This hierarchy contains Debian/Ubuntu-specific materials, also known as "Debathena". The contents are: * debathena - Debathena-specific software packages such as PAM and NSS modules. * config - Packages for configuring native system software in a manner appropriate for Athena. * meta - Packages which contain nothing but dependencies on other packages and serve as an installation convenience. * scripts - Build scripts and supporting materials. Debathena is a SIPB project, and its infrastructure and procedures will need to be adapted for Athena 10. For the moment this file will document the Debathena procedures as they are, not as they will be. The current procedures do not even use this svn repository yet. Debian software used by Debathena: * schroot - Used to manage build chroot environments for each Debian/Ubuntu version. We use the lvm-snapshot schroot type, which allows rapid construction of ephemeral copies of template "source" chroots, so that every binary package build is done in a clean environment. * debuild - Used to create Debian source packages from package source directories. * sbuild - Used to build binary packages from source packages inside schroot environments. * equivs - Used to create packages which only contain dependency information. Somewhat of a dirty hack, since it doesn't keep proper changelogs, but it reduces overhead. * CDBS (Common Debian Build System) - Referenced by debian/rules files in packages. Contains standard build rules to cut down on per-package boilerplate. * reprepro - Used to upload packages into the apt repositories. * approx - Used to create a local cache of Debian packages on the build server. This cache is referenced by the build chroots for improved performance. The remainder of this file documents procedures useful to Athena 10 developers and the release engineer. Developers: Preferences setup ----------------------------- You will probably want a $HOME/.devscripts file containing the following: DEBUILD_DPKG_BUILDPACKAGE_OPTS="-sa -us -uc -i -I.svn" This will save you from having to specify those options every time you run debuild. Athena 10 scripts do not assume the above preferences, but the instructions in this file do. The options mean: * Look for original source as a tarfile or create one. * Do not sign the source package. * Do not sign the changes file. * Ignore common version control metadata files when creating diffs. * Ignore .svn paths when creating tarballs. You should also set the environment variable DEBATHENA_APT to "/afs/". Developers: Preparing a change ------------------------------ To prepare a change to a regular package (a source tree containing a debian/ subdir), make the edits in a checkout and record a changelog entry. You can either edit debian/changelog using emacs changelog mode (C-c C-v to add a new version entry, C-c C-a to add a change entry, C-c C-f to finalize the entry) or you can run "dadch". When creating a new version entry, bump the upstream version number (to 10.0.0 if it was not already that high) if you are changing the main package source. Otherwise, just bump the Debian version component (change 0debathena1 to 0debathena2, for instance). Developers: Building a package for test purposes on one platform ---------------------------------------------------------------- After you have prepared a change, you will want to test that it builds and perhaps that it works before committing it. First, if it is an Athena source directory using autoconf, run "daconfiscate" to set up the autoconf boilerplate which we don't check in. Second, run "daorig" to copy or create an orig tarball in the parent directory if necessary. Third, run "debuild". The resulting package will be placed in the parent directory. In order to test if the package works, you can install it with "dpkg -i filename.deb". Developers: Building a package for test purposes on all platforms ----------------------------------------------------------------- If the package you are working on interacts with the native OS in ways that might vary from platform to platform, you may want to do a test build for all platforms. You will need to do this on or another machine which has been set up with build schroots. As above, run daconfiscate (if necessary) and then daorig. Then run "debuild -S" to create a source package. Now cd into the parent directory and identify the .dsc file created by debuild -S; it will have a name like debathena-just_9.4.0-0debathena2.dsc. Run "da sbuildhack filename.dsc" to perform the package builds. Each build will take place inside an ephemeral chroot based on a snapshot of a template for a particular Debian or Ubuntu version. If a build fails and it's not obvious from the build log why, you may need to create your own ephemeral chroot session with a command like "schroot -c gutsy-amd64-sbuild /bin/sh" and then run debuild from within the