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Results (316 - 318 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#556 fixed chsh.moira shouldn't use /etc/shells lizdenys jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


chsh.moira should not use /etc/shells as the list of acceptable shells, since that list is not static. Really, it should yell very loudly at you if you try and change your shell to anything other than /bin{,/athena}/{tc,ba}sh.

For example, if I run chsh.moira on Linerva, and choose zsh, that will be fine, since zsh is installed on Linerva. If I then log into a cluster machine, I will be very sad and will end up with weird screw cases. For example, I can launch gnome-terminal (which will run bash for me, for some reason), but not xterm (which will error out saying /usr/bin/zsh does not exist).

We can either use a file in AFS (and require AFS), or we can ship /etc/shells.moira which contains /bin/athena/bash, /bin/athena/tcsh, /bin/bash, and /bin/tcsh.

Ideally, we'd follow up and change this upstream.

#557 fixed Update PXE installer for Lucid amb jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


Because we don't have a ticket for this.

#559 fixed Cluster machines should call for help jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


A cluster machine that is sad (i.e. because it downgraded itself to -workstation) should know enough to call for help.

A possible method is that the installer drops an unpackaged initscript somewhere that, if debathena-cluster is not installed, displays a single X window that says "This workstation is temporarily out of service, please contact hotline@…".

The window could also do more awesome things,like prompt the user to click a button to hackboot into PXE and reinstall, or something else.

But at the very least, it should advertise its brokenness.

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