Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#489 duplicate Follow up with NIST on getting the KDC upgraded to play nice with stock krb5-1.8 geofft jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


We can set allow_weak_crypto in the meantime (#488), but we should follow up on this in the general case.

#652 fixed lpq output broke again geofft jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


Once again, CUPS is determined to ensure that lpq remains useless:

jdreed@infinite-loop:~$ lpq -Pnysa
nysa is ready and printing
no entries
jdreed@infinite-loop:~$ mit-lpq -Pnysa
nysa is ready and printing

allisonq: active                            [job 430190 (Jul 15 12:25) localhost]
        (stdin)                                 1008269312 bytes

rcox: 1st                               [job 430196 (Jul 15 12:34) localhost]
        (stdin)                                 1496064 bytes

s11093: 2nd                               [job 430218 (Jul 15 12:52) localhost]
        Untitled1                               433152 bytes

s11093: 3rd                               [job 430219 (Jul 15 12:53) localhost]
        Untitled1                               414720 bytes

barryw: 4th                               [job 430246 (Jul 15 13:17) localhost]
        Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment:  487424 bytes

barryw: 5th                               [job 430248 (Jul 15 13:18) localhost]
        HIM2010Q2NP.pdf                         1290240 bytes

ragheb: 6th                               [job 430252 (Jul 15 13:24) localhost]
        SAPweb Self Service: Time: Time Sheet H 107520 bytes

huayud: 7th                               [job 430299 (Jul 15 14:28) localhost]
        (stdin)                                 385024 bytes

huayud: 8th                               [job 430300 (Jul 15 14:28) localhost]
        (stdin)                                 418816 bytes

huayud: 9th                               [job 430301 (Jul 15 14:28) localhost]
        (stdin)                                 418816 bytes

huynhle: 10th                              [job 430317 (Jul 15 15:04) localhost]
        Huynh-Le checkrec                       95232 bytes
jdreed@infinite-loop:~$ lpstat -h get-print nysa
nysa-430196             rcox           1496064   Thu 15 Jul 2010 12:34:24 PM EDT
nysa-430218             s11093          433152   Thu 15 Jul 2010 12:52:29 PM EDT
nysa-430219             s11093          414720   Thu 15 Jul 2010 12:53:54 PM EDT
nysa-430246             barryw          487424   Thu 15 Jul 2010 01:17:53 PM EDT
nysa-430248             barryw         1290240   Thu 15 Jul 2010 01:18:28 PM EDT
nysa-430252             ragheb          107520   Thu 15 Jul 2010 01:24:13 PM EDT
nysa-430299             huayud          385024   Thu 15 Jul 2010 02:28:27 PM EDT
nysa-430300             huayud          418816   Thu 15 Jul 2010 02:28:35 PM EDT
nysa-430301             huayud          418816   Thu 15 Jul 2010 02:28:43 PM EDT
nysa-430317             huynhle          95232   Thu 15 Jul 2010 03:04:08 PM EDT
jdreed@infinite-loop:~$ cups-lpq -Pnysa
nysa is ready and printing
no entries
#666 fixed Ask maintainers to upgrade lighttpd geofft jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


Geoff notes that Anders directed us to:

Quoting from the bug, the reporter points out a workaround in apt documented as "A value of zero MUST be specified if the remote host does not properly linger on TCP connections - otherwise data corruption will occur. Hosts which require this are in violation of RFC 2068."

We believe this to be the cause of the transient installer failures.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.