Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (319 - 321 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#80 fixed debathena-firefox-wrapper is busted tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


On both zsr and mega-man, I was unable to run firefox or iceweasel, and instead have to run firefox.debathena-orig.

#976 fixed debathena-gdm-config doesn't handle Debian gdm3 package bbaren geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


Ubuntu put what we call "new GDM" in the gdm package, starting from version 2.25. Debian, deciding that it was eventually going to be part of GNOME 3, put it in the gdm3 package and kept a gdm package around with "old GDM". We only ever tested this on Ubuntu. This causes the following immediate problem on Debian:

geofft@leveret:~$ aptitude -s install debathena-login-graphical
The following packages have unmet dependencies:                
  gdm3: Conflicts: gdm but 2.20.11-4 is to be installed.       
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:         
     Remove the following packages:                            
1)     gdm3                                                    
2)     gnome                                                   
3)     gnome-desktop-environment                               

The less immediate problem is that our build infrastructure conditionalizes on gdm package version, but on Debian, both gdm and gdm3 exist. One answer (probably the easier one) is to substvar in our gdm dependency, and on Debian where gdm3 exists, set NEW_GDM and set the substvar to gdm3, and simply not support old-gdm on Debian releases that include new-gdm. (This is analogous to what we are forced to do on Ubuntu.) If someone wants to be particularly ambitious, they could try making multiple binary packages debathena-gdm-config and debathena-gdm3-condig.

#115 fixed debathena-gdm-config should restart gdm when uninstalled jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


A postrm script should be added that restarts gdm so that gdm doesn't complain about the missing debathena theme on subsequent logins.

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