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5 | <TITLE>Arcron MSF Receiver |
6 | </TITLE> |
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8 | <BODY> |
9 | |
10 | <H3> |
11 | Arcron MSF Receiver</H3> |
12 | |
13 | <HR> |
14 | <H4> |
15 | Synopsis</H4> |
16 | Address: 127.127.27.<I>u</I> |
17 | <BR>Reference ID: <TT>MSFa</TT> |
18 | <BR>Driver ID: <TT>MSF_ARCRON</TT> |
19 | <BR>Serial Port: <TT>/dev/arc<I>u</I></TT>; 300 baud, 8-bits, 2-stop, no |
20 | parity |
21 | <BR>Features: <TT>tty_clk</TT> |
22 | <H4> |
23 | Description</H4> |
24 | This driver supports the Arcron MSF receiver, and would probably also support |
25 | the DCF77 variant of the same clock. The clock reports its ID as ``<TT>MSFa</TT>'' |
26 | to indicate MSF as a source and the use of the ARCRON driver. |
27 | |
28 | <P>This documentation describes version V1.1 (1997/06/23) of the source |
29 | and has been tested (amongst others) against ntpd3-5.90 on Solaris-1 (SunOS |
30 | 4.1.3_U1 on an SS1 serving as a router and firewall) and against ntpd3-5.90 |
31 | on Solaris-2.5 (on a SS1+ and TurboSPARC 170MHz). This code will probably |
32 | work, and show increased stability, reduced jitter and more efficiency |
33 | (fewer context switches) with the <TT>tty_clk</TT> discipline/STREAMS module |
34 | installed, but this has not been tested. For a to-do list see the comments |
35 | at the start of the code. |
36 | |
37 | <P>This code has been significantly slimmed down since the V1.0 version, |
38 | roughly halving the memory footprint of its code and data. |
39 | |
40 | <P>This driver is designed to allow the unit to run from batteries as designed, |
41 | for something approaching the 2.5 years expected in the usual stand-alone |
42 | mode, but no battery-life measurements have been taken. |
43 | |
44 | <P>Much of this code is originally from the other refclock driver files |
45 | with thanks. The code was originally made to work with the clock by <A HREF="mailto:derek@toybox.demon.co.uk">Derek |
46 | Mulcahy</A>, with modifications by <A HREF="mailto:d@hd.org">Damon Hart-Davis</A>. |
47 | Thanks also to <A HREF="mailto:lyndond@sentinet.co.uk">Lyndon David</A> |
48 | for some of the specifications of the clock. |
49 | |
50 | <P>There is support for a Tcl/Tk monitor written by Derek Mulcahy that |
51 | examines the output stats; see the <A HREF="http://www2.exnet.com/NTP/ARC/ARC.htm">ARC |
52 | Rugby MSF Receiver</A> page for more details and the code. |
53 | |
54 | <P>Look at the notes at the start of the code for further information; |
55 | some of the more important details follow. |
56 | |
57 | <P>The driver interrogates the clock at each poll (ie every 64s by default) |
58 | for a timestamp. The clock responds at the start of the next second (with |
59 | the start bit of the first byte being on-time). The time is in `local' |
60 | format, including the daylight savings adjustment when it is in effect. |
61 | The driver code converts the time back to UTC. |
62 | |
63 | <P>The clock claims to be accurate to within about 20ms of the MSF-broadcast |
64 | time, and given the low data transmission speed from clock to host, and |
65 | the fact that the clock is not in continuous sync with MSF, it seems sensible |
66 | to set the `precision' of this clock to -5 or -4, -4 being used in this |
67 | code, which builds in a reported dispersion of over 63ms (ie says ``This |
68 | clock is not very good.''). You can improve the reported precision to -4 |
69 | (and thus reduce the base dispersion to about 31ms) by setting the fudge |
70 | <TT>flag3</TT> to <TT>1</TT>. |
71 | |
72 | <P>Even a busy and slow IP link can yield lower dispersions than this from |
73 | polls of primary time servers on the Internet, which reinforces the idea |
74 | that this clock should be used as a backup in case of problems with such |
