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Results (313 - 315 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#585 fixed command-not-found should say "no really, cluster chroots rock" geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


Ubuntu has some stock text about telling you you can "sudo apt-get install" various packages. It might be a slight usability/publicity improvement to rephrase this text on cluster machines to more advertise the cluster chroot sandboxes and encourage you to go ahead and install the package.

#586 fixed zephyr 2 to zephyr 3 distro upgrade makes you lose geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


If you do a do-release-upgrade from a libzephyr3 release to a libzephyr4 one, you lose.

Because debathena-zephyr-config et al. depend on libzephyr4-krb5 | libzephyr3-krb, the libzephyr3-krb you already had installed satisfies that dependency, meaning that nothing pulls in libzephyr4-krb5. When do-release-upgrade cleans up at the end of the upgrade, it doesn't remove libzephyr3-krb because it's still depended on by zephyr-config.

Meanwhile, because things like pidgin depend on some form of libzephyr4, you end up with both libzephyr3-krb and libzephyr4 (no -krb5), and you're sad.

The only fix I've been able to come up with is to create a debathena-libzephyr, which depends on libzephyr4-krb5 | libzephyr3-krb on releases that still have zephyr 2, and just libzephyr4-krb5 on releases that only have zephyr 3. And then depend on that everywhere we currently have a libzephyr4-krb5 | libzephyr3-krb dependency.

(This allows us to accommodate the eventuality where zephyr 3 gets backported to Hardy + Jaunty)

#587 fixed debathena-tex-config fails on upgrade (maybe) and contains no files on Lucid jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


For some reason, the debathena-tex-config doesn't configure any of the files it's supposed to:

opus:~ broder$ dpkg -L debathena-tex-config

aseering reported that this caused errors when upgrading from a release whose tex-config package wasn't borked.

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