Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (355 - 357 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#83 fixed debathena-msmtp-mta should do local delivery for local users andersk

Reported by andersk, 17 years ago.


Currently debathena-msmtp-mta will send all mail through, including local mail. For example, sudo alert mails to root will go to root@…. We should figure out how to make it do local delivery for members of the nss-local-users group.

#125 fixed debathena-msmtp-mta should support /etc/aliases; set intelligent Envelope-From jdreed andersk

Reported by andersk, 16 years ago.


With debathena-msmtp-mta, when you send a mail to root, msmtp attempts to deliver it to root@…, which bounces. Since root receives important automated messages, e.g. “Your hard drive is dying! Love, smartd”, we want to be able to configure root mail to go somewhere useful. Full support for /etc/aliases would be even better.

#419 fixed debathena-nmh depends on krb4 geofft broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


This is a problem on platforms that don't have krb4, such as Karmic and Squeeze.

Until this gets fixed, debathena-nmh has been demoted to a recommendation in debathena-clients instead of a dependency

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