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5 | <title>The Network Time Protocol (NTP) Distribution</title> |
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8 | <h3>The Network Time Protocol (NTP) Distribution</h3> |
9 | |
10 | <img align="left" src="pic/barnstable.gif" alt="gif"><a href= |
11 | "http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/pictures.htm"><i>P.T. Bridgeport |
12 | Bear</i>; from <i>Pogo</i>, Walt Kelly</a> |
13 | |
14 | <p>Pleased to meet you.<br clear="left"> |
15 | </p> |
16 | |
17 | <hr> |
18 | <h4>Introduction</h4> |
19 | |
20 | Note: The software contained in this distribution is available |
21 | without charge under the conditions set forth in the <a href= |
22 | "copyright.htm">Copyright Notice</a>. |
23 | |
24 | <p>The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the time |
25 | of a computer client or server to another server or reference time |
26 | source, such as a radio or satellite receiver or modem. It provides |
27 | accuracies typically within a millisecond on LANs and up to a few |
28 | tens of milliseconds on WANs relative to Coordinated Universal Time |
29 | (UTC) via a Global Positioning Service (GPS) receiver, for example. |
30 | Typical NTP configurations utilize multiple redundant servers and |
31 | diverse network paths in order to achieve high accuracy and |
32 | reliability. Some configurations include cryptographic |
33 | authentication to prevent accidental or malicious protocol attacks |
34 | and some provide automatic server discovery using IP multicast.</p> |
35 | |
36 | <p>Background information on computer network time synchronization |
37 | can be found on the <a href="exec.htm">Executive Summary - Computer |
38 | Network Time Synchronization</a> page. Discussion on protocol |
39 | conformance issues and interoperability with previous NTP versions |
40 | can be found in the <a href="biblio.htm">Protocol Conformance |
41 | Statement</a> page. Discussion on how NTP reckons the time can be |
42 | found in the <a href="leap.htm">NTP Timescale and Leap Seconds</a> |
43 | page. Background information, bibliography and briefing slides |
44 | suitable for presentations can be found in the <a href= |
45 | "http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp.htm">Network Time |
46 | Synchronization Project</a> page. Additional information can be |
47 | found at the NTP web site <a href="http://www.ntp.org"> |
48 | www.ntp.org</a>. Please send bug reports to <a href= |
49 | "mailto:bugs@mail.ntp.org"><bugs@mail.ntp.org></a>.</p> |
50 | |
51 | <h4>Building and Installing NTP</h4> |
52 | |
53 | NTP supports Unix and Windows (NT4 and 2000) systems. The <a href= |
54 | "build.htm">Building and Installing the Distribution</a> page |
55 | presents an overview of the procedures for compiling the |
56 | distribution and installing it on a typical client or server. The |
57 | build procedures inspect the system hardware and software |
58 | environment and automatically select the appropriate options for |
59 | that environment. While these procedures work with most computers |
60 | and operating systems marketed today, exceptions requiring manual |
61 | intervention do exist, as documented in the <a href="config.htm"> |
62 | Configuration Options</a> and <a href="release.htm">Release |
63 | Notes</a> pages. Note that support for strong cryptography requires |
64 | cryptographic libraries not included in this distribution. |
65 | |
66 | <p>Bringing up a NTP primary server requires a radio or satellite |
67 | receiver or modem. It is also possible to configure a machine on an |
68 | isolated network with the local clock driver and have other |
69 | machines synchronize to it. The distribution includes hardware |
70 | drivers for the local clock and over three dozen radio clocks and |
71 | modem services. A list of supported drivers is given in the <a |
72 | href="refclock.htm">Reference Clock Drivers</a> page. For most |
73 | popular workstations marketed by Digital/Compaq, Sun and Hewlett |
74 | Packard, as well as widely available Unix clones such as FreeBSD |
75 | and Linux, the automatic build procedures select all drivers that |
76 | run on the target machine. While this increases the size of the |
77 | executable binary somewhat, individual drivers can be included or |
