Custom Query (1145 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Resolution Modified
#1596 nss_nonlocal needs surgery for glibc 2.27 closed defect high fixed 6 years
#1582 chsh: Some internal error has occurred. Try again. closed defect high fixed 8 years
#1581 nss_hesiod segfaults in xenial and jessie closed defect blocker fixed 6 years
#1579 libcyrus-imap-perl24 got renamed (again) to libcyrus-imap-perl closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1576 pyhesiodfs build depends on python-support closed defect high fixed 8 years
#1575 python-afs depends on python-support, which doesn't exist? closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1574 Xenial repo is empty? closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1571 update CellServDB closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1570 trying to recursively delete a directory produces a stack trace closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1569 delete stack-trace if deleted file also exists closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1568 Three reporting issues with new delete closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1562 debathena-ssh-server-config produces a file that is incompatible with systemd closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1561 Make reactivate.log available by athinfo closed enhancement blocker fixed 8 years
#1559 debathena-chromium-config should use admin policy closed defect normal fixed 7 years
#1558 request to install openfoam, paraviewopenfoam in debathena Trusty release closed enhancement normal fixed 8 years
#1555 debathena-extra-software has unmet dependencies on jessie closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1554 debathena-lightdm-config fails to install on non-Upstart systems closed defect normal fixed 7 years
#1553 debathena-firefox-wrapper fails to install with iceweasel closed defect normal duplicate 10 years
#1552 pyhesiodfs install fails because fuse group is gone in jessie closed defect high duplicate 9 years
#1551 additional packages for debathena-thirdparty closed alexp enhancement normal fixed 9 years
#1550 Disable whoopsie/apport on cluster machines closed defect normal fixed 9 years
#1549 Re-snapshot moira at 4184 closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1543 debathena-machtype should not depend openafs-client closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1541 Move config-package-dev upstream repo to Github closed task normal fixed 7 years
#1538 Kill maverick and oneric sysnames closed task normal fixed 8 years
#1537 Build for utopic closed task normal fixed 8 years
#1535 debathena-dns-config breaks dnsmasq with DHCP closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1534 Add libnspr4:i386 to -libraries closed enhancement normal fixed 10 years
#1532 Add alex to debathena-thirdparty closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1527 Add python-pyaudio to -thirdparty closed enhancement normal fixed 10 years
#1525 user-defined ~/.xsession gone in Trusty closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1523 debathena-phyesiodfs requires fuse group; configure fails if it does not exist closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1520 new packages for 3partysw closed enhancement normal fixed 10 years
#1519 alpine exchange config does not let you select subfolders of inbox closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1516 extra packages needed for 3partysw closed enhancement high fixed 10 years
#1513 Add trimage to thirdparty closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1512 Disable the stupid GRUB diskfilter error message closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1510 3partysw new package request closed enhancement normal fixed 10 years
#1508 File OpenAFS bug about apparmor closed task normal duplicate 10 years
#1505 apparmor is overly paranoid about dconf profiles closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1500 gvfs prevents Precise chroots from ending cleanly closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1499 reactivate needs to bind-mount /sys/fs/cgroup closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1494 machtype on trusty is wrong closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1492 debathena-cupsys-config's init script fights with Upstart in Trusty closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1490 installer should update the apt-file cache closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1489 dconf-config sticks around after an uninstall closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1485 Configure gtk print backends for gtk3 closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1483 Firefox 30 fixed printing PDFs from pdf.js closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1482 Update getty.debathena for logind closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1481 Unity puts non-ephemeral data in XDG_CACHE_HOME closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1478 policy-rc.d in reactivate gets scribbled over by d-i, and is also obsolete closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1473 Actually remove browsepolling from cupsys-config closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1470 Use HTTPS for closed enhancement normal fixed 8 years
#1468 devscripts-el cannot be installed in the same transaction as emacs closed defect high fixed 10 years
#1466 Firefox 29 broke printing from PDF.js closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1465 add messes up local paths closed defect high fixed 10 years
#1463 getcluster prints a traceback on a bad version number closed defect low fixed 10 years
#1462 Punt debathena-build-depends closed task normal fixed 10 years
#1461 auto-update shouldn't run update-hook out of /var/run closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1460 Dependencies on lert are stupid closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1459 get_message does not create its cache closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1457 additional packages for debathena-thirdparty closed enhancement normal fixed 10 years
#1454 locker-support's athdir does not set exit status closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1453 locker-support's fsid doesn't like lockers that aren't listable closed defect trivial THERE IS NO BUG STOP REOPENING 10 years
#1452 Update debathena-thirdparty for Trusty closed task normal fixed 10 years
#1451 Symlink /usr/share/libctl3 to libctl closed defect high fixed 10 years
#1450 Ship debathena-yolo with -clients closed enhancement trivial THERE IS NO BUG STOP REOPENING 10 years
#1449 python-discuss should actually install /etc/discuss directory closed defect high fixed 10 years
#1448 debathena-apparmor-config FTBFS on trusty closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1447 libnss-nonlocal is not installable on jessie closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1445 does not support -n closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1444 See if we can finally get rid of the pam/schroot hack in reactivate closed task normal duplicate 10 years
#1442 syncupdate has no reason to exist closed defect normal duplicate 11 years
#1441 Make /mit/debathena/apt/db world-readable closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1438 Update our mail client configs to support Exchange GSSAPI closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1436 Update krb5.conf to include domain mapping for EXCHANGE closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1435 lucid and squeeze broke with debathena-ssh-client-config closed jdreed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1432 Fix dotfiles cshrc to not use tcsh-isms closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1430 Stop building for Squeeze and Lucid closed task normal duplicate 11 years
#1429 Stop building for Squeeze and Lucid closed task normal fixed 11 years
#1428 Build for trusty closed vasilvv task high fixed 10 years
#1427 debathena-pharos-support doesn't install on saucy closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1423 Disable Amazon, etc. search results in the Lens closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1422 add python-virtualenv to -thirdparty closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1421 Add packages to thirdparty closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1420 Re-snapshot Moira closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1419 python-discuss should not care about the case of hostnames in .meetings closed defect low fixed 10 years
#1418 Transition to dh_python2 closed task normal fixed 8 years
#1417 Incorrect use of namespace packages in printing-config and metrics closed defect blocker fixed 8 years
#1416 openafs no longer accepts AFS_DYNROOT=true closed defect high fixed 10 years
#1415 OpenAFS doesn't build on 3.12 (Trusty) closed defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1414 libcyrus-imap-perl22 is transitional closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1411 pyhesiodfs, thirdparty-libraries depend deleted package fuse-utils closed defect high fixed 11 years
#1409 python-hesiod should be agnostic to filsys types closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1408 python-hesiod gets ERR lockers wrong closed defect low fixed 11 years
#1406 liblocker does not build with current packaging closed defect blocker wontfix 11 years
#1404 Fix machtype for raring and saucy closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1402 Build for saucy closed jdreed task high fixed 11 years
#1401 Enable multiverse in the Ubuntu build chroots closed jdreed defect normal wontfix 11 years
#1398 Separate scripts/build-server and scripts/installer into separate repos closed task normal fixed 10 years
#1395 Add coq, coqide and proofgeneral for 6.820 closed enhancement high fixed 11 years
#1394 add xmobar to thirdparty closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1393 Trac XMLRPC script closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1389 Remove MIT CA from global trust store closed defect high fixed 8 years
#1387 TracZephyrPlugin should zephyr the ticket URL closed enhancement normal fixed 11 years
#1386 Consider some special-case ssh config for athena.dialup closed enhancement low fixed 10 years
#1385 Build scripts still assume svn closed defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1380 chsh.moira is broken closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1378 OpenAFS doesn't work with 3.8 (linux-lts-raring) closed defect blocker duplicate 11 years
#1377 12.04.3 is going to break the world closed jdreed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1376 debathena-machtype should depend lsb-release for /usr/bin/lsb_release closed defect trivial fixed 8 years
#1363 Re-import moira to pick up new firewall changes closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1358 config-package-dev should not hardcode dpkg-divert path closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1356 Debian certificate store does not trust InCommon signer closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1352 AFS slow on closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1351 Replace gettime(8) with rdate(8) closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1349 Rebuild debathena-machtype for jessie closed task normal fixed 11 years
#1348 Build for jessie closed jdreed task normal fixed 10 years
#1347 Stop debathenifying schroot closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1345 Replace lam and rs with FreeBSD versions, until they can be laid to rest closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1343 Encourage classes to use athena.dialup closed task normal fixed 10 years