75 | an IP link, or in the unfortunate event of failure of more accurate sources |
76 | such as GPS. |
77 | |
78 | <P>By default this clock reports itself to be at stratum 2 rather than |
79 | the usual stratum 0 for a refclock, because it is not really suited to |
80 | be used as other than a backup source. The stratum reported can be changed |
81 | with the <TT>fudge</TT> directive to be whatever you like. After careful |
82 | monitoring of your clock, and appropriate choice of the <TT>time1</TT> |
83 | fudge factor to remove systematic errors in the clock's reported time, |
84 | you might fudge the clock to stratum 1 to allow a stratum-2 secondary server |
85 | to sync to it. |
86 | |
87 | <P>The driver code arranges to resync the clock to MSF at intervals of |
88 | a little less than an hour (deliberately avoiding the same time each hour |
89 | to avoid any systematic problems with the signal or host). Whilst resyncing, |
90 | the driver supplements the normal polls for time from the clock with polls |
91 | for the reception signal quality reported by the clock. If the signal quality |
92 | is too low (0--2 out of a range of 0--5), we chose not to trust the clock |
93 | until the next resync (which we bring forward by about half an hour). If |
94 | we don't catch the resync, and so don't know the signal quality, we do |
95 | trust the clock (because this would generally be when the signal is very |
96 | good and a resync happens quickly), but we still bring the next resync |
97 | forward and reduce the reported precision (and thus increase reported dispersion). |
98 | |
99 | <P>If we force resyncs to MSF too often we will needlessly exhaust the |
100 | batteries the unit runs from. During clock resync this driver tries to |
101 | take enough time samples to avoid <TT>ntpd</TT> losing sync in case this |
102 | clock is the current peer. By default the clock would only resync to MSF |
103 | about once per day, which would almost certainly not be acceptable for |
104 | NTP purposes. |
105 | |
106 | <P>The driver does not force an immediate resync of the clock to MSF when |
107 | it starts up to avoid excessive battery drain in case <TT>ntpd</TT> is |
108 | going to be repeatedly restarted for any reason, and also to allow enough |
109 | samples of the clock to be taken for <TT>ntpd</TT> to sync immediately |
110 | to this clock (and not remain unsynchronised or to sync briefly to another |
111 | configured peer, only to hop back in a few poll times, causing unnecessary |
112 | disturbance). This behaviour should not cause problems because the driver |
113 | will not accept the timestamps from the clock if the status flag delivered |
114 | with the time code indicates that the last resync attempt was unsuccessful, |
115 | so the initial timestamps will be close to reality, even if with up to |
116 | a day's clock drift in the worst case (the clock by default resyncs to |
117 | MSF once per day). |
118 | |
119 | <P>The clock has a peculiar RS232 arrangement where the transmit lines |
120 | are powered from the receive lines, presumably to minimise battery drain. |
121 | This arrangement has two consequences: |
122 | <UL> |
123 | <LI> |
124 | Your RS232 interface must drive both +ve and -ve</LI> |
125 | |
126 | <LI> |
127 | You must (in theory) wait for an echo and a further 10ms between characters</LI> |
128 | </UL> |
129 | This driver, running on standard Sun hardware, seems to work fine; note |
130 | the use of the <TT>send_slow()</TT> routine to queue up command characters |
131 | to be sent once every two seconds. |
132 | |
133 | <P>Three commands are sent to the clock by this driver. Each command consists |
134 | of a single letter (of which only the bottom four bits are significant), |
135 | followed by a CR (ASCII 13). Each character sent to the clock should be |
136 | followed by a delay to allow the unit to echo the character, and then by |
