Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#196 fixed squeeze+ releases should include deb60 sysnames broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


The machtype rules file needs to be altered for this to work.

#201 fixed DFS (Windows desktop) browsing through the GUI geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


There's a dfsclient in the samba locker; it's cool, and quite helpful. But, Debathena should be able to mount CIFS directly and show them in a way accessible through the GUI and through the standard UNIX file system, without any effort, via the smbclient package (which is installed by default on Ubuntu and Debian graphical). This would make accessing your WIN.MIT.EDU files on Athena really easy. We should either make some UI for mounting your DFS homedir, or document the process to do it manually.

#202 fixed add -r misbehaves if you create another arch/foo while a locker is added geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.

lunatique:~ geofft$ ls arch
common  i386_deb31  i386_deb40  i386_rhel4  scripts  sun4x_510
lunatique:~ geofft$ add geofft
lunatique:~ geofft$ mkdir -p arch/i386_deb50/bin
lunatique:~ geofft$ add -r geofft
lunatique:~ geofft$ add
/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:{add windowmanagers*}:{add alpine*}:{add consult*}:{add git*}:{add nelhage*}:{add ops*}:{add outland*}:{add scripts*}:{add sipb*}:{add svn*}:{add alpine}:{add consult*}:{add sipb*}:{add svn}:{add geofft*}

In short, add tries to remove /mit/geofft/arch/i386_deb50/bin from my path, instead of the /mit/geofft/arch/i386_deb40/bin that is actually in my path.

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