#1339 nautilus-afs doesn't reset the "Entity" combobox after 'Cancel' closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1337 Fix machtype version skew closed defect high fixed 11 years
#1335 Remove dent and just/fill closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1334 Remove gathlogout closed task normal fixed 11 years
#1333 Stop building for Oneiric closed task normal fixed 11 years
#1332 c-p-d 5.x broke closed defect normal wontfix 10 years
#1331 firefox-extension doesn't work with FF20 closed defect normal invalid 11 years
#1329 pyhesiod shouldn't log ERR lockers as unknown closed enhancement low fixed 11 years
#1328 pidgin-wrapper and evolution-wrapper and gconfd-2-wrapper FTBFS on raring closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1327 Trac's login button should redirect properly closed defect normal duplicate 11 years
#1325 Rewrite attachandrun in python closed enhancement low fixed 11 years
#1322 Raring build. closed task normal fixed 11 years
#1319 Better SIAB certificate on dialups closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1318 config-package-dev 5.0 does not work with transform sources closed defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1316 de-support auto-upgrades to anything older than precise closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1315 lightdm-config should reload upstart config after diverting an upstart job closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1313 Logrotate, auto-update and athinfo don't play nice closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1311 debathena-language-support is useless in Precise+ closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1310 Lucid can't upgrade to Precise if language-support-input-ko is installed closed defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1308 Don't set allow_weak_crypto closed enhancement normal fixed 8 years
#1305 auto-upgrade should support re-installation closed enhancement normal fixed 8 years
#1303 ia32-libs wants to remove the quantal HWE xorg packages closed defect high fixed 11 years
#1299 login without customizations doesn't work sometimes closed defect normal wontfix 10 years
#1298 Get rid of debconf-hack closed task normal fixed 10 years
#1297 openafs module won't build on 3.5 kernel closed defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1296 does not support IPv6 closed defect normal wontfix 11 years
#1295 Re-snapshot Moira at r4097 closed task high fixed 12 years
#1293 username.dialup persistent DNS service closed defect normal wontfix 11 years
#1288 additional packages for debathena-thirdparty closed alexp enhancement high fixed 12 years
#1287 mtr doesn't work on closed defect normal invalid 12 years
#1286 mtr doesn't work on closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1284 Ringtail build closed defect normal invalid 10 years
#1283 Lucid cannot upgrade to Precise closed jdreed defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1281 athrun (or athmumble) should depend hesiod-config closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#1277 dasnapshot doesn't work on Precise closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1276 debathena-metrics is broken (again) closed defect high fixed 11 years
#1274 Add ksh to thirdparty closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1273 cluster-login-config fails to build on quantal closed defect normal invalid 11 years
#1271 mitprint local pharos queue occasionally gets stuck closed defect high fixed 11 years
#1270 new package request for debathena-thirdparty closed task normal duplicate 12 years
#1268 Stop buildling for hardy and natty closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1267 build-depends not installable on quantal closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1266 lightdm-greeter sometimes spins on get_authenticated_user() closed defect normal worksforme 11 years
#1265 Discourage zombie moshes closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1260 lightdm-greeter's "Restart"menu item has a stray tooltip closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1259 Every user who has ever used the machine is cached in the username menu closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1258 Stop sending afs byte-range lock messages to wslogger closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1255 Add ibus-anthy closed defect normal fixed 8 years
#1253 Duplexing disabled on mitprint queue closed defect blocker fixed 12 years
#1249 Evolution displays annoying Nautilus error when saving attachments closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1247 debathena-lightdm-greeter doesn't explicitly position background window closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1246 Stop setting embedded_keyboard_command in c-l-c closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1245 auto-update's mirror check is too enthusiastic closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1242 screensaver logout doesn't work closed defect blocker fixed 12 years
#1241 debathena-emacs-config doesn’t uninstall cleanly closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1240 Remove require-final-newline from emacs-config closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1238 Support for Unity and Upstart user sessions closed defect blocker fixed 10 years
#1237 restricted-drivers notifications may be back in Precise on cluster closed defect normal invalid 12 years
#1235 tellme's usage message should use basename $0 closed defect low fixed 12 years
#1234 Please display (bring back) seconds in the login screen! closed enhancement normal worksforme 12 years
#1231 Quantal build closed task normal fixed 12 years
#1230 build-all Makefile should cleanup .started and .error stamps files closed defect normal invalid 10 years
#1229 Update machtype for quantal and wheezy closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1226 debathena-nmh FTFBS on wheezy closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1225 debathena-lprng FTFBS on wheezy closed defect normal invalid 12 years
#1224 libnss-nonlocal FTFBS on wheezy closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1223 daconfiscate breaks with new libtool closed defect normal invalid 10 years
#1221 No evolution in Precise closed defect blocker fixed 12 years
#1220 Better network recovery in stage 2 installer closed defect normal invalid 10 years
#1219 Use sudoers.d, don't scribble over /etc/sudoers closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1218 lightdm-confing doesn't populate update start time when an update happens at first boot closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1217 Stop autodebathenifying AFS closed jdreed enhancement high fixed 11 years
#1216 Opt-in support for ssh -k / public keys on athena.dialup closed defect low fixed 11 years
#1215 Default focus issues in lightdm-config closed defect low worksforme 12 years
#1214 Better athinfo error handling closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1213 athena.dialup needs Linerva's awful 32-bit library hack closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#1210 auto-update's nologin text has no start time closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1207 Bump the chroot's ramdisk closed enhancement high fixed 12 years
#1206 ia32libs gone in Precise closed jdreed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1205 ATHENA_SYS{,_COMPAT} aren't set when launching from the Dock closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1204 libathdir is horribly wrong closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1203 nss_nonlocal: initgroups_dyn should return success when adding only magic groups closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1201 telepathy-mission-control-5 is crashy closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1200 lightdm-greeter's default MOTD is dumb closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1199 bugme's position in kiosk-mode is annoying closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1198 Make linerva-shellinabox-config part of Debathena closed task normal duplicate 12 years
#1196 athinfod-cluster-config and auto-update need to make use of new athinfo.defs.d feature closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1193 inc.debathena should tell users they're Wrong(tm) closed task normal fixed 11 years
#1192 ipython missing in debathena-precise-cluster closed enhancement normal fixed 11 years
#1191 Get rid of "dirname $0" in the build scripts closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1190 sudo erroneously tells you you're on a quickstation closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1189 dkms transition broke linux-image-server closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1188 Add libperl4-corelibs-perl closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1186 Maple won't launch from dash on precise 64 bit machines closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1184 vinagre missing in debathena-precise closed alexp enhancement normal invalid 10 years
#1183 make-chroot doesn't work with quantal closed defect blocker fixed 12 years
#1181 Policy on security updates closed task normal fixed 12 years
#1180 Policy on scheduled downtime and reboot announcements closed task normal fixed 11 years
#1178 shellinabox on the dialups? closed task normal fixed 12 years
#1177 sslh on the dialups? closed task normal fixed 12 years
#1175 bash: LD_ASSUME_KERNEL: unbound variable with set -u closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1173 desync should grow desync2cron functionality closed jdreed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1171 Blacklist for dbus-daemon-launch-helper closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1170 lightdm should wait for AFS to come up closed defect high fixed 11 years
#1168 Some combination of ConsoleKit, LightDM, or our greeter sucks closed defect blocker invalid 12 years
#1166 debathena-dns-config doesn't configure resolv.conf to use closed jdreed defect normal wontfix 10 years
#1164 reactivate never actualls runs in lightdm closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1163 on precise is maybe broken closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1161 Xauthority shouldn't be in ~ closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1158 debathena-cluster-login-config cannot be installed from a tty closed defect normal duplicate 10 years
#1157 lightdm-config's accessibility menu is a stub closed jdreed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1156 Entirely new thirdparty infrastructure closed bbaren enhancement high fixed 11 years
#1155 jmol, gcco requested for thirdparty closed alexp enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1154 Setting EDITOR=emacs by default is stupid in 2012 closed defect normal wontfix 11 years
#1153 recovery-mode-config broken on Precise closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1151 Fix skewed packages in production closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1150 dasource should refuse to work for "UNRELEASED" packages closed defect low fixed 12 years
#1149 Re-snapshot moira at r4081 for SITE locker support closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1148 Bump PXE server to Precise pending HW support closed jdreed task normal fixed 11 years
#1147 getty.debathena doesn't work in Precise closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#1146 Make reactivate work with Precise closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1145 Switch to apt-get for installer closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1144 kiosk doesn't work with FF >7 closed defect blocker fixed 12 years
#1143 nss_nonlocal allegedly breaks with recent glibc closed defect high invalid 12 years
#1142 -workstation should not install build-depends closed defect high invalid 12 years
