1 | @echo off
2 | echo Configuring GNU Sed for DJGPP v2.x...
3 |
4 | Rem The SmallEnv tests protect against fixed and too small size
5 | Rem of the environment in stock DOS shell.
6 |
7 | Rem Find out where the sources are.
8 | set XSRC=.
9 | if not "%XSRC%" == "." goto SmallEnv
10 | if "%1" == "" goto InPlace
11 | Rem Is the first parameter the source directory?
12 | test -d %1
13 | if errorlevel 1 goto InPlace
14 | set XSRC=%1
15 | if not "%XSRC%" == "%1" goto SmallEnv
16 | shift
17 | redir -e /dev/null update %XSRC%/configure.orig ./configure
18 | if not exist configure update %XSRC%/configure ./configure
19 |
20 | :InPlace
21 | Rem Update configuration files
22 | echo Updating configuration scripts...
23 | if not exist configure.orig update configure configure.orig
24 | sed -f %XSRC%/djgpp/config.sed configure.orig > configure
25 | if errorlevel 1 goto SedError
26 |
27 | Rem Make sure they have a config.site file
28 | set CONFIG_SITE=%XSRC%/djgpp/config.site
29 | if not "%CONFIG_SITE%" == "%XSRC%/djgpp/config.site" goto SmallEnv
30 |
31 | Rem Make sure 8.3-truncated file names do not clash with Makefile targets
32 | if exist INSTALL ren INSTALL INSTALL.txt
33 |
34 | Rem Set HOSTNAME so it shows in config.status
35 | if not "%HOSTNAME%" == "" goto hostdone
36 | if "%windir%" == "" goto msdos
37 | set OS=MS-Windows
38 | if not "%OS%" == "MS-Windows" goto SmallEnv
39 | goto haveos
40 | :msdos
41 | set OS=MS-DOS
42 | if not "%OS%" == "MS-DOS" goto SmallEnv
43 | :haveos
44 | if not "%USERNAME%" == "" goto haveuname
45 | if not "%USER%" == "" goto haveuser
46 | echo No USERNAME and no USER found in the environment, using default values
47 | set HOSTNAME=Unknown PC
48 | if not "%HOSTNAME%" == "Unknown PC" goto SmallEnv
49 | :haveuser
50 | set HOSTNAME=%USER%'s PC
51 | if not "%HOSTNAME%" == "%USER%'s PC" goto SmallEnv
52 | goto userdone
53 | :haveuname
55 | if not "%HOSTNAME%" == "%USERNAME%'s PC" goto SmallEnv
56 | :userdone
58 | if not "%HOSTNAME%" == "%HOSTNAME%, %OS%" goto SmallEnv
59 | :hostdone
60 | set OS=
61 |
62 | Rem install-sh is required by the configure script but clashes with the
63 | Rem various Makefile targets, so we MUST have it before the script runs
64 | Rem and rename it afterwards
65 | if not exist install-sh if exist install-sh.sh ren install-sh.sh install-sh
66 | echo Running the ./configure script...
67 | sh ./configure --srcdir:%XSRC% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
68 | if errorlevel 1 goto CfgError
69 | if not exist install-sh.sh if exist install-sh ren install-sh install-sh.sh
70 | echo Done.
71 | goto End
72 |
73 | :SedError
74 | echo ./configure script editing failed!
75 | goto End
76 |
77 | :CfgError
78 | echo ./configure script exited abnormally!
79 | goto End
80 |
81 | :SmallEnv
82 | echo Your environment size is too small. Enlarge it and run me again.
83 | echo Configuration NOT done!
84 | :End
85 | set XSRC=