Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (325 - 327 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1045 fixed Pharos backend jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


Because of  LP:826958, our instructions for configuring Pharos on Linux when your username doesn't match no longer work on Natty. debathena-pharos-support is now in the source tree (r25383) as a low-rent Pharos backend. There is still a desire to have "Popup" for Linux, but that won't happen in bounded time. With pharos-support v1.0, you add a queue of the form pharos://bw/joeuser and have it DTRT.

#381 wontfix people who try to disable bugme should not have athena accounts kcr

Reported by kcr, 15 years ago.


Or at _least_, should get logged out if they kill -STOP it.

#351 worksforme PDF printing alignment issue test case geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


The attached PDF is sheet music from my a cappella group that we printed this week for auditions. The noteheads, key signature, etc. print about a whole step higher on the page than they display in Evince and xpdf.

In years past, the full document has printed correctly on Athena 9 / lprng. I haven't tested this particular PDF, although as mentioned, it renders correctly on-screen.

I assume this is some conversion issue between PDF and PostScript? involving CUPS; I guess I'll try to capture the generated PostScript? from

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