#1141 Consider a flag file which disables the dialup's sshd sanity checking closed defect normal duplicate 11 years
#1140 Switch to authenticated mail path closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1138 Update thirdparty for Precise closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1137 firefox-extension doesn't install on Precise closed defect blocker duplicate 12 years
#1134 debathena-moira FTBFS closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1133 debathena-syslog FTBFS closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1131 NM/dnsmasq possibly makes debathena-dns-config obsolete closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1130 Pressing [redacted] will open a gnome-terminal in kiosk mode closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1127 worry about openafs in precise closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1126 /usr/athena/bin/python breaks with /usr/athena symlink closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#1125 debathena-dns-config install hangs on squeeze closed defect normal invalid 10 years
#1122 debothena should reply all to CC'd zephyrs closed enhancement low fixed 12 years
#1121 debathena-manual-config is crufty closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1118 Add graphviz and xdot to thirdparty closed task normal fixed 12 years
#1117 errant cyrus-sasl2-mit in squeeze archive closed task normal fixed 12 years
#1116 debathena-grenew compile fails under Wheezy closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1115 debathena-discuss compile fails under Wheezy closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1114 dsmail should default to -d closed defect trivial fixed 10 years
#1113 Missing LSB headers on /etc/init.d/debathena-dns-config closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1111 metrics is broken closed defect blocker fixed 13 years
#1110 More robust dotfiles closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1109 XDG_CACHE_HOME should be pointed to a local directory closed enhancement high fixed 12 years
#1107 Thunderbird syncs entire Inbox locally by default closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1105 The MIT Software menu is maybe broken? closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#1102 Consider switching to git closed achernya enhancement normal fixed 11 years
#1099 consider nagios check for unplugged monitor closed task normal wontfix 12 years
#1098 deprecate lprng syntax in printing-config closed task high fixed 12 years
#1097 Kill tex-config with fire closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1096 dasource should intelligently handle repo URL closed defect normal invalid 11 years
#1093 wheezy no longer close enough to squeeze closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1092 Package PyAFS whether it's a good idea or not closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1090 Debian's texlive is aging closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1089 gen-build-deps only reflects one level of depth closed jdreed defect high fixed 12 years
#1088 Scan cluster machines for spurious packages closed task normal wontfix 12 years
#1086 add WIN.MIT.EDU to krb5.conf closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1085 OpenAFS BUG on shutdown closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#1084 debathena-dotfiles should not clean up sessions on upgrade closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1076 Get rid of -branding packages closed task normal fixed 12 years
#1074 D-Bus-activated services run outside the chroot closed geofft defect high fixed 13 years
#1072 moira-gui fails silently with expired tickets closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1070 recovery-mode-config does not set /etc/hosts correctly closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1068 Hardy's hpijs-ppds does not contain hp-laserjet_9050-hpijs-pcl3.ppd closed jdreed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1067 incorrect dependency in debathena-cupsys-config closed jdreed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1065 Installing debathena-thirdparty uninstalls debathena-workstation closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#1064 achernya should release a hesiod 3.1.1 tarball closed task normal fixed 11 years
#1063 Confirm output resolution of Pharos closed task high THERE IS NO BUG STOP REOPENING 13 years
#1062 printing-config should respect local printer over Hesiod default closed defect normal duplicate 12 years
#1061 config-package-dev: undivert_unlink passes undivert_unlink_divert an extra argument closed defect trivial fixed 11 years
#1060 /etc/krb.* transition not managed well closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1059 /etc/gdm/gdm.conf* transition not managed well closed jdreed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1058 /etc/firefox-3.0/pref/ubufox.js transition not managed well closed defect normal duplicate 12 years
#1057 /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home.d transition not managed well closed defect normal duplicate 11 years
#1055 update_server is enabled on all fresh installs because of broken dpkg --compare-versions test closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1054 cluster reboots sometimes hang (3) closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#1053 cluster reboots sometimes hang (2) closed defect normal duplicate 12 years
#1052 cluster reboots sometimes hang (1) closed defect blocker fixed 12 years
#1051 Consider shipping the DKMS init script closed enhancement low invalid 13 years
#1050 nsswitch-config: path to libnss-mdns.postinst might change with multiarch closed defect normal fixed 6 years
#1049 config-package-dev can’t transform non-conffiles files in Multi-Arch: same packages closed defect low fixed 12 years
#1048 Consider moving back to dm/xlogin closed defect insignificant invalid 12 years
#1047 Consider switching from Firefox to Chrome closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#1046 Kill debathena-tex-bin closed defect normal duplicate 12 years
#1045 Pharos backend closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#1044 FF will soon include Windows-esque UAC closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#1043 Net install maybe sucks? closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#1042 Test extension with FF 6 closed defect blocker fixed 13 years
#1041 Ejecting removable media results in spurious errors on Natty cluster closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#1040 natty broke lpd://user@foo URLs closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1038 Don't scribble over the utility partition closed enhancement normal wontfix 12 years
#1037 getcluster(1) should quote its shell output closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1036 The apt_release clusterinfo tag is Wrong(tm) closed jdreed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1035 /dev/xconsole isn't there on natty closed defect normal ignored 10 years
#1034 Advocate for the death of the reg applet closed task low fixed 10 years
#1032 printing-config's clusterinfo lookup bypasses local clusterinfo closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1031 gdm theme is suboptimal on multiple monitors closed jdreed defect trivial fixed 10 years
#1027 update logout alias for oneiric closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1026 athena-auto-update needs a full rewrite closed enhancement high fixed 12 years
#1025 Nothing should recommend/depend msmtp-mta; installer should deal closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#1024 upgrade.log is not queryable over athinfo closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1022 lpr fails to add job to printer queue closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#1021 KIll off LPRng closed jdreed task normal fixed 11 years
#1020 aptitude sometimes spins forever when in --download-only mode closed defect high fixed 12 years
#1019 Bad UI for passing jobs off to someone else closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1017 mitprint should be the default printer closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#1016 Browser kiosk should disable printing closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#1013 Screen won't redraw when nologin-monitor window vanishes closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#1012 Clean up old kernels in /boot closed defect blocker fixed 11 years
#1011 Give up on kexec for auto-upgrades closed jrjarvis defect normal fixed 12 years
#1010 lpq -Pmitprint should maybe show the Pharos queue for users who are doing it wrong closed enhancement normal wontfix 12 years
#1009 Debian kexec-tools always kexecs closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#1008 update-manager's "partial upgrade" dialog sometimes shows up with auto-update closed defect normal ignored 10 years
#1007 browse button breaks permanently if you dismiss its popup with Esc closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#1006 debathena-nologin-monitor doesn't block "browse" button closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1005 auto-update logs are missing on -workstation closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1004 rtl8168/9 chipsets (read: Vostros) lose in the installer closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#1003 should be served over https closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#999 stage1 should use "da/" prefix for passing kernel arguments closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#998 xsession: hotline isn't the contact for private machines closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#997 Better dual monitor support out of the box closed enhancement insignificant fixed 10 years
#996 Look into dh_ubuntu_defaults closed task normal fixed 12 years
#995 Support lightdm closed jrjarvis defect blocker fixed 12 years
#994 Consider shipping /usr/bin/ooffice to tell people to go run "soffice" closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#993 790s need reboot=pci closed defect low fixed 13 years
#992 consider enabling restricted drivers on -workstation closed defect normal wontfix 11 years
#991 790s have trouble rebooting? closed defect normal duplicate 13 years
#989 vanilla PXE installs still prompt for the mirror closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#988 Installer should warn about IPs with no hostnames in stage1 closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#987 auto-update's check for metapackages being removed results in false positive on natty closed defect blocker fixed 13 years
#986 nss_nonlocal race condition closed andersk defect low fixed 11 years
#984 english-to-english-config should say something about Pharos closed enhancement normal wontfix 12 years
#982 Write a session wrapper than runts initgroups(3) closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#980 should not screw with -cluster networking or disk closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#979 gdm's g-s-d sticks around after login closed defect high fixed 13 years
#978 Possible installation hang with lvremove closed task normal fixed 13 years
#977 "machine failed to install properly" image failed to install properly closed defect normal worksforme 13 years
#976 debathena-gdm-config doesn't handle Debian gdm3 package closed bbaren defect high fixed 12 years
#975 ttf-msttcorefonts-installer postinst fails when ubuntu-desktop is pulled in by debathena closed jdreed defect normal fixed 12 years
#974 Using install option 1b actually destroys your disk despite saying it won't closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#973 discuss segfault on re-adding a meeting closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#971 logout() should check for a required reboot closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#969 auto-upgrade needs to shut down X closed defect blocker fixed 13 years
