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Results (343 - 345 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1216 fixed Opt-in support for ssh -k / public keys on athena.dialup geofft

Reported by geofft, 12 years ago.


It would be kind of nifty if the athena.dialup patch let you opt in somehow (e.g. via creation of a flag file .ssh/i-know-what-i-am-doing) to login methods that don't end up with valid Kerberos tickets. Currently those are disabled to force you to type a password, so that new users don't get confused.

I currently use public key support a lot (because I log in from an iDevice where typing in a password is a pain, and there are no Kerberized SSH clients as far as I know) to reattach to a ticketed screen session, so would be sad to see this go away.

#243 fixed openafs support should take advantage of dkms lizdenys broder

Reported by broder, 16 years ago.


Now that there's dkms support for openafs in Jaunty, we should figure out how best to take advantage of it.

We probably don't want to install openafs-modules-dkms instead of our openafs-modules metapackages, because the time to build the kernel module sucks if it can be avoided.

Maybe adding openafs-modules-dkms as a recommendation of debathena-locker?

#1297 fixed openafs module won't build on 3.5 kernel jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


As of 12.04.2, you get -backports enabled and you get a quantal kernel, and openafs doesn't build. Two users have already gotten bitten by this, and more are likely on the way. apt-get install linux-image-generic will get you back to 3.2, but either the installer should check for this, or we should do something clever.

/mit/jdreed/Public/make.log for a failed build log.

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