supplying the |
3506 | bad switch on your behalf.) |
3507 | |
3508 | =item Unsuccessful %s on filename containing newline |
3509 | |
3510 | (W newline) A file operation was attempted on a filename, and that |
3511 | operation failed, PROBABLY because the filename contained a newline, |
3512 | PROBABLY because you forgot to chomp() it off. See L<perlfunc/chomp>. |
3513 | |
3514 | =item Unsupported directory function "%s" called |
3515 | |
3516 | (F) Your machine doesn't support opendir() and readdir(). |
3517 | |
3518 | =item Unsupported function %s |
3519 | |
3520 | (F) This machine doesn't implement the indicated function, apparently. |
3521 | At least, Configure doesn't think so. |
3522 | |
3523 | =item Unsupported function fork |
3524 | |
3525 | (F) Your version of executable does not support forking. |
3526 | |
3527 | Note that under some systems, like OS/2, there may be different flavors |
3528 | of Perl executables, some of which may support fork, some not. Try |
3529 | changing the name you call Perl by to C<perl_>, C<perl__>, and so on. |
3530 | |
3531 | =item Unsupported script encoding |
3532 | |
3533 | (F) Your program file begins with a Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) which |
3534 | declares it to be in a Unicode encoding that Perl cannot yet read. |
3535 | |
3536 | =item Unsupported socket function "%s" called |
3537 | |
3538 | (F) Your machine doesn't support the Berkeley socket mechanism, or at |
3539 | least that's what Configure thought. |
3540 | |
3541 | =item Unterminated attribute list |
3542 | |
3543 | (F) The lexer found something other than a simple identifier at the |
3544 | start of an attribute, and it wasn't a semicolon or the start of a |
3545 | block. Perhaps you terminated the parameter list of the previous |
3546 | attribute too soon. See L<attributes>. |
3547 | |
3548 | =item Unterminated attribute parameter in attribute list |
3549 | |
3550 | (F) The lexer saw an opening (left) parenthesis character while parsing |
3551 | an attribute list, but the matching closing (right) parenthesis |
3552 | character was not found. You may need to add (or remove) a backslash |
3553 | character to get your parentheses to balance. See L<attributes>. |
3554 | |
3555 | =item Unterminated compressed integer |
3556 | |
3557 | (F) An argument to unpack("w",...) was incompatible with the BER |
3558 | compressed integer format and could not be converted to an integer. |
3559 | See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
3560 | |
3561 | =item Unterminated <> operator |
3562 | |
3563 | (F) The lexer saw a left angle bracket in a place where it was expecting |
3564 | a term, so it's looking for the corresponding right angle bracket, and |
3565 | not finding it. Chances are you left some needed parentheses out |
3566 | earlier in the line, and you really meant a "less than". |
3567 | |
3568 | =item untie attempted while %d inner references still exist |
3569 | |
3570 | (W untie) A copy of the object returned from C<tie> (or C<tied>) was |
3571 | still valid when C<untie> was called. |
3572 | |
3573 | =item Useless use of %s in void context |
3574 | |
3575 | (W void) You did something without a side effect in a context that does |
3576 | nothing with the return value, such as a statement that doesn't return a |
3577 | value from a block, or the left side of a scalar comma operator. Very |
3578 | often this points not to stupidity on your part, but a failure of Perl |
3579 | to parse your program the way you thought it would. For example, you'd |
3580 | get this if you mixed up your C precedence with Python precedence and |
3581 | said |
3582 | |
3583 | $one, $two = 1, 2; |
3584 | |
3585 | when you meant to say |
3586 | |
3587 | ($one, $two) = (1, 2); |
3588 | |
3589 | Another common error is to use ordinary parentheses to construct a list |
3590 | reference when you should be using square or curly brackets, for |
3591 | example, if you say |
3592 | |
3593 | $array = (1,2); |
3594 | |
3595 | when you should have said |
3596 | |
3597 | $array = [1,2]; |
3598 | |
3599 | The square brackets explicitly turn a list value into a scalar value, |
3600 | while parentheses do not. So when a parenthesized list is evaluated in |