78 | excluded using the configure utility documented in the |
79 | Configuration Options page.</p> |
80 | |
81 | <h4>Configuring Clients and Servers</h4> |
82 | |
83 | <p>NTP is by its very nature a complex distributed network |
84 | application and can be configured and used for a great many widely |
85 | divergent timekeeping scenarios. The documentation presented on |
86 | these pages attempts to cover the entire suite of configuration, |
87 | operation and maintenance facilities which this distribution |
88 | supports. However, most applications will need only a few of these |
89 | facilities. If this is the case, the <a href="quick.htm">Quick |
90 | Start</a> page may be useful to get a simple workstation on the air |
91 | with an existing server.</p> |
92 | |
93 | <p>However, in order to participate in the existing NTP |
94 | synchronization subnet and obtain accurate, reliable time, it is |
95 | usually necessary to construct an appropriate configuration file, |
96 | commonly called <tt>ntp.conf</tt>, which establishes the servers |
97 | and/or external receivers or modems to be used by this particular |
98 | machine. Directions for constructing this file are in the <a href= |
99 | "notes.htm">Notes on Configuring NTP and Setting up a NTP |
100 | Subnet</a> page. However, in many common cases involving simple |
101 | network topologies and workstations, the configuration data can be |
102 | specified entirely on the command line for the <a href="ntpd.htm"> |
103 | <tt>ntpd</tt> - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon</a>.</p> |
104 | |
105 | <p>The most important factor in providing accurate, reliable time |
106 | is the selection of modes and servers to be used in the |
107 | configuration file. A discussion on the available modes is on the |
108 | <a href="assoc.htm">Association Management</a> page. NTP support |
109 | for one or more computers is normally engineered as part of the |
110 | existing NTP synchronization subnet. The existing NTP subnet |
111 | consists of a multiply redundant hierarchy of servers and clients, |
112 | with each level in the hierarchy identified by stratum number. |
113 | Primary servers operate at stratum one and provide synchronization |
114 | to secondary servers operating at stratum two and so on to higher |
115 | strata. In this hierarchy, clients are simply servers that have no |
116 | dependents.</p> |
117 | |
118 | <p>The NTP subnet in late 2000 includes over a hundred public |
119 | primary (stratum 1) servers synchronized directly to UTC by radio, |
120 | satellite or modem and located in every continent of the globe, |
121 | including Antarctica. Normally, client workstations and servers |
122 | with a relatively small number of clients do not synchronize to |
123 | primary servers. There are over a hundred public secondary (stratum |
124 | 2) servers synchronized to the primary servers and providing |
125 | synchronization to a total in excess of 100,000 clients and servers |
126 | in the Internet. The current lists are maintained in the <a href= |
127 | "http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/index.htm">Information on |
128 | Time and Frequency Services</a> page, which is updated frequently. |
129 | There are numerous private primary and secondary servers not |
130 | normally available to the public as well. You are strongly |
131 | discouraged from using these servers, since they sometimes hide in |
132 | little ghettos behind dinky links to the outside world and your |
133 | traffic can bring up expensive ISDN lines, causing much grief and |
134 | frustration.</p> |
135 | |
136 | <h4>Resolving Problems</h4> |
137 | |
138 | Like other things Internet, the NTP synchronization subnets tend to |
139 | be large and devilishly intricate, with many opportunities for |
140 | misconfiguration and network problems. The NTP engineering model is |
141 | specifically designed to help isolate and repair such problems |
142 | using an integrated management protocol, together with a suite of |
143 | monitoring and debugging tools. There is an optional data recording |
144 | facility which can be used to record normal and aberrant operation, |
145 | log problems to the system log facility, and retain records of |
146 | client access. The <a href="debug.htm">NTP Debugging Techniques</a> |
