Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#683 wontfix find 32-bit-only locker software that won't work on 64-bit machines geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


I made a first-order estimate of libraries that don't exist in 32-bit compatibility versions on 64-bit systems at  /mit/geofft/debathena/missing-32bit-libraries.txt.

   debathena / release-team@ / jdreed  20:56  (This zephyr does not necessarily
       Given the size of the list, I kind of wonder if including it anywhere
       is even remotely useful
   debathena / release-team@ / geofft  21:04  (Geoffrey Thomas)
       We could also run the awesomely sketchy thing that generated
       debathena-athena-libraries on a second pass, and have it print the
       names of programs that don't have amd64 arch versions and depend on
       missing libraries                            
   debathena / release-team@ / jdreed  21:05  (This zephyr does not necessarily 
       Can you file a ticket for that if you think it's a good idea
#684 fixed cluster-login-config does not correctly disable suspend and hibernate jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


I still see suspend and hibernate in my indicator-applet-session ("power button") menu on a fully updated Lucid machine. c-l-c should be setting:

  • /apps/gnome-power-manager/general/can_hibernate false
  • /apps/gnome-power-manager/general/can_suspend false

Note that there is an upstream bug ( LP:432598) that supposedly got fixed in Karmic and Lucid. I haven't yet read the report in detail, but I wanted to get this on our radar.

#685 fixed Punt help-config jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


help-config hasn't really changed substantially since I initially wrote it. There's an opportunity to turn into a really great "front page" for all things Debathena. This would also be a great project for someone looking to get involved with Debathena, as it requires minimal knowledge of packaging, and only requires knowledge of XML.

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