3601 | a scalar context, the comma is treated like C's comma operator, which |
3602 | throws away the left argument, which is not what you want. See |
3603 | L<perlref> for more on this. |
3604 | |
3605 | =item Useless use of "re" pragma |
3606 | |
3607 | (W) You did C<use re;> without any arguments. That isn't very useful. |
3608 | |
3609 | =item "use" not allowed in expression |
3610 | |
3611 | (F) The "use" keyword is recognized and executed at compile time, and |
3612 | returns no useful value. See L<perlmod>. |
3613 | |
3614 | =item Use of bare << to mean <<"" is deprecated |
3615 | |
3616 | (D deprecated) You are now encouraged to use the explicitly quoted form |
3617 | if you wish to use an empty line as the terminator of the here-document. |
3618 | |
3619 | =item Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated |
3620 | |
3621 | (D deprecated) It makes a lot of work for the compiler when you clobber |
3622 | a subroutine's argument list, so it's better if you assign the results |
3623 | of a split() explicitly to an array (or list). |
3624 | |
3625 | =item Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method %s() is deprecated |
3626 | |
3627 | (D deprecated) As an (ahem) accidental feature, C<AUTOLOAD> subroutines |
3628 | are looked up as methods (using the C<@ISA> hierarchy) even when the |
3629 | subroutines to be autoloaded were called as plain functions (e.g. |
3630 | C<Foo::bar()>), not as methods (e.g. C<< Foo->bar() >> or C<< |
3631 | $obj->bar() >>). |
3632 | |
3633 | This bug will be rectified in future by using method lookup only for |
3634 | methods' C<AUTOLOAD>s. However, there is a significant base of existing |
3635 | code that may be using the old behavior. So, as an interim step, Perl |
3636 | currently issues an optional warning when non-methods use inherited |
3637 | C<AUTOLOAD>s. |
3638 | |
3639 | The simple rule is: Inheritance will not work when autoloading |
3640 | non-methods. The simple fix for old code is: In any module that used |
3641 | to depend on inheriting C<AUTOLOAD> for non-methods from a base class |
3642 | named C<BaseClass>, execute C<*AUTOLOAD = \&BaseClass::AUTOLOAD> during |
3643 | startup. |
3644 | |
3645 | In code that currently says C<use AutoLoader; @ISA = qw(AutoLoader);> |
3646 | you should remove AutoLoader from @ISA and change C<use AutoLoader;> to |
3647 | C<use AutoLoader 'AUTOLOAD';>. |
3648 | |
3649 | =item Use of %s in printf format not supported |
3650 | |
3651 | (F) You attempted to use a feature of printf that is accessible from |
3652 | only C. This usually means there's a better way to do it in Perl. |
3653 | |
3654 | =item Use of $* is deprecated |
3655 | |
3656 | (D deprecated) This variable magically turned on multi-line pattern |
3657 | matching, both for you and for any luckless subroutine that you happen |
3658 | to call. You should use the new C<//m> and C<//s> modifiers now to do |
3659 | that without the dangerous action-at-a-distance effects of C<$*>. |
3660 | |
3661 | =item Use of %s is deprecated |
3662 | |
3663 | (D deprecated) The construct indicated is no longer recommended for use, |
3664 | generally because there's a better way to do it, and also because the |
3665 | old way has bad side effects. |
3666 | |
3667 | =item Use of $# is deprecated |
3668 | |
3669 | (D deprecated) This was an ill-advised attempt to emulate a poorly |
3670 | defined B<awk> feature. Use an explicit printf() or sprintf() instead. |
3671 | |
3672 | =item Use of reserved word "%s" is deprecated |
3673 | |
3674 | (D deprecated) The indicated bareword is a reserved word. Future |
3675 | versions of perl may use it as a keyword, so you're better off either |
3676 | explicitly quoting the word in a manner appropriate for its context of |
3677 | use, or using a different name altogether. The warning can be |
3678 | suppressed for subroutine names by either adding a C<&> prefix, or using |
3679 | a package qualifier, e.g. C<&our()>, or C<Foo::our()>. |
3680 | |
3681 | =item Use of uninitialized value%s |
3682 | |
3683 | (W uninitialized) An undefined value was used as if it were already |
3684 | defined. It was interpreted as a "" or a 0, but maybe it was a mistake. |
3685 | To suppress this warning assign a defined value to your variables. |
3686 | |
