Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (322 - 324 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#122 fixed pine’s pilot package needs to go away andersk

Reported by andersk, 16 years ago.


Alpine (both the upstream packages and the Debathena packages) includes a pilot package whose current version is 2.00. The pilot package in the debathena component of the repository is version 4.64-3debathena4, even though it is from the pine source package and therefore ancient. It needs to go away.

#159 fixed ~/.pinerc sometimes refers to geofft geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


On amd64-test I am running a version of debathena-alpine-config that hardcodes po15, and uses an undebathenified alpine, which is the config we intend to deploy once the other POs support krb5.

If I try to send mail (which wants a sent-mail folder) or manually create a Spamscreen folder, it fails because stock alpine can't parse

This config only appears in my own .pinerc:

amd64-test:~ geofft$ grep hesiod /etc/pine.conf
amd64-test:~ geofft$ grep hesiod .pinerc
folder-collections="MIT Mail" {}INBOX.[],

So we're going to need to figure out how to override or overwrite the local user's folder-collections when we deploy the krb5 debathena-alpine-config.

#1328 fixed pidgin-wrapper and evolution-wrapper and gconfd-2-wrapper FTBFS on raring jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 11 years ago.


It used the obsolete Fixed in r25934 and friends.

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