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Results (46 - 48 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1489 fixed dconf-config sticks around after an uninstall jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 10 years ago.


Because all its logic is in conffiles. We should install a flag file, or abuse the changelog for this, or something.

#1485 fixed Configure gtk print backends for gtk3 jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 10 years ago.


We do this for gtk2 in debathena-printing-config, and never updated it for gtk3. It consists of adding: gtk-print-backends = file,cups,lpr to /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini. That file is shipped by libgtk-3-0. Diverting it seems like a very large hammer, but I guess we don't have a choice, because printing-config is in debathena-clients.

Alternatives include throwing this in another package that we put in login-graphical. (It is arguably wrong that printing-config configures graphical stuff)

#1483 fixed Firefox 30 fixed printing PDFs from pdf.js kaduk

Reported by kaduk, 10 years ago.


As seen in #1466, the update to Firefox 29 broke printing PDFs from the in-firefox pdf.js viewer. In lieu of actually patching the bug, Ubuntu has seen fit to wait and bring us Firefox 30, which is now arrived in Precise and Trusty. The new major release of Firefox does have functional printing from pdf.js, so we should reenable the use of it.

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