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Results (82 - 84 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#602 fixed AppArmor needs to support Xauthority files outside of $HOME gdb broder

Reported by broder, 14 years ago.


/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/X gives access to @{HOME}/.Xauthority

However, we don't put Xauthority files in $HOME; we put them in /var/run/athena-sessions to better handle multiple simultaneous logins from different machines.

We should add /var/run/xauth-* to the whitelist.

#97 fixed Use unionfs instead of LVM snapshots geofft ghudson

Reported by ghudson, 16 years ago.


Right now we use LVM snapshots for copy-on-write functionality in two places: on the build server (linux-build-10) and for login chroots. This works pretty well, but it works at the storage layer, which is a somewhat heavyweight approach.

It is also possible to do this at the filesystem layer using unionfs. I do not know a lot about unionfs at this time, but tabbott reports that this approach performs better for large numbers of snapshots.

Unfortunately, schroot does not have support for unionfs at this time. There is a patch at:

tabbott has a port of it to schroot 1.2.1 if we want to pursue this.

#106 invalid zsr hangs at login geofft geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


So that I don't forget to look at it, I'll make a note here... zsr (Debathena Hardy) hangs on a tan screen at login. Some people speculate vmware?

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