3687 | To help you figure out what was undefined, perl tells you what operation |
3688 | you used the undefined value in. Note, however, that perl optimizes your |
3689 | program and the operation displayed in the warning may not necessarily |
3690 | appear literally in your program. For example, C<"that $foo"> is |
3691 | usually optimized into C<"that " . $foo>, and the warning will refer to |
3692 | the C<concatenation (.)> operator, even though there is no C<.> in your |
3693 | program. |
3694 | |
3695 | =item Value of %s can be "0"; test with defined() |
3696 | |
3697 | (W misc) In a conditional expression, you used <HANDLE>, <*> (glob), |
3698 | C<each()>, or C<readdir()> as a boolean value. Each of these constructs |
3699 | can return a value of "0"; that would make the conditional expression |
3700 | false, which is probably not what you intended. When using these |
3701 | constructs in conditional expressions, test their values with the |
3702 | C<defined> operator. |
3703 | |
3704 | =item Value of CLI symbol "%s" too long |
3705 | |
3706 | (W misc) A warning peculiar to VMS. Perl tried to read the value of an |
3707 | %ENV element from a CLI symbol table, and found a resultant string |
3708 | longer than 1024 characters. The return value has been truncated to |
3709 | 1024 characters. |
3710 | |
3711 | =item Variable "%s" is not imported%s |
3712 | |
3713 | (F) While "use strict" in effect, you referred to a global variable that |
3714 | you apparently thought was imported from another module, because |
3715 | something else of the same name (usually a subroutine) is exported by |
3716 | that module. It usually means you put the wrong funny character on the |
3717 | front of your variable. |
3718 | |
3719 | =item "%s" variable %s masks earlier declaration in same %s |
3720 | |
3721 | (W misc) A "my" or "our" variable has been redeclared in the current |
3722 | scope or statement, effectively eliminating all access to the previous |
3723 | instance. This is almost always a typographical error. Note that the |
3724 | earlier variable will still exist until the end of the scope or until |
3725 | all closure referents to it are destroyed. |
3726 | |
3727 | =item Variable "%s" may be unavailable |
3728 | |
3729 | (W closure) An inner (nested) I<anonymous> subroutine is inside a |
3730 | I<named> subroutine, and outside that is another subroutine; and the |
3731 | anonymous (innermost) subroutine is referencing a lexical variable |
3732 | defined in the outermost subroutine. For example: |
3733 | |
3734 | sub outermost { my $a; sub middle { sub { $a } } } |
3735 | |
3736 | If the anonymous subroutine is called or referenced (directly or |
3737 | indirectly) from the outermost subroutine, it will share the variable as |
3738 | you would expect. But if the anonymous subroutine is called or |
3739 | referenced when the outermost subroutine is not active, it will see the |
3740 | value of the shared variable as it was before and during the *first* |
3741 | call to the outermost subroutine, which is probably not what you want. |
3742 | |
3743 | In these circumstances, it is usually best to make the middle subroutine |
3744 | anonymous, using the C<sub {}> syntax. Perl has specific support for |
3745 | shared variables in nested anonymous subroutines; a named subroutine in |
3746 | between interferes with this feature. |
3747 | |
3748 | =item Variable syntax |
3749 | |
3750 | (A) You've accidentally run your script through B<csh> instead |
3751 | of Perl. Check the #! line, or manually feed your script into |
3752 | Perl yourself. |
3753 | |
3754 | =item Variable "%s" will not stay shared |
3755 | |
3756 | (W closure) An inner (nested) I<named> subroutine is referencing a |
3757 | lexical variable defined in an outer subroutine. |
3758 | |
3759 | When the inner subroutine is called, it will probably see the value of |
3760 | the outer subroutine's variable as it was before and during the *first* |
3761 | call to the outer subroutine; in this case, after the first call to the |
3762 | outer subroutine is complete, the inner and outer subroutines will no |
3763 | longer share a common value for the variable. In other words, the |
3764 | variable will no longer be shared. |
3765 | |
