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Results (316 - 318 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#349 fixed Replace help displayed by panel question mark icon with Athena help rye geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


On at least -cluster machines, we should point people for Hermes and OLC for Athena help rather than to Ubuntu forums etc. The question-mark icon in the panel loads yelp's default front page; this should be configured to display some other Athena-specific text, and possibly link back to the original text.

Note that we don't want to affect yelp's functionality as a help browser for the rest of the system, just its home page.

#350 ignored Running gnome-display-properties with fglrx loaded causes X to spin jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


If I choose to enable "Restricted drivers" (as many people will), and then later try and go to System->Preferences->Display, Xorg will take up 100% of CPU on one core, and the machine becomes unusable (and gnome-display-manager never works). This appears to affect both 755s and 760s (Radeon HD 2400 and 3450 respectively).

Killing gnome-display-manager has no effect, nor does punting Compiz. Rebooting seems to be the only solution. Nothing interesting in the logs.

We should document this or file a bug upstream or something.

#351 worksforme PDF printing alignment issue test case geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


The attached PDF is sheet music from my a cappella group that we printed this week for auditions. The noteheads, key signature, etc. print about a whole step higher on the page than they display in Evince and xpdf.

In years past, the full document has printed correctly on Athena 9 / lprng. I haven't tested this particular PDF, although as mentioned, it renders correctly on-screen.

I assume this is some conversion issue between PDF and PostScript? involving CUPS; I guess I'll try to capture the generated PostScript? from

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