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Results (298 - 300 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#554 wontfix auto-update should refuse to run if -development is enabled broder

Reported by broder, 14 years ago.


The rules for -development and the rules for auto-update conflict with each other.

auto-update assumes a world with apt repository semantics, where version numbers are monotonically increasing.

-development assumes a world where things can be arbitrarily broken, and where we don't have to fix them later, where there's no guarantee we won't scribble over your harddrive, and where version numbers are convenient labels that we can change and re-write as we please.

This does bad things when, say, I upload a package to -development specifically because I expect it to break things, and then auto-update goes and installs it on a bunch of workstations.

auto-update should refuse to run if -development is enabled, because there are simply no guarantees that the end result will be a sane one.

#558 fixed Your locker might not be in the attachtab when you run quota geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


jesstess tried running quota -v on kid-icarus and didn't see any results. It started working after running attach jesstess.

We should somehow ensure that your home directory shows up in the output of quota -v by default. The lame way is to run attach $USER at the top of the quota command (which might get confusing if you've explicitly attached something other than your actual filsys pointer at /mit/$USER).. The other lame way is to block until attach gets rewritten (#227). Maybe there's a non-lame way.

#559 fixed Cluster machines should call for help jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


A cluster machine that is sad (i.e. because it downgraded itself to -workstation) should know enough to call for help.

A possible method is that the installer drops an unpackaged initscript somewhere that, if debathena-cluster is not installed, displays a single X window that says "This workstation is temporarily out of service, please contact hotline@…".

The window could also do more awesome things,like prompt the user to click a button to hackboot into PXE and reinstall, or something else.

But at the very least, it should advertise its brokenness.

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