Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1409 fixed python-hesiod should be agnostic to filsys types jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 11 years ago.


Python-hesiod knows "too much" about filsys types (this is a necessity of how/why it was created). At most, it should know how to prioritize FSGROUPs, and that the format of a filsys entry is "TYPE DATA-POSSIBLY-WITH-MORE-SPACES [PRIORITY]". It needn't know about filsys types, that's liblocker's job. Otherwise, when we add a new locker type, we'll need to teach two things about it, instead of just one.

#1408 fixed python-hesiod gets ERR lockers wrong jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 11 years ago.


It only returns the first word of the message, not the whole message.

#1406 wontfix liblocker does not build with current packaging vasilvv

Reported by vasilvv, 11 years ago.


Because it depends upon pkg-config for Hesiod and Zephyr, which are not in current Debian upstream (except for Hesiod in Jessie, IIRC).

We might want to solve the Hesiod problem by putting Hesiod into our repo. I do not know about Zephyr, though.

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