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Results (340 - 342 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#540 wontfix debathena-lprng should be providing /usr/sbin/lpc geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


I can't tell if this has been happening since debathena-printing-config 1.17 (the version where we rewrote everything to be awesome in the brave new CUPS world), or since a recent CUPS update, but all the /usr/sbin/lpcs that I find are CUPS' version. In the words of 1.17's changelog, lpc is "only useful with LPRng", so this is wrong. Either printing-config should restore a wrapper for lpc that unconditionally calls mit-lpc, or debathena-lprng should divert cups-bsd's lpc out of the way and drop its own in place.

#558 fixed Your locker might not be in the attachtab when you run quota geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


jesstess tried running quota -v on kid-icarus and didn't see any results. It started working after running attach jesstess.

We should somehow ensure that your home directory shows up in the output of quota -v by default. The lame way is to run attach $USER at the top of the quota command (which might get confusing if you've explicitly attached something other than your actual filsys pointer at /mit/$USER).. The other lame way is to block until attach gets rewritten (#227). Maybe there's a non-lame way.

#561 fixed DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL also displeases mortals broder geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


Nobody can remember what the syntax for manually generating debian/control from debian/ is (this is especially confusing to new developers, or non-Debathena folks trying to compile/reuse our code), it's in a number of cases the only thing that makes our version control repository differ from our source packages, and there are a couple of screw cases where [r24514 DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL can't be made to work] even if we wanted to.

We should get rid of our use of DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL/, because it's not buying us all that much compared to the inconsistencies and usability issues it introduces.

For the sake of not patching every package at separate times, Evan wants to do this when #481 and #560 get done.

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