147 | and <a href="hints.htm">Hints and Kinks</a> pages contain useful |
148 | information for identifying problems and devising solutions. |
149 | |
150 | <p>Users are requested to report bugs, offer suggestions and |
151 | contribute additions to this distribution. The <a href= |
152 | "patches.htm">Patching Procedures</a> page suggests procedures |
153 | which greatly simplify distribution updates, while the <a href= |
154 | "porting.htm">Porting Hints</a> page suggest ways to make porting |
155 | this code to new hardware and operating systems easier. Additional |
156 | information on reference clock driver construction and debugging |
157 | can be found in the <a href="refclock.htm">Reference Clock |
158 | Drivers</a> page. Further information on NTP in the Internet can be |
159 | found in the <a href="http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~ntp">NTP web |
160 | page</a>.</p> |
161 | |
162 | <h4>Program Manual Pages</h4> |
163 | |
164 | <ul> |
165 | <li><a href="ntpd.htm"><tt>ntpd</tt> - Network Time Protocol (NTP) |
166 | daemon</a></li> |
167 | |
168 | <li><a href="ntpq.htm"><tt>ntpq</tt> - standard NTP query |
169 | program</a></li> |
170 | |
171 | <li><a href="ntpdc.htm"><tt>ntpdc</tt> - special NTP query |
172 | program</a></li> |
173 | |
174 | <li><a href="ntpdate.htm"><tt>ntpdate</tt> - set the date and time |
175 | via NTP</a></li> |
176 | |
177 | <li><a href="ntptrace.htm"><tt>ntptrace</tt> - trace a chain of NTP |
178 | servers back to the primary source</a></li> |
179 | |
180 | <li><a href="tickadj.htm"><tt>tickadj</tt> - set time-related |
181 | kernel variables</a></li> |
182 | |
183 | <li><a href="ntptime.htm"><tt>ntptime</tt> - read kernel time |
184 | variables</a></li> |
185 | |
186 | <li><a href="genkeys.htm"><tt>ntp-genkeys</tt> - generate public |
187 | and private keys</a></li> |
188 | </ul> |
189 | |
190 | <h4>Supporting Documentation</h4> |
191 | |
192 | <ul> |
193 | <li><a href="http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp.htm">NTP Project |
194 | and Reference Library</a></li> |
195 | |
196 | <li><a href="copyright.htm">Copyright Notice</a></li> |
197 | |
198 | <li><a href="exec.htm">Executive Summary - Computer Network Time |
199 | Synchronization</a></li> |
200 | |
201 | <li><a href="biblio.htm">Protocol Conformance Statement</a></li> |
202 | |
203 | <li><a href="leap.htm">NTP Timescale and Leap Seconds</a></li> |
204 | |
205 | <li><a href="notes.htm">Notes on Configuring NTP and Setting up a |
206 | NTP Subnet</a></li> |
207 | |
208 | <li><a href="release.htm">NTP Version 4 Release Notes</a></li> |
209 | |
210 | <li><a href="build.htm">Building and Installing the |
211 | Distribution</a></li> |
212 | |
213 | <li><a href="config.htm">Configuration Options</a></li> |
214 | |
215 | <li><a href="debug.htm">NTP Debugging Techniques</a></li> |
216 | |
217 | <li><a href="refclock.htm">Reference Clock Drivers</a></li> |
218 | |
219 | <li><a href="patches.htm">Patching Procedures</a></li> |
220 | |
221 | <li><a href="hints.htm">Hints and Kinks</a></li> |
222 | |
223 | <li><a href="porting.htm">Porting Hints</a></li> |
224 | </ul> |
225 | |
226 | <h4>Application Notes</h4> |
227 | |
228 | <ul> |
229 | <li><a href="prefer.htm">Mitigation Rules and the <tt>prefer</tt> |
230 | Keyword</a></li> |
231 | |
232 | <li><a href="assoc.htm">Association Management</a></li> |
233 | |
234 | <li><a href="pps.htm">Pulse-per-second (PPS) Signal |
235 | Interfacing</a></li> |
236 | |
237 | <li><a href="gadget.htm">Gadget Box PPS Level Converter and CHU |
238 | Modem</a></li> |
239 | |
240 | <li><a href="measure.htm">Time and Time Interval Measurement with |
241 | Application to Computer and Network Performance Evaluation</a></li> |
242 | |
243 | <li><a href="kern.htm">Kernel Model for Precision |
244 | Timekeeping</a></li> |
245 | |
246 | <li><a href="kernpps.htm">Kernel Programming Interface for |
247 | Precision Time Signals</a></li> |
248 | </ul> |
249 | |
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253 | <br> |
254 | <a href="index.htm"><img align="left" src="pic/home.gif" alt= |
255 | "gif"></a> |
256 | |
257 | <address><a href="mailto:mills@udel.edu">David L. Mills |
258 | <mills@udel.edu></a></address> |
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