Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (307 - 309 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#572 wontfix dacopy and daremove are different from reprepro {copy,remove} broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


dacopy and daremove are wrappers around reprepro copysrc and reprepro removesrc respectively.

This is a bit annoying when you actually want reprepro copy or reprepro remove, like I did when I was removing an NBS package.

Renaming dacopy and daremove would be annoying, so I'm thinking we should maybe add a --nosrc argument or something like that to each of them.

#574 fixed "System Default Session" is missing in gdm kcr

Reported by kcr, 15 years ago.


"System Default Session" a.k.a "run my .xsession if I've got one, else give me gnome" seems to be missing in Lucid (and Karmic).

#575 wontfix add NextBus data to xcluster geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


You can get latitudes and longitudes for the MIT shuttles via  an XML web service. xcluster should have a mode to display the vehicles. This will be particularly awesome when combined with ticket #394.

This is even more fun because xcluster is doubtless using Institute north.

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