#968 Subsequent reboots after entering recovery mode will sit at the grub menu forever closed defect blocker fixed 13 years
#967 Create -bleeding repository closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#966 Create "-staging" repository for full builds closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#965 athena-auto-upgrade should pass the full netcfg info closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#964 getcluster(1) is full of lies closed defect low fixed 12 years
#963 thirdparty should stop being equivs closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#962 Add systemd support to pyhesiodfs closed slz enhancement normal fixed 8 years
#961 Consider a better environment-filter for the login chroot closed enhancement low wontfix 13 years
#958 config-package-dev needs to use `LC_ALL=C dpkg-divert --list` closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#957 Review Lintian VendorCustomization spec and use it closed task high fixed 11 years
#953 debathena-msmtp-config has no business with /etc/aliases closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#952 debathena-kiosk button should be a panel applet closed enhancement normal wontfix 12 years
#951 add-athena-printer should use hpijs or prompt for drivers closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#949 edsc explodes on encountering old discussd closed defect low fixed 13 years
#948 DKMS transition breaks on Debian meta-metapackages closed defect high fixed 11 years
#946 Restore mwm closed enhancement normal fixed 10 years
#945 workstation install prompts about hddtemp closed defect normal invalid 13 years
#944 update-language-def is broken in Natty closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#941 resolvconf definitely doesn't work under natty and oneiric closed defect high fixed 12 years
#940 Migrate zulu to not-Debian closed jdreed enhancement high fixed 12 years
#937 Clean up gdm-config closed defect low duplicate 12 years
#935 backports listed in both sources.list and sources.list.d closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#934 Update libnss-nonlocal's multiarch support closed defect normal THERE IS NO BUG STOP REOPENING 13 years
#932 Installer should configure Oneiric and Wheezy for multiarch closed defect high invalid 12 years
#931 Try and reduce dependence on ia32-libs closed geofft defect blocker fixed 8 years
#930 clearing /home maybe breaks natty cluster logins closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#929 larvnet-wrapper maybe fails on natty cluster closed jdreed defect high fixed 13 years
#928 cluster logins don't get tokens (and fail) on natty closed defect blocker fixed 13 years
#927 No job control for rescue /bin/sh in PXE installer closed defect trivial fixed 12 years
#925 Order of sanity checks in installer is stupid closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#924 Support Natty via PXE installs closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#923 debathena-bash-config interferes with base-files’s upgrading of /etc/profile closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#922 Track commit review better closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#921 Clean up comments and info in prototype_user files closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#920 Prevent users from doing stupid things with PATH closed defect normal duplicate 12 years
#918 Push moira manpage changes upstream closed jdreed enhancement low fixed 12 years
#917 post-commit hook should be in UTF8 closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#915 gconf key no longer disables face browser closed defect high worksforme 13 years
#914 Consider restricting athinfo queries to 18/8 closed enhancement low invalid 13 years
#913 Come up with an awesome way to manage nobuild files closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#911 Stop building for karmic closed defect high fixed 13 years
#910 athinfo update-schedule reads the wrong file closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#909 athinfo.defs shouldn't test files before cat'ing them closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#908 accept hostnames instead of IP address in installer closed enhancement trivial duplicate 13 years
#907 deluser --remove-all-files should not search AFS closed geofft defect normal fixed 12 years
#906 athinfod-cluster-config should use is_cluster(1) closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#905 Investigate fglrx closed enhancement normal ignored 11 years
#904 Installer bootstrapping stuff should be at least Maverick closed jdreed defect high fixed 13 years
#903 See if Pharos can support raw PostScript closed task normal fixed 13 years
#901 usb-creator-gtk doesn't work on cluster closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#899 regapplet text is borked closed defect low worksforme 12 years
#898 discuss doesn't support building shared libraries closed enhancement low duplicate 13 years
#897 PXE installer sets non-cluster hostnames to install-target-host closed jdreed defect high fixed 13 years
#895 Switch to hpijs drivers for our printing closed enhancement normal wontfix 13 years
#894 Consider changing display sleep time closed defect low fixed 13 years
#893 CUPS is now unwilling to have no default printer closed defect normal worksforme 13 years
#889 Kill the LPR GTK+ backend closed enhancement normal wontfix 12 years
#888 Pull in new moira closed jdreed defect normal fixed 12 years
#886 Unlocking screen messes with zwgc's auth closed defect normal workaround 11 years
#884 autodebathenify should not take its ball and go home if a single release build fails closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#883 Keyboard is unusable at greeter on a 755 closed defect normal worksforme 13 years
#882 Stop honoring LPROPT in the wrappers closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#881 debathena-discuss-server missing utility programs, esp. "byteswap" closed mitchb defect normal fixed 12 years
#880 associate .ram files with RealPlayer closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#879 athinfod on cluster should be able to read basic logs closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#878 Remove spurious shell check in bashrc closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#877 Re-sync moira with source closed task low THERE IS NO BUG STOP REOPENING 13 years
#876 ytnef alternative closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#875 nobuild files should live in svn closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#874 Attribution for background image in gdm-config closed enhancement low invalid 13 years
#873 Our build infrastructure is not reliable closed defect blocker fixed 12 years
#872 reactivate needs to recreate /etc/nologin symlink each time the snapshot is created closed defect high wontfix 13 years
#871 lockers.7 is out of date closed kaduk defect low fixed 13 years
#866 debathena-apparmor-config needs to undivert/unremove stuff closed defect high fixed 11 years
#865 debathena-firefox-extension doesn't deal with ubufox.js transition closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#864 libgms' temporary cache doesn't exist closed defect trivial fixed 12 years
#863 Deploy to the cluster machines closed jdreed defect high fixed 13 years
#862 Consider a whitelist equivalent for nobuild closed enhancement low duplicate 12 years
#861 Purging one arch of multiarch libnss-nonlocal deletes the magic users and groups too early closed andersk defect trivial fixed 11 years
#860 Begin phasing out printing-config in Fall 2012 closed enhancement normal duplicate 12 years
#859 publicly-readable real-time Subversion repo access closed enhancement normal wontfix 11 years
#858 discuss server gets random UID closed defect low wontfix 11 years
#857 Move the AFS copy of the svn repo to the athena cell closed jdreed task normal fixed 13 years
#856 Update firefox-extension to work with FF 4 closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#855 Natty installs recommendations by default closed defect high invalid 13 years
#853 Support natty in machtype rules closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#851 Move Natty packages to production ~now closed jdreed task normal fixed 13 years
#850 Figure out what to do about Unity closed jdreed task blocker fixed 13 years
#848 The major metapackages should stop being equivs packages closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#847 Port config-package-dev to Debhelper 7/8 closed geofft task normal fixed 11 years
#846 Increase installer DHCP timeout for slow networks closed amb defect normal fixed 13 years
#845 debathena-moira-update-server error on uninstall closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#844 YouTube causes 755s to crash hard, and 745s to look funny closed defect high fixed 13 years
#843 Non-cluster CUPS configs should distinguish real/fake Athena printers closed defect low wontfix 13 years
#842 Once Pharos is here, stop BrowsePolling closed jdreed defect normal duplicate 13 years
#841 cluster-cups-config should use lpadmin in its postinst, not ship printers.conf closed defect high fixed 13 years
#838 libpam_debathena_home_type should not rely on return value of fs whichcell closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#836 printers vanished from some cluster machines closed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#835 auto-update should explicitly check for network closed enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#834 upgrade-schroots doesn't work closed defect high worksforme 13 years
#832 auto-updater should conditionally display progress on stdout closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#831 bugme -> logmeout closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#830 bugme should run on kiosk session closed lfaraone defect high fixed 12 years
#829 Give up on Kerberized CUPS closed enhancement normal wontfix 12 years
#827 Stop encouraging Acrobat as the preferred PDF reader closed enhancement low wontfix 13 years
#826 cluster-cups-config does not uninstall cleanly closed defect low fixed 13 years
#825 We need to support WPA2 on the login screen closed enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#822 Repoint zulu's approx at and/or punt approx closed enhancement high wontfix 13 years
#821 build chroots should use closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#820 debathena-metrics should only accept messages from the kernel closed defect low fixed 11 years
#819 /etc/nologin needs to stop being a symlink closed defect high fixed 12 years
#818 Run athinfod during the install closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#817 Athinfo query for USB HIDs closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#816 debathena-nologin-monitor may not reliably work closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#814 Screensaver "Log Out" no longer works reliably closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#813 Unity has rendered our docs and screenshots obsolete closed task normal invalid 13 years
#812 gdm applets steal focus from login window closed defect low fixed 13 years
#811 test2 closed enhancement normal invalid 14 years
#810 test closed enhancement normal invalid 14 years
#808 athinfod should support packages adding their own queries closed enhancement low fixed 12 years
#807 test upstream change to LPRng closed task high fixed 13 years
#806 debathena-msmtp constructs useless From lines for non-null instances closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#805 printing-config should be nonnative closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#804 cluster-cups-config should spool directly to Pharos printers closed enhancement high fixed 13 years