137 | a further 10ms. Following the echo of the command string, there may be |
138 | a response (ie in the cae of the <TT>g</TT> and <TT>o</TT> commands below), |
139 | which in the case of the <TT>o</TT> command may be delayed by up to 1 second |
140 | so as the start bit of the first byte of the response can arrive on time. |
141 | The commands and their responses are: |
142 | <DL> |
143 | <DT> |
144 | <TT>g</TT> CR</DT> |
145 | |
146 | <DD> |
147 | Request for signal quality. Answer only valid during (late part of) resync |
148 | to MSF signal. The response consists of two characters as follows:</DD> |
149 | |
150 | <OL> |
151 | <DL compact> |
152 | <DT> |
153 | bit 7</DT> |
154 | |
155 | <DD> |
156 | parity</DD> |
157 | |
158 | <DT> |
159 | bit 6</DT> |
160 | |
161 | <DD> |
162 | always 0</DD> |
163 | |
164 | <DT> |
165 | bit 5</DT> |
166 | |
167 | <DD> |
168 | always 1</DD> |
169 | |
170 | <DT> |
171 | bit 4</DT> |
172 | |
173 | <DD> |
174 | always 1</DD> |
175 | |
176 | <DT> |
177 | bit 3</DT> |
178 | |
179 | <DD> |
180 | always 0</DD> |
181 | |
182 | <DT> |
183 | bit 2</DT> |
184 | |
185 | <DD> |
186 | always 0</DD> |
187 | |
188 | <DT> |
189 | bit 1</DT> |
190 | |
191 | <DD> |
192 | always 1</DD> |
193 | |
194 | <DT> |
195 | bit 0</DT> |
196 | |
197 | <DD> |
198 | = 0 if no reception attempt at the moment, = 1 if reception attempt (ie |
199 | resync) in progress</DD> |
200 | </DL> |
201 | |
202 | <DL compact> |
203 | <DT> |
204 | bit 7</DT> |
205 | |
206 | <DD> |
207 | parity</DD> |
208 | |
209 | <DT> |
210 | bit 6</DT> |
211 | |
212 | <DD> |
213 | always 0</DD> |
214 | |
215 | <DT> |
216 | bit 5</DT> |
217 | |
218 | <DD> |
219 | always 1</DD> |
220 | |
221 | <DT> |
222 | bit 4</DT> |
223 | |
224 | <DD> |
225 | always 1</DD> |
226 | |
227 | <DT> |
228 | bit 3</DT> |
229 | |
230 | <DD> |
231 | always 0</DD> |
232 | |
233 | <DT> |
234 | bit 2--0</DT> |
235 | |
236 | <DD> |
237 | reception signal quality in the range 0--5 (very poor to very good); if |
238 | in the range 0--2 no successful reception is to be expected. The reported |
239 | value drops to zero when not resyncing, ie when first returned byte is |
240 | not `3'.</DD> |
241 | </DL> |
242 | </OL> |
243 | |
244 | <DT> |
245 | <TT>h</TT> CR</DT> |
246 | |
247 | <DD> |
248 | Request to resync to MSF. Can take up from about 30s to 360s. Drains batteries |
249 | so should not be used excessively. After this the clock time and date should |
250 | be correct and the phase within 20ms of time as transmitted from Rugby |
251 | MSF (remember to allow for propagation time). By default the clock resyncs |
252 | once per day shortly after 2am (presumably to catch transitions to/from |
253 | daylight saving time quickly). With this driver code we resync at least |
254 | once per hour to minimise clock wander.</DD> |
255 | |
256 | <DT> |
257 | <TT>o</TT> CR</DT> |
258 | |
259 | <DD> |
260 | Request timestamp. Start bit of first byte of response is on-time, so may |
261 | be delayed up to 1 second. Note that when the BST mode is in effect the |
262 | time is GMT/UTC +0100, ie an hour ahead of UTC to reflect local time in |
263 | the UK. The response data is as follows:</DD> |
264 | |
265 | <OL> |
266 | <LI> |
267 | hours tens (hours range from 00 to 23)</LI> |
268 | |
269 | <LI> |
270 | hours units</LI> |
271 | |
272 | <LI> |
273 | minutes tens (minutes range from 00 to 59)</LI> |
274 | |
275 | <LI> |
276 | minutes units</LI> |
277 | |
278 | <LI> |
279 | seconds tens (seconds presumed to range from 00 to 60 to allow for leap |
280 | second)</LI> |
281 | |
282 | <LI> |
283 | seconds units</LI> |
284 | |
285 | <LI> |
286 | day of week 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)</LI> |
287 | |
288 | <LI> |
289 | day of month tens (day ranges from 01 to 31)</LI> |
290 | |
291 | <LI> |
292 | day of month units</LI> |
