Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (340 - 342 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#64 fixed Fix mh on debathena mitchb tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 17 years ago.


We should fix mh on Debathena. I think we've still got the mhl and defaults problems remaining.

#65 fixed Change remaining code to use tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 17 years ago.

Description is supposed to be the authoritative source of our tags database and lists distribution (though it might be good to put this in a file rather than a script). I think we need to fix

debathena/third/common/ debathena/third/cyrus-sasl2-mit/debathenify-cyrus-sasl2-mit

Also, /mit/debathena/web_scripts/pkglist/ should read its lists of codenames and components rather than hardcoding them.

#66 fixed Build Debathena for hardy tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 17 years ago.


We should make test hardy packages

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