#802 Look at unattended-upgrades closed defect low duplicate 14 years
#801 warning on the login screen if essential local services are down closed defect high fixed 13 years
#800 PXE installer should inform users that it's installing closed amb enhancement low fixed 13 years
#798 Force an update at boot time closed enhancement blocker fixed 13 years
#796 -cluster shouldn't permit logins if there's no AFS closed defect normal duplicate 14 years
#794 Stop setting LPROPT in the CUPS world closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#793 lightdm-config should be able display a MOTD on the login screen closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#792 auto-update needs to accept the ttf-mscorefonts-installer license closed jdreed defect blocker fixed 13 years
#791 updater should generate static crontab files at install time closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#790 /usr/share/recovery-mode/options/netroot is useless on cluster machines closed defect trivial wontfix 13 years
#788 (some) printer2 queues are broken closed geofft defect normal workaround 13 years
#784 athena-auto-update should use start-stop-daemon closed enhancement normal wontfix 13 years
#783 We need a recovery hook closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#782 auto-update needs to use desync -t closed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#778 Do not use dpkg-query in Xsession.d scripts closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#776 Change debathena-metrics wrapper to use start-stop-daemon instead of daemon closed enhancement trivial duplicate 14 years
#775 Cluster logouts are slow because of schroot stupidity closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#774 alpine should be aware of the MIT LDAP server closed achernya enhancement low fixed 14 years
#771 debathena-pyhesiodfs postinst is not idempotent closed defect trivial invalid 14 years
#770 debathena-kiosk maintainer script is not idempotent closed defect trivial fixed 12 years
#769 Publicity when freshmen arrive closed task normal fixed 12 years
#768 debathena-tellme should list usr/share/man/man1 in .dirs closed defect trivial fixed 13 years
#767 dh_listpackages "fatal error" while generating debian/control with CDBS closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#765 Convert moira to dh7 and cleanup moira-clients rules file closed defect blocker fixed 8 years
#764 Get on to the dialups closed jweiss defect blocker fixed 14 years
#763 Upgrade Trac to 0.12 when we move to demeter closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#759 The rescue-mode-based Athena force-updater is multiply-broken under Lucid closed jdreed defect low fixed 13 years
#758 floatflt.sty missing in Lucid closed jdreed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#757 Stop building for Jaunty closed defect high fixed 13 years
#756 debathena-branding in gdm-config fails for 1440x900 resolutions closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#755 destroys freshly-installed Maverick systems closed amb defect blocker fixed 14 years
#753 save-cluster-info has hardcoded version number closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#751 Begin de-support effort for Hardy closed jdreed task normal fixed 13 years
#749 run ntpdate in reactivate closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#748 two quota warnings, one saying that you're out of quota closed defect trivial fixed 12 years
#747 rebuild live CD closed jrjarvis task high fixed 13 years
#746 zephyr subs disappear in under a minute on closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#745 Manpage for moira(1) doesn't list stanley et al closed enhancement insignificant fixed 12 years
#743 auto-update should be less loud when kernel updates come out closed defect low wontfix 14 years
#742 athinfo.defs should use better test for cluster machines closed amb defect normal fixed 13 years
#741 tab completion of printer names closed enhancement trivial wontfix 13 years
#740 Package CSAIL CA closed achernya enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#739 the installer should not be in an arch symlink farm closed defect low wontfix 13 years
#737 debathena-apparmor-config 1.2~ubuntu10.10 fails to install closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#736 cluster installer prompts for VG overwrite when installing on a completely empty disk closed jdreed defect high fixed 13 years
#733 renew should use fsid -a, not aklog closed defect low fixed 13 years
#732 thunderbird-config should use new autoconfig closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#730 debathena-nsswitch-config should divert initctl to unset NSS_NONLOCAL_IGNORE closed defect normal invalid 14 years
#729 from uses alternatives now closed jdreed defect normal fixed 12 years
#728 Installer should be more robust to network suckage closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#727 build-all: stamps directory should be less silly closed enhancement trivial wontfix 10 years
#725 do-build: package uploads and downloads should share a lock closed jdreed defect normal worksforme 10 years
#722 tilde-lockername broke in Lucid for non-user lockers closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#721 mit-printing-config lpq sometimes tracebacks on Jaunty closed defect low worksforme 14 years
#720 printing-config's lprm doesn't honor "-" as a job specifier closed defect low fixed 13 years
#719 Passing invalid arguments to printing-config wrappers causes traceback closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#718 Move debathena's trac to demeter closed jdreed task high fixed 12 years
#716 Firefox writes entirely too much to AFS homedirs closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#715 Bring back tty-mode in an xterm login option (a la F2) closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#714 and Firefox warn-on-redirect don't work well closed defect insignificant wontfix 12 years
#713 Login without customizations should be more insistent closed enhancement normal wontfix 10 years
#711 debathena-moira-update-server should be part of -workstation closed enhancement low fixed 13 years
#710 LPRng printing broken closed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#709 debathena-thunderbird-config is broken closed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#708 Consider disabling DontZap closed enhancement normal wontfix 13 years
#706 GIMP is gone from cluster machines closed enhancement normal duplicate 14 years
#704 revamp the website closed enhancement normal fixed 10 years
#703 find a way to keep "Recent News" up to date closed enhancement normal fixed 10 years
#701 reactivate should not unnecsssarily spam .xsession-errors closed defect low fixed 13 years
#700 debothena should run somewhere else closed enhancement insignificant fixed 13 years
#699 Consider installing human-theme closed enhancement normal wontfix 13 years
#698 New users are ending up with corrupted FF profiles closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#697 Make installation on 10/half networks suck less closed enhancement low fixed 14 years
#696 Can't login without mouse closed defect low fixed 13 years
#695 Add an atq athinfo query closed enhancement low wontfix 14 years
#694 auto-upgrade should retry sooner than 24 hours closed defect low fixed 13 years
#693 Divert athinfo.defs for clusters so we can trivially add queries closed enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#692 icedtea6-plugin doesn't get installed on -workstation closed defect high fixed 13 years
#690 debathena-nologin-monitor should display contents of /etc/nologin closed enhancement trivial invalid 12 years
#689 debathena-nologin-monitor doesn't display the contents of /etc/nologin closed enhancement low wontfix 13 years
#688 damove should accept multiple source packages closed enhancement low fixed 12 years
#686 Seed /var/lib/athena-update-status at install time closed defect low fixed 13 years
#685 Punt help-config closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#684 cluster-login-config does not correctly disable suspend and hibernate closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#683 find 32-bit-only locker software that won't work on 64-bit machines closed task low wontfix 13 years
#682 You can't completely disable user-switching in new-gdm closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#681 reactivate.log is useless closed defect low fixed 13 years
#680 Remind Jaunty users that the world ends in October closed jdreed task blocker fixed 14 years
#679 libpam-afs-session ships its own pam-auth-update config file closed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#678 Debian's clisp-dev has dumb dependencies closed defect normal ignored 13 years
#677 [printing] 9050s rotate A4 documents closed defect low wontfix 12 years
#675 icedtea6-plugin doesn't get installed on Lucid; reg applet doesn't work closed defect blocker workaround 14 years
#674 alpine renders html non-breaking space incorrectly closed defect trivial invalid 12 years
#673 Rebuild for Squeeze closed jdreed task low fixed 12 years
#672 Build for Maverick closed lizdenys task normal fixed 14 years
#670 CUPS 1.3 clients can't get queue state from CUPS 1.4 servers closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#669 tex-config does not like being installed or uninstalled closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#666 Ask maintainers to upgrade lighttpd closed geofft task normal fixed 14 years
#665 lpr/lpq/lp do not detect default printer closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#664 saferm doesn't deal with largefiles closed defect low fixed 13 years
#663 Document Viewer isn't in the Applications menu closed jdreed defect normal workaround 14 years
#661 Outreach to existing beta-linux and alpha-linux members closed jdreed task low fixed 13 years
#660 Do something useful with the foo-linux clusters closed jdreed task normal fixed 13 years
#659 debathena-tex-config occasionally causes pdftex to barf closed defect normal duplicate 14 years
#658 Users must authenticate to print from GTK+ apps closed defect blocker workaround 14 years
#657 lucid cluster installs permit graphical root logins closed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#656 clusters should provide more local disk closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#655 remote syslog includes hostname twice closed defect trivial wontfix 11 years
#654 New users logging into Lucid don't get "Athena Mail" in panel closed defect low wontfix 14 years
#652 lpq output broke again closed geofft defect blocker fixed 14 years
#651 attach in standard dotfiles breaks sftp closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#650 Reg applet occasionally doesn't work with IcedTea closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#648 Installer bails on Lucid due to poor interaction with bind9 and resolvconf closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#647 Remove the Java Licensing text from the installer closed amb defect low fixed 13 years
#646 Installer secretly depends on wget closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#643 setup doesn’t work in tcsh spawned from bash closed defect low worksforme 14 years
#642 new-GDM is too cool to display the contents of /etc/nologin closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#639 /usr/lib/init/quotawarn hasn't worked in a while closed defect normal duplicate 14 years
#638 Chromium doesn’t work in AFS closed defect normal THERE IS NO BUG STOP REOPENING 13 years