293 | |
294 | <LI> |
295 | month tens (months range from 01 to 12)</LI> |
296 | |
297 | <LI> |
298 | month units</LI> |
299 | |
300 | <LI> |
301 | year tens (years range from 00 to 99)</LI> |
302 | |
303 | <LI> |
304 | year units</LI> |
305 | |
306 | <LI> |
307 | BST/UTC status</LI> |
308 | |
309 | <DL compact> |
310 | <DT> |
311 | bit 7</DT> |
312 | |
313 | <DD> |
314 | parity</DD> |
315 | |
316 | <DT> |
317 | bit 6</DT> |
318 | |
319 | <DD> |
320 | always 0</DD> |
321 | |
322 | <DT> |
323 | bit 5</DT> |
324 | |
325 | <DD> |
326 | always 1</DD> |
327 | |
328 | <DT> |
329 | bit 4</DT> |
330 | |
331 | <DD> |
332 | always 1</DD> |
333 | |
334 | <DT> |
335 | bit 3</DT> |
336 | |
337 | <DD> |
338 | always 0</DD> |
339 | |
340 | <DT> |
341 | bit 2</DT> |
342 | |
343 | <DD> |
344 | = 1 if UTC is in effect (reverse of bit 1)</DD> |
345 | |
346 | <DT> |
347 | bit 1</DT> |
348 | |
349 | <DD> |
350 | = 1 if BST is in effect (reverse of bit 2)</DD> |
351 | |
352 | <DT> |
353 | bit 0</DT> |
354 | |
355 | <DD> |
356 | = 1 if BST/UTC change pending</DD> |
357 | </DL> |
358 | |
359 | <LI> |
360 | clock status</LI> |
361 | |
362 | <DL compact> |
363 | <DT> |
364 | bit 7</DT> |
365 | |
366 | <DD> |
367 | parity</DD> |
368 | |
369 | <DT> |
370 | bit 6</DT> |
371 | |
372 | <DD> |
373 | always 0</DD> |
374 | |
375 | <DT> |
376 | bit 5</DT> |
377 | |
378 | <DD> |
379 | always 1</DD> |
380 | |
381 | <DT> |
382 | bit 4</DT> |
383 | |
384 | <DD> |
385 | always 1</DD> |
386 | |
387 | <DT> |
388 | bit 3</DT> |
389 | |
390 | <DD> |
391 | = 1 if low battery is detected</DD> |
392 | |
393 | <DT> |
394 | bit 2</DT> |
395 | |
396 | <DD> |
397 | = 1 if last resync failed (though officially undefined for the MSF clock)</DD> |
398 | |
399 | <DT> |
400 | bit 1</DT> |
401 | |
402 | <DD> |
403 | = 1 if at least one reception attempt since 0230 for the MSF clock was |
404 | successful (0300 for the DCF77 clock)</DD> |
405 | |
406 | <DT> |
407 | bit 0</DT> |
408 | |
409 | <DD> |
410 | = 1 if the clock has valid time---reset to zero when clock is reset (eg |
411 | at power-up), and set to 1 after first successful resync attempt.</DD> |
412 | </DL> |
413 | </OL> |
414 | The driver only accepts time from the clock if the bottom three bits of |
415 | the status byte are <TT>011</TT>. The leap-year logic for computing day-in-year |
416 | is only valid until 2099, and the clock will ignore stamps from the clock |
417 | that claim BST is in effect in the first hour of each year. If the UK parliament |
418 | decides to move us to +0100/+0200 time as opposed to the current +0000/+0100 |
419 | time, it is not clear what effect that will have on the time broadcast |
420 | by MSF, and therefore on this driver's usefulness.</DL> |
421 | A typical <TT>ntp.conf</TT> configuration file for this driver might be: |
422 | <PRE># hostname(n) means we expect (n) to be the stratum at which hostname runs. |
423 | |
424 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
426 | # ======================== |
427 | |
428 | # Our betters... |
429 | server # ARCRON MSF radio clock(1). |
430 | # Fudge stratum and other features as required. |
432 | fudge stratum 1 time1 0.016 flag3 1 flag4 1 |
433 | |
434 | peer # tick(1--2). |
435 | peer # tock(3), boot/NFS server. |
436 | |
437 | # This shouldn't get swept away unless left untouched for a long time. |
438 | driftfile /var/tmp/ntp.drift |
439 | |
440 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
442 | # ============ |
443 | |
444 | # By default, don't trust and don't allow modifications. Ignore in fact. |
445 | restrict default ignore notrust nomodify |
446 | |
447 | # Allow others in our subnet to check us out... |
448 | restrict mask nomodify notrust |
449 | |
450 | # Trust our peers for time. Don't trust others in case they are insane. |
451 | restrict nomodify |
452 | restrict nomodify |
