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Results (85 - 87 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#93 fixed debathena-cluster-software package install broken wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


This came up in the testers email list on 15 september.

wdc and alexp tried to install the package as part of an install, but it blew out. To paste in ghudson's analysis of the situation:

There are dependency issues as well as post-installation script issues affecting installation of the debathena-cluster-software package.

#95 fixed Names for session types need improvement. wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


I got tripped up by the names of the different sessions, and whether the change I was making was a permanent or a transient one.

This issue tracks refinement of that session choice display until we've got something that Athena Cluster users will find usable.

#96 fixed Automounter should support manually-specified lockers geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


Maintainers of replicated lockers often want to attach the read-write copy of a locker in /mit to test it, before releasing the volume. We should add an interface for pyhesiodfs to support this. Detaching, deleting and re-symlinking the locker is what people will try to do... can we support root symlinking on top of an existing locker as changing where it points?

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