#637 Lucid doesn't install the GIMP by default closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#636 debathenified nmh drops patch to wrap all mhshow(1) output in more(1) closed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#634 daemon/ is not a real e-mail address closed defect low duplicate 13 years
#628 Use the default Xsession for kiosk mode closed enhancement low fixed 10 years
#627 byobu postinst interacts poorly with NSS_NONLOCAL_IGNORE closed defect normal fixed 12 years
#624 send announce e-mail about cluster upgrade, 64-bit closed task normal fixed 14 years
#622 PXE installer should accept a hostname in addition to an IP address closed jdreed enhancement trivial fixed 13 years
#621 Trac zephyr plugin should include ticket types closed enhancement normal fixed 14 years
#619 cups-client gives the finger to dpkg-statoverride closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#618 nmh users lose if they don't delegate credentials closed defect low fixed 14 years
#617 lib32nss-nonlocal is broken on amd64 Lucid closed andersk defect blocker fixed 14 years
#615 Work with ops to begin aggregating metrics weekly and sending info to sysd_stats closed jdreed task normal fixed 13 years
#613 recommend debathena-standard automatically if laptop-detect closed enhancement low fixed 12 years
#612 adding "" on the login screen gives "Cannot contact the Athena login servers" closed defect low fixed 12 years
#611 Fix apparmor and ntp interactions closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#610 Fix apparmor and nsswitch interactions closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#609 make sure collection of metrics works on Lucid closed defect normal worksforme 14 years
#607 Upgrade to OpenAFS 1.6 as soon as possible closed jdreed defect normal wontfix 13 years
#605 firefox-wrapper broken on lucid: "default" is now an awk reserved word closed rbasch defect normal fixed 14 years
#604 Send nmh-mbx_close.dpatch upstream closed task trivial fixed 12 years
#603 edsc should deal with unexpected discuss errors closed defect low fixed 12 years
#602 AppArmor needs to support Xauthority files outside of $HOME closed gdb defect normal fixed 14 years
#601 apparmor homedirs should include /afs/athena/user/*/*/ closed gdb defect low fixed 14 years
#600 PAM should tell you if you're over quota closed enhancement low fixed 14 years
#597 Install lib32nss-nonlocal on amd64 somewhere closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#590 debathena-tex-bin no longer necessary closed task low fixed 12 years
#587 debathena-tex-config fails on upgrade (maybe) and contains no files on Lucid closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#586 zephyr 2 to zephyr 3 distro upgrade makes you lose closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#585 command-not-found should say "no really, cluster chroots rock" closed enhancement trivial fixed 10 years
#582 Reexamine debathena-athena-libraries closed task trivial fixed 10 years
#581 Give shiny icons to the items in the "MIT Software" menu closed jdreed enhancement low fixed 12 years
#580 debathena-pyhesiodfs: Restarting automounter post-install script froze on dist-upgrade closed defect normal worksforme 14 years
#576 add Stata to xcluster closed defect insignificant wontfix 14 years
#575 add NextBus data to xcluster closed enhancement insignificant wontfix 14 years
#574 "System Default Session" is missing in gdm closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#573 gdm-config undiverted xsplash and throbber incorrectly closed broder defect low fixed 14 years
#572 dacopy and daremove are different from reprepro {copy,remove} closed defect trivial wontfix 10 years
#571 kiosk extension does not work in firefox 3.6 closed rbasch defect normal fixed 14 years
#570 Fix libathdir to have a sane compiled-in default for ATHENA_SYS closed defect low fixed 14 years
#568 mit-lp isn't lp closed defect insignificant invalid 14 years
#567 upstart is too cool for invoke-rc.d closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#566 lib32nss-nonlocal broken on squeeze closed andersk defect low fixed 14 years
#565 We don't write maintainer scripts for the #PACKAGE# package closed defect trivial fixed 14 years
#564 clean up licensing closed jdreed defect normal fixed 7 years
#563 "Duplex printing set-up" in firefox-extension can't possibly still be right closed defect low fixed 13 years
#562 Debathena restart of CUPS during upgrade sleeps for 2 minutes closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#561 DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL also displeases mortals closed broder enhancement low fixed 11 years
#559 Cluster machines should call for help closed defect low fixed 14 years
#558 Your locker might not be in the attachtab when you run quota closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#557 Update PXE installer for Lucid closed amb defect normal fixed 14 years
#556 chsh.moira shouldn't use /etc/shells closed lizdenys defect normal fixed 12 years
#554 auto-update should refuse to run if -development is enabled closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#552 auto-update should set UCF_FORCE_CONFFNEW on -cluster closed defect low fixed 13 years
#550 Use dh_gconf instead of gconftool-2 in cluster-login-config closed enhancement trivial fixed 12 years
#549 DEB_UN{DIVERT,REMOVE}_FILES always conditionalizes on upgrade version closed enhancement high fixed 13 years
#548 kiosk launch button still visible after login on Lucid closed rbasch defect normal fixed 14 years
#547 Update ttymsg for Lucid's gdm tty closed defect low fixed 14 years
#546 GDM theme isn't applied on Lucid closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#545 initial gnome-terminal opens in wrong place on Lucid closed defect low fixed 14 years
#544 metrics uninstalls only mostly cleanly closed enhancement trivial fixed 10 years
#543 auto-updater should resolve conffile conflicts on -workstation closed defect normal fixed 13 years
#542 athinfo query for login status closed enhancement low fixed 14 years
#541 matlab from "MIT Software" does not work closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#540 debathena-lprng should be providing /usr/sbin/lpc closed defect low wontfix 13 years
#539 Get rid of the debathena-dotfiles-x11 package closed task low fixed 14 years
#538 Document the autodebathenification process in the wiki closed jdreed task normal wontfix 14 years
#537 Work with Alex to transition send_message to Zenity (or libnotify) closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 14 years
#536 Stop using kexec as soon as possible closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#535 alpine doesn't conflict or provide its diversions closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#534 AppArmor breaks LPR printing from evince in Karmic closed defect normal duplicate 14 years
#533 Partitioning bug in lucid install closed amb defect normal fixed 14 years
#532 debathena-nsswitch-config doesn't divert del{group,user} or {group,user}del closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#529 Make Athena ready to transition away from single-DES closed kaduk defect normal fixed 11 years
#528 athena-auto-update should 'aptitude install' closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#527 Clean up new gdm's caching of dmrc files closed defect low fixed 14 years
#522 rgb.txt missing in Jaunty closed defect low workaround 14 years
#521 chsh.moira doesn't take -s closed defect low fixed 14 years
#520 chsh(1) is made of lies closed defect low fixed 14 years
#518 Kill lpr2 with fire closed jdreed task normal fixed 14 years
#517 syslog if auto-update fails closed enhancement blocker duplicate 15 years
#516 syslog if auto-update fails closed enhancement blocker fixed 14 years
#515 tweak thirdparty dependencies for lucid and amd64 closed jdreed task blocker fixed 14 years
#514 Update /usr/prototype_user/welcome for the 21st century closed jdreed task normal fixed 14 years
#513 Add fortune-mod to -extra-software-nox closed enhancement low fixed 14 years
#512 sftp subsystem should not return stdout/stderr from dotfiles closed jdreed defect normal fixed 13 years
#509 printing-config wrappers don't always use LPROPT closed jdreed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#508 Restore legacy LaTeX packages closed jdreed defect low wontfix 12 years
#507 pursue upstream bugs in Cyrus IMAP closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#506 installing kerberos-config on a Karmic live cd confuses AppArmor closed defect trivial fixed 14 years
#505 Identify Debathena on the login screen closed enhancement normal fixed 14 years
#504 investigate sporadic reports of disappearing jobs closed task low invalid 14 years
#501 Dotfiles should check for a case-insensitive value of "true" for "fallback closed jdreed defect low fixed 14 years
#499 attach man page should reflect reality closed jdreed defect low fixed 14 years
#498 AppArmor profile for evince prevents using lpr.debathena closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#497 backport schroot to Karmic closed task blocker fixed 15 years
#496 fix cluster-login-config for Lucid closed jdreed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#495 The new ssh/ticket delegation user experience is terrible closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#494 Switch User locks things up hard on lola-granola (karmic) closed defect normal workaround 14 years
#493 /proc/mounts! It's over sixty-five thousand! closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#492 Coordinate with ops to get report of bitrotting machines closed jdreed task normal fixed 14 years
#491 counterlog should include `lsb_release -sd` closed jdreed enhancement blocker fixed 15 years
#489 Follow up with NIST on getting the KDC upgraded to play nice with stock krb5-1.8 closed geofft task low duplicate 12 years
#488 kerberos-config needs to set allow_weak_crypto closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#487 Plaintext printing of UTF-8 fails (sometimes?) closed defect low invalid 14 years
#485 make sure 6.824 isn't using the Athena 9 install script closed broder task low fixed 15 years
#484 Job not canceled when removed from queue closed defect normal wontfix 13 years
#483 auto-update should deal with conffile conflicts on cluster closed jdreed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#482 pyhesiodfs exception on install closed defect low fixed 11 years
#481 Upgrade debhelper compatibility level closed enhancement normal fixed 12 years
#480 Trac highlights /bin/sh scripts and not /bin/bash ones closed defect trivial fixed 14 years
#479 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive is Wrong closed enhancement low fixed 11 years
#478 mh-smail calls send -msgid, which doesn't work closed defect low fixed 15 years
#477 debathena-lprng cron job causes daily mail with error to be sent closed jdreed defect low worksforme 14 years
#476 Follow-up with Kernel on ENOEXEC/ENOENT for libc5 binaries closed jdreed task normal fixed 11 years
#475 Talk to save about de-supporting "setup save" and nuking most of /mit/save/bin closed jdreed task normal fixed 14 years
#470 clear login screen state after a few minutes closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#469 auto-update should get its desync interval, and possibly other info, from a URL closed enhancement normal wontfix 14 years
#468 Can we drop a force-update and reconfigure-network script in /usr/share/recovery-mode/options/ ? closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 14 years
#467 Unclean shutdown of reactivate-2 causes time-consuming schroot cleanup closed defect low duplicate 14 years
#465 come up with a coherent plan for debathena-printing-config closed task normal fixed 12 years
#461 pyhesiodfs should pass -o nonempty to fuse closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#460 mail / sendmail should respect $ATHENA_USER for from closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#459 alpine should respect ATHENA_USER as FROM address closed defect normal duplicate 15 years