453 | restrict nomodify |
454 | |
455 | # Allow anything from the local host. |
456 | restrict</PRE> |
457 | There are a few <TT>#define</TT>s in the code that you might wish to play |
458 | with: |
459 | <DL> |
460 | <DT> |
461 | <TT>ARCRON_KEEN</TT></DT> |
462 | |
463 | <DD> |
464 | With this defined, the code is relatively trusting of the clock, and assumes |
465 | that you will have the clock as one of a few time sources, so will bend |
466 | over backwards to use the time from the clock when available and avoid |
467 | <TT>ntpd</TT> dropping sync from the clock where possible. You may wish |
468 | to undefine this, especially if you have better sources of time or your |
469 | reception is ropey. However, there are many checks built in even with this |
470 | flag defined.</DD> |
471 | |
472 | <DT> |
474 | |
475 | <DD> |
476 | When defined, the code uses its own median-filter code rather than that |
477 | available in <TT>ntp_refclock.c</TT> since the latter seems to have a minor |
478 | bug, at least in version 3-5.90. If this bug goes away this flag should |
479 | be turned off to avoid duplication of code. (The bug, if that's what it |
480 | is, causes the last raw offset to be used rather than the median offset.)</DD> |
481 | |
482 | |
483 | <P>Without this defined (and without <TT>ARCRON_MULTIPLE_SAMPLES</TT> below) |
484 | a typical set of offsets reported and used to drive the clock-filter algorithm |
485 | is (oldest last): |
486 | <PRE>filtoffset= -4.32 -34.82 -0.78 0.89 2.76 4.58 -3.92 -2.17</PRE> |
487 | Look at that spike! |
488 | |
489 | <P>With this defined a typical set of offsets is: |
490 | <PRE>filtoffset= -7.06 -7.06 -2.91 -2.91 -2.91 -1.27 -9.54 -6.70</PRE> |
491 | with the repeated values being some evidence of outlyers being discarded. |
492 | <DT> |
494 | |
495 | <DD> |
496 | When is defined, we regard each character in the returned timecode as at |
497 | a known delay from the start of the second, and use the smallest (most |
498 | negative) offset implied by any such character, ie with the smallest kernel-induced |
499 | display, and use that. This helps to reduce jitter and spikes.</DD> |
500 | |
501 | <DT> |
503 | |
504 | <DD> |
505 | When is defined, we try to do a resync to MSF as soon as possible in the |
506 | first hour of the morning of the first day of the first and seventh months, |
507 | ie just after a leap-second insertion or deletion would happen if it is |
508 | going to. This should help compensate for the fact that this clock does |
509 | not continuously sample MSF, which compounds the fact that MSF itself gives |
510 | no warning of an impending leap-second event. This code did not seem functional |
511 | at the leap-second insertion of 30th June 1997 so is by default disabled.</DD> |
512 | |
513 | <DT> |
514 | <TT>PRECISION</TT></DT> |
515 | |
516 | <DD> |
517 | Currently set to <TT>-4</TT>, but you may wish to set it to <TT>-5</TT> |
518 | if you are more conservative, or to <TT>-6</TT> if you have particularly |
519 | good experience with the clock and you live on the edge. Note that the |
520 | <TT>flag3</TT> fudge value will improve the reported dispersion one notch |
521 | if clock signal quality is known good. So maybe just leave this alone. |
522 | B^)</DD> |
523 | |
524 | <DT> |
525 | <TT>NSAMPLES</TT></DT> |
526 | |
527 | <DD> |
528 | Should be at least 3 to help smooth out sampling jitters. Can be more, |
529 | but if made too long can make <TT>ntpd</TT> overshoot on clock corrections |
530 | and can hold onto bad samples longer than you would like. With this set |
531 | to 4 and <TT>NKEEP</TT> set to 3 this allows the occasional bad sample |
532 | (in my experience less than 1 value in 10) to be dropped. (Note that there |
533 | seems to be some sort of `beat' effect in the offset with a periodicity |
534 | of about 7 samples as of this writing (1997/05/11) still under investigation; |
