This directory contains example packages using the config-package-dev system that you can start from in designing your own packages. debathena-conffile-example-1.0: Displaces a configuration file and provides different configuration debathena-conffile-example-1.1: Transforms a configuration file if it exists at build time debathena-bin-example-1.0: Displaces a binary and provides a wrapper script debathena-bin-example-1.1: Upgrades debathena-bin-example-1.0 undoing one of the displacements debathena-transform-example-1.0: Transforms a configuration file debathena-cron-example-1.0: Hides a cron job Both CDBS and Debhelper 7+ versions are provided, in the cdbs/ and debhelper/ directories, respectively. If you are trying to build these packages out of a config-package-dev source tree (e.g., because you are hacking on config-package-dev), note that you will need to set a few environment variables to make things work. For debuild, e.g., try the command debuild -e PERL5LIB=../../.. -e DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR=../../.. --prepend-path=../../.. This trick will not work for CDBS, since debian/rules hard-codes an absolute path to CDBS class and rules files. For the CDBS examples, note that if you want the control files to be regenerated from the files, you need to add DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL=1 to the debian/rules files (or e.g. set it in your environment). We do not include DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL=1 in these example rules files because option is banned in official Debian packages (see the CDBS section of ). config-package-dev supports older versions of debhelper, although examples are not given. You can use it in your own packages by adding dh_configpackage into the list of dh_* commands in debian/rules, before dh_link.