#458 Non-BSD CUPS clients should choose the correct server closed defect normal wontfix 12 years
#457 force logout of abandoned cluster causes greyout closed geofft defect blocker fixed 14 years
#456 Maintainer for debathenified packages should be Debathena closed broder defect low fixed 14 years
#455 Inventory WRW apps on Athena and determine how they print closed jdreed task low wontfix 14 years
#453 bugme kernel oops closed defect normal invalid 14 years
#452 put up a "logging in" / "logging out" spinner closed enhancement trivial wontfix 14 years
#451 reactivate 2 needs to clean up harder closed jdreed defect normal fixed 14 years
#449 Deal with .generation double-sided support for CUPS closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#448 lprm/lpq wrapper should point you at the right CUPS server closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#447 Update login session options for new gdm in karmic closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#446 debathena-lprng fails to patch lpc on squeeze closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#445 debathena-libmoira-dev doesn't install moira.h closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#444 LPRng options don't work with CUPS closed defect low fixed 14 years
#442 SIPB apt repo closed enhancement normal wontfix 12 years
#441 reactivate 2 isn't getting krb4 tickets closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#440 n-up printing from evince doesn't work closed defect normal worksforme 14 years
#438 install MS Office on clusters closed enhancement trivial wontfix 13 years
#437 Consider expanding debathena-metrics blacklist closed broder enhancement normal fixed 14 years
#436 repository and build process for patched schroot 1.3 closed geofft enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#435 reactivate 2 regression: home directory must be world-listable closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#434 "Spooled PDF File Rejected" from GTK+ LPR backend closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#433 syslog-config needs to use rsyslog closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#432 collate by default closed defect low worksforme 13 years
#431 Karmic's gdm does not support custom commands, e.g. launching the kiosk browser closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#430 gdm-config should skin post-2.20 gdms closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#429 gdm-config should set /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list closed rbasch defect normal fixed 15 years
#428 debathena-pidgin-wrapper doesn't respect ATHENA_USER closed defect low fixed 15 years
#427 firefox-extension uninstallable without krb4 closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#426 kill dsc_setup closed mitchb defect low fixed 14 years
#424 network-manager-config should name the network "Auto MIT" closed defect low wontfix 13 years
#423 2-up printing from evince to lprng doesn't work closed defect low wontfix 15 years
#421 autodebathenified packages should go straight into production closed task normal fixed 15 years
#420 How to configure VPN on Ubuntu 9.04 closed defect normal wontfix 15 years
#419 debathena-nmh depends on krb4 closed geofft defect low fixed 14 years
#418 pam-config enables libpam-krb524 on krb4-less systems closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#417 Renew doesn't work properly on Karmic closed defect low fixed 15 years
#416 reactivate's transform scripts never fail closed enhancement trivial fixed 14 years
#414 mark firefox-extension compatible with 3.5 closed rbasch task normal fixed 15 years
#413 alpine-config: ${ATHENA_USER:-$USER} doesn't work closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#412 athena-auto-update should not run when the user is logged in closed defect normal duplicate 14 years
#411 We should honor $PRINTER, including in the GUI if possible closed enhancement normal wontfix 15 years
#409 ood-packages shouldn't require you to be debathena-root to work closed enhancement trivial wontfix 11 years
#408 athena-auto-update should deal with upstream's anjuta/libgbf fail closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#407 athena-auto-update should dpkg --configure -a closed jdreed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#406 athena-auto-update does not retry configuring unconfigured packages closed defect blocker fixed 14 years
#405 Uninstalling debathena-thunderbird-config breaks thunderbird closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#404 Research and report regression in OO.o closed task blocker worksforme 15 years
#403 mitmailutils should use krb5 closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#402 evolution-wrapper should support krb5 auth closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#401 thunderbird-config should support krb5 auth closed defect low fixed 15 years
#400 disable nm-applet on clusters closed enhancement trivial fixed 14 years
#399 look at f-u-s-a change to indicator-applet-session closed task normal duplicate 15 years
#398 Use CUPS by default closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#397 CUPS should probably support lpr -Pprinter2 closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#396 Rename "Locker Software" in the Applications menu closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#395 Ability to set AFS permissions from Nautilus closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 11 years
#394 restore some login screen options/applets closed enhancement low wontfix 13 years
#393 remove renew and add from debathena-dotfiles closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#392 test current LDAP clients (address books) against ldap-too closed jdreed task high fixed 13 years
#391 Stop debathenifying bash and tcsh because no one uses double-tilde closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#390 Figure out empathy support closed defect low worksforme 12 years
#389 LiveCD Windows app lacks Debathena branding closed enhancement trivial wontfix 11 years
#388 config-package-dev maintainer scripts don’t undivert on deconfigure closed defect normal fixed 11 years
#387 "chmod 755 ~" dialog should offer to do so for you closed enhancement trivial fixed 13 years
#386 bugme isn't always always on top closed lfaraone defect trivial fixed 12 years
#385 debathena-misc-glue has undeclared conflict with acroread closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#384 lpr.debathena should find the cups default printer, and prioritize it above hesiod closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#383 config-package-dev quoting bug fails to disallow transformation of generated conffiles closed defect low fixed 13 years
#382 Quickstation login times are unacceptable closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#381 people who try to disable bugme should not have athena accounts closed defect low wontfix 14 years
#380 grenew FTBFS on releases without krb4 closed broder defect blocker fixed 15 years
#379 debathena-kerberos-config depends krb4-config, which is gone in squeeze closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#378 Distribute a gtkrc that enables the LPR backend closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#376 lpq claims jobs are from cups rather than from the workstation closed enhancement trivial invalid 14 years
#375 packages punted from live CD are also punted from installed system closed xavid defect insignificant wontfix 13 years
#374 clean up redundancies in debathena-thirdparty closed kaduk task low fixed 10 years
#372 debathena-thirdparty prevents install of newer, conflicting package versions closed defect normal workaround 11 years
#371 Graphical Installer should suggest use of athena username. closed xavid enhancement low fixed 13 years
#370 Update pyhesiodfs snapshot to add /mit/.locker support closed broder task low wontfix 11 years
#369 gdm-config needs to be entirely rewritten for Karmic’s gdm closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#368 Change umask to 022 in /usr/lib/init/{ba,c}shrc closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#367 nss-nonlocal should disallow numeric group names closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#364 Tab completion for athinfo closed enhancement low fixed 14 years
#363 No tickets on login with identical passwords in debathan-login closed defect low wontfix 13 years
#361 we know that libuuid and mit conflict; don't syslog it closed andersk enhancement trivial fixed 14 years
#360 auto-update should clean up .debathena-orig.dpkg-new files closed defect low wontfix 12 years
#359 Sending all of dmesg to wslogger is kind of obnoxious closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#358 debathena-dns-config breaks networking when registration required closed defect low wontfix 12 years
#357 make headphone controls more intuitive closed enhancement low duplicate 14 years
#356 Firefox pops up extension list on startup closed defect normal worksforme 12 years
#355 pyhesiodfs logs every /mit/* symlink creation to syslog closed jdreed defect trivial fixed 10 years
#354 re-enable Compiz closed defect normal invalid 12 years
#353 tty mode login for clusters (a la Ctrl-P) closed enhancement low wontfix 12 years
#352 GDM's ~/.xsession-errors should be useful for AFS homedir users closed defect normal fixed 10 years
#351 PDF printing alignment issue test case closed defect normal worksforme 13 years
#350 Running gnome-display-properties with fglrx loaded causes X to spin closed defect normal ignored 14 years
#349 Replace help displayed by panel question mark icon with Athena help closed rye enhancement low fixed 15 years
#348 debathena-xsession probably doesn't uninstall cleanly closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#347 discuss uses obsolete AC_TYPE_SIGNAL closed defect low fixed 15 years
#346 nref broken on Debathena's discuss client closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#345 Desktop backgrounds not migrated between Athena 9 and Debathena closed jdreed defect normal workaround 15 years
#344 neo doesn't build on Jaunty closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#343 debathena-larvnet does not uninstall cleanly closed defect low fixed 15 years
#342 Non-GNOME sessions' terminals are broken in Jaunty closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#341 WINDOW_MANAGER isn't respected in Jaunty closed jdreed defect normal fixed 15 years
#340 Metrics gathering closed broder enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#339 Build packages for Ubuntu's lpia architecture closed enhancement low wontfix 15 years
#337 Create a cronjob on debuild so the LiveCD is rebuilt automatically closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#336 Shell gives useless error message when a binary's interpreter is missing closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#335 Complain to Ubuntu Tech Board about LP:251242 SRU closed task normal wontfix 14 years
#333 PXE installer doesn't configure network closed amb defect normal fixed 13 years
#332 Need to fix /etc/network/interfaces on older installs closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#330 lock screen from panel needs multiple tries closed defect low wontfix 15 years
#327 Evolution wrapper should include MH collection if ~/Mail/inbox exists closed jdreed defect low fixed 15 years
#326 debathena-kerberos-config forgets to reload apparmor closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#325 debathena-kerberos-config makes Karmic’s cupsd crash on startup closed defect blocker duplicate 15 years