535 | a filter of approximately this length should be able to almost completely |
536 | suppress this effect.) Note that if the fudge-factor <TT>flag3</TT> is |
537 | set to 1, a larger <TT>NSAMPLES</TT> is used.</DD> |
538 | </DL> |
539 | |
540 | <H4> |
541 | Monitor Data</H4> |
542 | Each timecode is written to the <TT>clockstats</TT> file with a signal |
543 | quality value appended (`0'--`5' as reported by the clock, or `6' for unknown). |
544 | |
545 | <P>Each resync and result (plus gaining or losing MSF sync) is logged to |
546 | the system log at level <TT>LOG_NOTICE</TT>; note that each resync drains |
547 | the unit's batteries, so the syslog entry seems justified. |
548 | |
549 | <P>Syslog entries are of the form: |
550 | <PRE>May 10 10:15:24 oolong ntpd[615]: ARCRON: unit 0: sending resync command |
551 | May 10 10:17:32 oolong ntpd[615]: ARCRON: sync finished, signal quality 5: OK, will use clock |
552 | May 10 11:13:01 oolong ntpd[615]: ARCRON: unit 0: sending resync command |
553 | May 10 11:14:06 oolong ntpd[615]: ARCRON: sync finished, signal quality -1: UNKNOWN, will use clock anyway |
554 | May 10 11:41:49 oolong ntpd[615]: ARCRON: unit 0: sending resync command |
555 | May 10 11:43:57 oolong ntpd[615]: ARCRON: sync finished, signal quality 5: OK, will use clock |
556 | May 10 12:39:26 oolong ntpd[615]: ARCRON: unit 0: sending resync command |
557 | May 10 12:41:34 oolong ntpd[615]: ARCRON: sync finished, signal quality 3: OK, will use clock</PRE> |
558 | |
559 | <H4> |
560 | Fudge Factors</H4> |
561 | |
562 | <DL> |
563 | <DT> |
564 | <TT>time1 <I>time</I></TT></DT> |
565 | |
566 | <DD> |
567 | Specifies the time offset calibration factor, in seconds and fraction, |
568 | with default 0.0. On a Sun SparcStation 1 running SunOS 4.1.3_U1, with |
569 | the receiver in London, a value of 0.020 (20ms) seems to be appropriate.</DD> |
570 | |
571 | <DT> |
572 | <TT>time2 <I>time</I></TT></DT> |
573 | |
574 | <DD> |
575 | Not currently used by this driver.</DD> |
576 | |
577 | <DT> |
578 | <TT>stratum <I>number</I></TT></DT> |
579 | |
580 | <DD> |
581 | Specifies the driver stratum, in decimal from 0 to 15, with default 0. |
582 | It is suggested that the clock be fudged to stratum 1 so this it is used |
583 | a backup time source rather than a primary when more accurate sources are |
584 | available.</DD> |
585 | |
586 | <DT> |
587 | <TT>refid <I>string</I></TT></DT> |
588 | |
589 | <DD> |
590 | Specifies the driver reference identifier, an ASCII string from one to |
591 | four characters, with default <TT>MSFa</TT>.</DD> |
592 | |
593 | <DT> |
594 | <TT>flag1 0 | 1</TT></DT> |
595 | |
596 | <DD> |
597 | Not used by this driver.</DD> |
598 | |
599 | <DT> |
600 | <TT>flag2 0 | 1</TT></DT> |
601 | |
602 | <DD> |
603 | Not used by this driver.</DD> |
604 | |
605 | <DT> |
606 | <TT>flag3 0 | 1</TT></DT> |
607 | |
608 | <DD> |
609 | If set to 1, better precision is reported (and thus lower dispersion) while |
610 | clock's received signal quality is known to be good.</DD> |
611 | |
612 | <DT> |
613 | <TT>flag4 0 | 1</TT></DT> |
614 | |
615 | <DD> |
616 | If set to 1, a longer-than-normal (8-stage rather than 4-stage) median |
617 | filter is used, to provide some extra smoothing of clock output and reduction |
618 | in jitter, at the cost of extra clock overshoot. Probably not advisable |
619 | unless the server using this clock has other sources it can use to help |
620 | mitigate the overshoot.</DD> |
621 | </DL> |
622 | |
623 | <H4> |
624 | Additional Information</H4> |
625 | <A HREF="refclock.htm">Reference Clock Drivers</A> |
626 | |
627 | <P><A HREF="http://www2.exnet.com/NTP/ARC/ARC.htm">ARC Rugby MSF Receiver</A> |
628 | page |
629 | <HR> |
630 | <ADDRESS> |
631 | Damon Hart-Davis (d@hd.org)</ADDRESS> |
632 | |
633 | </BODY> |
634 | </HTML> |