%token INTEGER NREF PREF FIRST LAST NEXT PREV FREF LREF CUR NEW ALL AREF %left '+' '-' %{ #include #include #include "globals.h" static trn_info *trnexpr_curtrn; static mtg_info *trnexpr_curmtg; static int trnexpr_low, trnexpr_high; static int trnexpr_aref; static char *cp; static int trnexpr_err; %} %% range : trn_no { trnexpr_low = $1; trnexpr_high = $1; } | trn_no sep trn_no { trnexpr_low = $1; trnexpr_high = $3; } | NEW { trnexpr_low = dsc_public.highest_seen+1; trnexpr_high = trnexpr_curmtg->last; } | ALL { trnexpr_low = trnexpr_curmtg->first; trnexpr_high = trnexpr_curmtg->last; } | AREF { trnexpr_low = trnexpr_curtrn->current; trnexpr_high = trnexpr_curtrn->current; trnexpr_aref = 1; } ; sep : ':' | ',' ; trn_no : INTEGER | NREF | PREF | FIRST | LAST | NEXT | PREV | FREF | LREF | CUR | expr ; expr : trn_no '-' trn_no { $$ = $1 - $3; } | trn_no '+' trn_no { $$ = $1 + $3; } ; %% /* * * Copyright (C) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Developed by the MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB). * For copying information, see the file mit-copyright.h in this release. * */ yyerror(msg) char *msg; { #ifdef lint msg = msg; #endif /* lint */ trnexpr_err = DISC_INVALID_TRN_SPECS; } /* * * see if second string is beginning of first string, except for case * differences.. * */ #define to_lower(c) (((c)<'_')?((c)+'a'-'A'):(c)) static match(s1, s2) register char *s1, *s2; { while (*s2) { if (to_lower(*s1) != *s2) return(0); s1++; s2++; } return(1); } yylex() { if (!*cp) return -1; if(isdigit(*cp)) { yylval=0; do { yylval = *(cp++) - '0' + yylval*10; } while (*cp && isdigit(*cp)); return( INTEGER ); } else if (*cp=='.') { cp++; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->current; return(CUR); } else if (*cp==':' || *cp=='+' || *cp=='-') { return(*cp++); } else if (match(cp, "current")) { cp += 7; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->current; return(CUR); } else if (match(cp, "new")) { cp += 3; return(NEW); } else if (match(cp, "all")) { cp += 3; return(ALL); } else if (match(cp, "aref")) { cp += 4; return(AREF); } else if (match(cp, "next")) { cp += 4; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->next; return(NEXT); } else if (match(cp, "n")) { cp += 1; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->next; return(NEXT); } else if (match(cp, "prev")) { cp += 4; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->prev; return(PREV); } else if (match(cp, "back")) { cp += 4; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->prev; return(PREV); } else if (match(cp, "b")) { cp += 1; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->prev; return(PREV); } else if (match(cp, "nref")) { cp += 4; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->nref; return(NREF); } else if (match(cp, "pref")) { cp += 4; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->pref; return(PREF); } else if (match(cp, "first")) { cp += 5; yylval=trnexpr_curmtg->first; return(FIRST); } else if (match(cp, "last")) { cp += 4; yylval=trnexpr_curmtg->last; return(LAST); } else if (match(cp, "fref")) { cp += 4; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->fref; return(FREF); } else if (match(cp, "lref")) { cp += 4; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->lref; return(LREF); } else if (*cp=='n' || *cp=='N') { cp++; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->next; return(NEXT); } else if (*cp=='p' || *cp=='P') { cp++; yylval=trnexpr_curtrn->prev; return(PREV); } else if (*cp=='l' || *cp=='L') { cp++; yylval=trnexpr_curmtg->last; return(LAST); } else if (*cp=='f' || *cp == 'F') { cp++; yylval=trnexpr_curmtg->first; return(FIRST); } else return (*cp++); } int trnexpr_parse(mtg, trn, string, lorange, highrange, flags) mtg_info *mtg; trn_info *trn; char *string; int *lorange, *highrange, *flags; { cp = string; trnexpr_curmtg = mtg; trnexpr_curtrn = trn; trnexpr_aref = 0; trnexpr_err = 0; (void) yyparse(); if(lorange) *lorange = trnexpr_low; if(highrange) *highrange = trnexpr_high; if(flags) *flags = (trnexpr_aref) ? flag_AREF : 0; return(trnexpr_err); } #ifdef notdef mtg_info mtg = { 0, "/tmp/foo", "bar", "quux", 1, 30, 22, 23, 1 }; trn_info trn = { 0, 7, 6, 8, 5, 9, 2, 17, 3, 42, 7, 48, "Qux", "me" }; main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int low, high; argv++; argc--; while(argc--) { low = -1; high = -1; trnexpr_parse(&mtg, &trn, *argv, &low, &high); printf("%s: %d:%d\n", *argv, low, high); if(trnexpr_err) { printf("Error %d\n", trnexpr_err); trnexpr_err=0; } argv++; } } #endif /* notdef */