#324 The bugme timer disappearing bug is back closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#323 debathena-alpine-config broke pine symlink closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#322 Installer should verify installability closed amb defect normal wontfix 13 years
#321 AFS cache should not be snapshotted closed defect blocker wontfix 15 years
#320 use software from Athena: file exists while symlinking closed defect normal worksforme 15 years
#319 debathena-kerberos-config upgrade left behind obsolete conffile closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#318 Extend nss-nonlocal to support whitelisting nonlocal groups and grplists closed andersk enhancement low fixed 13 years
#317 All mail clients must use SSL and the appropriate authentication method when using Hesiod closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#316 Check for IMAP.EXCHANGE.MIT.EDU instead of/in addition to EXCHANGE.MIT.EDU closed task normal fixed 15 years
#315 debathena-ssh-server-config breaks ssh logins without a keytab closed defect low fixed 14 years
#314 bind mount more stuff closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#313 stella should be able to ignore DNS closed enhancement low invalid 14 years
#312 Update Pine default collections for Exchange closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#311 Please add wine to extra-software closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#310 Can't log in graphically if quota is exceeded closed broder defect blocker fixed 15 years
#309 Desync auto-update by editing /etc/cron.d/debathena-auto-update instead of sleeping closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#308 Trac e-mail is entirely too noisy closed defect normal wontfix 15 years
#307 the non-gdm tty "press ctrl-alt-f7 to log in" messages are gone in Jaunty closed broder defect low duplicate 14 years
#306 Installing on the 755s hangs after downloading the stock ubuntu packages closed defect blocker worksforme 15 years
#305 cluster-login-config should kick gdm and init closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#304 evolution should default to the MIT mail account, not the local mail closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#303 Figure out Ubuntu release upgrades for clusters closed amb defect blocker fixed 14 years
#301 Create policy-rc.d in installer when run from d-i closed enhancement low fixed 15 years
#298 get dpkg 1.15 into Ubuntu closed task low fixed 15 years
#297 debathena-ssh-server-config should turn off GSSAPIStrictAcceptorCheck closed defect low fixed 15 years
#296 debathena-ssh-client-config should turn on GSSAPIKeyExchange closed defect low fixed 15 years
#295 Test ticket for F11 zephyr debugging closed defect trivial fixed 15 years
#294 Installer should force NTP sync and hwclock sync, and have a working ntpd afterwards as well closed amb defect normal fixed 15 years
#293 Decide what software should be on the Live CD closed enhancement low fixed 13 years
#292 debathena-cluster should turn sound off differently closed enhancement low fixed 15 years
#291 mail-icon-config should know about some common external mail providers closed enhancement low wontfix 15 years
#290 Do something awesome with remctl closed enhancement trivial invalid 14 years
#289 Greeter should stop saying Athena 10 closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#288 Remove Athena (9) entry from PXE menu closed amb task normal fixed 14 years
#287 Update source filsys entries closed amb task normal fixed 15 years
#286 some equivalent of console in this brave new world closed quentin enhancement low wontfix 11 years
#285 LPROPT isn't respected closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#284 /usr/lib/init/displaymotd barfs on "markup" closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#283 debathena-workstation Live CD install doesn't display feedback closed xavid enhancement normal fixed 13 years
#282 Java breaks new Live CD -workstation installs closed xavid defect normal fixed 15 years
#281 notify-osd misleadingly reports that print jobs have completed closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#280 Helpful bugme notifications closed enhancement trivial invalid 14 years
#279 Thunderbird wrapper should not run fs sa on local paths closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#278 "Log Out" button on screensaver takes far too long closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#277 WGFILE not being set breaks send_message closed defect normal wontfix 15 years
#275 Provide GUI integration with DFS homedir closed enhancement low duplicate 15 years
#274 New debathena-discuss-server breaks mail feeds and local access closed mitchb defect normal fixed 15 years
#273 debathena-moira-clients: userreg has a manpage but does not exist closed broder defect trivial fixed 12 years
#272 debathena-tellme: tellme has no manpage closed jdreed defect low fixed 15 years
#271 debathena-pyhesiodfs: pyhesiodfs has no manpage closed defect trivial fixed 13 years
#270 debathena-nmh: missing manpages closed defect low fixed 14 years
#269 debathena-msmtp-mta: sendmail has no manpage closed jdreed defect low fixed 14 years
#268 debathena-moira-clients: missing manpages closed defect low fixed 13 years
#267 debathena-finger: finger does not have its own manpage closed defect trivial wontfix 14 years
#266 debathena-discuss: missing manpages closed jdreed defect low fixed 15 years
#265 debathena-counterlog: athena-counterlog should be in /usr/lib closed defect trivial fixed 15 years
#264 debathena-attach: atconvert has no manpage closed defect low wontfix 15 years
#263 debathena-afs-config: update-cellservdb has no manpage closed broder defect trivial fixed 15 years
#262 openafs-modules-virtual should use modules built for -server closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#261 debathena-discuss-server shouldn't assume inetd closed defect normal invalid 15 years
#260 PXE installer: make danger as obvious as possible closed enhancement low fixed 15 years
#259 The PXE installer should say Debathena where it currently says Athena 10 closed amb defect trivial fixed 15 years
#257 Consider bumping priority of openafs-modules metapackages from extra to optional closed defect normal wontfix 14 years
#256 Trim the cruft from cshrc dotfiles closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#255 debathena-thirdparty uninstallable: amaya not in Jaunty closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#254 debathena-thirdparty uninstallable: mtoolsfm not in Jaunty closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#253 PXE preseed needs additional option for Jaunty closed defect low fixed 14 years
#252 Contact users of repo and tell them to stop closed jdreed task normal fixed 15 years
#251 Make lpr look at the command line options to figure out if its cups or lprng closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#250 zwgc fonts are too big closed geofft defect low wontfix 14 years
#249 Update Debathena signing key away from 1024-bit DSA closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#247 Intrepid->Jaunty upgrade wants to clobber /etc/gconf/2/path.debathena closed defect normal fixed 14 years
#246 The mail icon in the panel should do something clever based on chpobox information closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#245 breaks 3partysw license managers closed defect trivial workaround 10 years
#244 tex-config may not configure tex completely closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#243 openafs support should take advantage of dkms closed lizdenys enhancement blocker fixed 13 years
#242 view_home setting in .owlconf gets overridden closed defect low invalid 15 years
#241 debathena-counterlog needs to depend on debathena-machtype closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#240 notify users they're in a chroot on sudo/su closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#239 Firefox 3 against AFS homedirs has bad performance closed defect normal worksforme 15 years
#238 add one-character aliases to discuss closed enhancement trivial fixed 15 years
#237 Use icedtea6-plugin for Java closed enhancement blocker fixed 14 years
#236 erlang-base conflicts erlang-doc-html on jaunty closed broder defect low fixed 14 years
#235 Debathena Live CD installs an initrd that enables compcache. closed xavid defect normal fixed 15 years
#234 Add libgl1-mesa-dev to debathena-thirdparty closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#233 3D apps mostly suck on 745s with radeon drivers closed defect low wontfix 15 years
#232 Provide a supportable Ubuntu configuration of TSM closed enhancement low wontfix 10 years
#231 Gnucash breaks gconf configurations closed jdreed defect normal worksforme 15 years
#230 Cluster users get notifications because they're sudoers closed defect low fixed 15 years
#229 CUPS should not scan the local network for printers closed jdreed defect low fixed 13 years
#227 Improve semantics of attach/detach and add closed enhancement low fixed 10 years
#226 Investigate state of open-vm-tools under Jaunty and determine whether to fully support them at this time closed jdreed task low fixed 14 years
#224 Cluster installer should check for sufficient disk space closed amb defect trivial fixed 13 years
#223 Make "noarch" sysname and inform locker maintainers closed broder defect low fixed 15 years
#222 Package and install Citrix client on cluster machines closed enhancement trivial wontfix 14 years
#220 debathena-alpine-config should enable the MH and Old Pine folder collections closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#219 Document the brokenness of binaries linked against /lib/ closed jdreed task normal fixed 15 years
#218 Ensure that NetworkManager and static IPs works and is documented closed jdreed task normal fixed 15 years
#216 Make Trac the endpoint for closed defect normal wontfix 15 years
#215 debathena-cluster on Jaunty doesn't give you a window manager closed defect blocker fixed 15 years
#214 /etc/{bash.bashrc,csh.cshrc}.debathena should not set environment variables closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#213 Craft a policy on the implications of each metapackage and what software goes where closed jdreed task normal fixed 14 years
#212 wireless LAN doesn't start at graphical login screen closed geofft defect normal fixed 13 years
#211 No documentation on the PXE installer closed jdreed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#210 Make Evolution work with Exchange closed enhancement low wontfix 13 years
#209 maple / java problem on 64 bit machines closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#208 graphical login doesn't deal well with being unplugged closed defect normal fixed 15 years
#207 Test ticket closed defect normal invalid 15 years
#206 Define behavior around zwgc and remote X11 sessions closed enhancement normal fixed 15 years
#205 ssh changes behavior from Athena 9, does not delegate tickets by default closed jhamrick defect blocker fixed 15 years
#204 debathena-printing-config missing dependency on python-hesiod closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#202 add -r misbehaves if you create another arch/foo while a locker is added closed defect low fixed 10 years
#201 DFS (Windows desktop) browsing through the GUI closed enhancement low fixed 13 years
#199 Investigate and report the sbuild/libtool ~ bug closed task normal wontfix 15 years
#198 debathena-moira FTBFS on Squeeze closed broder defect blocker fixed 15 years
#197 Xsession tracker check doesn't make sure the tracker config file exists first. closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#196 squeeze+ releases should include deb60 sysnames closed defect low fixed 12 years
#195 Sync our moira package from the moiradev locker closed broder defect normal fixed 15 years
#194 Determine whether the "universe" repository is supported on LTS releases closed task normal fixed 15 years