package sources. If the build is successful, it will create a set of packages with names like debathena-just_9.4.0-0debathena2~ubuntu6.06_amd64.deb. Developers: Building an equivs package -------------------------------------- Most of the packages under debathena/meta are faked up using equivs. To build one, just run: equivs-build --full filename.equivs These equivs files make reference to ../common, so you must have a checkout of debathena/meta/common alongside the particular meta-package you are building. Developers: The meaning of metapackages --------------------------------------- If you are adding a new package to the repository, you will probably at some point want to add it to one of the metapackages so that it doesn't have to be installed by hand. Here are some descriptions which may help identify which metapackage is best: * locker: Provides access to Athena locker software--AFS and automounter configuration, locker-related utilities, etc. * clients: Provides clients (either locally-written, like athinfo and Discuss, or configurations) for Athena services, as well as Athena-specific utility programs like "jot". Configurations for graphical client software are generally in the workstation package instead, in order to make this package less intrusive. * standard: Implies locker and clients. Also provides Athena shell customizations and dotfiles. * login: Implies standard. Configurations to merge the MIT user namespace into the local machine namespace for the purpose of user lookups and authentication. * workstation: Implies login. Configurations for the graphical login system and graphical client software intended to provide a standard X login experience using Athena home directories. Still in development. * cluster-software: Provides a set of Debian packages common to cluster machines. The resulting software set is rather large, and thus may not be desirable to all workstation configurations. Only stock Debian packages belong in this metapackage; do not add other Debathena packages to it. * cluster: Implies workstation and cluster-software. Also contains configurations for self-maintenance of machines (unattended updates, cleanups between logins, etc.). Does not exist yet. * debian-dev: Intended for developers of the system itself; provides a set of Debian packages used by Debathena for development. For the most part a package should be listed in the "Depends:" line of a metapackage, but in some cases it is appropriate to hedge by using "Recommends:", which will cause aptitude to succeed even if the package is unavailable. For example, a package which doesn't exist in all Debian/Ubuntu suites or isn't free can be listed under "Recommends:" so that our metapackages still work in all environments. Release engineer: Bootstrapping the project infrastructure ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Create the package repository (detailed instructions on this pending). Set the DEBATHENA_APT environment variable to point to the package repository. Put a copy of the debathena "scripts" subdir in your path. 2. Create the build area. 3. Build each equivs package under meta/ using "equivs-build --full *.equivs" and upload each with "daequivsupload *.changes". This has the side-effect of creating the basic structure of the package repository. 4. Set up the build server. The basic structure of the apt repository must work for make-chroot to succeed, so this must happen after step 3. 5. For each normal Debian package in dependency order, cd into its directory in the build area and run "da sbuildhack *.dsc" and "daupload-release *_source.changes". If the package contains only an "Architecture: all" binary package, pass the -A option to both commands. The all-packages script can generate an approximation of the package list in dependency order, but it doesn't work right yet, and ideally it would be possible to do several builds in parallel using a Makefile like the one in scripts/build-server/build-all. Improvements to this machinery are pending. 6. For each package under third, run "da ./debathenify-PKG source binary upload". This infrastructure depends on the chroots being up to date, so run "all-schroots upgrade-schroot" beforehand if substantial time has passed since they were created. Release engineer: Setting up a build server ------------------------------------------- 1. The build server must be installed with free space in an LVM volume group. The build chroots consume 2GB each. There is a known memory corruption issue with LVM snapshots in the kernel used in Ubuntu Gutsy (which is based on 2.6.22), so use a newer kernel such as the one in Ubuntu Hardy (based on 2.6.24) instead. 