Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (331 - 333 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#53 fixed Automate debathenification scripts tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 17 years ago.


Athena 10 is currently using autodebathenify to update debathenified packages. We should adapt that script to use a staging repo instead of making changes live immediately, have it notify us when an upload is pending, and write scripts for moving packages between the staging and live repos.

#54 fixed Create a debathena LiveCD / installation CD xavid tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 17 years ago.


I think the best approach is to make a script that creates a Debathena installer LiveCD, so that we can completely automate upgrading to new distributions. We may need to be careful with memory usage.

#56 fixed Make linerva easier to install tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 17 years ago.


We should get all the packages for running Linerva into an apt repository, which should make installation much easier. This blocks on #51.

PREP: get keytab and setup a stock etch VM This probably involves:

  • make basic repository in someone's home directory and build+upload the linerva, linerva-perl, linerva-master, linerva-pam-config, and linerva-chroot (#51) packages to it.
  • test installation via apt
  • compare /etc to running linerva.
  • packages unpackaged changes like /etc/shells that become obvious from the previous step.
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