Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (34 - 36 of 1145)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1519 fixed alpine exchange config does not let you select subfolders of inbox jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 10 years ago.


The inbox-path needs "Inbox" appended to the end of it

#1516 fixed extra packages needed for 3partysw alexp

Reported by alexp, 10 years ago.


Please add the following to the release to enable various thirdpartysw applications:

wordnet-gui libxmu6:i386 libxp6:i386 libxtst6:i386 mesa-vdpau-drivers octave liboctave-dev libjpeg62 smlnj gerris-mpi triangle-bin freeglut3:i386 openmpi-bin openmpi-checkpoint

#1513 fixed Add trimage to thirdparty jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 10 years ago.


We have a request to add the 'trimage' package (in universe) to cluster machines.

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