2. Install debathena-standard as per the the instructions in 3. apt-key add /afs/ 4. Install the packages listed in scripts/build-server/packages (using "aptitude install") 5. Install debathena-login, debathena-ssh-server, and debathena-build-depends (using "aptitude install"). (Depending on how recently debathena-build-depends was rebuilt, additional packages might need to be installed to satisfy the build-depends of newer packages. This can be taken care of later when an error occurs building a source package.) 6. Edit /etc/security/access.conf and add a first line: -:ALL EXCEPT root :ALL 7. Edit /etc/pam.d/schroot, comment out "@include common-session", and add: # Basic pam_unix session module in place of common-session. session required 8. Edit /etc/group and add the developers to the sbuild group. 9. Create /etc/passwd entries for each developer with "hesinfo username passwd >> /etc/passwd" and then run pwconv. (This is not necessary for the login system on the main root environment, but is for the chroot environments.) 10. Append to /etc/approx/approx.conf the contents of scripts/build-server/approx.conf.tail. Change the last line from to file:///afs/ Add "$interval 0" above the repository lines (only necessary if the version of approx as reported by "dpkg -l approx" is less than 3.0) Run: /etc/init.d/approx restart 11. Apply scripts/build-server/mount-defaults.patch. 12. For each supported DIST (see scripts/ run: VG=/dev/blah scripts/build-server/make-chroot DIST i386 VG=/dev/blah scripts/build-server/make-chroot DIST amd64 substituting the name of the volume group for blah. Omit the amd64 line if DIST is sarge. Example: VG=/dev/dink scripts/build-server/make-chroot gutsy i386 Release engineer: Removing a build chroot on the build server ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Run VG=/dev/blah scripts/clean-schroots as root to make sure that the build chroot is not mounted, substituting the name of the volume group for blah. 2. Edit /etc/schroot/schroot.conf and delete the section corresponding to the chroot. 3. Run lvchange -an blah/chrootname substituting the name of the volume group for blah and the chroot name for chroot. Example: lvchange -an dink/gutsy-i386-sbuild 4. Run lvremove blah/chrootname Release engineer: Removing a dist from the apt repository --------------------------------------------------------- 1. Inside the apt repository, edit conf/distributions and remove the distribution section. 2. Run reprepro -Vb $DEBATHENA_APT --delete clearvanished Release engineer: Setting up a canonical build area --------------------------------------------------- 1. Create an empty directory and cd into it. The canonical build area lives in /afs/ 2. Run gen-packages to create the table of normal Debian packages. 3. Run dasource to create subdirs and source packages for each normal Debian package. 4. Create checkouts of the meta and third directories: svn co svn+ssh:// svn co svn+ssh:// (A couple of subdirectories of debathena/meta are normal Debian packages, so this will create redundant copies of those. Ignore them; they won't be used.) Release engineer: Adding a new suite ------------------------------------ This process is rarely performed and the infrastructure for it is imperfect. Substitute the name of the new suite for "newdist" in all steps below. 1. Make sure the apt repository is up to date with respect to the source tree for the existing dists. 2. Add the new dist to scripts/ (It is not necessary to add the new dist to codes at this point, but it must be present in the gettag conditional.) 3. Create the new distribution in the apt repository's configuration file. Create the skeleton of the dist by installing at least one equivs package from meta/ with "reprepro -Vb $DEBATHENA_APT include newdistname file.changes". 4. On the build server, create a chroot for the new distribution as documented above. This may require downloading and installing a more recent version of the debootstrap package from the -backports dist corresponding to the build server's OS. 5. Set the DEBATHENA_BUILD_AREA environment variable to point to the build area. 6. Fire up screen. 7. mkdir $DEBATHENA_BUILD_AREA/stamps.newdist. 8. cd into a checkout of debathena/scripts/build-server/build-all. 9. Edit Makefile (and check in the edit) so that suite is the new distribution and psuite is the previously most recent Debian or Ubuntu distribution. 10. Run "make". 11. Run "make -k all STAMPS=$DEBATHENA_BUILD_AREA/stamps.newdist". You can watch the builds happen in the other windows of the screen session. It's possible to do several builds at once with make -j N. 12. debathenify packages will fail out; they must be built by hand. When the build fails on one, cd into third/packagename in the build area and run "./debathenify newdist-amd64 -A source binary upload" and "./debathenify newdist-i386 binary upload". Then touch $DEBATHENA_BUILD_AREA/stamps.newdist/packagename.done" and restart the build. 13. Go into third/openafs in the build area and build AFS modules for the new suite's kernels. (Instructions pending.)