Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#789 client mail logs are sometimes desirable new enhancement trivial The Distant Future
#1599 debathena-nmh-config should set 'localname:' in /etc/nmh/mts.conf new defect normal The Distant Future
#926 install doesn't prompt for installing debathena-thirdparty new defect low The Distant Future
#1533 MH gets the From line wrong in Trusty new defect normal The Distant Future
#1585 MH: post/spost infinite loop in 16.04 (xenial) new defect low The Distant Future
#1577 (python) undelete fails with full path new defect normal The Distant Future
#1545 sleep machines for power savings new enhancement normal The Distant Future
#1480 Trusty (login-graphical) machien gets postfix rather than debathena-msmtp-mta new defect normal The Distant Future
#1484 zwgc font problems without xfonts-75dpi new defect low The Distant Future
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