3766 | Furthermore, if the outer subroutine is anonymous and references a |
3767 | lexical variable outside itself, then the outer and inner subroutines |
3768 | will I<never> share the given variable. |
3769 | |
3770 | This problem can usually be solved by making the inner subroutine |
3771 | anonymous, using the C<sub {}> syntax. When inner anonymous subs that |
3772 | reference variables in outer subroutines are called or referenced, they |
3773 | are automatically rebound to the current values of such variables. |
3774 | |
3775 | =item Variable length lookbehind not implemented before << HERE in %s |
3776 | |
3777 | (F) Lookbehind is allowed only for subexpressions whose length is fixed and |
3778 | known at compile time. The << HERE shows in the regular expression about where |
3779 | the problem was discovered. |
3780 | |
3781 | =item Version number must be a constant number |
3782 | |
3783 | (P) The attempt to translate a C<use Module n.n LIST> statement into |
3784 | its equivalent C<BEGIN> block found an internal inconsistency with |
3785 | the version number. |
3786 | |
3787 | =item Warning: something's wrong |
3788 | |
3789 | (W) You passed warn() an empty string (the equivalent of C<warn "">) or |
3790 | you called it with no args and C<$_> was empty. |
3791 | |
3792 | =item Warning: unable to close filehandle %s properly |
3793 | |
3794 | (S) The implicit close() done by an open() got an error indication on |
3795 | the close(). This usually indicates your file system ran out of disk |
3796 | space. |
3797 | |
3798 | =item Warning: Use of "%s" without parentheses is ambiguous |
3799 | |
3800 | (S ambiguous) You wrote a unary operator followed by something that |
3801 | looks like a binary operator that could also have been interpreted as a |
3802 | term or unary operator. For instance, if you know that the rand |
3803 | function has a default argument of 1.0, and you write |
3804 | |
3805 | rand + 5; |
3806 | |
3807 | you may THINK you wrote the same thing as |
3808 | |
3809 | rand() + 5; |
3810 | |
3811 | but in actual fact, you got |
3812 | |
3813 | rand(+5); |
3814 | |
3815 | So put in parentheses to say what you really mean. |
3816 | |
3817 | =item Wide character in %s |
3818 | |
3819 | (F) Perl met a wide character (>255) when it wasn't expecting one. |
3820 | |
3821 | =item write() on closed filehandle %s |
3822 | |
3823 | (W closed) The filehandle you're writing to got itself closed sometime |
3824 | before now. Check your logic flow. |
3825 | |
3826 | =item X outside of string |
3827 | |
3828 | (F) You had a pack template that specified a relative position before |
3829 | the beginning of the string being unpacked. See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
3830 | |
3831 | =item x outside of string |
3832 | |
3833 | (F) You had a pack template that specified a relative position after |
3834 | the end of the string being unpacked. See L<perlfunc/pack>. |
3835 | |
3836 | =item Xsub "%s" called in sort |
3837 | |
3838 | (F) The use of an external subroutine as a sort comparison is not yet |
3839 | supported. |
3840 | |
3841 | =item Xsub called in sort |
3842 | |
3843 | (F) The use of an external subroutine as a sort comparison is not yet |
3844 | supported. |
3845 | |
3846 | =item You can't use C<-l> on a filehandle |
3847 | |
3848 | (F) A filehandle represents an opened file, and when you opened the file |
3849 | it already went past any symlink you are presumably trying to look for. |
3850 | Use a filename instead. |
3851 | |
3853 | |
3854 | (F) And you probably never will, because you probably don't have the |
3855 | sources to your kernel, and your vendor probably doesn't give a rip |
3856 | about what you want. Your best bet is to use the wrapsuid script in the |
3857 | eg directory to put a setuid C wrapper around your script. |
3858 | |
3859 | =item You need to quote "%s" |
3860 | |
3861 | (W syntax) You assigned a bareword as a signal handler name. |
3862 | Unfortunately, you already have a subroutine of that name declared, |
3863 | which means that Perl 5 will try to call the subroutine when the |
3864 | assignment is executed, which is probably not what you want. (If it IS |
3865 | what you want, put an & in front.) |
3866 | |
3867 | =back |
3868 | |
3869 | =cut |