Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1601 buster: debathena-cupsys-config fails to install Pharos printers new defect normal The Distant Future
#1602 buster: debathena-archive-keyring uses apt-key without depending on gnupg/gnupg2 new defect normal The Distant Future
#1603 buster: python-afs (and, perforce, pyhesiodfs) is still broken new defect normal The Distant Future
#1604 discuss-emacs is broken new defect normal The Distant Future
#1605 Debathena python packages must depend on 'python2 'instead of 'python' or be ported to python3 new defect normal The Distant Future
#1606 focal: python-kerberos (for python2) no longer in distribution new defect normal The Distant Future
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