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Results (352 - 354 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#675 workaround icedtea6-plugin doesn't get installed on Lucid; reg applet doesn't work jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


I have two amd64 machines, both installed with the PXE installer. Neither machine had any failures during install that I'm aware of. Neither machine has icedtea6-plugin (probably because it's a suggestion, not a recommendation or dependency).

This means the reg applet doesn't work.

Here's a question: Do we want the kiosk user to just pull in the Java from the Java locker, which a) works and b) is guaranteed to be there.

#677 wontfix [printing] 9050s rotate A4 documents kaduk

Reported by kaduk, 14 years ago.


Not sure if this is a debathena bug or not, but when I spool an A4 document to celine (which is new printer hardware), and press the green button to accept letter paper from the trays, the (portrait) document comes out on landscape paper, which is not terribly useful. I believe that the old hardware did not perform this rotation.

#678 ignored Debian's clisp-dev has dumb dependencies geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


 clisp-dev is a Recommendation of debathena-thirdparty-languages, and it's not installing on Lucid because it has a hard dependency on libreadline5-dev, and everyone else is using libreadline6-dev, which conflicts (there are exactly two other packages in the archive that depend on libreadline5-dev and don't permit libreadline6-dev as an alternative). I'm pretty sure there's no good reason for this.

Furthermore, as pointed out by  DebianBug:504514,

Depends: clisp, libc6-dev, debhelper (>> 7), gettext, bison, libncurses5-dev, groff, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxpm-dev, libsigsegv-dev (>= 2.4-1), libreadline6-dev, libffcall1-dev, libdb-dev


Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 7), gettext, bison, libncurses5-dev, groff, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxpm-dev, libsigsegv-dev (>= 2.4), libreadline5-dev, dh-lisp (>= 0.3), libdb4.8-dev, libffcall1-dev

also look exceedingly dumb and kind of suspicious. I think they just had a dumb Build-Depends line and copied that into their Depends line for their -dev package, which is almost an understandable mistake.

 DebianBug:177057, which has blocked this bug for about two years (and is itself seven years old), indicates that some guy is redoing the packaging from scratch as of three days ago to make it less dumb in several ways. It looks like he has some questions on how to do this; we should help him out.

Then we should see about getting a freeze exception for Maverick (although it should go fine into Natty, and we don't really care about thirdparty on Maverick, arguably) on the grounds that clisp-dev is effectively unusable because of its libreadline5-dev dependency, and attempt to get a SRU for Lucid on the same grounds, though that might be harder. If we really want clisp-dev on Lucid, it might be easier to just get a debdiff against the current package to make the runtime dependencies less dumb.

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